Assistant Fatty knows a little bit about China’s investors, so she said: “Now China’s entertainment industry investors have increased their efforts, and the artists have obtained good resources. In fact, talented producers like you Back to Huaxia will get better development. Your "Mask Singer" has caused a lot of heated discussion on Huaxia's scarf."

Zhang Ping’an widened his eyes and said to the assistant: “You’re kidding me, I’m going back to invest in China? I don’t have so much money to go back and spend time with Huaxia’s entertainment industry. Oh, don’t you think I have money at home, I have money. If I don’t have money, my family only gave me 500 million entrepreneurial funds. This money can only be spent in small places like Korea and Japan. Fortunately, it’s the live broadcast from China. The company’s earnings are pretty good.. Otherwise, I would have returned to China and ate with Fatty."

The assistant is speechless, 500 million venture capital, less?This is money that ordinary people can't make in a few lifetimes.And Fatty smiled at Zhang Ping'an and said, "Hahaha, then go back with me, I will raise you and let you be a little boy."

Young people in China now know that Zhang Pingan’s PandaTV is like a money printing machine, with a lot of running water every day.Although live broadcasts are gradually becoming hot now, his live broadcast platform has a lot of high-traffic South Korean anchors, which makes his platform a bit of a monopoly.Although other platforms have begun to follow his platform and have recruited Korean anchors, there is a spread on the Internet that'most of the Korean anchors who come to China are from Zhang Ping An's agency!'

Just like a certain platform recruited a Ying who can compete with Yin Suwan, but Xiaoxiao said to netizens during the live broadcast,'Anchor A Ying?I know, we are a company!'And everyone knows that Xiaoxiao, Missy, No.7, Big Nose, etc. These super gold first-line anchors are all from the same company, Zhang Ping An’s'BIGHIT.ENT'.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Okay, someday after I return to China, I will come to your house to eat and drink. Anyway, I won't go out to make money and wait for you to support me."

Fatty responded with a smile: "It's okay, your platform is not just making money if you don't go out. Hahaha..."

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said, "China Entertainment Circle, I can’t afford to play here for the time being. I'll talk about it when a TV station comes to find me to cooperate with. Let me fund it alone, without TV station joining, I really can’t play. Yes. Fortunately, the investment in TV dramas is only tens of millions, even if it loses in the end, it will not lose much. But if the variety show I produced is moved back to China to produce it, it is really impossible to do it without burning two or three billion."

Fatty listened to Zhang Pingan's words, and asked: "Do you plan to return to China to make a show?"

Zhang Ping’an nodded and said: “Of course, I am here in Korea mainly to learn from their rich shooting experience, but also to open up my reputation in production, so that when I return to China, I will have a TV station to cooperate with me. I have a reputation. When I go back, I choose a TV station to cooperate with. When I go back, the TV station chooses me."

Pang Di also knows that China's variety shows have blossomed recently, and they have followed South Korean shows one after another, and the ratings after the show is very good.She smiled and said, "Okay, then remember to invite me when you make a show."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Reality show, do you want to shoot? It's like "Living Alone", recording your daily work, schedule, private and so on."

"Film, of course you filmed the show made by the producer of Zhang Da."

"Then I will call you when I return to my country to make it. Let's eat. I will take you to Seoul at night."


Barbecue is very familiar to Pang Di, who was born in the Western Regions. Of course, Pang Di did not eat pork, so Zhang Ping took them to eat roast Korean beef. The beef is divided into more parts in Korea than in any country in the world.It was because the former landlords didn't pay the wages after they killed the cows, and they paid for the work with some parts they didn't eat.The more parts are divided, the butcher can get more.

After eating Korean beef, Fatty said with a smile: "Beef is good-looking, it tastes good. I think it is worse than the high-quality beef eaten in the high-end restaurants of Magic City."

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said: “Because of the different feeding methods, one is to let them eat grass freely, and the other is to feed grains. This beef is rich in fat and eats grains, and its meat has a lighter aroma, but The gravy should be richer when it is grilled. It depends on personal preference. Some prefer rich gravy, and some prefer rich meat."

Fatty smiled and picked up a piece of beef and put it into Zhang Pingan's bowl: "You know a lot."

"This is what I learned when I asked the chef in a Michelin restaurant when I was traveling in Europe this year."

While Zhang Pingan and Fat Di were eating and chatting, suddenly a man in casual clothes walked towards Zhang Pingan: "Zhang Pinganxi?"

Zhang Ping'an looked at the man suspiciously: "Are you...?"

"I'm Kwon Yoon Ri's brother, Kwon Hyuk Joon."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Well, something?"

"No, I made an appointment with Dabang Shengli to dine here. I saw that you were there, so I came over to say hello. Shengli is in the private room. I will bring him to meet you?"

Zhang Ping'an squinted at him, then sneered at him and shook his head: "Haha, know him? Forget it, I'm not interested."

Listening to Zhang Ping’an’s words, Quan Jeonyul’s brother left, and he said as he walked: “Drag what? How much money will make the world invincible?”

After he left, Zhang Ping'an took out his own phone and called Quan Jeonyul: "Yorri."

Jeonyul was surprised when she received a call from Zhang Ping An. Although the two exchanged numbers, they basically didn't communicate in private.Jeonyul said in surprise: "What's wrong? Oppa, why do you think of calling me?"

"Tell your brother Quan Hye-joon, it's okay to interact with the members of the big stick. Especially Sheng, he is not so clean on the surface!"

"Eh? What's wrong?"

"When I met your brother at dinner, he said to introduce Shengli to me. Che, that person... Forget it, I don't want to have any contact with him."

Kwon Jeon-ri responded: "Well, I know, I will tell him. I also heard that in school, Victory is not very good."

"As long as you know, I won't talk to you much, and have a drink together another day."

"I see, I will ask you to oppa the other day." After Yeo Li and Zhang Ping'an hung up, she hesitated for two seconds and called her brother: "Ah, who are you okay to introduce to Zhang Ping'an? Do you think Zhang? Is the Ping An family just an ordinary rich second generation?"

Kwon Jeonyul’s brother yelled at Jeonyul dissatisfied, “Kwon Jeonyul, I’m your brother, OK. Doesn’t Zhang Ping have a lot of money? There’s a lot of money in this world. You need this. Post him?"

"There are indeed many rich people in the world. But he... Forget it, I don't bother to tell you, anyway, don't bother him."

Jeon Lee hung up the phone angrily after she finished speaking. Kwon Jeon Lee's brother looked at the hung-up phone blankly and frowned and said, "What, why don't you bother him?"

Jeonyul’s words are obviously not finished, but he can feel Zhang Ping’s background from Jeony’s tone, and it certainly can’t be simply replaced by a “rich second generation” outside.

After the meal, Zhang Pingan checked out and left.Walking on the lively streets of Hongdae at night, Fatty looked contentedly at the street vendors Xiaodong Xiaoxi, and stopped from time to time to watch the street performances.

She smiled and said, "Hongdae is really lively at night. Huh.. Are there any activities over there?"

Following Fatty’s direction, Zhang Ping’an looked at a small stage similar to a brand’s commercial performance in the distance. At this moment, the host just came on stage. He said, “Thank you again for the “Planet” group that just performed. , Let’s start with two sets of lucky draws!Today’s prize is a set worth 70,000 yuan from xx cosmetics!'

The boys in the audience let out a "hey" sigh, and many women screamed.

Zhang Pingan said to the fat Di beside him: "It seems to be a brand activity. Let's go and take a look."

Fatty said puzzledly: "How can you do a brand event at night?"

Zhang Ping’an responded: “There are so many young people in Hongdae at night, and the effect of doing activities at night is also good. For big brands, they must be arranged on weekends or during the day. This...maybe it is a small brand activity?”

In Zhang Ping'an, Pang Di walked towards the small stage of the event. The stage was not built very large, with two or three steps high, so that it was convenient for the onlookers to appreciate.The brand is a niche brand of cosmetics, so it is no wonder that a cosmetic set is given.After they approached, the lottery ended, and the host just said: "Please let me know, our girl group EXID will perform for everyone."

Listening to this familiar name, but looking at such a simple stage, Zhang Ping'an muttered to himself in confusion: "EXID? Up and down? By the way, they are going to disband at this time?"

"Hee hee... Although I didn't buy you, it's because I have a better choice, Mama Mu! Help you, stop performing on the street, Hani! I'll be the promoter!" said Zhang Ping An took out his mobile phone and pointed it at EXID who was about to perform on stage.

When the familiar melody sounded, the corners of Zhang Ping'an's mouth raised slightly, and he smiled in his heart "Song of Counterattack "Xia Shang""!

When Fatty looked at EXID's sexy dance, her eyes widened in surprise.Seeing Zhang Ping An's still smiling at one of them, her eyes widened, and she was very puzzled and puzzled.

What, why does Zhang Ping'an suddenly like such a woman who is too "rogue"?

If you change to an ordinary person to shoot like this, Fatty definitely thinks this person is too sultry, but there is no shortage of beautiful women by Zhang Ping’an, whether it is his own girlfriend Sika, or Jintai, who he took care of the most during dinner yesterday. Yan, they are all beautiful women.He has an amazing girlfriend, and a lovely Kim Taeyeon, even...

Even at this moment, she was still beside him, so Fatty was puzzled and puzzled by Zhang Ping'an when he was shooting on the stage.

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