My entertainment circle

Chapter 366 EXID! !

A song "Shang Shang", whether it is the lyrics or their dance moves, will remind people... ahem.The three-minute performance was over. Zhang Ping’an put a smile away from the corner of his hand, and Fatty said in a puzzled way: “Why did you shoot this suddenly? This kind of dance is more waves than the pole dancing in the nightclub. When did you? Has the taste become so heavy?"

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said, “Where is the taste? The stage name of this woman I shot is called'Hani'. Their group debuted in 2012. So far, their group has no reputation in Korea, so I see if it can I can’t use my personal network influence to get them back up. Is this my new attempt? I just thought it was a bit interesting, so I tried it."

"Can personal influence drive a combination? Haha.." Fatty felt that Zhang Ping'an's idea was a bit unreasonable, she said and shook her head with a smile.In her opinion, such a dance is too stray.Even if it is pushing, how does it feel like pushing into a fire pit?

Seeing Fatty’s bitter smile, Zhang Ping’an said to her: “What’s a smile? It’s not difficult to use the influence of the Internet to promote a combination. Brokerage companies here in Korea are better than Huaxia for Internet use. It’s much more powerful, and every large brokerage company has its own network department. In China, the network marketing on entertainment has only started in one or two years? It has a history of many years in Korea, and this method is also quite Mature."

Fatty spread his hands and said, "Well, you are reasonable anyway."

Seeing Fat Di’s helplessness, Zhang Ping’an just smiled and stopped talking about this issue, because he had a super fan account of “Uncle Black”!And this account still has a certain influence, after all, this fan account follows a lot of people.He also wants to try if he can use this account to push EXID?He also wants to see if his account has any influence?

Late at night, after Zhang Ping'an sent Fatty back to the hotel, he returned home. Sika was still shooting posters and had not returned. After all, she herself knew that various awards ceremonies would be coming at the end of the next year.She can't delay the group trip because of the brand problem, but also can't delay the development of the brand by the group trip. Both parties must take care of her, so she can only sacrifice some personal rest time and the time of the two people.

Comparing the arrival of the end of the year, it is spring in a blink of an eye, so she has to prepare the poster for next year in advance.So as long as she is in Seoul during this period, as long as she does not go to the agency, she has to work overtime for her own brand.Even have to sacrifice some time to accompany Zhang Ping An!!

Sitting alone in the dining room, he took the computer and uploaded the video he just shot on the tubing, then copied the connection and put it on Uncle Hei's INS.

Uncle Hei, a very well-known account in the fan circle, suddenly updated a message in the evening: "It turns out that we have always ignored that there are such gems in the ballad world!"Connect...'Because the connected domain name is'oil pipe', this makes everyone who clicks on the connection feel at ease.

Uncle Hei’s recommendation made Hani quickly appear on the South Korean hot search list "The gem recommended by Uncle Hei, Hani!"!!In the early morning, in just three hours, Uncle Hei took Hani and successfully stood on the top of the hot search list.This is incredible, the song "Up and Down" began to appear in a counterattack state.

This video reached two million clicks in only three hours.This click rate is only ridiculous for China, but South Korea, which has a total population of only 50 million, is very impressive.You should know that Girls’ Generation’s "MR.MR." released at the beginning of this year is now approaching the end of the year. Their MV has only more than 20 million views (in South Korea).This shows how amazing the two million hits in three hours is!


Early the next morning, Zhang Pingan kissed Sika on the forehead and then prepared to go out for exercise.

Sika didn't return home until early in the morning from work yesterday, and Zhang Ping'an was already asleep when she came back.At this time, Zhang Ping’an’s kiss caused Sika to slightly open her eyes. She looked at Zhang Ping’an tiredly and said, “oppa, I’ll sleep for a while. You fell asleep last night and the phone was turned on silent. I came back. I saw a lot of news coming in."

"I see, I'll read the news in a while, you go to sleep, I'll go out and exercise." After Zhang Ping'an finished speaking, he picked up the phone on the bedside table and went out of the bedroom.

After he posted Hani's video on his'Uncle Black' INS last night, he ignored the subsequent developments, and then he took a shower and adjusted the phone to silent mode to rest.Getting up in the morning is his habitual biological clock, not the alarm of his mobile phone, so after waking up, he did not immediately determine whether there was any news on the mobile phone.

Zhang Pingan took the phone and returned to the living room. He sat on the sofa and watched slowly.. There were more than a dozen kakao messages in the phone, and there were several missed calls.Zhang Pingan first looked at the chat software. The first one was sent by Li Zhien: "What's the matter? Oppa, how did your uncle black account publish such a video? Is it stolen?"

Then it was Pani: "Oh~~ When did you like to go to the'Sexy' girl group like this? Your shooting scene is too embarrassing, right?"

Taeyeon: "What's the situation, why did you suddenly recommend this girl group? Your accountant?"

Xiuying: "Congratulations, you brought your recommended girl group to the top search."

Yoona: "What's the strange recommendation? Isn't this kind of dance too explicit?"

Shun Kyu: "Oh~~ This dance is amazing!"

Everyone who knows that Zhang Ping'an is the uncle black is very confused, because they don't know that Zhang Ping'an actually has such a side?Of course, for men, even if you don’t like women when they show the ultimate sexy, even if they are blindfolded with their hands, they will peek away with their fingers. This is an instinct!

Men all understand this instinct of men, but women also know that their sexy shows are for men to see, which is nothing strange.It's just that Zhang Ping'an has always been very stable, and they didn't think of the'wolf' side of him.(Don't ask what is a'wolf') So they felt very confused after seeing Zhang Ping's recommended video.

But Zhang Ping'an's "Uncle Black" account followed too many people. After he posted a recommended video, the video quickly fell apart.

Zhang Ping'an did not reply to their message, but immediately entered the search site. After all the night,'Uncle Hei and Hani','Xiaxia' and'EXID' still occupy the top three in the hot search list.Because there are too many "wolves" on the Internet, Zhang Pingan's shooting suits men's tastes.

The best thing right now is that the song "Xia Xia", which had disappeared from the download chart, suddenly reached third place?

Uncle Hei’s video made'Hani' hot, EXID's hot, and even the song "Xia Xia" hot!

Zhang Ping’an went to look at the clicks on the video he posted again. It was close to 3 million clicks. This made Zhang Ping’an unexpected: “Oh~~ 3 million clicks in one night. It’s going to get hot, no matter who is shooting the video?"

Then Zhang Pingan logged into his ins and saw that many brokerage companies took the initiative to contact him.Because people from other companies have seen how powerful Uncle Hei’s marketing is, they have come to visit one after another.

This morning, Zhang Pingan updated the first ins: "Dear brokers, this account does not do any entertainment marketing, please don’t write private messages. Again, don’t come to me for marketing, this time I will The name of the brokerage company has been disclosed without real name. If you still receive such private messages after today, I will post the name of your brokerage company on my personal account."

Uncle Hei’s account was once again updated on INS and was praised by his fans. He left a message: “Crazy, look for Uncle Hei for marketing? This account has been open for so many years, and I’ve never seen Uncle Hei do it before. Marketing."

"Support Uncle Hei to be a simple fan, please post more live photos of our Apink."

"Support Uncle Black, please take more photos of our'GSD'." "Support Uncle Black, are there any live photos of our AOA?"

Uncle Hei is such a special super fan. All the fans of the girl group accept his unique existence.And because he has millions of followers on his ins, fans from all walks of life hope he can post some photos of his favorite idols.After all, his propaganda is sometimes stronger than that of Sister Zhan!

The sisters of every idol group have limitations, but he has no limitations, he is all-encompassing!

Zhang Pingan was looking at the private messages one by one, and saw that he actually received a private message from "Xinshadong Tiger". He is the representative of EXID. He expressed his gratitude in the private message and also said that he hoped to bring the children to please He has a meal.Zhang Pingan's reply was very simple, just three words: "No need!"

Putting away the phone, Zhang Pingan put on his sportswear and went out.

Xinshadong Tiger, he looked very happy when he got up this morning. It was just because the big fan of the fan circle, "Uncle Black", used a video to bring back the group that his company had originally planned to disband. Last night they had already received Few calls for business performance invitations.

Today, if you want to make a statistics of "the first place in business performance invitation", then 100% will be the girl group "EXID" recommended by Uncle Black!!

One video, one person saved a team!!

This is also the first time'Uncle Black' has shown how great his personal recommendation is in INS!!

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