Zhang Ping'an arrived at the hotel after exercising. He sent Fat Di to meet the people from their crew and returned to the hotel again.It was already noon, and Zhang Pingan was having a simple lunch with her in her mother's room.Typical Chinese cuisine, three dishes and one soup.One abalone stewed chicken soup, one steamed fish, one stir-fried vegetables, and one stewed short ribs.

Mother Zhang gave Zhang Ping an a bowl of soup and placed it in front of him: "I plan to go back after lunch. Everything here has been taken care of. I also briefly learned about what you are doing here. , The results... will be up to you. Since you like to do things in this circle, I don’t say much, but remember one thing is to keep your heart, don’t see beautiful women and you can’t control yourself."

There are also a lot of socialites in the entertainment circle. Those socialites do everything for the upper ranks. These are very common things.So before returning to China, Mother Zhang still told him, keep your heart, and don't be used by someone with a heart.

Zhang Ping’an took a soup spoon and dug a spoonful of chicken soup and drank it. After the chicken soup was eaten, he smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I’m not stupid enough. These friends around me, let alone how rich they are, at least they I am not the kind of person who can worry about eating and drinking."

Mother Zhang nodded and started to comment on the women around Zhang Pingan: "Well, your girlfriend, Sika has a strong career ambition. She looks shrewd, but she is also a very simple person. Such a person is easy to be fooled. You have to keep an eye on your side. Especially in business, she is still a novice. As for Pani who smiles nicely, he is a bit stubborn, which is what we often say. Such a person is extremely serious, even not Knowing the workaround, if you do things next to you, it can help you a lot. As for Taeyeon is too weak, but such a person is easy to be a horny, sentimental person. Being a girlfriend is very gentle, and being a wife is also very virtuous. , I'm afraid her character can't support her family!"

Mother Zhang didn't say anything here. Among the people she met that day, she only missed Fat Di and didn't comment.Zhang Pingan looked up at his mother: "Where's Fat Di, why have you commented on it, why doesn't she comment?"

"..." Mother Zhang actually only used a smile instead?Not saying anything, this made Zhang Ping'an a little stunned. He stared at his mother like that and showed a look of confusion.Mother Zhang smiled and said: "A pretty good child. After two years of polishing, it can support our home."

Zhang Pingan's eyes widened and said: "What props up our home?"

Mother Zhang obviously didn’t want to talk about Fatty anymore. She took the stewed steak ribs, separated the meat and put the meat on Zhang Pingan’s meal, then put down the chopsticks and copied her hands to look at him and said, “Let’s talk about it. Mai Shiraishi at home in Tokyo, and who is Li Zhien who ran to Los Angeles and entered my house with the key?"

Zhang Ping'an said with a shocked look: "Isn't it? Did you press the monitor on me?"

Mother Zhang looked at Zhang Ping'an with a smile and said, "You need a monitor? You have not been back home in Tokyo for four years. When you go back this year, don't you think that the management fee you should pay is wrong? I have lived in Tokyo for so many years, and I don’t know that common sense? And the home in Los Angeles is under my name. Do you really think that anyone can enter that home?"

"Just...just..." Zhang Ping'an's cheeks turned red in an instant. He did a stupid thing, thought his family didn't know it?What kind of Jinwu Zangjiao do you still play?These little tricks are absolutely invisible in front of the Queen.

Looking at the cute expression of her son, the Queen laughed: "Hahaha...whatever? I don't bother to care about how you deal with your relationship between men and women. If you have the ability, you will marry them all. I don't care if you marry more. , Anyway, my family can afford it. The premise is that you have to handle these relationships, don’t throw watermelons and pick up sesame seeds, you didn’t get the last one.

"Mother, don't talk nonsense, Penny has a boyfriend. As for Zhien and Mai... Uh, I'd better shut up."

"Spring Festival, Korea has a holiday, take them back to spend it together."

Zhang Ping'an immediately said, "Hey, the Spring Festival? But South Korea also celebrates the Spring Festival."

"...It's just the Spring Festival in Japan, right? Bring that Shiraishi Mai back to me and see you! They say that Japanese women are gentle, I have to see if it's true?"


Mother Zhang did not ask Zhang Pingan to take her to the airport because she also knew that there were many reporters squatting there.And Zhang Pingan has become quite famous in South Korea recently. He doesn't want to expose his family situation, so she will obey him.

It’s a rare occasion for Korean fashion magazines today that they did not comment on the dress of an artist on the front page, but commented on the dress of a noble lady, “Investment Queen. Zhang Yue” dressed in a black lady’s suit with a silk scarf tied like a belt At the waist, the waistline has been reduced and the ratio of the leg length has also been lengthened. At the age of more than sixties, the skin age is only forty years old at most.

After the explosive Ms. Zhang Yue logged into the Korean fashion magazine, she asked countless women to leave a message below: "This is too handsome?" "What? Sixty-four years old?" "What's a joke about sixty? Four? This is at most forty, right?" "The queen's aura is full!" "I like Ms. Zhang Yue too much."

Zhang Pingan didn't read any reports about his mother. He drove his Rolls Royce towards a very small brokerage company.And this company chose "Mamamu" after he gave up buying EXID.

It is the first time for Zhang Pingan to come to such a small company. The entire company is in the basement, which is even more than the original'BIG.HIT'...

At the beginning, BH was at least in a commercial building, although the floor space was not large, it was in the building anyway.This basement.. Except for a sign on the wall to enter the basement, nothing else.Zhang Pingan didn't see the light box card of the brokerage company until he got down the stairs. He pushed open the basement door...

Entering the basement is a spacious lounge area. The sofas here are quite old and there is no reception at the front desk. Two men sitting in the lounge area staring at Zhang Pingan in surprise. They look at Zhang Pingan with just a look At a loss.

After Zhang Pingan looked at the two sitting in the lounge area and nodded, he glanced around quickly at the same time. He saw that there was another room inside because a circle was dug out on the wall of the room inside. The hollow shape is very large, like a reduced version of the circular arch of a Chinese classical courtyard.People like Taeyeon with a petite figure can definitely enter and exit through the round shape, but the round shaped door is filled with glass.

A pictorial that was made inside the circular arch that was blocked by glass was blocked from viewing, and that pictorial was printed with their company's LOGO and name.But I don't know if it was deliberate or a mistake during the production. The pictorial of the company's LOGO failed to cover all the arches.A quarter of the face was left unobstructed, and through this quarter of the gap Zhang Ping'an saw a few pairs of legs jumping inside.

It seems that the house inside is a practice room. There are three rooms in the entire company. A rest area is where you enter the door. There is a practice room opposite. Next to the practice room is a room with a closed door. I don’t know it is a dressing room. Or the representative office?In terms of hardware alone, the conditions of the entire brokerage company are not good.

With a simple glance, you can know the general situation of their company. Zhang Ping'an nodded again at the two people who were sitting waiting for him in a daze and said, "Excuse me, representative?"

A middle-aged man in casual clothes sitting in the rest area stood up and bowed to Zhang Ping An with a ninety degree bow: "You...Hello, are you Zhang Ping An PD?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded: "Are you RBW representative?"

This representative lowered his posture in front of Zhang Ping An, and kept bowing to express: "Yes, yes, that Zhang PD came over today..."

"I'll take a look at Mom Mu, are they practicing?" Zhang Ping'an glanced at the practice room.Their representatives nodded: "I will take you in."

The representative took Zhang Pingan and pushed open the door of the practice room. They were sitting in the practice room doing dance exercises.The music playing was actually the "MR.MR." of Girls' Generation. They stopped practicing after watching the representative come in, and then they saw the man in Adidas sports suit, Zhang Ping An, who came in behind the representative.

In a moment of stunned, their representatives said: "Children, what? No greetings? This is Zhang Pingan PD."

Under the reminder of the company representative, they immediately launched their own special harmony-style self-introduction: "Isay..mama..mamamoo, Zhang PD, hello, we are mommy!"

After seeing his mother Mu for the first time, Zhang Ping An laughed: "Oh, when I watched the movie alone, I thought each of you was about 165cm tall, and it turned out to be about the same as Taeyeon. So small~~ However, your body proportions are very good."

Whether it’s a dance video in the practice room or some live music scenes that Zhang Ping’an watched, from the perspective of viewing on TV, I think that each of them has a really good ratio of height and leg length. Maybe they are around 165?After he saw it with his own eyes, he could see the top of their heads at a glance.After all, they all wear flat sneakers in the practice room.Without the blessing of high heels, he was instantly beaten back to his original shape.

After listening to Zhang Ping's coming in, the first sentence about their height was the problem, which made them very embarrassed, and they all showed awkward smiles.

Then Zhang Ping'an turned to their representative and said, "Mom, how about selling it to me?"

Their representatives looked confused: "Huh?"

Zhang Pingan smiled and repeated again: "How about reselling their brokerage contracts to my brokerage company?"

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