When they heard what Zhang Ping'an had said, not only the representatives of their company were stunned, but even the members of Mamamu were instantly frozen. All of them were dull on the spot.Except for Zhang Ping An, who still maintained a gentle smile, everyone else looked at him with shock.

After a few seconds of silence, the representative of their agency came back to his senses and smiled at Zhang Ping’an, “Zhang PD, are you too joking?”

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said, "I never make jokes about these things, how about? Transfer them to our company and I will give you a satisfactory price."

"Zhang PD, joked, these children are carefully built by our company. Although our company does not have much money, we will never sell their contracts."

"That's it, okay, I see. Although I can't buy them, but..." Zhang Ping'an paused intentionally when he said that, and then said with a smile: "If your company sells or not, how about I buy your company? ?"

Their representatives looked at Zhang Ping'an speechlessly and said, "Buy my company?"

"Well, if you don't sell them, I can only buy all of your company. Don't rush to refuse, listen to me and tell me what I think. So..." Zhang Ping'an said and took out his own. Then he took out a fifty thousand won note and gave it to Jin Yongxian: "Yongxian, go buy a few cups of coffee, let's talk slowly, I came here sincerely this time."

Jin Rongxian took the fifty thousand that Zhang Ping'an handed over. She looked at her representative dullly. After their representatives nodded, Jin Rongxian took the money and went out.Zhang Ping'an took all of them to the reception area, and they sat on the sofa together. The representative of their company introduced the young man sitting there, this is Mama Mu's agent.

In fact, the boss of their company is also acting as a broker.After all, small companies don't have so much money to hire employees. At present, the two men of the entire company take the children on a trip together.No, there are only four debut artists left in the entire company, and two of them. The previous trainees are eliminated.They don't have that much money to keep the trainees in the company.

Small companies will be able to save as much as possible in all peripheral expenses. At present, their company has no other departments apart from their group of people.After all, they have nurtured the children, and even spent a lot of money to make music videos for them, etc. However, the total number of registered members on their official cafes since their debut is only '10.'

It is said that among the ten people, four of them are Huiren's cousins, one is a relative of Warsaw, which means that only five of them are known outside, so their company is trying to save unnecessary expenses.

Jin Yongxian trot out of the practice room with Zhang Ping An’s fifty thousand won, and went to buy coffee at a nearby cafe.In Seoul, the streets and alleys are full of cafes, so you can find them not far away.Jin Rongxian muttered to himself very puzzled: "What the hell is Zhang Ping'an doing? He said that he would buy our brokerage contract, and then he would buy our company again?"

It's not just Jin Rongxian who has such questions, all of them sitting in the rest area have such questions.Zhang Ping'an suddenly visited and said that he wanted to buy the "Mama Mu", a girl group that was not well-known at all. Is it a bit unreasonable?

Zhang Pingan looked around and said, "Let’s wait until the captain comes back. Let’s discuss it together. I took a look at your company... Is it financially difficult?"

The representative said: "It's okay. We may not make much money now, but I believe my children can succeed."

Zhang Ping’an smiled and said, “Really? I heard Zheng Xiujing say that the TV station only gave 200,000 yuan to the OST they sang? AOA, Apink, and GSD brought by Hyeri are currently on the market. The girl groups are very powerful. Both the appearance and the resources given by the company are very rich. Oh, and EXID, which suddenly became popular today, I heard that the business performance invitations they received today will be scheduled for next year. At the end of the year, the business performances of various corporate groups are the time for the various groups to make money. It seems that there will be no "mother wood" in the market at the end of this year."

Although Zhang Ping'an's words seem to be probing, but they are telling the truth.The reason why idols are busy at the end of the year is not only the award ceremony held at the end of the year, but the most important thing is the group visits held at the end of the year.

The award is for them to gain more fame and let more people know of their existence, in the final analysis, to make more money.The awards at the end of the year are equivalent to a kind of market recognition, and this "recognition" is also to provide candidates for those companies to refurbish advertisements or new product advertisements next year.

However, the current "Mamamu" is not well-known at all. At the end of the year, commercial performances will not be their turn, let alone any advertisements. The most important thing at the moment is to open the market.

Zhang Ping’an continued: “The girl groups in the song industry market today are more beautiful, or sexy. I don’t deny that everyone in the'Mama Mu' has good strength. But the strength can really be today. Does it survive in this market? It needs to be considered. I watched the MV of their main song shooting this time. The shooting effect is not bad, and many artists have been invited to perform. It is estimated that this album will not lose money. 300 million, right?"

Their representatives nodded and said, "This album really didn't make money..."

This time the debut album of "Mama Mu" invited so many popular artists to appear on the scene, so the production cost has naturally risen a lot.After all, those who appeared on the film all have their own agency, and they would have to spend money to appear on the film. Originally, they wanted to borrow the popularity of the filmmaker to drive them.Who knows that the song did not cause any reaction after the release, which made their ambition to produce this time very bad.

At this time, Jin Rongxian came back with coffee, and she gave the remaining money to Zhang Ping An.After Zhang Ping'an took the change, he smiled and said "thank you".

Holding the coffee, Zhang Ping’an took two sips and said, “Although I don’t know when you plan to make albums for them next time. But I don’t think you can’t keep up with your albums like this one by one. Does it have any effect on them under the circumstances? I think the current music industry uses appearance, publicity, and strength. Do you agree?"

Zhang Ping’an is telling the truth. In today’s music industry, you don’t have a glamorous appearance to make fans like you at first sight, so it’s really difficult to continue.AOA, in a brokerage company that is many times larger than them, did not get a firm foothold in the first time of their debut.How much of his family background can he do like FNC supports AOA?

Their company is a bit like Xinshadong Tiger's company.Xinshadong Tiger himself has a lot of famous songs born, he is rich.But their EXID debut has been more than two years, if it hadn't been for the black uncle of the fan circle yesterday that uploaded a video that caused EXID's sudden attention, they might not be far from disbanding.

In fact, when they were working as a brokerage company, they already knew that there are countless combinations produced in the music industry every year, and countless combinations have disappeared.If you can't help it within two years, then the remaining destiny can only be dissolved!

When Zhang Pingan saw that the representative did not speak, he continued: "I am a lazy person. The first agency I invested in,'B.H', only had a group of artists, BTS, they are also in Korea. Is not very popular. However, the recent concerts in Asia have been held well. As I said to Fang Shih-hyuk, it is not important for children to make money for one or two years, but what I need is to stick to their Characteristic, not compromise to the market..."

"I will give you this sentence today. I personally like'Mamamu' very much, so I don't want to see them disappear. One year or two years, it doesn’t matter if they don’t make money. I give them when they don’t make money. It doesn’t matter if the annual salary is 100 million yuan per year, but I hope that "Mamamu" should have the characteristics of "Mamamu". Sell it to me, I will invest 3 billion, and I will use 10% of the shares to re-employ As a company representative, I also do not interfere with any company’s development plan. As long as you agree to this invitation, I will invest another 3 billion won as the start-up capital for the establishment of the new company. Network department, publicity department, practice room, studio, They can all be assembled completely. This is only good for Mama Mu. If you are a good representative, you should seriously consider my suggestions for their dreams. By the way, I don’t have a business card, you just remember my phone number Right?"

After Zhang Ping’an finished what he wanted to say, he planned to get up, and at this moment their representatives said immediately: “Don’t think about it, I promised your request. I also know that our company is not worth it except for the children. Three billion won, I also really do it for their dreams! Of course, it would be better if I can make money. With the support of Zhang PD in the future, I believe they can get more resources!"

"Yes, when they realize their dreams, it would be better for us to get benefits." After saying this, Zhang Ping'an looked at the'Mamamu' people: "After I invested in your company... what do you have? Is there a requirement? I can ask if there is a requirement. I remember that BTS mentioned that I wanted my own studio. So I equipped them with two of the top studios on the market. What about you? Do you have any requirements? ?"

The four of them looked at each other, wondering if they didn't ask for it, or didn't dare to ask for it.

At this time, Warsaw raised his hand and said, "Well, PD Zhang... can we change to a better dormitory?"

Zhang Ping’an nodded and said: “Okay, your monthly rent for the dormitory should not exceed 3 million. I know that the monthly rent for the dormitory of Girls’ Generation is only 5 million? By the way, the food expenses, the four of you will be based on 200,000 per day. ."

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