My entertainment circle

Chapter 369 M-net appointment (part 1)

When Mom Mu heard Zhang Ping’an say that their dormitory does not exceed 3 million and their daily food expenses are as high as 200,000 won, they all stared in surprise.If you don’t rent an accommodation for three million in Jiangnan District, you can rent a very good house. The most exaggerated is the 200,000 for food?You know that EXID only costs 5,000 won per person for a meal.What is the concept of two hundred thousand?Although they are four people!

Looking at his mother's dull expression, Zhang Pingan said: "Because I don't have my own building, and I haven't thought about buying land to build a building for the time being, our company does not have a canteen. And the employees at BH are subsidized for catering. , Then I must treat them equally. Now BTS, which has started to make profits for the company, I once said to them that if they can surpass EXO, it will be no problem for 100 million meals a year. I also give this sentence You, I will not let you reach the level of Girls’ Generation, as long as you squeeze into the top girl group level, the food cost is 100 million a year. And as long as you can get one after the album is released, I will give you two million in cash each Reward, this is my personal reward to you, which I have promised to BTS! So, work hard, for the bonus, for your 100 million a year food expenses, and be pretty!"

Zhang Ping An nodded to the representative after speaking to them, and then he went out with Zhang Ping An.Mamamu's agent was left behind, and they sat on the sofa sluggishly and looked at each other.At this time, they were still a little confused, really a little confused, not sure what Zhang Pingan thought?Is he too much money to spend?

People who don't understand may think what Zhang Ping'an did is very absurd, and it is even confusing.However, only Zhang Pingan knew that "Mama Mu" would enter the eruption period starting next year, and then their group's career began to go smoothly.And after a year, the word "listen to the letter" will appear, and it first appeared in their group, which shows how attractive their group's strength will be after being certified.

And in the future, each of them will have a good development, especially the darling of the food manufacturer'Warsaw'. All the food she endorsed will be sold out. From then on, she boarded the status of the'sold out king' of food advertisements, which can be described as a food advertisement. Receiving softness!Of course, Songle’s personal “Tubing” draws up to 100 million won a month.Of course, their albums, sound sources, and concerts are the most attractive ones!

While they were still in a daze, their agent's phone rang, and he answered the phone: "Representative.. Yes.. OK, OK, I'll go right away, OK." After hanging up the phone, he watched The Mama Mu member said: "The representative went to sign a contract with Zhang Ping An. After signing the contract, he will get the transfer. He...he asked me to take you to the real estate agency, choose the dormitory, and choose the location for the company. .Have to recruit people! Are you crazy? The first time I saw people who bought a company was as simple as going to a supermarket, this.. That’s it?"

Jin Rongxian nodded and said, "Aren't we dreaming? Just less than half an hour? Three billion plus three billion, which cost six billion.. Then we somehow become the artists of Zhang Pingan PD? Minxing, You pinch me. I suspect that I am sleeping... ah~~ Pain, pain, wow, you really pinch."

"Didn't you tell me to pinch you? Do you want me to pinch you again? Ah~~What are you doing? Warsaw?"

Warsaw smiled and said, "I'll pinch you to see if I am dreaming?"

"Pinch me? Then see if you are dreaming?"


It was night in Seoul. In the private room of a yakiniku restaurant, "Mamamu" and their company's agent, representatives, and six people sat in the dining room. The pork belly on the plate in front of them was worth ten people. Rushan, but they all forgot to put the meat on the roasting pan.At noon, they all simply ate a bowl of soup and rice, but they didn't feel hungry at dinner time.

Jin Rongxian, the one who loves to laugh the most, also put away her smile. She tilted her head and broke it: "I'm still in the mist, is this all too unreal?"

"Me too~" even the representative of their company grabbed his head and said, and then he touched his chest, because the inner pocket of his clothes contained a bank passbook with a huge amount of deposits: "I... if I didn't look at it. There are so many zeros written on the passbook. If I hadn’t ran to the bank many times to check the money, uh, I...I don’t know what to say.” Then he picked up a kraft paper bag and placed it in it. On the desktop: "The company.. The owner of the company corrected this in the afternoon, and I am only a representative of the company."

Warsaw said: "Zhang Pingan really became our representative.. President?" Originally, Warsaw habitually wanted to say'representative', but the representative has not changed, but the owner of the company, the boss, has changed. , She immediately changed her slogan and called'President'.

The representative nodded and said, "Oh, he is the president now. I will contact you tomorrow for the shooting of the title song, so I will prepare to shoot in these two days. Also... Zhang PD said he did not take care of the girl group He doesn’t know how to manage it. He just said, "Dream and love" are all left to you to choose, and he has not issued a love ban on BTS. Anyway, the one standing on the stage is Your dreams. You have to destroy your dreams with your own hands. That is your choice. He will lose a little investment at most."

The representative went on to say: "There is also a daily living allowance of 200,000 yuan. Whether you are in the active or inactive period, the company will pay you 200,000 daily living expenses. Zhang PD knows to be an artist, especially in It is very hard when you are not famous, so the company will try to reduce some of the burdens in your daily life. Zhang PD has only one requirement, and that is to keep the original heart to make music. This month’s food costs 6 million, tomorrow I will withdraw cash to you. As for whether you spend it together or arrange it separately, you will discuss it after you return to the dormitory. However, after you have income, the inactive period will be gone. I have to make it clear to you in advance. It's not that I am corrupt."

Warsaw said with a smile: "Then, is it true that Zhang PD said that we were paid 100 million won a year?"

The representative said depressedly: "He didn't say this. Yeah, don't be unsatisfied. The four of you now have more than 70 million living expenses a year. This is higher than the average family income. To know how to be grateful, how many bosses will do like Zhang Ping'an? Knowing that life is difficult when you have no income, and he will give you living expenses. Where do you find such a good boss?"

Warsaw said, "I'll just ask, didn't he say that he gave us an annual salary at the beginning?"

"Do you want an annual salary, or do you want to share it? If you want an annual salary, I will propose to Zhang PD to calculate your salary based on the annual salary. Do you want to share all the income from activities in the future?"

"Of course we have to share it. If we become popular in the future, we can make more than 100 million yuan a year. By the way, he didn't say to modify our share ratio, right?"

"No. It's still 7 to 3, and the company is 70%, is that all right?"


"It’s fine. Now your conditions have been improved in all aspects. All you need to do is show the results to PD Zhang. The company will also increase recruitment from tomorrow. The company’s personnel and hardware facilities are all ~~~ will follow up one after another. The rest is the score sheet we handed to Zhang PD together! Eat, eat."

Mom Mu Renren changed the boss, and had a good mood to gather and eat barbecue.And Zhang Pingan was eating a spicy stir-fried rice cake in a photographer's studio at this time, and Sika under the photographer's flash was amazing.In the spring of next year, Sika's main jeans design will look particularly beautiful under the perfect blessing of her figure.

Zhang Pingan took a toothpick and skewered a spicy rice cake to eat, staring at the photographer's monitor inexplicably and laughing.With a sudden laughter, the photographer stopped shooting. He turned to look at Zhang Ping An and said, "Zhang PD, is there anything wrong with the photo?"

Zhang Ping'an stopped and said, "No, no, I just thought of a joke when I looked at the photo."

Sika stopped posing. She gestured to the assistant to drink water, and at the same time asked Zhang Pingan: "What joke?"

"Seller show and buyer show. Sika has a very good figure. Wearing these close-fitting jeans can make your figure more Sexy. But some fat girls wear these jeans, especially the ones you wear. .. Will the meat be squeezed out?"

After Zhang Pingan’s words came out, the photographers, stylists, and employees of the brand company at the scene automatically completed the picture in their minds.. I don’t know who didn’t hold back the sound of “pounce”, this The appearance of the sound made everyone on the set burst into laughter: "Hahaha~~"

Sika, who happened to be drinking water, immediately squirted out after listening to Zhang Ping’an’s narration: "Puff~~Haha, cough cough cough~~"

The photographer even clutched his belly and said: "No, no, I rest for two minutes, my stomach hurts from smiling."

Sika smiled and approached Zhang Ping’an. When she just made a gesture of raising her hand to make Zhang Ping’an, he took out his phone, and he shook the phone towards Sika: “Luo Yingshi PD, I’ll pick it up. Calls."

Zhang Pingan took the phone and walked out of the studio. He stood outdoors and picked up Luo Yingshi's call: "Luo PD, why did you think of calling me today? Is there a problem with the second season?"

"No, no, the first season is not over yet. The second season is being communicated with the actors, and it may be shot again at the end of November."

"Oh. I thought there was something wrong? Did you call because of the premiere issue?"

"Half and half, we will hold the premiere conference tomorrow. I hope you can attend. And the director of'M-net' hopes to see you?"

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