My entertainment circle

Chapter 379 Hashimoto...has legs!

The sky is clear in Tokyo.Sitting on the tram going to the city, Zhang Ping'an's mood was also stained with the blue sky. In fact, as long as the weather is good in any city, people's moods will also become as good as the weather.Although there is no blazing sun in Tokyo today, the blue sky and blossoming white clouds still make people feel refreshed.

Zhang Ping'an didn't notify Baishi Mai in advance when he came over this time, because he was already very familiar with this city, and he wouldn't get lost.Moreover, Shiraishi Mai has a lot of work during this period. Even if he notified her in advance, she couldn't say that she put down her work and came to the airport to pick up the plane.So Zhang Ping'an didn't notify her, and he came directly by himself.

Zhang Pingan carried his backpack and came to Shibuya, the busiest intersection in the world. He stood in front of the traffic light and looked at the Shiraishi Maii poster hanging above the '109 Shopping Mall'. The corners of his mouth naturally raised. smile.This month, Shiraishi Mai’s posters have been hung in the streets of Tokyo. This wave of strong propaganda has created a high popularity for Shiraishi Mai. Although the photo has not yet been released, many people have expressed that they want to buy this. Photo taken.

The Starbucks at the crossroads has been in that location for decades.Zhang Pingan went there once in high school, and never went there again, because there are so many people in Starbucks.Especially the position by the window, you can never wait.Not knowing whether it was a whim or what, Zhang Ping'an suddenly wanted to go to this cafe to buy a cup of coffee today.

Entering this Starbucks, it is not as quiet as you think, because many tourists come to Shibuya and buy a cup of coffee here.When Zhang Pingan was queuing, he heard the languages ​​of the surrounding tourists, including Taiwanese Mandarin, Chinese dialect, Korean, and English... This Starbucks is like an international market.

There are too many people at this Starbucks. Zhang Ping arranged for the team for a while before ordering coffee, and waiting for him to get the coffee, ten minutes have passed since he queued up.Holding the coffee downstairs, Zhang Ping'an smiled bitterly and said to himself: "Why should I suffer this crime? There are so many quiet cafes, why come to this Starbucks to have fun?"

Maybe it was boring, maybe he knew that he was alone when he went home, so he came to a crowded area to wander around?In Shibuya, there are really many tourists. Countless people have raised their cameras and mobile phones to take pictures of all the novelty here.

And Zhang Ping'an passed through the lively neighborhoods and headed to the alleys on the back streets. Tourists in such alleys would not come in, because this is not a well-known alley like Daiguanshan.

The alleys in Tokyo are very quiet, just a block away, the outside is the main road crowded with people, and the inside is a very quiet alley.

Zhang Pingan was looking for a coffee cup after drinking for a long time without seeing the trash can. Finally, he saw a ramen shop. He thought about going in and eating a bowl of ramen. After tourists from all over the world arrived in Tokyo, the most visited were chains. Ramen shops, and such small ramen restaurants are rarely visited.In fact, people will not go to chain stores after living in Tokyo for a period of time, because the taste is very plain and has no special features.

Zhang Pingan entered the ramen restaurant in this alley. The ramen restaurant was very small, with a bar counter and a row of seats behind the counter.Maybe after the lunch peak time, Zhang Pingan entered the ramen restaurant and saw that there were only two guests. One of the guests was a male wearing overalls (suits).He sat alone at the bar counter, bowed his head and called his face. The voice of his face was very loud..

Another is a girl. She is sitting behind the bar. She is wearing a pleated skirt, stockings, and a shirt with a jacket. This is a very common and cute look.When Zhang Ping An came in, she picked up the noodles and ate quietly.Because of her long hair, Zhang Pingan didn't see her appearance clearly, but she wore a pleated skirt with long legs.

Zhang Ping An entered the restaurant and ordered a dipping ramen at the bar.Generally speaking, when talking about ramen, everyone basically thinks about the thick soup base of pork bone ramen, and tsukemen ramen has separate soup base and noodles.When eating noodles, put the noodles in a dipping dish for a dip. The thick sauce is mixed with the noodles to eat together, which is suitable for people with heavier tastes.

After ordering a good meal, Zhang Ping'an turned his head to look at the location, because the location was very free, he would naturally not huddle with others.He chose the seat himself, which was the small table next to the girl.He took off his backpack, and when he sat down, the girl who was eating noodles looked at Zhang Ping'an, and Zhang Ping'an nodded her head to be sorry.

The girl also smiled and nodded to Zhang Ping'an in return. When she was smiling, she revealed the two pear vortices at the corners of her mouth.After Zhang Ping'an saw her appearance, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he turned his head back, because this woman is quite familiar.With legs, Hashimoto has legs (Hashimoto has dishes).

Zhang Ping'an didn't expect to meet this'teacher' here, the very famous Hashimoto Yucai. No wonder she has double long legs. Among the Japanese, her height and leg length are quite few types.You must know that she really attracted powerful otaku fans after her debut, and she and Ms. Yua Mikami are known as the leaders of the new era'Ivy'.

Of course, Hashimoto Yuri hasn't made her debut yet. Her pure appearance, long legs, and the charming Rika are truly beautiful.She quietly ate the ramen in front of her, and Zhang Ping An hesitated to strike up a conversation?

This is a rare future star, although her'star' is a bit different.Just when Zhang Pingan was hesitant to strike up a conversation, his ramen was ready. After he got up and came back with the ramen, he hesitated to strike up a conversation, and then pretended to eat the ramen. The noodles were put into the soup and rolled a lot. After soaking the noodles in the soup, Zhang Pingan put it in his mouth. At the entrance of the noodles, he couldn't help but said, "Oh, it's salty."

Then he felt disrespectful and covered his mouth apologetically. At this moment, Hashimoto was sitting next to him and laughed, because when he ate the first chopsticks, he usually only touched half of the noodles, and adjusted by half For my own taste, if it gets weaker, dip it a bit more next time, and dip it a bit less salty.How can anyone put all the noodles in the seasoning and roll it like him?It's weird if you didn't taste it.

After hearing the sound, the store asked Zhang Pingan: "Do you want noodle soup?"

Zhang Pingan said to the store, "Sorry, sorry, no need, thank you." Then Zhang Pingan nodded apologetically to Hashimoto and the diners sitting next to him.

Just when Zhang Pingan was about to officially start the meal, Hashimoto Yucai, who was sitting next to him, said "Thank you for the hospitality" with his hands folded, and then got up and went out.At this moment, Zhang Ping'an immediately took out a ten thousand yen note from his wallet, because the money he had withdrawn at the airport had not been broken up yet.There is no change in the bag.So he took ten thousand yen and put it on the table of the bar counter and said: "No need to find it."

Then he hurriedly took his bag and walked out quickly. The store looked at the ten thousand banknotes and said with a wry smile: "Have you met your sweetheart? Running so fast, you don't even need change?"

After Zhang Ping'an chased out from the noodle shop, he looked at Hashimoto Youcai who was not far in front. He shouted at Hashimoto Youcai from a distance: "Wait, that one, wait."

After hearing the sound, Hashimoto Yurina turned to see this man who was eating together at the noodle shop. Seeing him running towards him, Hashimoto Yurina took a dodge posture in fear.

After Zhang Ping'an approached, she put her hands on her chest and stared at Zhang Ping'an in surprise: "Is there anything wrong?"

Zhang Ping'an gasped and said, "Um... can you exchange Line?"

Hashimoto Yuca watched Zhang Ping'an vigilantly and made a Japanese customary voice: "Huh?"

"You are the very beautiful girl I have ever met. If you can, can you meet me?"

"I'm sorry.. I have something else." Maybe I thought Zhang Ping'an was something to blame, Hashimoto rejected Zhang Ping'an.

Listening to such a straightforward rejection, Zhang Ping'an smiled bitterly and said, "Is it strange to me?"

Hashimoto Yurina moved small steps, gradually distanced herself from Zhang Ping An, and said vigilantly: "No, no, but I don't know you."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and shook his head and said, "I don't know you either. It's just that I see you are beautiful, so I said we know each other."

"No, thanks."

Zhang Pingan smiled bitterly and took out his assassin's mace and said, "Let's have a cup of coffee together, and give you 30,000 yen."

Looking at the 30,000 yen, Hashimoto Yurina stopped her escape. She looked at Zhang Ping'an in confusion and said, "Thirty thousand?"

Zhang Pingan immediately took out his wallet, took out 30,000 yuan from the stack of Japanese yen and handed it to her: "Well, 30,000 yuan, let's find a cafe nearby and spend a cup of coffee to chat. "

He looked at the 30,000 yen in his hand, and then at Zhang Pingan's appearance, because he was not wearing that kind of rich man, a hooded sweater, and a white Adidas jacket.

Zhang Ping An hesitated when he looked at Hashimoto Youcai. He smiled and said, "I'm not a bad person, I just want to chat with you."

Spending money on the street to meet a girl may be a weird thing in the eyes of Chinese people, and may even be regarded as a neurosis, but it is very common in the city of Tokyo.

If your Japanese is good enough and you have enough money, you drag a beautiful woman on the streets of Tokyo at night, you get fifty thousand yen, and then you say to her, "I like you very much and want to go with you." Couple hotel.'The probability of success is as high as 60%.

This number of successes is scary, but it is a fact.Of course, the premise is that your Japanese is good enough, and the most important thing is that you have to be rich!

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