In a coffee shop that is countless times quieter than Shibuya Starbucks, Zhang Ping'an ordered two cups of coffee. Hashimoto Yucai ordered a sweet snow-top mocha, and he ordered the highest-selling American style in Korea.The two sat quietly in the cafe, Hashimoto Yurina looked at Zhang Ping An in front of him.

She had always been alert, she didn't even look at Zhang Ping An.After sitting down at this time, she looked at Zhang Ping'an seriously. She didn't pay attention to his appearance because of the nervousness. Now she finally sees clearly that he is such a handsome person.

However, she always felt a little familiar in her heart, because where did Zhang Ping'an seem to have seen her appearance?But for a while, she couldn't think of it again. She smiled and looked at Zhang Ping'an with Li Wu: "Have we met before? I always feel that you give me the feeling that I have seen it somewhere."

Zhang Pingan looked at her Liwo and wanted to reach out and poke it, but is that too strange?Faced with her inquiry, Zhang Pingan smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "No, we definitely haven't seen it before. I went to South Korea in 2010. Only in the first half of this year did South Korea, Japan, and both sides run. So. I can say for sure that we have never seen it before."

Zhang Pingan smiled bitterly because she might have seen it in her mouth. It was because he had logged into the gossip magazine in Tokyo. Whether it was the strange news about him and Sa Yuri, or because of his love affair with Sika, his photos were all It was published in the news report here.Maybe she just saw her own photo from the report, so she was a bit impressed, not really met.

And she heard Zhang Pingan went to Korea in 2010, Hashimoto Youcai can be sure that they have not seen it, because she was still in junior high school in 2010, but I don’t know why she always thinks this man is so familiar. .

The two of them just sat in the cafe like that and there was no conversation. Zhang Pingan looked at the small tiger-toothed, long-legged Hashimoto Youna who hesitated to learn more?But after hesitating again and again, he felt that she should let her benefit the fans.

In this quiet, Zhang Ping’an finished drinking his small cup of coffee. He said to Hashimoto Youna: “I’m sorry to find you so suddenly. If you have fate in the future, I hope to see you again. I'll leave first."

Zhang Ping An left after saying these words. Hashimoto Yurina looked blankly at the back of him leaving, completely unsure of what was going on?After eating before, he suddenly chased it out. He originally thought he liked it, so he wanted to communicate with her further.After arriving at the cafe, the two said a total of two sentences, and then there was no communication during the whole process. The two of them just admired each other's beauty face to face, and it ended inexplicably?

Hashimoto Yurina took out the small mirror in his bag and took a picture of himself. It’s not bad, what's the matter?A few minutes ago, I said that I thought I was very beautiful, and I even spent 30,000 yen to get to know him, and then there was no more. Didn’t he still want her line in front of him?She was mentally prepared to exchange with him, but now she left without looking back?

Had it not been for thirty thousand yen lying quietly in her purse, she seemed to have had a dream.After Zhang Pingan left, Hashimoto Youcai might have been sitting in the coffee shop for two to three minutes. She thought he would come back, but Zhang Pingan had disappeared after she came out of the coffee shop.


After coming out of the cafe, Zhang Pingan continued to shuttle in the alleys, while walking, he smiled bitterly and shook his head.The "star" of the future I met by chance, but I had a strange idea, maybe the memory of "a long time ago" is still in my mind.But after he sat down face-to-face with her, he didn't actually have much heartbeat, let alone the idea of'further' communicating with her.

Before Zhang Ping'an was just an ordinary person, but now Zhang Ping'an is surrounded by so many beautiful women, so she is not so interested in her anymore.Her future path, let the fans appreciate it.

Hashimoto Yurina saw Zhang Ping'an's photo again in the magazine in November, because his photo album of Mai Shiraishi broke the record, and then she knew what marriage she had missed.However, that's a story.

Zhang Pingan likes the quiet alleys in Tokyo, because there is an indescribable affinity and comfort in such alleys.

After walking in the alleys for a while, Zhang Pingan walked out of the alley. After he came out, Zhang Pingan stood on the side of the road. What made him stop was because of a propaganda poster in front of him. This was not the propaganda of Shiraishi Mai. poster.

To be precise, it was a promotional poster for a movie. Zhang Pingan took out his mobile phone and shot this poster.In the promotional poster, Yui Aragaki was smiling brilliantly with a cute baby in the blue sky, while Oizumi Yoo stood beside her. The poster read: "Saya at Dawn" will be released on November 8.

After shooting this poster, Zhang Ping’an sent a message to Yui Aragaki on Line, and then sent the text, “I’ve been busy filming publicity recently?I will definitely go to see it on November 8.'

After sending the message, Zhang Ping An put away the phone, because he clearly knew that Yui Aragaki was not a person who likes to send messages. In many interviews, Yui Aragaki said that he did not like to reply to messages.Sometimes when I read the news and find it irrelevant, she basically doesn't reply.

The news of Zhang Ping'an was typically irrelevant, so he didn't expect Yui to reply immediately after sending the message, so he put away the phone.

But just as the phone was put into his trouser pocket, the phone immediately jumped out of the vibration. He took out the phone in a puzzled manner and said to himself: "When did Gakki become so fast..."

Originally thought it was Yui Aragaki's reply, but he took out his phone and saw that the letter was not from the Line software, but from the Korean chat software. The letter was actually his sister-in-law, Zheng Xiujing.

"Oppa, I asked O'Neill to find out that you have gone to Tokyo? I plan to come and play for two days tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I want to go to the bubble hot spring."

Seeing the news from Little Crystal, Zhang Pingan smiled bitterly and scratched his head, and said to himself: "What's the situation? I suddenly figured out that I came to Tokyo to play?"

But Zhang Pingan soon figured it out, Zheng Xiujing, just finished filming of the TV series and was on vacation. Isn't it close to two months before the awards at the end of the year?Isn’t it normal to come to Tokyo while resting?

Zhang Ping’an replied: “Say early, say you should come to Tokyo with me today.”

After just replying to Zheng Xiujing’s message, he suddenly received another message. This time it was Li Zhien’s "oppa, I bought you a dress. Do you like it?" Then there was a photo of her wearing a sweater. .

"It's close to the early morning on your side, why did you play so late? Well, you don't want me to wear your clothes, do you? Are you trying to make me look like Jin Zhongguo in tights?"

In the Los Angeles hotel, Li Zhien was lying on the bed laughing, replying Zhang Pingan's text message: "Hahaha, it's the same clothes I wear, men's models, extra-large."

Seeing Li Zhien laughing wildly, she curiously asked why she was laughing while holding her mobile phone. Li Zhien told her the content of her chat with Zhang Pingan. Liu Renna was also amused by Zhang Pingan’s words: "Hehehe, Zhang Pingan Really humorous, Kim Jong-kook wears tights?"

Zhang Pingan replied: "It's almost the same, I know, thank you, I will dress well."

"I will return to China early tomorrow morning. After I return, I will call you and you will come to my house to get it."

"Um, I'm in Tokyo, I just arrived today."

"Tokyo? Okay, then I'll fly directly to Tokyo. Wasn't it because of my schedule that delayed our visit to Kyoto Prefecture to see the red maple? Taking advantage of this vacation, I just made it up."

After Zhang Ping'an saw the news of Li Zhien, he felt that his head was big. What's the situation, Zheng Xiujing and Li Zhien, why are all going to Tokyo, can you come in batches?

Zhang Ping'an immediately replied, "Are you coming with Liu Renna xi?" If Liu Renna is there, it's better to explain to his sister-in-law?

"I'll come alone, Renna will return to the country's itinerary. I have no arrangements for the time being. Can I stay in Tokyo for three or four days?"

"Understood, you will send me the flight information at that time, and I will pick you up at the airport." Zhang Ping'an was replying to the message while his head was as messy as paste.Li Zhien and Zheng Xiujing, they both arrived almost at the same time, right?Zhang Pingan really felt that he was going crazy.

Reject the sister-in-law or Li Zhien?Just like that, Zhang Ping'an stood on the sidewalk with his mobile phone, and he couldn't think of a solution for a while.

Zhang Ping'an, with a muddy head, was no longer in the mood to wander the streets. He stood on the side of the road and stopped a taxi to go home. He had to go home and think about who to refuse.

Soon Zhang Ping'an returned to his home in Tokyo. When he arrived home, he saw the pillows, backrests, and blankets on the sofa in the living room chaotically placed on it. There were also many magazines on the table.

Zhang Pingan immediately turned his head and looked at the kitchen. The kitchen was neat and tidy. There was nothing left in the sink after eating, but the living room was a little messy.It may be that Shiraishi Mai lay here and watched TV for a while. When she was tired, she went back to the room to rest. She woke up in the morning and was busy with the trip, so she didn't clean up the living room?

Zhang Pingan put down his backpack, went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. The inside of the refrigerator was neat, but there were very few things.Turning to think about it, she basically doesn't have time to cook at home, because she doesn't have much time to rest after her popularity has increased.

Taking a bottle of mineral water, drinking two sips, Zhang Ping'an walked into the bedroom. There was a dazzling array of cosmetics on the dressing table in the bedroom, and the quilt on the bed was not folded..

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