My entertainment circle

Chapter 382 Tokyo

Little Crystal finally knew what Zhang Pingan was doing in Japan. However, she did not feel that it was a strange thing as soon as she heard the news like her sisters.She is tolerant of the special culture in Japan.Even if I don't like the overly explicit "Sexy", I wouldn't judge Zhang Ping An's cooperation with the Japanese idol in publishing a photo album.

Those swimsuit photos in Japan are really not surprising. Even top national actresses and members of the national girl group have taken swimsuit photos.So she feels that even if she doesn't take photos like that, she shouldn't look at this issue with a colored eye.And she felt that Zhang Ping'an's career there was nothing to be surprised at.However, she understood that Zhang Ping'an might have been really busy recently.

She then sent a message to Zhang Ping An saying that she would be waiting for the next week, and when he went to Tokyo after his time was over, Zhang Ping An was finally relieved after receiving the reply from Xiao Jing.

After being relaxed, Zhang Pingan also found that he seemed a little hungry.I only ate two bites of noodles when I went to the ramen shop before. Later, I got nervous because of the news of Xiaojing and Li Zhien. Under stress, the sense of "hungry" disappeared. Now I have not left the worry about the hunger panic attacking again. Come.

Zhang Pingan picked up the car key and went out. It has been a long time since he drove this super sports car on the streets of Tokyo.Lifting the cover of the vehicle, the matte black Lamborghini showed a domineering appearance, unlocked, opened the scissor door, Zhang Pingan got into the vehicle and made it roar.Sports cars can only be enjoyed in a traffic-free city like Tokyo.

If you are in the congested capital city or Seoul, you have to switch to the brakes immediately after a little kick.Except for the very busy Shibuya, Shinjuku, Minato, etc., the traffic volume in other places in Tokyo is not very large.So Zhang Ping'an can drive the vehicle and roar on the street with peace of mind.

Especially the area where he lives is even less crowded, so the roar of the vehicle is very shocking. After sitting in the car and enjoying the excitement of super running, Zhang Ping’an slowly slowed down the speed, he asked himself Self: "Want to go to the supermarket?"

Because the refrigerator at home is very empty, and there is no fruit at all, so he hesitated to buy some fruit back?

Suddenly Zhang Ping'an laughed when he was thinking about buying fruit, because he remembered a joke that had been circulating on the Internet before: Koreans cannot eat beef, and Japanese cannot eat fruit.

In fact, these are just Internet rumors.People who don’t understand looked at some Han Zong and felt that the idols were as surprised as they saw God when they saw "meat". In fact, that was because the agency's management of the idols' figures was very strict.It is basically a diet meal on weekdays, so it is very happy to be able to eat a meal of meat during the show, not to be unable to eat it!

And those internet rumors that Japanese fruits are expensive?That's because people who come to Japan for travel visit department stores and visit those high-end gift-level fruit shops.Because the fruits are so gorgeous and beautiful, they are almost used as gifts, so the price is extremely expensive.Of course, there are also certain agricultural product protection policy factors in it.Therefore, the sky-high prices circulated on the Internet are basically all shot in such shops, and the prices are indeed exaggerated.

But if you have ordinary fruits in ordinary markets or supermarkets, the prices are actually similar to those in Europe and America.Take avocados as an example. China does not produce it, nor does Japan produce it. Both countries rely on imports, and the price is about five yuan each. There is no difference.But Huaxia's products such as watermelon and dense melon are different.To know that China's watermelon production accounts for 70% of the world, its price is self-evident, after all, the scarcity is more expensive.

(Recommendation for travel in reincarnation: when traveling abroad, you must visit the local market! That is the best way to understand the local culture.)

Driving the vehicle, Zhang Pingan set off toward the nearby large supermarket.When passing the exit of a tram station, Zhang Pingan was waiting because there was a traffic light in front of him, so he glanced at the street casually.Because the roads in Japan and China are opposite, the driver's position of the imported sports car is just next to the sidewalk, so people on the sidewalk can see clearly.

At this time, he looked at a lady wearing a Japanese favorite top hat and a pair of black-rimmed glasses standing by the roadside. After a surprise glance, Zhang Ping'an opened his eyes wide: "Gakki? No... No. ."

Zhang Pingan immediately denied that the woman standing on the side of the road was not Yui Aragaki, because this woman was too thin.The skeleton of Yui Aragaki is still relatively large, and Yui is not a small shelf.

The green light was on and the vehicles started to drive one by one, and Zhang Pingan drove away.Although he left, Zhang Ping'an still thought of the woman who was very similar to Yui Aragaki in his head. Suddenly he cried out: "Ah~~~ it's her, yes, two people who will always admit mistakes when dazzling, Aragaki Yui and Kiriya Meiling! I saw her when I was in Paris."

These two people are really alike, especially the photos taken in some fashion magazines. The comparison after putting on makeup is really alike. Even Yui Aragaki himself missed it.


After parking the car, Zhang Pingan set off towards the supermarket. He pushed the shopping cart and started to stroll around the supermarket slowly. The fruit section, grapes, strawberries, oranges, bananas... Zhang Pingan chose a lot of fruits.Then he went to the meat area. He looked at the meat and hesitated for a few seconds before Zhang Pingan said: "If the meat is displayed, it can be cut for you like Korea."

Whether it's pork belly or beef, Zhang Pingan wants thick cuts, but the meat displayed in the supermarket is divided into pieces. He is optimistic about which box to take.Korean supermarkets are a bit more reasonable. There are on-site butcher shops. If the meat on the shelves is not as thick as you need, you can find the butcher shop and cut it for you according to your requirements. , How thick he cuts for you.

Zhang Ping’an randomly selected a few boxes of thin sliced ​​beef slices for use in the hot pot. This weekday hot pot is very good for frying, and then he chose beef for steak. Although the thickness is not his ideal, it is also similar. It is a common food range.After choosing the meat, Zhang Pingan turned around to go to the snack area, but after turning around, he saw Tonggu Meiling again, but she put on a mask after entering the supermarket.

When Zhang Pingan watched Tonggu Meiling pushing the car and walking towards the meat area, he smiled and nodded at her. When Tonggu Meiling saw someone nodding towards her, she also politely responded with a nod.

After she approached, Zhang Pingan smiled and said, "Are you Tong Gu Meilingsang?"

Seeing that she was recognized, Tong Gu Meiling nodded to Zhang Ping'an again. At this moment, Zhang Ping'an said: "In the summer, I saw you wrapped in newspapers in Paris and took photos on the street."

Tonggu Meiling stared at Zhang Pingan in surprise and said, "Eh? Did you see me filming in Paris?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Well, when I was playing in Paris with my girlfriend, I saw a team of photographers taking pictures. When I approached, I looked at you wrapped in newspaper and took pictures. I laughed for a while.

Tongya Meiling also knew that the newspaper had a weird look, and even regretted it a bit in retrospect, but it's all like that now.She can only say politely: "That is the photo I prepared and will be released on the tenth anniversary."

"Oh, I will buy it at that time, so I won't disturb you shopping." Zhang Ping'an left with a smile after speaking, because he also recalled the strange shape of Meiling Tongya at the time and almost couldn't help laughing out loud. Up.


While shopping in Zhang Pingan, Mai Shiraishi ended today's magazine shooting.After coming out of the magazine, she looked at the sky and recalled today’s day. Early in the morning, she went to the TV station to record. Before noon had time to eat, she rushed to shoot the next month’s magazine. When it was over, the sky was full. The signs of sunset began to appear.And this is the day that ended earlier.

Mai Shiraishi turned to the agent and said goodbye: "Then I will go back first. Thank you for your hard work today."

The agent nodded and said, "Okay, don't oversleep tomorrow morning, you have worked hard too."

"Yeah." Mai Shiraishi nodded and greeted a taxi on the street to go up. After she said the address of her home, she sat in the car and looked at the dark sky.Before and after she became famous, the workload increased, it was not a star and a half, and her team in this handshake meeting could be said to be one of the longest.

Looking back on half a year ago, her workload can be described as extremely increased.The advantage of being famous is that many programs, interviews, etc. have begun to contact me.This made her personal schedule more and more opportunities for her personal appearance.But after more than a month, the exhaustion is ten times more than before!

Sitting in the car, she took out her phone, looked at the portrait in Line that had been quiet for more than a month, smiled bitterly and shook her head. Zhang Ping'an did not contact her once after returning to Korea.If it weren't for the fact that you could find a little news about him on the Internet from time to time, it would really be like disappearing.

After Zhang Ping'an left Tokyo, she still did not participate in any invitational dinner party organized by the men's seniors. She really did this entertainment thing absolutely. On weekdays, she occasionally eats with her teammates after work. , Or invite Sha Youli to play at home, and occasionally live together or something. There is absolutely no communication with men around her.

Zhang Ping'an gave her everything, then she would give him everything back.

Sitting in the car, Shiraishi Mai looked at Zhang Pingan's portrait, who was still quiet. She thought of sending him a message several times, but every time the message was edited, she deleted it because she was afraid to disturb him!

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