My entertainment circle

Chapter 383 Tokyo's Tenderness

Sometimes what a woman wants is very simple... well, it should be said that what a woman needs is very simple in the beginning.Or a rich man, or a man who loves himself.But once they had it, their hearts began to expand slowly, maybe it's the same regardless of women and men?After all, ambition and desire are endless. When there is no limit, I think when I have one million, but when he owns one million...

After getting help from Zhang Pingan at the beginning, Mai Shiraishi has changed a lot in both her current career and economic conditions.From a ten-square-foot snail house to the current top mansion.From financial constraints, to now, I can consume some luxury goods.But after the matter got better, she suddenly realized that what she needed was someone to accompany her.

That expensive penthouse, no matter how high-end and luxurious the decoration, but when she is alone at home, it will only make people feel extremely cold.Although everything in the room is decorated in warm colors, my heart can't get warm every time the night falls.But after she had material, she wanted to have someone who could accompany her.Even if you don't chat much at home, even if you just snuggle up and watch TV after returning home at night, as long as you have the breath of him by your side, your heart will be extremely stable.

But after Zhang Ping'an returned to South Korea, she didn't contact Mai Shiraishi for more than a month. She didn't even know if she should send a message to tell him that she missed him?Knowing that Zhang Ping An’s publicly disclosed girlfriend is in Korea, she has never dared to disturb his life in Korea by his side.

Mai Shiraishi, who was sitting in the taxi holding her phone, sighed and locked the phone. When the screen went dark, maybe she could suppress the urge to send him a message, right?

Soon, the taxi stopped at the entrance of the community, Shiraishi Mai looked up at the sky after getting off the car, the evening twilight had already appeared, and the sky had to go dark after a while, but this building standing beside the imperial residence was quiet Extremely.Because this district is basically inhabited by high-ranking government officials, political celebrities, famous people, etc., there are very few people around, and it will become quieter after night.

Sometimes I want to be quiet in a noisy place, but sometimes I feel very empty and uncomfortable when it is quiet.People, perhaps themselves are an extremely complex and contradictory'animal'.

As usual, Shiraishi Mai entered the lobby and nodded to the front desk, and took the elevator upstairs.When she got home, she lay on the sofa and rested as before. At home alone, she could do whatever she wanted for dinner, and there was no need to deliberately prepare anything.So it’s the same if you take a break and then cook dinner slowly.

Lying on the sofa with a pillow, she pulled away the folded blanket and spread it on her lap.In this weather, Japanese girls still choose to wear dresses that are resistant to freezing. Their legs are very cold after returning home. So after she lay down, she immediately pulled off the blankets and put them on. There is no need to talk about it alone at home. So much.All of this is the same as at home on weekdays. She even forgot that she didn't fold the blanket when she went out in the morning.

Just lying on the sofa comfortably, she picked up the remote control on the desktop and turned on the TV. After turning around the TV station, she stayed on a channel at random, not knowing whether she was watching TV or using the smile on the TV. The sound dilutes the loneliness of a person at home.Just staring at the TV boringly for five minutes, she saw the magazine...

Because the magazines were neatly stacked on the bar table and attracted her attention, Shiraishi Mai’s original position of lying down suddenly stood up. She sat cross-legged and stared at the magazines, and she kept asking herself in her head, “I’m taking care of it. ?It doesn't seem to be cleaned up, right?Oh, forgot.'She bent over and reached out and picked up the first folded magazine. After seeing the magazine, she immediately woke up.

If you cleaned up the magazine yourself, then the first issue of the magazine must be the latest issue, but this magazine is not the latest issue, but last month.Mai Shiraishi immediately looked in the direction of the bedroom. She got up and walked towards the bedroom, opened the bedroom door, and the quilt on the bed was very neatly laid. She was surprised and said: "Is peace?"

Because Zhang Pingan's way of tidying up the quilt is completely different from her way of tidying up the quilt.When Zhang Ping’an made the bed, he would fold up the quilt on the pillow part and expose the pillow. Shiraishi Mai’s habit is not to expose the pillow when making the bed, but to cover it all.Because of the different way of folding the quilt, Shiraishi Mai realized that Zhang Ping'an had arrived in Tokyo and had returned home.

She quickly walked towards the cloakroom, and sure enough, there was an extra backpack in the place where the luggage was displayed.After she knew that Zhang Pingan had come to Tokyo, the smile on her face instantly became extremely bright. She bounced back to the living room, grabbed a mobile phone placed on the table, and quickly found Zhang in Line. Ping An: "An Jiang, have you come to Tokyo?"

But after her message was sent, Zhang Ping’an never responded. Just when she was hesitating whether to make a call, the door code lock made a beep, and Shiraishi Mai happily ran towards the entrance. Get out.

After the door was opened, Zhang Pingan was holding the supermarket shopping bags in both hands. She bowed first and said the greeting: "You are back." Then quickly stepped forward and put Zhang Pingan’s slippers in place. Then took the shopping bag from his hand.

After Zhang Pingan handed the shopping bag to Shiraishi Mai, while taking off his shoes, he said, "When I came back, I saw that the refrigerator at home was empty, so I went to the supermarket and bought some fruits and vegetables at home. When I don’t want to go out, I just stay at home. Let’s make some cooking, hey... takeaway, currently only South Korea is the most developed."

The two entered the house, Zhang Ping An and Shiraishi Mai began to organize the food they bought. Since his return, Shiraishi Mai’s smile has not stopped. As she sorted it out, she asked: "An Jiang, come here this time. How long will you stay?"

Zhang Ping’an said, “Let’s go again in December. After your photo is released, I’m waiting to watch the Girls’ Generation Tokyo Dome concert. Oh, I’m going to Kansai in two days, and the red maple over there Now, I plan to go to Kyoto Prefecture to see the red maple."

"I see, I may not be able to walk away recently, and I cannot go with you."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "It's okay. I used to travel alone when I was studying in Tokyo. How are you doing? Is your work going well?"

"Well, my personal schedule has changed after the promotion, and many people walking on the street can call my name."

"It’s good if the job goes smoothly. I hope you will have a broader career scope in the future. I never thought about delaying your career development, and I never thought about making you a housewife in the future, as long as you like this career. Keep doing it yourself. It doesn’t matter whether you make money or not, it’s mainly about doing what you want to do. I said the same to Sika, so I also support her current fashion career. No matter what you do, I will support you , Except for some criminal things of course."

Mai Shiraishi smiled and said: "Hehehe, of course it is impossible to commit a crime. Sometimes I feel that doing this job is really exhausting, but standing on the stage listening to the fans' cheering, I feel that all the hard work is worthwhile. As for the future, I haven't thought about it for the time being. I just want to finish today's things seriously."

"The road has been paved for you. You really only need to take every job seriously. After all, making idols is not an investment, so you don't need to look too long. Do your best, and I believe fans will find you. Work hard. Shall we go out to eat at night? How about barbecue?"

"Well, I'm going to change clothes."


As night fell, Shiraishi Mai changed into jeans and sweaters. She changed her Japanese dress style, masks, and baseball caps, which made her instantly transform to Korean style. This is also the best way to hide herself after taking to the street. .

In the evening, the two went out for dinner and did not drive. They took a taxi to Roppongi.The gorgeous neon lights on the streets and the crowds on the streets at night, the sense of excitement came upon you after getting off the bus in Roppongi. There are really many people here at night.Tourists, locals, mixed together, making the night in Roppongi become very, very lively, whether it is in the streets or alleys, there are a lot of people.

Mai Shiraishi naturally took Zhang Ping’an’s arm, and she raised her hand to look at her watch: “It’s still about ten minutes away at 6 o’clock. Shall we go shopping first?” She didn’t have lunch. After arriving in Zhang Pingan, the hunger pangs disappeared.

"Should you go shopping after eating? I didn't have lunch, I was hungry for a day."

"OK then."

The two came to a very high-end yakiniku restaurant in Roppongi. Zhang Pingan checked the recommendations when she changed her clothes.This roasted meat shop is notoriously expensive. Although the meat is top quality, it is even more fascinating that he adds some edible gold leaf to the ingredients, which makes the beef instantly feel tall.Zhang Pingan was just out of curiosity, what the hell is beef with gold leaf, so he chose this shop.

Entering the store, the two asked for a two-seater private room. After getting the menu, Zhang Ping’an ordered two sets of 15,000 sets of evening meals, and then ordered two sets of the most expensive loin in the store, one for 20,000 JPY.

Zhang Pingan looked at the coarse salt that he brought up, and there was actually gold leaf mixed in the salt.And the horseradish used with beef actually wants you to grind it yourself. Zhang Ping’an smiled and poked the salt and said, “Oh, there is gold leaf in the salt, is this eating gold?”

At this time the appetizer drink came in, and there was a drink spoon on the appetizer drink cup. The spoon was actually filled with gold leaf. Shiraishi Mai also laughed: "Do you have to add gold leaf to the drink?"

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