My entertainment circle

Chapter 386 Traveling (1)

I wonder if the sound of the hair dryer has a hypnotic effect?Li Zhien chatted and talked less and less, and his eyelids began to become heavier.The flight time alone is more than ten hours, which has not added the time it takes for her to get up in Los Angeles to clean up and head to the airport.Maybe Li Zhien insisted that he hadn't closed his eyes for nearly seventeen to eight hours.

Her wakefulness after the shower was only temporary, and as her eyelids became heavier, her head gradually began to fall.Zhang Pingan smiled and turned off the hair dryer in his hand. At the moment when the mechanical sound disappeared, Li Zhien forcibly opened his eyes: "oppa, are you going to leave?" Li Zhien knew that Zhang Pingan had a house in Tokyo. She thought He is leaving tonight.

"If you don't go, I'll rest here. Hey~~" Zhang Ping'an said, putting down the hair dryer in his hand, picked up Li Zhien, and put her on the bed.The soft bed made Li Zhien's sleepiness greatly increased. After she lay down, she said: "oppa, you call me when dinner comes, and I will squint."

Zhang Pingan smiled and nodded, and then helped her put the quilt on.Seeing her so tired even if the room service arrived, Zhang Pingan didn't plan to wake her up.Exiting the bedroom, Zhang Ping'an returned to the living room to wait for the meal.After waiting for another ten minutes, the food delivery came.The moment the doorbell rang, Zhang Ping'an hurried to open the door.

Looking at the meal for the two in front of him, Zhang Ping'an smiled and shook: "What if she gets hungry for a while?"

The hotel is not a B&B and there is no microwave in the room.Zhang Pingan was eating alone while thinking, and went downstairs to the convenience store to buy her some instant noodles.When she wakes up, she can at least boil water and eat instant noodles, and the steak is ready for ramen.

After eating, Zhang Pingan went to the convenience store to buy some things and came back, then lay on the sofa watching TV and gradually fell asleep.

Li Zhien herself didn't know how long she slept. Anyway, after she woke up, she sat on the bed and watched the city lights dimmed outside the window. Except for the street lights on the main road, the city buildings were plunged into darkness.She picked up the phone and checked the time. It was 2:40 in the morning, and there was no one beside her. The whole room was very quiet, until the outside living room was lit by lights.

She got up and wore slippers and went to the living room, watching Zhang Pingan curl up on the sofa and sleep with cushions.She moved towards Zhang Ping'an, trying to wake him up and let him go to sleep on the bed.However, a note on the table attracted Li Zhien's attention.

'I have instant noodles bought in convenience stores in my pocket. If you are hungry, eat instant noodles yourself.The steak is cut for you, you can add it to the instant noodles.Don't eat salad or pasta.'

Looking at the note in her hand, Li Zhien had inexhaustible warmth in her heart, and she couldn't help showing a sweet to extreme smile when she looked at Zhang Ping's sleeping appearance.She didn't rush to wake up Zhang Pingan who was sleeping on the sofa, but picked up the supermarket plastic bag on the sofa next to her. When she opened the plastic bag, the plastic bag made a plastic scream.

In fact, this sound may not feel much if it is placed in a daytime environment, but in the midnight and early morning, in a particularly quiet environment, it seems a bit harsh.After hearing the plastic sound, Zhang Ping'an opened his eyes when he was asleep. He saw Li Zhien wake up and quickly sat up: "Are you awake? How are you sleeping? Are you still used to it?"

Li Zhien nodded and said: "Well, I don't pick a bed, I can sleep anywhere. Oppa, go to the bed inside, how uncomfortable it is to roll up here."

Zhang Ping'an checked the time, shook his head and said, "It's okay, I almost slept. I have the habit of getting up early to exercise."

Li Zhien smiled and said: "How do you get up early to exercise? It's not less than three o'clock, right?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Hungry? I'll give you instant noodles."

Zhang Ping An got up and came to Li Zhien's side, took the ramen box from her, and went to the water heater, and Li Zhien gave Zhang Ping a back hug at this moment, and she hugged him tightly. He stuck his head out of his waist and watched him help himself with ramen: "oppa, thank you."

The joy in Li Zhien's heart did not know what words to describe, so she only used a "thank you" to express her inner emotions at this time.

Just like a koala, Li Zhien didn’t let go of holding Zhang Ping’an. When he moved to throw the sauce bag of instant noodles, she also hugged him behind him and moved with him. Zhang Ping’an smiled bitterly and patted his waist Li Zhien's hand said: "Okay, I'll pour you some water, and if you hold it like this, it will burn you for a while."

Li Zhien is a rare shame, but it is a super cute shame: "I just want to hold it."

Zhang Ping'an shook his head helplessly, washed the water cautiously, and returned to the sofa area of ​​the living room holding the ramen. After he put the ramen down, Li Zhien released his hand.Then he watched Zhang Pingan put some cold beef into the ramen box: "Is the steak ramen? It's a bit luxurious."

Zhang Ping’an smiled: “I searched for red maple last night..” Zhang Ping’an said, he found out his mobile phone and opened the commonly used Twitter in Japan. He randomly searched for "Red Maple", and those photos were red. Feng's people were all presented in front of Li Zhien.

Li Zhien is holding Zhang Pingan’s mobile phone to enjoy these beautiful photos, but she is more concerned about the hot spring hotel in the mountains that Zhang Pingan once said: "oppa, do you have pictures of the hotel? Show me."

Zhang Pingan smiled and took the cell phone and entered the hotel information, Kyoto Cuiquan.The official website of the hotel appeared on Yahoo. After entering the official website, she began to read the hotel photos. From the photos of the surrounding environment of the hotel to the introduction of the hotel’s rooms, Li Zhien kept making exclamations, especially the hotel’s rooms only Thirteen rooms.This is enough to show how quiet the hotel is, and it is in the mountains.

After she exclaimed, Zhang Pingan said, "There is another one, but it is not in the mountains but on the seashore. I will show it to you.." After he took the phone, he entered another hotel, "Roomer Tanping".

When Li Zhien admired this hot spring hotel by the sea again, she was caught in a difficult choice. Both hotels were very quiet.One is in the mountains and the other is by the sea.The two houses have their own beauty, the quietness in the mountains, and the magnificence of the sea. Li Zhien said: "Wow... these two, I really don't know how to choose."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "It's easy, I don't know if I live in a family for two days? Is there any choice that is difficult? Let's eat."

Li Zhien nodded, no longer entangled, anyway, Zhang Ping'an would arrange everything properly.After eating a bowl of steak ramen, Li Zhien was completely sleepy, and it was only half past three at this time.After she saw those photos, she really wanted to set off at this time, but neither the flight nor the railway operated.They didn't choose to drive by themselves, so the impatient Li Zhien sat in the living room and didn't know what to do.

Zhang Ping’an also saw that Li Zhien was a little impatient, so he smiled and said, “Pack up, we will go to the airport for our first flight to Osaka in a moment.”

"it is good."

Zhang Pingan quickly booked the first flight at 6:30 on his mobile phone. Although there were still three hours before takeoff, he didn't mind the two of them going to the airport to wait.

After a simple wash, the two of them checked out only after four o’clock. The hotel arranged a special driver to send them to the airport. They arrived at the airport only half past four. Li Zhien got the ticket and saw that there was only waiting in the airport. The passengers on the first flight, and even the staff who came to the airport have not yet come to work.

She sat in a chair and looked at the time of the ticket in her hand: "Are we here too early?"

"It's okay, a cup of coffee is almost the same. Let's go and go to the coffee shop."

In the airport cafe, the two of them sat there waiting for the flight like many passengers.The travelers around who went out alone were all looking down and swiping their phones, while Zhang Ping An and Li Zhien didn’t use their phones, but chatted with coffee. Li Zhien looked at Zhang Ping’an wearing the sweater that she bought for him, and she felt happy. , Because she was wearing exactly the same clothes at this time, and the same clothes made the two of them look like a typical couple.

Both are sweaters, jackets, jeans, and baseball caps. Li Zhien smiled and said, "This is the first time I wear a couple outfit."

Zhang Ping'an jokingly said: "What the first time, I saw your INS. You and Liu Renna are wearing couple outfits, wearing couple rings, and pictures of showing affection together in Los Angeles. Did you think I didn't see it?"

Li Zhien laughed: "Hahaha. Oppa is still paying attention to my activities?"

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "Of course. You two have such a high-profile show of affection, and many Korean media praised that you two have a good relationship."

Li Zhien smiled and nodded and said, "Well, Liu Renna and I met when we were filming the show before. At that time, I felt that way in my heart after meeting her for the first time. We will definitely become good friends."

Zhang Ping'an nodded and said, "I watched that show, Jiyeon and you, they both looked very cute. However, I only came to Korea not long ago, and I can’t speak Korean. I can only watch some translated replays."

"Jiyan and Tara have been active in China recently."

"Well, Huaxia fans like Tara more than Girls’ Generation. They can’t do anything in Korea, but it’s actually pretty good at Huaxia. It’s just..."

Li Zhien didn't understand why Zhang Ping'an added a "just" in the end, she tilted her head and said, "Just what?"

Of course Zhang Ping'an can't say, "They don't have two years of activity in China," he said with a smile: "It's nothing, it's just a pity."

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