My entertainment circle

Chapter 387: Travel (2)

When Zhang Ping’an’s topic suddenly talked about'Tara', Lee Ji-eun, who was a friend of Ji-yeon, also said with great regret: “If there weren’t those things at the beginning, maybe it would be added to the TOP ranks of the Korean girl group Go to them Tara! So far, Ji-yeon will cry every time she sees me. I also understand how unwilling and distressed her tears are. I really understand."

Regarding the inside story of Tara, as Ji Yeon’s close friend, Lee Ji-eun had heard Ji Yeon’s words a long time ago, but after the incident happened, their company made a decision-making error, and it was also caused by that error. Irreversible, so even if Li Zhien was a friend, he couldn't make any comments at that time.

Although Li Zhien wanted to stand up and say something fair at the time, she still had her own scruples. After all, what supportive remarks she made at that time affected not only herself.Because there are a large group of people behind her eating with her, she dare not, and can't stand up to Tara.What she can do is to help Ji Yeon promote her on her channel when Ji Yeon releases her solo album.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "After that happened, so many fans obviously found out the meaning of the black fan video, but more people still chose not to see it. The rhythm of the black fan belt dissipated in one wave. After so many years of hard work, the worst person is Liu. Of course, I also blame Kim Kwang-soo himself, such a smart representative, and he has been in the entertainment circle for so long. The biggest failure of his career is the matter. He didn't deal with the matter in time when it was born. He thought that relying on Tara's rising popularity, just ignore the situation?.."

"But how can he disregard the arrangements made by a caring person? The strangest thing is that Kim Kwang-soo is facing external pressure. Instead of looking for evidence of rebuttal, he chooses to stand up and apologize? This apology, not just Did they indirectly confirm the rumors of the black fans? In addition, Liu has been posting articles on Twitter as a victim. But he wanted to expose the matter as soon as possible, so he chose to stand up and apologize? But he did not Thinking of the evidence that fans have worked so hard to find, it was completely ruined by such an apology. This is the stupidest representative I have ever seen! Such an apology was completely defeated. Not only was the matter not revealed, but it was returned. Offended all the fans who worked so hard to find evidence for Tara."

Li Zhien smiled and said: "As a company representative, the incident at that time was instantly out of control under the black fan network attack. He might be thinking about cutting the mess with a sharp knife, and he came out to apologize, settle it, and do it as soon as possible. Solve the matter and don’t affect the follow-up work of Ji Yeon and others. But as you said, an apologize is equivalent to acknowledging Internet rumors. This suddenly made the black fans even more rampant, Ji Yeon and others. I cried so much that my tears were dry, but after their representative apologized, it was useless for them to say anything. Since then, they lost their jobs, their endorsements, and the Korean market. I remember Jiyeon told me, When they went to the show in Korea, the fans in the audience turned their backs to them after seeing them on stage. Fortunately, Chinese fans still love their Tara!"

"It's a pity, it's a pity..." Zhang Ping'an could only use'pity' to describe Tara in the end, but only he himself understood the meaning of'pity' in his mouth.And Li Zhien would only think that what Zhang Pingan said was a pity: Tara was grieved and felt pity.


Osaka, the airport.Zhang Ping An and Li Zhien came out of the airport wearing couple clothes. She smiled and said, "oppa, you really didn't bring two clothes or something? Just this one?"

"Well, there are department stores in Osaka. I first go to the city to buy some clothes, and then we first go to the hot spring hotel by the sea, because in terms of distance, it is far from Kyoto, and we play from far to near. After a relaxing and quiet leisure time, we will return to Kyoto Prefecture. Finally, we will return to Osaka, which is also convenient for you to return to Korea."

Li Zhien nodded and said, "Well, oppa, you can arrange it."

Because her Japanese is not very good, she doesn't know much about what is interesting in Kansai. It is most appropriate to follow Zhang Ping'an's arrangement.And compared to the lively urban area, Li Zhien really likes places with few people and beautiful scenery.It's like those hot spring hotels you see on your mobile phone.

Zhang Pingan took Li Zhien and set off towards the city. After he simply purchased two sets of casual clothes in the department store, the two had lunch at the famous Kanidoraku in Osaka and immediately headed to Kyoto Prefecture.But neither of them went to see the scenic spots in Kyoto Prefecture, and immediately transferred to the hot spring hotel further away.The first flight departed in the morning and the sunset had already begun when it arrived at the hot spring hotel by the sea.

The beauty of this hotel cannot be fully described in the phone pictures. It is located in a place with a mountain and the sea. The environment is so quiet and intoxicating. The sea before sunset is a deep royal blue. After Li Zhien enters the room, he can’t wait to wait. I came to the balcony and looked at the sea in front of me: "I have never been to such a beautiful hotel, really."

Zhang Ping'an came to Li Zhien's side. He supported the fence and looked at the sea in front of him with a comfortable smile: "The hotel faces the east, so there is no golden accent at sunset. It's not too beautiful. But wait. After the dark sky is fully opened, you can see the fusion of the sky full of stars and the sea. And we are waiting for tomorrow morning, you can not only see the sunrise, but also hear the birdsong in the mountains and forests. This beauty is A cure that cannot be described in words. This is the secret hotel I discovered, only a very small group of people know."

The quiet surroundings, the faint sound of waves, and the magnificent sea and sky in front of him made Li Zhien's heart feel indescribable: "Well, um. I like this place so much, really."

"Just like it, like it. The room has a hot spring pool, although it is not big, but it is also very comfortable. You can also rent an open-air private hot spring pool here.."

Li Zhien smiled and said, "No, I think the hot spring pool in the room is pretty good."

Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "Hehe, are you afraid of hearing the question I asked the front desk to rent a private hot spring pool?" Because the open-air hot spring pool must be filled with red fruit, and the hot spring pool in the room is free Up.

Li Zhien smiled and said, "No, I don't think it is necessary. I looked at the hot spring pool introduction map. It's actually in a natural environment, and the hot spring pool in our room is not bad and we can see the sea view. It."

The rented hot spring pool is in the mountains, and the hot spring pool is surrounded by walls, but you can see the hot spring pool in the mountains and forests that change in the four seasons, but the unique sea view in the room is missing.

"Okay. I'll go to the bath first. He will deliver the meal at 7:30. You take a rest."

In a short while, Zhang Pingan wrapped a bath towel and set off towards Tangchi, while Li Zhien sat on the edge of the bed pretending to tidy up his clothes. I wonder if it was because of shyness or something else?

Lying in the soup pond, Zhang Ping'an simply covered the privacy with a towel, and he enjoyed opening a bottle of champagne, while running the hot spring, while eating pastries and champagne.Within a few minutes, Li Zhien also wrapped a bath towel and came to the side of Tangchi. She stood by the side of Tangchi with red cheeks. She did not come in. Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Silly, no one in the room sees it. If you are shy, wear a T-shirt. Come out and soak, nobody said you."

Women are different from men. Men only need to cover the bottom after they sit in the pond, while women... Li Zhien smiled awkwardly and turned around and went to the room. After a while, she was wearing a Korean swimsuit (long sleeves, Shorts), this one is for playing on the beach in Los Angeles.

She was still too shy. After all, this soup pond is not big. If she really doesn't wear anything, it would be a bit of a thing, so she wore a swimsuit and entered the soup pond.Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "Except for those who are shooting the show, you are the first person I have ever seen to bathe in a bathing suit. If you go to a public bathhouse like this, you may be scolded."

Li Zhien in a bathing suit was lying comfortably in Zhang Ping’an’s arms. She smiled and said: “Public baths are separated by men and women. Do you really think I haven’t been to Japan for bathing? If it’s all female baths, of course I I will go to the village and do what the customs do."

The two of them sat quietly in the hot spring pool, listening to the sound of the hot spring water pouring into the hot spring continuously, the relaxing hot spring and the temperature of the water gave them a sense of spiritual healing, and the sky gradually changed in the distance. It darkened, and Zhang Ping'an got up from the soup pond: "Don't soak for a long time, the hot spring should not exceed twenty minutes at most."

When Li Zhien saw Zhang Ping'an getting up, she turned and lay on the side of the soup pool and looked at him wrapped in bath towels: "It's too comfortable, I really want to soak in the pool and don't want to come out. Oppa, thank you for bringing me to such a beautiful place."

Zhang Pingan turned his head to look at Li Zhien, smiled and made a Wink towards her.

After bathing in the bath, Zhang Pingan put on the Japanese Yukata prepared by the hotel.Li Zhien also came out of the soup pool, she also changed into a bathrobe, her face was flushed by the hot spring when she came out of the soup pool, that cuteness is countless times.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and stretched out his hands to hold her face and said: "It looks like a boiled egg, white and pink, plus cute." After speaking, Zhang Ping'an took the initiative to kiss her on the mouth, simply A kiss from Li Zhien gave Li Zhien a feeling of spinning around.

The first kiss, although Li Zhien took the initiative, but she was through the spirit of wine, but this time Zhang Ping'an's kiss, she has no spirit of wine, only heartbeat!

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