My entertainment circle

Chapter 396-Yuko Shinki (Part 2)

Yuko Shinki, when the editor-in-chief of the magazine introduced Zhang Ping An, she was being shot for a magazine.The shooting of the magazine is not a photo, and there is no need for framing. The simple layout of the shooting site in the agency can complete the shooting.The editor's introduction only introduced each other's names, allowing the two to say hello to each other.Because she is still shooting, and Zhang Pingan has to pay the bill, the two have no further opportunity to communicate, so the two only exchanged names!

Zhang Ping An didn’t stop at the magazine after paying 20 million yen for the promotion, because he didn’t even eat lunch after the plane landed in Tokyo. It was past four in the afternoon and he was groaning with hunger. .So after paying the promotion fee, he hurriedly left and went to a snack bar or coffee shop nearby to buy something to eat and pad his stomach.

About half an hour after Zhang Ping'an left, Yuko Shinki ended today's shooting. After she left the studio, she went to the editor's office.After knocking on the door, she got the'please come in' answer and pushed open the office door: "Hello, editor-in-chief."

The editor-in-chief saw that it was Yuko Shinki who came in. He temporarily stopped working, smiled gently at her and said, "Oh, Shinki-san, the shooting is over?"

Yuko Shinki responded with a cheerful smile to the editor-in-chief: "Well, the shooting is over, I will come over to say hello to you, I am going to leave."

The editor-in-chief listened to Yuko Shinki's words and laughed: "Hehe.. Sit and chat for a while." Obviously, coming in to say hello is just an excuse, because she doesn't even come to the editor's room to give him special attention after finishing shooting. Saying goodbye, I came here so suddenly today, and the editor in chief also knew that she must have been puzzled by what she had introduced before with Zhang Ping An.

After Yuko Shinki sat down, the editor-in-chief smiled and said, "You must be curious why I brought Zhang Ping an to introduce you?"

"Yeah." Shinki Yuko nodded hurriedly. She came to the editor's room because she was puzzled.

The editor-in-chief said: "We were talking about some cooperation before, and after we had negotiated, he asked me your name, so I brought him over and introduced it to you. What do you think of him?"

"I don't know, we just nodded and greeted."

"What about the first impression?"

The first impression is more of the impression left by her appearance. Yuko Shinki said, "Um... I think it's 8.5 points, right?"

"On appearance alone, it has a very high score of 8.5. Didn't a reporter photograph the members of Zhang Ping An and Nogizaka 46 some time ago?"

Yuko Shinki said, "Yes, I've read that report, because the weekly magazine is also the first time that the news of idol kissing in the street was photographed."

"In fact, the weekly got it wrong. The real protagonist is not the Sa Yuri Matsumura! It's... Mai Shiraishi!!"

"Shiraishi?" Because there has been too much publicity about Mai Shiraishi recently, so much that Yuko Shinki knew of her existence.

"Haha, it's Shiraishi Mai. This time, Shiraishi Maii's photo, do you think it was produced by a publishing house? I tell you, no, the publishing house is only responsible for printing and distribution. The actual investor is Zhang Pingan! He comes here! It’s also about propaganda. Do you know how much he spent on the photo album he invested in Mai Shiraishi? All the costs of propaganda, publishing and agency distribution at the publisher’s side, together, are close to one. Billion yen!"

Yuko Shinki widened her eyes and said, "Uh.. spending so much money? Why?"

The editor-in-chief said: "Hehe.. Why? Only two of them know. Before the publicity appeared, I hadn't heard of the person "Shiraishi Mai". Now, it's hard to know. Tokyo, it's all. Her propaganda, Shiraishi Mai, the name suddenly became known to everyone. However, I have to say that Zhang Ping’s photo taken is very interesting, and the photos of the propaganda poster alone are attractive enough."

The editor-in-chief continued: "Although Zhang Pingan is young, he is a very powerful CEO and producer of the entertainment industry. In addition to producing the well-known Shiraishi Mai, he also co-produced a production with the largest TV station in Korea. A variety show on the weekend, and the variety show he produced maintained the top spot in the same period during the prime segment of the weekend! And he runs China’s largest live broadcast platform, how about it? A great person, right? I introduce I let you know it to see if you have a chance to cooperate with him. However, he just asked your name and then left. If there is cooperation, he will contact your firm, right?"


After coming out of the magazine, Yuko Shinki felt that she had not been puzzled because the editor-in-chief was just talking about Zhang Ping’an’s career.As for why he needs to know himself?Not even the editor in chief.

What is the reason for wanting to know?Maybe it's just an inquiry out of curiosity?It's like walking on the street and found a beautiful girl, curious what her name is?So just ask casually?

Although I don't know why Zhang Ping'an asked her name, she at least knew Zhang Ping'an, a very powerful person.

Zhang Pingan didn’t rush to pick up the car after he came out of the magazine. Instead, he sat with two people from the advertising agency in a nearby coffee shop and drank coffee. Of course, Zhang Pingan ordered a lot of coffee while drinking coffee. What about desserts?

While eating dessert, he listened to the person from the advertising agency saying: "Mr. Zhang, is your company registered?"

Zhang Pingan said: "I haven't registered yet. I am investing in my personal capacity. Why should I register a company?"

The person from the advertising company said, "Ah... no company is registered? Do you know that the personal income tax in Japan is very high? For legal representatives, using the company's nominal tax, the income tax is twice as low as the personal tax."

"How much is the personal tax?"

The person from the advertising company said: "Individual is 45 percent, and corporate tax is 23!"

The difference is a bit big. Zhang Ping’an nodded and said, “Well, it seems that I have to register the company tomorrow. Otherwise, after the issuance, if you transfer money to me, I will pay too much tax.”

Just when Zhang Ping An was chatting with the people from the advertising company about the subsequent promotion, Shinki Yuko entered the cafe. She originally wanted to come in and buy a cup of coffee and then left, but after coming in, she found Zhang Ping An sitting with her friends Here it is.

When Zhang Pingan saw Xinmu Yuko, he smiled and nodded at her: "Xinmu Sang, I didn't expect to meet again. If you have time, let's have a cup of coffee?"

Out of curiosity about Zhang Ping An, and because she is not a star at this time, there is no burden to worry about.So she nodded and agreed: "Yeah."

After she sat down, Zhang Pingan asked her what she wanted to drink and then got up and went to buy her coffee in person, along with some desserts.

As for the two people from the advertising agency, seeing a beautiful model sitting down, the two of them acquainted themselves with each other and said goodbye. Zhang Ping'an didn't hold them both, but asked them to leave after the interview tomorrow.

Only Zhang Pingan and Shinki Yuko were left in the coffee shop. She started to look at Zhang Pingan seriously this time. Compared to when he saw him at the company just now, he brought a pair of round Ke The blue glasses.The round frame gave him the breath of a sunny boy, even though he was wearing a suit and shirt.But Yuko Shinki wanted to say "kawaii".

Zhang Ping An looked at Yuko Xinmu seriously for two seconds, and her eyes happened to meet him, which made her smile a little embarrassed, her smile was very bright.

If Yui Aragaki's smile is a cure, then her smile is refreshing, and it feels like a'next-door', and her natural smile is relaxing.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "I have seen two women with beautiful smiles, one is Yui Aragaki and the other is Masami Nagasawa. And you are the third one I have seen, very beautiful!"

Zhang Ping’an uses the term “beautiful” instead of the “kawaii” commonly used by the Japanese.This novel term surprised Shinki Yuko, but she was in a very good mood!Maybe she listened to too much'kawaii', so Zhang Ping'an's words made her a little bit stunned.

Yuko Shinki said shyly, "Thank you."

Zhang Pingan smiled and said: "Compliment is a thing that can make people happy without cost."

Zhang Ping'an suddenly came up with such a unique insight, which made Yuko Shinki a little startled "Hey".

Zhang Pingan looked at her dazedly and showed a gentle smile: "Because as time goes by, as we grow older, we will find that the cost of happiness will increase after seeing more things."

"Uh.." Although Zhang Ping'an's words were somewhat reasonable, Shinki Yuko didn't know how to respond, and she could only say'hmm'.

Seeing her a little stupid expression, Zhang Ping'an laughed: "Hehe, she is beautiful with a smile, and she is also beautiful without a smile. Such a'jewel' will definitely be very promising in the future."

"Thank you, Ping Sang's kind words."

"Well, when you really become a big star in the future, will you invite me to dinner?"

Shinki Yuko responded, "Okay. If you really become the big star you are talking about, I will definitely invite you to dinner."

"Yes, a meal in the future in one sentence. Haha, I remember it in my heart."


Zhang Ping An finished his last sip of coffee and put down the coffee cup in his hand: "Where do you live, do you want me to give it to you?"

Yuko Shinki said, "Hey, don't bother, I can take the tram back by myself soon."

"Okay. Goodbye, but I'll make a note of the meal you owe me." After speaking, Zhang Pingan waved to her and left the cafe.

Seeing Zhang Ping’an leaving behind, she tilted her head and stared at the coffee and desserts in front of her. Although the chat was so short, Shinki Yuko felt that Zhang Ping’an was a very special person. He had something different from Japanese men. Attractive, a little charming too!

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