My entertainment circle

Chapter 397 The island country is surrounded by the sea, wherever you go, you rely on waves

Shinki Yuko, after Zhang Ping'an left, she took a few sips of coffee and came out of the store.Although it was only a brief exchange, the feeling Zhang Ping'an gave her was really peculiar, perhaps because he was from Huaxia?He has a completely different temperament from the Japanese people he comes into contact with daily. How can I describe this?Maybe his way of thinking is different?

Because the people around her are all Japanese people on weekdays, she can more or less guess the'next step' actions of Japanese men.However, Zhang Ping’an made her feel particularly novel. Whether it was grammatical novelty or the words that popped up during a chat, she couldn’t guess it. This made her feel novel and amazing at the same time. But very attractive.

After coming out of the coffee shop, she lowered her head and walked towards the station. At the same time, she recalled the short and interesting chat with Zhang Pingan, but at this moment, the strong engine roar from far to near.The noisy sound made Yuko Shinki had to look back at the sharp-edged super sports car. Just when she frowned and looked bored, the car stopped beside her, the co-pilot’s window dropped, and Zhang Pingan He bowed in the car and looked at her standing on the sidewalk.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said to Yuko Shinki, "Get in the car and see you off."

When Yuko Shinki found out that Zhang Ping'an was in the car, her tight eyebrows eased, and she smiled and said, "No, no, no, I will be at the station soon."

At this time, Zhang Ping An got out of the cab. After he got out of the car, he came to Yuko Shinki and opened the door for her: "Let's go, I'll see you for a ride, just because I have nothing to do."

With such hospitality, Shinki Yuko also got on Zhang Pingan's supercar.She rode in a supercar for the first time, looking at the car with novelty.She didn't speak until Zhang Ping'an got in the car, "Do boys like this kind of sports car?"

Zhang Ping’an smiled and nodded, then drove the car out. At the same time, he responded: “Men have sports car dreams, but not all cities are suitable for sports cars. Just like my hometown, the traffic jam in Shanghai is very serious. Such cities drive sports cars. It’s not very suitable. Because the seat of a sports car is not as comfortable as a taxi. When the traffic jam is serious, you have to drive for more than half an hour for two or three kilometers. The only sports cars are Los Angeles and Tokyo, which are less than Cities with traffic jams are suitable. By the way, where do you live?"

Yuko Shinki said, "Just put me in Daikanyama. I made an appointment with a friend for dinner today. If you don't make the way, the subway station in front will do."

"It's okay, I'll take you there."


With the roar of the sports car, on the streets of Daikanshan, many young men and women on the street looked at this black Lamborghini.Among the crowd, Shiraishi Mai and Sa Yuri Matsumura also noticed this black supercar.

Shiraishi looked at the license plate at the rear of the car in confusion: "Hey...this car...this car..."

Sha Youli said, "What's wrong with this car? Do you know?"

Mai Shiraishi nodded and said, "Oh, this license plate, I remember it was Zhang Pingan's car."

When Sha Yuri heard Mai's words, she stared at the sports car waiting for the traffic light with wide eyes. Just when she was about to catch up, the vehicle roared and left. Sha Yuri looked back at Mai Shiraishi and said, "This car is really Is it Zhang Ping'an?"

If the license plate is not mistaken in the memory, this car is Zhang Pingan, and Mai Shiraishi nodded and said, "Well, it seems to be."

Sa Yuri said, "Hey? He went back to Tokyo, why didn't he call you? It's not the other girl sitting next to me?"

"Maybe he thought I was shooting today, right?"

Sha Youli said, "Then you send a message and ask him."

"Yeah." Mai Shiraishi took out the phone and sent a message to Zhang Ping An: "Are you back to Tokyo? I saw your car in Daikanyama."

Zhang Ping'an happened to stop here and let Shinki Yuko get out of the car. He smiled and put away his phone and said to Shinki Yuko: "Finally, let's get in touch again, Shinki Yuko."

"Well, thank you, Ping Sang."

"It's okay, it's okay, you go." After saying goodbye to Yuko Shinki, she turned and left.While Zhang Pingan sat in the car and saw the message from Mai Shiraishi, so he immediately called back: "Ma Yi, did you see my car in Daikanyama? Are you out on the scene?"

Shiraishi Mai said softly, "No, today Sa Yuri and I were resting, so we came to go shopping. Where are you?"

"I'm in Daikanshan, in front of a shop called xx. Do you know?"

"Yes, we just came from there."

"Oh, come here, I'll be waiting for you here." After hanging up Baishi Mai's phone, Zhang Ping'an's vehicle stopped on the side of the road and waited for them to come.

After Yuko Shinki got out of the car and left, she walked alone in the alleys of Daikanyama. She was a little aimlessly strolling here.As for the previous statement that she had made an appointment with a friend here, that was just a casual nonsense, but she didn't want Zhang Ping'an to know where she lived.But when the two of them had a simple chat on the road, Zhang Ping'an responded humorously, which made her feel the infinite charm exuding from Zhang Ping'an.

Some Shinki Yuko, who was attracted by Zhang Ping An, felt like she was a little confused.She hesitated to take out the phone and looked at Zhang Pingan's profile picture on Line. She wondered if she would like to contact him again?Because the more contacts, she was afraid that she could not help but like him.Maybe women are all such contradictions, right?

Sha Youli and Shiraishi Mai saw Zhang Ping’an’s car, and they quickly walked up. Sha Youli smiled and shook the shopping bag in Zhang Ping’s hand and said, “Anjiang, open the suitcase, I put things in it. ."

Zhang Pingan got out of the car and opened the trunk at the front of the car and said, "I also said that I am going to go back and park the car. When we have dinner together in the evening, shall we have a drink?"

Mai Shiraishi nodded and said, "Then...Let’s take Sha Youli back to put things away. I also go home and put things away. When you come back and park the car, we will go out to find food? Why? kind?"

The impracticality of a sports car is fully reflected at this time.For three people, one must have another taxi.If only two people go out to dine together, once they drank alcohol and called for a driver, the female companion could not sit down.

Zhang Ping'an smiled bitterly and closed the trunk door at the front of the car and said: "It can only be done like this. Oh, this car can only be used for picking up girls. It is not practical at all in daily life!"

Mai smiled and said, "You still have a Ferrari. It's coming soon, right?"

Zhang Ping'an shook his head and said, "Hehehe... I'm making my own mind. Okay, Sha Youli, get in the car, I'll take you home first. Mai, you go home first, I'll be back in a while."

Mai nodded gently and said, "Yeah."

Zhang Pingan opened the car door to Sha Youli and drove her away.Mai Shiraishi looked at the disappearing taillights and shook her head with a smile, and the excitement of Sa Youri in the sports car in front was completely revealed.Maybe it's the first time to ride a sports car, but Shiraishi Mai did not feel any excitement during the first ride. On the contrary, she was even more excited when walking hand in hand with Zhang Ping.

Sitting in the car, listening to the roar from the engine of the car, Sha Youli looked at Zhang Ping'an with a smile and said, "I think this car is so powerful."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said: "This car is like a beautiful woman. In addition to attracting attention, it is actually nothing good. For the average family, it is not practical at all! Hey... I bought two sports cars when my head became hot. , Now I am full of regrets."

"Isn't it good to attract attention?"

Zhang Ping’an shook his head and said, “Of course it’s not good. Excessive high-profileness will only cause trouble. When no one knew me before, don’t mention how comfortable my life is. Now there are many people who know me, and I have to behave in words and actions. Be cautious. The eyes of the outside world are like a moral ruler framed on me. Those who are a little bit out of line will be scolded very badly. If it is when no one knows me, I will be a little out of line. At best, it was done by looking at me with a strange look. The next day, I was still living my life at ease. Now, I can’t calm down without scolding me for three days and three nights."

Sha Youli said, "Then you don't want to do something extraordinary yourself."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and shook his head and said, "How can people be perfect? ​​Besides, why do others use their moral framework to standardize my life? Do I live for myself, or do I want to live for others? Now I am a little bit confused. I used to take one step and count one step, regardless of the flood behind me. But now it’s not possible. There are so many people in my company who follow my career to support my family. My life doesn’t matter. , But I can’t let other people’s lives because my problems are implicated.”

Listening to Zhang Ping’an talking about such a heavy topic, Sha Youli also put aside her smile. She looked at the road in front of the car and said: “When I first met you, I always felt that you smiled brilliantly. Comfortable. Recently I found that your smile has become heavy."

Zhang Ping’an said: “When we put away our smiles, it means we have all grown, doesn’t it? The real growth is that we all have scruples! But Sha Youli, you can’t put away your smile, because your smile is your greatest I like to see your smile very much in attractive places. When I see you all smile, I feel that my work is full of energy every day."

Listening to Zhang Ping'an saying that he liked his smile, Sha Youli turned his head and smiled brightly at him and said: "Like, this word can't be used indiscriminately, otherwise I will misunderstand."

Zhang Ping’an responded with a gentle smile: “What’s the misunderstanding? I already liked you Sha Yuri very much. But my liking... is a fan’s simple liking, not a “possession” liking. ! I like to get along with you freely."

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