My entertainment circle

Chapter 429: Are You Inexplicably Back?

Sika's mother looked at the back of her walking towards the room, wondering why she felt sour.As a person who came by, she clearly felt that although Sika said'tired', it was not because of fatigue from practice!As parents, children’s feelings do not interfere too much under normal circumstances, after all, life is his and hers.Whether they love or not love, the choice is in their own hands. After all, the future will always be for him and her to live with the other half.

Cold and warm knowing that this is the pattern of love.

Seeing Sika dragging her tired body back to the room, Sika's mother got up and poured her a cup of coffee and followed in.Sika's mother knocked on the door until she heard Sika's voice in the room,'Come in.'She just opened Sika's room door.

Sika's family has always carried some Western cultural habits, just like this "respect" at this time.In Western culture, even if your child is a parent, you have to respect your child's right to privacy after adulthood.Therefore, consent is required before entering the child's room.And Huaxia seems to not pay special attention to the privacy of children, because parents are the biggest at home!

But if you want to say it seriously, in this era, the real'boss' at home is the grandson, right?In the past, he used his grandson to scold talents, but who knew that his grandson had become a treasure in the Chinese family.When the grandson cried, the whole family would be disturbed.(Partial title...)

After Sika's mother entered her room, she put the coffee in her hand on the dressing table, and then came to her gently and cared: "Is there a lot of practice today?"

Even if she knows that Sika is not calling'tired' because of practice, it takes certain skills to make Sika speak out the'tired' in her heart.

"That's it, just... it's okay, forget it." Sika stopped at the end. She really didn't want to talk to her mother about her feelings, because she was afraid of her mother's worries.

And Sika's mother took her hand and said softly: "Have you quarreled?"

Sika shook her head and said, "I only quarreled with him when we first met. Now, he will let me."

Sika's mother nodded and said, "Women, what I fear most in my life is to meet a man with a bad temper. Because most people choose to suppress their true self when they are in love, whether it is a man or a woman. In love During the period, they will give their best side to each other. What romantic and sweet things seem to only exist in the love period. At the end of the love period and enter the marriage period, you may feel that the other party is a stranger even to yourself. Because he hides so well during love... he has so many secrets that he doesn't know."

The things Sika's mother told about happened in real life.

But Sika shook his head and said, "He has nothing to hide or hide. I know everything about him. He has a very good character and temper."

And Sika's mother said in a tentative way: "Isn't it said that rich people like to play around? What about him, will he play around outside?"

Sika smiled cautiously at her mother's words: "You watch too many TV shows, right? He has always lived a very low-key life. As for playing around? Impossible, because he is worried that some women with ulterior motives will get him around. It may be. The reason why he stayed in Japan for a long time? So he learned the low-key life style of the top rich kids in Japan."

Sika's mother nodded and said, "Yes, men and women in this society now have some people with ulterior motives. It is inevitable that he should be more cautious on personal issues. But men are people who can't stand loneliness..."

When Sika heard her mother brought up an emotional problem, Sika cut off decisively. She smiled and said, "o-ma~ I'm tired, I want to rest."

Seeing that Sika didn't want to talk more, Sika's mother could only retreat and said: "I know, I know, I will go out now, you can rest early."

Exiting from Sika's room, after closing the door of Sika's room, she sighed deeply at the door.Because she has already figured it out through simple temptations, Sika's tiredness today is due to feelings. Perhaps their feelings are too heavy for Sika.Just because Zhang Pingan’s family is the top rich!


Sika sat alone in the room holding her mother's warm coffee in her hands. She didn't drink a bite. I wonder if she was afraid that she could not sleep alone at night after drinking coffee?Or is it the first time Zhang Pingan did not answer her call after falling in love, so he felt a little uncomfortable?

Sika sat there alone and didn't know what she was thinking, maybe she didn't think of anything, just sitting in a daze.

She didn't know about Zhang Pingan and Taeyeon.It's just that sometimes she didn't see the scene of the two dating with her own eyes, so naturally she would not feel sad.But today I saw Taeyeon leave alone, and Zhang Pingan did not answer her call for the first time, so Sika felt a little unspeakable in her heart. It was an uncomfortable psychology of'ignored'.

Just when Sika was lost, her mobile phone made a vibrating sound on the bedside table. She turned her head and looked at the call "Peace". She picked up the phone and picked it up.

When she answered the phone, her voice was very low, and her voice also represented her mood.Sika said in a low voice, "Aren't you coming back today?"

Listening to Sika's low voice, Zhang Ping'an was still very sorry, because he didn't go back on weekdays, so he would call Sika in advance to say that he had something to do today.And Sika is also a very smart person. If she had heard Zhang Ping'an say something was going on early, she would never call him again at night, after all, she would not bother herself.

But today Zhang Pingan was very interested after he came out of the embassy, ​​so he forgot to call Sika in advance, which caused Sika to call at night.And Zhang Ping'an was taking a bath when she called, so she didn't receive her call.

It wasn't until after he came out that he heard Li Zhien say that he had a phone call, and he answered the phone call to Sika. At this time, he was asked whether he would return home?He could only respond apologetically: "I won't be back today, you can rest early."

"Okay." After saying this, Sika hung up the phone, and inexplicable tears flowed down. This was the first time Sika shed tears for Zhang Ping An.

The most important thing is Sika's tears, but Taeyeon is back?Because she felt that Zhang Ping An was with Taeyeon at this time.


The next day, Zhang Ping'an woke up with his arms numb.Last night, Li Zhien had been sleeping with his arm pressed down. When he opened his eyes and carefully pulled out his hand, the blood flow of his arm was restored instantly as if the whole hand was abolished, and he lost consciousness.

After the numbness of his arm was slightly relieved, he raised his hand and kept shaking his arm in the air.It may be that the motion of shaking hands shook the bed. Li Zhien opened her eyes slightly. She turned over and lay in his arms again in the direction of Zhang Ping’an, then clamped his legs with her legs, closing her eyes and reminiscing about her sleepiness. At the same time asked Zhang Pingan: "What's wrong?"

Zhang Pingan continued to shake his hands: "My hands are numb."

Li Zhien pulled out his hands on his abdominal muscles from the bed and massaged his biceps.Li Zhien's hands are not big, and she hasn't woken up from sleep at this time, so she didn't use much strength when massaging Zhang Ping's arms.She pinched it so gently, but Zhang Ping'an felt itchy.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and pulled his arm back: "Oh, it's itchy." As he said, he retracted her hand from the quilt and held her hands clasped together.

The duvet in the late autumn season is undoubtedly warm, Li Zhien lay on his side sweetly and asked softly: "When is it?"

Zhang Pingan picked up the phone from the bedside table to check the time: "At seven ten ten, you can go to bed again. I'll go out to see something to buy and make breakfast."

Li Zhien didn't open his eyes, but he smiled happily and said: "Hehe, I think if I live with oppa, I might be troubled to lose weight, right?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and stretched out her hand to pinch the little fat on her waist: "Your figure is too deceptive, it's really not fat."

Li Zhien's long flesh will not show on his face, this is something all women admire very much.After entering the autumn and winter seasons, Li Zhien will be more concealed in her clothes, so even if she has gained weight, others will not be able to see it.Only those who are'close' to her like Zhang Ping'an know that her arms, belly, and legs are all very fleshy.

Li Zhien said with a cute frown: "Does Oppa think I am fat?"

Zhang Ping'an immediately yelled: "Ah~~ Why are you fat?"

Zhien was suddenly so fierce by Zhang Ping'an, she burst into laughter instantly: "Hahaha..."

"Okay, you will sleep a little longer. I get up first, I am used to getting up early."

Hearing that Zhang Ping'an was about to get up, Li Zhien immediately wrapped his hands and feet around him when he didn't want him to leave: "No~~ sleep a little longer."

"Okay, okay, I'll sleep for a while, you're trying hard, I'm going to die." Zhang Ping'an patted Li Zhien's arm around his neck.

"Hehe~~" Li Zhien smiled, turned over and lay on Zhang Pingan's body, using him as a human mat, lying on it comfortably.

Li Zhien lay on his chest and listened to his heartbeat: "oppa."


"It's okay, I just want to call you." After saying this, Li Zhien smiled sweetly: "Hehe, oppa, do you have a job today?"

"It's okay today, now I'm waiting for the TV station to nod and shoot, and the program planning must be done as soon as possible."

"Then we go shopping? Because I will have more performances starting next month.."

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