At the end of the year, Li Zhien invited a lot of business performances.Although her appearance fee is the top price tag in the circle, many manufacturers will invite Li Zhien, because she is a worthy commercial singer, and Li Zhien's own popularity is all ages. , So Li Zhien is definitely one of the busiest singers at the end of the year!

In December, with various group visits and various Christmas activities, Li Zhien may not have much free time on the eve of the Spring Festival.That's why she wanted to spend a lot of rest time with Zhang Ping An instead of buying something.

Because she is not a person who pursues fashion very much, her airport fashion has always been based on leisure sports. She is not like Sika and others, who want to develop into the fashion circle.

Zhang Ping'an stayed in bed with Li Zhien for a long time, and the two of them woke up slowly.When washing, Li Zhien shared a small sink with him. While brushing her teeth, she looked at Zhang Ping An with a happy smile.Li Zhien really wanted to try the scenes in these romantic TV dramas, so he took advantage of the opportunity to get up together today.Hmm... the mood is very good.

Because the person standing next to him is his beloved one, brushing his teeth beside him becomes sweet. Li Zhien bit his toothbrush and said: “It turns out that the heroes and heroines in the TV series stand together and brush their teeth, and they can’t help but smile. Really."

Hearing what Li Zhien said, he leaned over her mouth and pecked lightly. Although the two of them had toothpaste foam in their mouths, the kiss was really sweet.

Li Zhien laughed after accepting his kiss: "Hahaha, it feels like a romantic drama."

Zhang Ping'an drank the water and spit out the first sip of foam and then smiled and said, "Romantic dramas are also derived from daily love affairs. Maybe some TV shows are a bit exaggerated, but someone will definitely try it? Just like us, isn't it very A good TV experimenter?"

"Yeah, that's right... I bought you a gift, I'll get it." After Li Zhien finished speaking, she bit her toothbrush and went out of the bathroom. After a while, she came in with an electric razor in her hand. There is also a blade razor and a bottle of shaving foam.

Looking at Li Zhien’s gift, Zhang Ping’an stretched out his index finger to touch his upper mouth and said, “You don’t have a lot of it when you touch it, just use an electric one.”

Li Zhien also reached out and touched his chin and said, "Next time I shave you?"

Zhang Pingan said: "My beard is not as strong as a cheek, just the upper mouth and chin. In fact, I rarely shave myself with a razor. I only need to keep shave every day."

Zhang Pingan was shaving his beard while asking Li Zhien: "What would you like for breakfast?"

Li Zhien responded: "I usually eat eggs and fruits in the morning."

"I'll take a look at the ingredients for a while and make something at will." After Zhang Pingan shaved his beard and put down the razor, Li Zhien pointed to the bedroom direction: "The dressing table has toner and anti-drying cream. Men can also use it. ."

"Yeah." Seoul is very dry in winter. After washing your face, you must apply some creams and lotions to prevent your skin from drying out.


For breakfast, Zhang Ping'an also made a fruit salad with fruits from Li Zhien's house, and ate it with bread, fried eggs, and honey from Zhien's house.

After breakfast, it was close to ten o'clock when the two went out.Zhang Pingan’s Rolls-Royce stopped at the sales department where Li Zhien bought the "Longshan: Samsung Comes to Meian High-end Apartment".The sales lady inside came out soon after seeing Rolls Royce, because people who can afford this car will definitely be able to afford their house here.

Seeing that the young lady from the after-sales department of the vehicle quickly came to the co-pilot's position to greet him. When the door opened, it was Li Zhien who had bought a house here who sat in the co-pilot's position?This made the shopping guide stunned for two seconds, and Li Zhien only then said: "Today I brought you customers."

After Li Zhien finished speaking, he got out of the car from the position of the co-pilot, and Zhang Pingan, who was sitting in the car, bent his body and asked the saleswoman where the parking lot was.For the sales department, just ask Zhang Pingan to stop near the door, as long as he doesn't block the way into the sales department.

After Zhang Ping'an parked his car, he came to the sales department. He smiled and said to the sales lady: "I originally planned to buy the apartment in Shengshuidong that will be picked up next year, but when she talked about buying a house with Zhien, I recommended'Come to Me'an', and I came to have a look today."

The'T Apartment' in Shengshuidong and this Laimei'an apartment are both top-level high-rise riverside apartments, and the pick-up time of the two buildings is next year, and the location of Shengshuidong is better. Some, because a bridge in Seongsu-dong is the most prosperous Apgujeong in Seoul.And here is a little closer to Namsan, Itaewon, and Myeongdong.

The sales lady walked towards the sales building to welcome the two of them, and at the same time told Zhang Ping an about how the apartment was so good.

The price of this high-end apartment is very expensive, and the cheapest starts at 2 billion won. You must know that the basic three-bedroom apartment of more than 100 square meters in Seoul is only about 7.8 billion won.Newly built single-family houses are no more than a billion.If you are out of Seoul, you can buy a very good single-family villa in the surrounding satellite cities for two to three billion won.

Because the price here is more expensive, there are not many people visiting here.After Li Zhien and Zhang Pingan came in, no one else knew about them except the sales department.

Under the leadership of the sales lady, the two quickly entered a room. I have to say that the confidentiality of the high-end apartment was done very well.

Zhang Pingan took the floor plan here and looked at it. Li Zhien pointed to one of the three-bedroom apartments in Linjiang and said, "I just bought this apartment. I live alone, so buying a three-bedroom apartment is enough."

Looking at Li Zhien's floor plan, Zhang Ping'an nodded and said: "Well. After the renovation, you can build a studio, and you can have a guest room. On weekdays, your grandma comes to your house, and you can stay overnight and rest."

Li Zhien asked Zhang Ping'an back: "What do you look at? What floor? The building is 56 floors high. It just happens to be the same as your birthday."

The sales lady smiled and said: "Our Ercundong is also good as an investment property. Mr. Zhang, the house price here will definitely increase in the next five years."

Zhang Pingan smiled and shook his head and said, "Invest in real estate? It is too slow to make money with real estate. I am not interested in investing in real estate."

Li Zhien jokingly said: "In your eyes, what kind of investment can make money fast."

"Me! Investing in me is the fastest to make money! You give me 10 billion today, and I will return you 100 billion in three years."

Li Zhien widened his eyes and said, "Invest you? How to invest? Give you 10 billion?"

"Ten billion won sounds scary, but it's only ten million dollars. For some capable CEOs, ten million dollars is just a basic condition for large companies to invest in resumes. It's like I don't use it. In half a year, I made 10 billion for Sika’s new brand. Isn’t it awesome?” Zhang Ping’an said with a smile, and then pointed to the floor plan in his hand and said: “This four-bedroom apartment is good. I want this apartment. The full amount counts."

Li Zhien really doesn't have much interest in making money, because she can make a lot of money in a year.So ten billion in half a year, in her opinion, is not a great thing.As long as she is willing to take on more business performances, she can earn 30-50 million won a day.

So Li Zhien did not care about the topic of making money, but picked up the floor plan and said: "Why do you want this floor plan? Don't you look at the physical model room?"

"No, I don't follow the model room. The walls of this living room and this guest room can be knocked off. This is not a load-bearing wall. The area of ​​the living room can be widened." Zhang Pingan pointed to the wall on the floor plan. Explain to Li Zhien.

Li Zhien's eyes widened when he heard it: "oppa, can you look at the structure diagram?"

"Isn't this basic? The line of the load-bearing wall is thick, and the thin line of the wall can be modified. It can be removed.. So overall, this four-bedroom is the best change. A master bedroom, Then knock down the wall of the room next to the master bedroom to make a large living room. The rest is used as a smaller recreation room and study, and the remaining one is used as a large cloakroom." Zhang Ping'an took the floor plan and told Li Zhien about himself Planning.

Li Zhien looked at Zhang Ping'an magically and said, "You know a lot. Can you design?"

"In terms of decoration design, I will look for a designer. I'm just talking about my ideas. Maybe the designer has got more drawings to modify than me. Anyway, I only want to guarantee my bedroom and large cloakroom."

Soon the sales lady calculated the price and paid a one-off discount. After calculation, Zhang Ping'an's house was more than 3 billion yuan, slightly more expensive than Li Zhien's.After all, she is a three-bedroom, he is a four-bedroom.

Zhang Ping'an buys a house just like buying food. From entering the sales department to leaving the house for half an hour, he gets the contract to buy a house.Because of his long-term residence permit in South Korea, there is no difference between foreigners in the purchase of houses.

After the house purchase, the two returned to the car. Li Zhien took the house purchase book and said, "You buy a house faster than I buy clothes? I have to go shopping or something when I buy clothes. You buy a house. Just bought it?"

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "Otherwise? Are you sitting there and bargaining with her, or go to Shengshui Cave to shop around? Just leave the house purchase book with you, and I won't take it back."

Li Zhien certainly understood why he didn't take it back.She lit and said, "Okay, I'll keep it for you. Let's go, let's go shopping. It is very close to Itaewon. The manager group road is very hot recently."

There are some exquisite shops on Manager Mission Road, and during the day they are not as lively as at night, so the two can find a small coffee shop there to sit down and chat leisurely, and enjoy the world of two for a while. ..

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