My entertainment circle

Chapter 475: Lin Yuner Shopping

Women are born to be shopaholics, especially for people like Lin Yuner who obviously have a lot of money in their pockets, but because of her career, she doesn't have the chance to go shopping. This time she stepped into a department store. .This is more comfortable than coming home.With a dazzling array of shops and all kinds of goods, Lin Yuner was as excited about this as a playground.

Seeing Lin Yun'er entering another shop again, Zhang Ping'an sighed and shook his head: "It's not that Yun'er is not crazy, but something that doesn't make her crazy."

Yes, once a woman's desire to shop is ignited, even if she enters the store and doesn't buy it, they will enjoy it.

At this time, Lin Yuner's own hands had already lifted a lot of things, and Zhang Ping'an's hands had also helped her lift a lot.But her desire to shop hasn't dropped much, she still shuttles through every floor and every shop, as if Lin Yoona feels that she will not give up unless she finishes shopping in the department store.

Zhang Ping An once again followed her steps into a shop where she bought shoes. Watching Lin Yoona moving around the showcase, Zhang Ping An walked to her side and whispered: "I said, Yoona, my hands have already helped You got five pairs, and you still look at the shoes? Last time Sika came to buy shoes, why did you buy shoes like crazy?"

Not all department stores are full of high-end brands. Some of China's domestic brands of shoes also have stores here.Whether it is leather or design, Huaxia's shoes are absolutely at the top level in the world, and the only thing missing is brand recognition.However, the price of domestic brands is not a little bit cheaper than international brands.

And Lin Yoona’s occupation is idols, and their daily clothes are changing in accordance with fashion. It can be said that the'pop' they wear is waiting for the product to go out of fashion, then these shoes may be put in the shoe cabinet or If you send it directly, then the quality and style are the first, and then the price.

In South Korea, a pair of designer brand leather shoes may be cheaper than one hundred or two hundred thousand won (more than one thousand yuan), but the same shoes in China are only tens of thousands of won, which is almost double the price. How can this be? Not moved?So, take advantage of the opportunity to buy two more pairs.

Yoona turned to look at the shoes in Zhang Ping'an's hand. She herself smiled embarrassedly and said, "That... forget it, I won't buy shoes. By the way, go upstairs with me again? "

Zhang Pingan was really afraid of being dragged by Lin Yuner. The two of them went to the department store after dinner in the afternoon. Now it's dinner time, she actually said to go upstairs?Zhang Ping An instantly stared at Yoona and said, "Go back? Didn't we just come down from the stairs?"

Lin Yuner said awkwardly, "Um... there is one thing I forgot to buy."

And Zhang Ping'an was really afraid that she would start shopping from above again, he said vigilantly: "What else to buy?"

Seeing Zhang Ping's nervous expression, Lin Yuner smiled: "Underwear, have you bought underwear?"

"Oh." When Zhang Ping'an echoed back, his eyes turned towards Lin Yuner's chest. Lin Yuner nervously protected her chest and said: "What are you doing, your eyes..."

Seeing her nervous look, Zhang Ping'an disdainfully said'cut~~'.Then he turned around and walked towards the underwear store upstairs, and Lin Yuner heard Zhang Ping's disdainful tone, and she yelled towards his back in depression: "Yeah!"

But just after Lin Yoona yelled out her voice, she suddenly remembered that she was in the department store. She quickly covered her mouth, looked at the eyes of the people around her, and quickly chased after her.

At the escalator, Lin Yooner finally followed Zhang Ping'an's pace. She approached Zhang Ping'an's younger generation and struck him on the back with a punch: "oppa, your voice... is it too much?"

Although Lin Yoona is strong, she doesn't use much strength to beat Zhang Ping An. Zhang Ping Ping looked at her sideways and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I apologize. I won't accompany you for a while. Go in by yourself, and I will wait for you outside."

Listening to Zhang Pingan's reluctance to enter the underwear shop, Yoona's eyes were bent: "Why, I'm sorry? Didn't you give Sika Sister underwear?"

The two talked, while walking towards the underwear shop.Zhang Ping'an raised his brow lightly and glanced at her, and responded, "No."

Send underwear between lovers to show that they care.Because men are face-loving creatures, under normal circumstances they don't go to lingerie shops.But if a man is willing to go to the underwear shop for his beloved woman, that only shows that he cares about her specially.

Lin Yuner smiled and stared at Zhang Pingan and said, "Hehe, how shy of these things the first time I saw Oppa?"

Zhang Pingan shook his head and said: "This is not shy, but embarrassment. A man who enters a women's underwear shop can easily be misunderstood as'changing too'."

"When is the thinking of the age, entering the underwear shop is changing too, then every year when the'Vision's' show is held, men still want to go crazy to see it? Are they not changing too?"

Zhang Pingan glanced at Lin Yuner, and stopped at the door of the underwear shop: "Hehe, the man who went to Victoria's Secret, do you think he looked at the underwear design? Forget it, let's not talk about it, go, I'll wait for you outside. "

Lin Yuner nodded and put the things she was carrying on the door for him to guard, but he didn't go in anyway.When Lin Yun'er went in to shop, Zhang Ping'an smiled bitterly while guarding the loot all over the floor.

Lin Yun'er came out soon after entering. Zhang Ping An was stunned when she saw her come out empty-handed, and said, "Isn't it suitable?"

Lin Yoona lowered her head blushingly and said, "No, that... I don't speak Chinese."

Seeing the rare and shy Lin Yun'er, Zhang Ping'an almost laughed, and she really cried stupidly by her.He smiled and replied: "What? Do you want me to translate the size for you? Wouldn't it be over if you write the bust?"

"Oh, yes, this is not a shoe size." The Korean shoe size is not the same as the Huaxia shoe size. Zhang Pingan can help her translate, but the underwear is basically the upper size, right?The whole world uses the "centimeter" as a unit, she wrote it out, and she would not understand the shopping guide.

Lin Yuner dropped this sentence and ran back to the store again. After a while, she came out with a shopping bag in her hand.Zhang Pingan originally wanted to see what color it was, but he didn't put it in directly. There was a box in the bag.

Zhang Pingan said: "Let's go, after buying so many things, let's go back to the hotel for dinner."

Lin Yoona smiled contentedly and nodded: "Okay, thank you for today."

Zhang Ping'an looked down at the Adidas shopping bag at his feet: "Isn't this compensation?"


The hotel, an international chain located on the edge of the West Lake, chose a room facing the West Lake.

After putting the trophies in the room, the two went to the Chinese restaurant of the hotel. Zhang Ping'an ordered a few dishes at random and then ordered a bottle of Chinese liquor.

The wine and cold dishes came up quickly. Zhang Ping An smiled and unscrewed the wine lid and poured himself a glass, then raised the wine bottle and asked Yoona, "Come on? Drink this warm in snowy weather, and Sleeping at night is also very comfortable."

Lin Yuner kept waving her hands and said, "Forget it, Huaxia's liquor is too strong, I'm not used to it."

Zhang Pingan said: "You will be filming at Huaxia soon. You are filming and drinking soju in South Korea, but Huaxia does not have such a low alcohol. You have to adapt slowly? If you don’t drink at the dinner party, others will I think you are very proud."

The crew will have dinners between actors, which is normal social entertainment, not entertainment with a'special significance'.Although Yoona Lin is an actor from Korea, she also needs to blend into the atmosphere here, so entertainment is essential.

Of course it is definitely formal entertainment. The principal's friend'Xiao Lin' will definitely help Zhang Ping An to take care of Lin Yoona.It is absolutely impossible for those entertainments with strange thoughts to appear here in Yoona!

But when Lin Yun'er said that she didn't drink a drop of wine at the entertainment, it was really a bit unreasonable, so Zhang Ping'an just asked her to try to adapt to the Chinese liquor.

Lin Yoona thought about it for a while, she nodded and said, "Then I will drink less."

Zhang Ping'an poured a glass for Lin Yooner, and said at the same time: "Well, you should take the right amount yourself, I don't advise you!"

Lin Yoona invited a cup of wine by Zhang Ping’an and said, “oppa, whether you are at work or shopping with me in private, I can’t find out how to thank you, so I will lend you this cup of wine. Thank you."

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said, "It's okay, we are friends. It's normal to help if we can."

Lin Yuner nodded to Zhang Ping'an and raised the glass: "Then, let's toast!"

Zhang Pingan's eyes widened and said, "Cheers? "Cheers" in Huaxia means a mouthful of stuffiness???"

Lin Yoona looked at the small wine glass in front of her, and she nodded and said, "Well, cheers!!"

"Well, let's have a toast." Zhang Pingan clinked glasses with Lin Yun'er with the thought of watching a joke. After clinking glasses with Lin Yuner, he looked up and got bored.

Seeing this, Lin Yun'er held the wine glass slightly sideways and followed Zhang Pingan's appearance, raised her head, and poured the wine into her throat.In the next second, Lin Yun'er's eyes widened, coughing coughing~~ A violent cough resounded through the private room, and Zhang Ping’s grinning voice followed: "Puff~~Hahaha~~Cheers?"

Lin Yuner pinched her neck with her hands. The hot wine stretched from her throat to her stomach, and her whole body was hot: "Water, water."

Zhang Ping'an pointed to the cold dish in front of him and said: "Eat, eat, eat clean and a la carte, hahaha! You laughed at me, cheers?"

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