My entertainment circle

Chapter 476: Wine and Stories

Huaxia's baijiu is not Korean shochu. Huaxia's alcohol concentration is basically more than twice that of Korea.So people who are accustomed to Huaxia Baijiu drink Korean shochu for the first time and feel that they have drunk fake wine, because the thing is simply white wine blended with more boiled water.But for Koreans who drink Huaxia Baijiu, they might think that we are drinking alcohol!!

High-strength liquor is definitely alcohol for Lin Yoona.She may have drunk baijiu before, but before, she just tasted it with the mentality of giving it a try. Maybe she just sipped it and didn't drink it if she couldn't stand it.And today I don’t know if I really want to express my gratitude, or because I said a toast, and I saw that Zhang Ping’an had done it. If I didn’t toast, it would be absolutely rude.

It is also possible that after seeing Zhang Ping'an raise her head to toast, she didn't respond much, so she just followed him up to toast without being rude.Who knows that this toast is almost like drinking a cup of boiling water. The fire of alcohol started from the throat and followed it into the stomach, and the fire seemed to explode in the stomach.

Lin Yuner took a sip of wine and burst into tears.Zhang Ping'an was beside him while comforting, while smirking, he asked her to eat some cold dishes: "Hahaha.. hurry up, just eat something, don’t drink hot tea!"

Zhang Ping’an knows that this toast will definitely leave a psychological shadow on Lin Yoona, so next time she comes to China for dinner or something, she will never say “cheers” without being sure. This is a bloody lesson. !

"Wow~ah~~" Lin Yoona cried uncomfortably, while stuffing cold vegetables into her mouth.At this time, Zhang Ping'an really wanted to take out the phone and take two photos of her and send them to the chat group.

The waiter outside heard the explosive reaction in the private room and quickly ran in. The waiter looked at the beautiful Lin, who was crying and eating vegetables, was confused.

Zhang Ping'an smiled and said to the waiter: "Thank you for a bottle of mineral water." Then he pointed to Lin Yooner, who was crying while eating vegetables and said: "Korean, I have never drunk Chinese liquor, so I made a glass by myself! "

The waiter smiled and nodded and exited the private room, and quickly went to prepare mineral water for Zhang Pingan.However, the heartburn of baijiu came and went fast, and Lin Yuner was really crying after drinking it.But the waiter's mineral water hadn't been brought in yet. Lin Yooner ate two bites of cold food, and the burning heart state disappeared.

Lin Yuner was holding the towel for wiping her hands, and she didn't care if it was not clean. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then looked at Zhang Ping An with a bitter look.

Zhang Ping'an knows that she must have already slapped herself in her heart at this time, right?But why do you feel so happy to see her so uncomfortable?

The waiter brought water in, Zhang Ping'an quickly unscrewed the water and gave her a glass: "Drink some, water, not wine. Hahaha..."

After the waiter exited the room, Lin Yooner took two sips with a glass of water, and then stared at Zhang Ping An and said, "You are really... the big bad guy!!"

Zhang Pingan pointed to his nose and said innocently: "Me? The big bad guy? You called'cheers', right? Yoona!"

Lin Yoona didn't know if she was ignited by alcohol. She stared at Zhang Ping an angrily and said without showing any weakness: "Ah, why don't you say this wine is spicy?"

Zhang Ping’an defended: “Hua Xia’s liquors are all like this. We Hua Xia people have long been used to it, so it doesn’t matter if you drink a toast. And I also reminded you that a toast means a boring mouthful, but you nodded and agreed to cheers. Now you Blame me? This... isn't it?"

Lin Yuner still looked at Zhang Ping'an angrily and said: "I don't care, you are a big badass anyway, too bad. Why don't you go to punish Sika Sister, why are you bullying me?"

At this moment, Zhang Pingan suddenly thought of a pair of netizens making pictures in the future. Lin Yuner's cover said "You can't bully me just because I am super cute!"

So Zhang Pingan said, "Because our Yoona is so cute, we bully you."

Zhang Ping'an's words are a bit... acting like a baby?ambiguous?Or... Anyway, Lin Yooner was stunned for two seconds after hearing it, and then she kept rubbing her shoulders and said: "It's too numb to take it. Hahaha~~"

Why would she not be able to stand this kind of thing? You must know that she is an ancient spirit.Besides, I often use strange voices to torture my sisters. Shun Kyu wants to push her downstairs because of her voice, right?

So she burst into laughter as she talked about it.. Before Zhang Pingan saw her jokes, it disappeared in the laughter of her crocodile.

Zhang Ping'an looked at Lin Yun'er's laughter, he took the baijiu homeopathically, looked at Lin Yun'er with a provocative look and raised his eyebrows: "More?"

"A little bit! I didn't know it just now!"

With the first lesson, Lin Yuner was smarter, and she took the cup and tasted it.Zhang Ping'an looked at her wine glass as if his mouth was wet: "Why, are you'wiping lipstick'? There are not many marks at all?"

As he said, Zhang Ping'an rolled his eyes and drank a glass. After putting down the glass, he floated a look at Lin Yuner: "Wine, you drink like this~~"

Looking at Zhang Ping'an's provocation, Lin Yooner also took a sip from the cup. Of course, it was a sip that she understood. In fact, half of the scale of the white wine glass was not reached.After a sip of wine, Lin Yuner frowned..

Outdoor snow began to fall after the night in the city, the whole West Lake was also covered with hoarfrost, and the hotel next to the West Lake was still brightly lit...

The stamina of baijiu began to come up, Zhang Ping'an, who thought he was drinking well, began to feel a little dizzy, and Lin Yun'er, who was sitting next to him, started to lose his eyes. At this time, her smile and laughter did not break.

It may be drunk, but Lin Yun'er was very unwilling to be drunk alone. She provocatively said to Zhang Ping’an, “Drink, let’s drink bombs.”

Zhang Pingan was really a little drunk too. He stopped and said, "I don't drink anymore, I am a little drunk."

The two of them have already drunk half a bottle of a catty of liquor, and Zhang Ping'an has indeed not drunk for a long time, so the current alcohol volume has reached its limit at this time.

However, Lin Yun'er, whose eyes were dizzy, listened to Zhang Ping'an saying not to drink. She finally took the opportunity to taunt him. She smiled contemptuously and said, "Are you a man? Stop drinking? Can a man say not to drink?"

Zhang Pingan, who was dizzy, immediately turned back: "Am I a man, do you want to try?"

"I will try if I drink it, what am I afraid of?"

"What you said, don't regret it, let's try it today, do you think I'm afraid? Haha, do you think I'm afraid Sika knows? Haha... waiter, two bottles of beer."

After a while beer came in, Zhang Ping An poured a beer glass, Lin Yuner swayed and watched him making a bomb, a white wine glass was thrown into the beer, the beer instantly churned, and Zhang Ping made it. A glass of bomb wine was placed in front of Lin Yoona: "Drink, we will try it upstairs if we drink it!"

"I'm afraid of you? Hahaha.." Lin Yuner smiled and drank with a glass of wine. After the white wine was blended with beer, the burning smell was not so strong.

Both of them drank this glass of bomb wine. After putting down the glass, Zhang Ping'an said to Lin Yuner: "Go, go upstairs, let's sleep!"

"Let's go!" Lin Yuner shook her head up. At this time, her head was completely unconscious, and Zhang Ping'an's head was also very cloudy. After he paid the bill, the two of them went upstairs.


After drinking, both of them are a little dizzy, maybe the instinct in their hearts is very cliché, but it is very real.

The next day, the biological clock awakened Zhang Ping’an, who was suffering from a splitting headache. He squinted his eyes and pulled out his arm from the neck of the person next to him. He slowly opened his eyes against the headache, and then walked towards the bathroom to resolve. After suffering from a physical problem, he found himself naked.However, this did not cause any alarm.

Because there is a lot of time to sleep naked at home in Korea, as long as Sika is beside them, both of them are red fruits.So he himself didn't feel anything strange again. With a headache, he went out of the bathroom and went to bed again, and the extra woman beside him didn't feel any strange.Habits, these are all habits.

After he went to bed, he still had a headache from the last bomb last night. He had known that he would not drink that glass of wine, and it would not be so uncomfortable.

Zhang Ping'an turned over and hugged the woman beside him, and continued to close his eyes to go to bed.And his hand habit is also placed on his chest habitually, but this... is wrong.

When he noticed something was wrong, Zhang Ping'an opened his eyes for an instant. He watched Lin Yun'er lying beside him, his head went blank for an instant...

Just watching Lin Yoon'er's face close to her pillow, this is not a horror movie, but Zhang Ping'an instantly started to get cold from the vest, and then spread to the whole body.

This.. how to explain?What Zhang Pingan was thinking at this time was not how to explain to Sika, but how to explain to Lin Yuner.Had it not been for Zhang Pingan's biological clock to wake him up first, it would be embarrassing for the two to wake up together.

He just stared at Lin Yuner's delicate facial features even after falling asleep, and then couldn't remember anything in his head, because he didn't know how to deal with the matter right now.

Zhang Ping'an had played before, and that was purely with the heart of playing.It’s normal to get up early. If he used to get up first, then he just put on his clothes and left.

But at this time, he can't just say to leave, right?This is Huaxia, and Lin Yoona doesn't speak Chinese, so should she leave her in the hotel and run by herself?

Even if he is a scumbag, he is not so shameless as a scumbag, right?

But now that I can't run, how do I face Lin Yoona who wakes up for a while?Could it be that the two of them just laughed at each other and it just happened?The two are going to laugh out their grudges?

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