My entertainment circle

Chapter 595 After all I have to face, Sika!

The two couples I met in the Forbidden City in front of them soon found the person in front of them taking pictures after entering the restaurant.Because they are sitting next to each other, Zhang Pingan's Adidas is particularly eye-catching.At this time, he had already taken off his sunglasses and turned the brim of his baseball cap to the back of his head, which made the four young people in front clearly recognize Zhang Ping An!

Zhang Ping An is still a well-known Chinese person among young Koreans. First of all, his programs are very popular in the market.And because of his personal scandals and the like, he often appears in hot news searches in South Korea, so young people who love the Internet basically know Zhang Pingan.It's just that the four of them didn't expect that the top producer of the show was the one who helped them take pictures.

No wonder they all feel very good after the photo was taken.

He took a total of four photos of them, divided into two angles, one focused on the viewfinder, and the other focused on taking people.In the end, how they choose to upload their photos to INS is their decision.But Zhang Ping An, as a top director, his composition ability is very powerful!

After they discovered that it was Zhang Ping'an, the four young lovers did not come forward to get close.One of them whispered: "It turned out to be Zhang Pingan. No wonder he said that his girlfriend is Korean. By the way, isn't he in Korea? Why did he suddenly return to Huaxia, and he didn't see him at the airport? Report?"

One of the boys said: "Zhang Pingan was originally from Huaxia. What's weird about him returning to Huaxia? However, yesterday I saw someone posting pictures on the Internet. He was standing at the gate of the'N Station' building. I don't know why? "

At this time a girl said: "You haven't read today's entertainment news, Luo Yingshi released a new variety show "New Journey to the West" produced by him and Zhang Pingan, but this time the variety show was broadcast on'N Station'!!!"

"Well, the name "New Journey to the West" is so strange? What kind of variety show? Traveling? It feels a bit like "Grandpa Over Flowers"."

"I don't know, anyway, Luo Yingshi just said that this is another cooperation between him and Zhang Ping An."

"Why isn't this show on tvN? It's on the Internet?"

"Why do you have so many questions? I don't know. I just received news that Luo Yingshi, Zhang Pingan, and'N Station' have collaborated on a new variety show. When will it be broadcast and what type of show will be broadcast, we will know after the shooting. Now it’s still in secret!"

Zhang Pingan, who was sitting next to him drinking tea, only heard the name'N Station' from their casual discussions.But yesterday, he went to Station N not to sign a contract for filming, but he was busy grinding the issue of shares with Station N. Yesterday, Station N agreed to take a step back. They hold the management rights and 52%. Absolute controlling rights!Those three negotiators still got a very ideal eight percent share.Although they did not get 3% of the original shares of one person, they were quite content.

And this time when he returned to China, he did not go to Shanghai, but Yanjing, because before he came back, he had found out that Sika was in Yanjing at this time, and she was waiting to film a China variety show "Report!"Coach", she participated in the swimming event, and this program also has Sun Yang, the Olympic champion.And the filming of this show is mainly for all the members to cooperate with the schedule of "Sun Yang".

There is no way that the daily training of Olympic champions is more tense than star artists.Therefore, it is normal for them to cooperate with him. In addition, the Brazilian Olympics will be held next year. This year, the schedule for the Olympians is very tight.

Only the agent in charge of Sika's itinerary knew about Zhang Pingan's visit to Yanjing, but Sika herself did not.This morning, she had to hold a meeting with the program team. At noon, she might have a meal with the program team and the filming crew.So after Zhang Ping’s arrival, he didn’t go to Sika directly, wondering if he wanted to surprise Sika?Still thinking about other things...

The question about the two of them really needs to be discussed. This is also Pani's wake-up call to Zhang Ping An.No matter what kind of mentality the first two people have not contacted for so long, and no matter what the final result is, they need to have a face-to-face conversation instead of being silent without saying anything.

Even if they are faint with each other and to be separated, it also requires a positive sentence!

Instead of "self-guessing" what each other is doing there.Just like Pani said, no matter how much you think about it, it's just what you think. You think everything is'you' instead of her or him!

So when we meet each other, whether to solve the misunderstanding or part ways, there is an accuracy!What they need now is this "accuracy" instead of imagination, guessing, and thinking!!


Quanjude’s roast duck was on the table, and Zhang Pingan was sitting in the lobby, so no chef came to slice the duck.If you want to watch the chef perform knife work, you can go to the showcase in the kitchen, or take a photo.When Zhang Pingan started to wrap the ducks, the two couples at the opposite table took their mobile phones and started to order food with the translation software and the waiter.The menu is written in Chinese and English, but they can't understand it.

In fact, when looking at the menu, the four young people cast a look at Zhang Ping An for help, but none of them came to ask Zhang Ping An for help. If you don’t come to ask for help, Zhang Ping An will of course not take the initiative to help. In the end they chose the simplest package.

Quanjude’s duck meat is relatively fatter and more fat than other ducks. Zhang Ping’an personally doesn’t like Quanjude’s rich fat, because after eating a few more pieces, he will feel bored.The duck skin is crispy, and it's nice with sugar.So Zhang Ping'an ate the duck skin by himself!

After lunch, Zhang Ping'an took a taxi to the hotel he had booked, and took a taxi to the'Aman Hotel'.

This hotel is located in the Summer Palace, you can enter the garden to enjoy the scenery, and you can also experience the antique charm in the room.

Zhang Pingan's choice of hotel model is to first consider clean top resort hotels, if not, then consider international chain hotels.As far as Yenching is concerned, here is the famous Aman!

Aman and Hoshinoya's concept of Hoshinoya are very similar, both embodying'quietness' and Zhang Ping'an happens to be someone who likes this setting.

The Summer Palace in Yanjing has a unique location. It is right next to the Summer Palace, and a small gate can directly lead to the Summer Palace.Therefore, "Yihe Aman" belongs to the Summer Palace, which is a kind of royal style.

Some people like to sleep on Chang'an Avenue after coming to Yanjing, but at this time Zhang Ping’an’s pillow is the Royal Holiday Forest Garden, the Summer Palace. This feeling is different.

Entering the hotel, after checking in, listening to the Beijing accent of the steward leading the way, Zhang Ping'an showed a comfortable smile.Yan Jing speaks a bit lazy and has a great taste. For Zhang Ping An, who has added a little Shanghai dialect from the novel, the Beijing accent gave him an indescribable joy.

In this beautifully balanced building, there is an atmosphere of peace and long-distance everywhere, like a peaceful shelter, knocking on the door to the dead dynasty of China.Within the hotel’s walls, a romantic feeling of opening the veil of time to peek into the depths of history spontaneously arises.What a door opens is not only what you see, it seems to have past history.

I heard from the housekeeper that the yards that Aman now uses as guest rooms are annex buildings of the original Summer Palace, with a history of more than 120 years. Originally, this was the place where Galeries Lafayette guests stayed and greeted her.

Back in the room, Zhang Pingan put down his backpack and ordered an afternoon tea for the housekeeper to bring him to the room.He did not choose to go to a tea restaurant to sit down for leisure, because there are too many Internet celebrities to check in.Since I chose Aman, I naturally enjoy the tranquility here, rather than join the fun!

A pot of black tea, a little refreshment, the April sunshine penetrated the bamboo curtain, and dappled on the desk, Zhang Ping'an leisurely tilted his legs to enjoy the tranquility of spring.The opened door allowed the spring breeze to enter the room, and the heart was calmed down by the spring breeze.

While Zhang Ping’an was enjoying the quiet, Sika ended the meeting with the show crew. This show was attended by many Hong Kong, Taiwan, and entertainers, and the artists on the HK side were pretty good in English. , So Sika has no language barriers to communicate in some English.

After meeting with the program group, they did not make an appointment with each other for lunch, because each had just arrived in the capital and needed to go back to the room to rest.So a group of them discussed having dinner together in the evening, after all, the program group arranged for them to live in the same hotel.

After the meeting, when Sika was about to return to the room upstairs, the agent in charge of China's trip said to Sika, "Sika, follow me to a place."

Sika frowned and said, "I remember there is no schedule after meeting today?"

"There is no itinerary. I want to take you to visit a place. It used to be the summer palace where the ancient emperors vacationed." The agent still did not disclose, Zhang Ping'an was waiting for him and Sika at Aman Yihe.

Sika looked at the agent very strangely, because since she came to China, the agent has never looked so strange as it is today.After all, she has held signing meetings in various cities in China, and the agent has never said enthusiastically about taking her to visit the city.But when he arrived in the capital today, he said to take her to visit what emperor's resort?

Seeing Sika's face in surprise, the agent immediately added: "That...because I'm from Beijing, I grew up here. Although it's not the first time you are here in Girls' Generation, you have never played. Pass the capital, right? So I thought, I will take you around in the afternoon if I have nothing to do."

The agent is from Beijing. This is a true lie. Who is he from Beijing?But Sika couldn't tell where he was from...

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