My entertainment circle

Chapter 596 Tears

Sika is not from Huaxia, so it is impossible for her to tell where he is from Huaxia through the accent of her agent when speaking in Chinese?At this moment, when she heard the agent lie that she was from the capital, she believed it to be true.Because this agent has never said to take her to visit the cities that he has been to before, only when he came to his'hometown' capital did he say to take him around, so all this makes sense Up.

And after coming to China, the agent here took care of her very thoughtfully. After all, Zhang Ping’an arranged for her in the first place. Even now she and Zhang Ping’an are a bit awkward, but the agent can’t say anything. Did she sell it?In any case, Zhang Ping'an was always standing behind her.So for this agent, Sika is still very relieved.

So she didn't have any doubts, and honestly went out with her agent.In Hua Xia Capital, they have been here several times in Girls' Generation because of work, but each time they come in a hurry, it is impossible for the company to give them time to go out and play or something.

Today, she went out of the hotel with her agent. She wore her own brand of jeans and a chiffon shirt. The overall effect was not bad, so she didn't even think about going upstairs to change clothes when she went out.

In the taxi, Sika took out her sunglasses from her carry-on bag and put it on. Then she said to the agent, "Can we go to the Forbidden City?"

Sika wanted to go to the Forbidden City more than any Royal Forest Garden.After all, the reputation of the Forbidden City is comparable to that of the Great Wall.When the previous program group met, Sika curiously asked the artists from HK, is the Great Wall far away?The answer is that it is far away. Generally, those who go to the Great Wall leave in the morning and come back in the afternoon.So Sika gave up the idea of ​​going to the Great Wall, but she heard that the Forbidden City was very close, which made her want to visit the Forbidden City!

"Is the Forbidden City?" The agent was a little nervous by Sika's sudden question, but he immediately responded casually: "But there are too many tourists in the Forbidden City. Most tourists from all over the world come to China as their first stop. The Forbidden City. It can be said that from the opening in the morning to the closing in the afternoon, there is a constant stream of people there. If we come out with security today, we can still go and see, but..."

The phrase "but" actually meant for Sika's safety, so Sika herself knew that it was impossible to go to the Forbidden City, because she knew more or less in her heart that there were so many people in the Forbidden City.

Sika asked again: "Aren't there many people in the Summer Palace?"

"Relatively speaking, there are not many people. How can I say it, mainly because it is very large inside. The area of ​​the Summer Palace is equivalent to the size of four Forbidden City!"

"Four Forbidden Cities? What about the Yu Garden in Shanghai? Do you know Yu Garden?" Sika and Zhang Pingan visited Yu Garden when they were playing in Shanghai, and they heard that they belonged to the Chinese Forest Garden.Didn’t the previous agent say that the Summer Palace is also a forest garden, but a royal forest garden!Maybe Sika didn't understand the meaning of the word "Royal"?That's why I compared the Yuyuan Garden I've been to with the Summer Palace.

When listening to "Yu Garden", the agent laughed: "This is incomparable, because Shanghai's Yu Garden is too small. You have to read this before you know it, or you can look at the pictures on the Internet."

"Okay." Sika got out of the phone and began to look up the pictures of the Summer Palace, but those pictures were basically taken of the "Wan Shou Mountain", so Sika was not sure how big it was.

After nearly 40 minutes by car, Sika arrived at the gate of Aman Hotel Yihe. After getting off the bus, Sika looked at the ancient style gate, and the hotel security guard and two majestic stone lions stood at the gate. .But what surprised Sika the most was that there was an'AMAN' hanging on the post. Of course she knew what it represented, so she raised her brows instantly, looking badly at the agent who had paid the fare. Up.

When the agent came to Sika, she looked at him coldly and asked, "What do you mean?"

The agent smiled awkwardly and said, "Someone is waiting for you here."

"Who?" After Sika asked casually, she immediately figured out. Can she inform her agent to bring Sika to this hotel, and in this way, it seems that there is only one person, right?

That's the one..

Thinking of the name and the smiling face, Sika gently bit her lower lip and said, "Take me in."


After entering the hotel, the agent did not go to Zhang Ping's room with Sika, but told Sika that he went back to the hotel first.And Sika followed the hotel butler towards Zhang Ping An’s room, because the agent had already said the name "Zhang Ping An" when he notified the butler.Although he speaks Chinese, the Chinese pronunciation of his name is similar to Korean.

Listening to this name that she had never pressed dial Tongjian when she found out her phone for countless nights, Sika's eyes were full of tears.Until she was taken to a room by the butler, the butler pointed to the open door and left, while Sika stood in the courtyard, looking at Zhang Pingan in the room with the open door. I haven't seen him for many months, and he hasn't changed much.

While Zhang Pingan watched Sika being taken into the courtyard by the butler, he showed Sika a gentle smile.Because the door of his room has not been closed, as if he was waiting for her arrival.

And when the housekeeper left, Sika stood alone in the courtyard, looking at him from the doorway and smiling to herself in the room.Inexplicably, the grievances that have not been connected for more than two months broke out in a moment of confrontation!!

Standing in place, Sika's tears fell at the moment he saw him, and they couldn't stop falling.. In the next second, Sika's grievance broke out without time to say anything. At the extreme, with a "wow~~" cry, she burst into tears and squatted on the ground.

Seeing Sika's tears and listening to her aggrieved cry, Zhang Ping'an melted at this instant even with a stone heart.His tears also quickly gathered in his eye sockets, but as a man, he would not cry like Sika.

So Zhang Ping'an held back his tears, he quickly got out of the room, picked up Sika who was squatting on the floor and slapped her on the back: "Okay, okay.."

After Sika was picked up by Zhang Ping’an, she cried loudly in his arms. Zhang Ping’an looked around as if no tenants came out to watch the excitement. He helped Sika back to his room first, and then he gave the door to Closed up.

Before meeting, Zhang Ping'an actually had a variety of speculations and ideas. Could it be that each other's feelings have faded?That's why they didn't know each other on purpose?

But at the moment of meeting, at the moment when Sika burst into tears, Zhang Ping'an finally understood Pani's sentence, "What you think is only what you think, that is not Sika's true thoughts!"'

Yes, only after meeting each other do we know each other's true thoughts.I was still wondering if Sika would turn her head and leave when she saw herself?Or point to the nose with tears and swear?But there was nothing, she immediately squatted on the ground, howling and crying.

At this moment, Zhang Ping'an realized that the relationship between each other was not weak!And there is no contact with each other during this period, after all, is there any misunderstanding in it?

Zhang Ping'an sat on the sofa in the living room holding Sika who was howling and crying, and her tears were completely unstoppable and kept crying in his arms. Her cry was so tearing. Lung, Zhang Ping'an, who was holding back his tears in front, patted Sika's back at this moment, and his tears also fell.

Except for tears, the two still didn't exchange a word. Maybe there was too much to say, and too much didn't know how to say it. At this moment, they all turned into tears and flowed down.

Listening to Sika's heart-wrenching cry, Zhang Ping'an's tears also contained a little regret. He regretted that he did not take the initiative to contact Sika, which made her cry so sad at this time.

In fact, Sika’s tears at this time also indicated that she was using the'true heart', but Zhang Ping’an did not feel her sincere. This is the point of Sika’s grievance. He just left her after Huaxia No more attention.

At this time, Sika burst into endless grievances with tears. She was crying and crying in Zhang Ping’an’s arms..


I don't know how long she cried, Sika gradually stopped her voice, she still slowly raised her head and looked at Zhang Ping'an in tears, and then Sika sobbed and said, ""

Zhang Ping'an stretched out his hand and wiped away the tears on Sika's face and sweat on his forehead: "Actually I don't know why, after the last time we met in Shanghai..."

why?Zhang Pingan really didn't know why the two had developed to the present situation, so he told Sika of his thoughts. After the two separated in Shanghai, he and Luo Yingshi and Li Youzhen began to conduct a site survey.His daily routine is very busy, and the time he spends looking at his mobile phone has become much less.

Although he is very busy, Pani and Taeyeon send him news every day, but he has never received any news from Sika.

When Sika heard Zhang Ping’an talk about his busyness, she immediately vomited her hard work to Zhang Ping’an. Every day, she was busy moving to China’s major cities for signing meetings. After signing the sales every day, her hands were sore. But she still hasn't received a caring greeting from Zhang Pingan.

She was waiting for his care, and he was waiting for her care, so the two of them waited indefinitely.In the end, this waiting for each other's letters has become a kind of'cold war', which is actually a battle of inexplicable self-esteem!

Their self-esteem was so troublesome that they didn't take the initiative to care about each other, because they both felt that they were very busy, so they were all waiting.. This time, I waited for more than two months and nearly three months!

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