Back to the residence, long Yufan into the room copy teaching plan, after blocking, he will come out of the room.

Lin Xiaolei may have taken a bath, her hair is open and a little wet. She is wearing a one-piece Beige nightdress, her white legs are bare, and her feet are lazily placed on the tea table in front of the sofa. She leaned back on the sofa and seemed more turbulent in front of her. Suddenly, long Yufan's eyes brightened.

It turned out that Lin Xiaolei's legs did not close, and her skirt opened to let him see the scenery in her skirt. God, she's white inside. Long Yufan can't help but stare at it.

"Well, go and take a bath! I'll talk to you later When Lin Xiaolei sees long Yufan standing there, she can't help but say. She saw long Yufan staring at himself, and then looked at his skirt. "Ah! You bad man She found herself exposed. She put her feet down in a hurry and pulled up her skirt. Bad guys, bad guys, will peep at me. Lin Xiaolei's face is dark red. Now she is not as angry as last time in the bathroom, as to why, she herself can not say clearly.

"You have something to say now!" Long Yufan doesn't dare to look at Lin Xiaolei.

Lin Xiaolei cleared her throat. "Thank you for this evening. I want to trouble you with something else."

"What's the matter?" Long Yufan asked.

"On Friday evening, our company has a high-level meeting held in the Tianrong club. We ask each of us to bring a partner. I want you to accompany me. I'd like to thank you today." Lin Xiaolei said.

Long Yufan thought, "are you sure you don't have to fight there? I'm not told to be brave? "

Lin Xiaolei said, "do you think the Tianrong club is a general bar? It is one of the four major clubs in Haijiang city. If it is not invited by members, you can't go in at all. There are many security personnel inside, and no one dares to make trouble there. Even the police, without the above order, dare not go inside to handle a case. You can imagine the boss behind the scenes

"Tianrong club is so powerful?" Long Yufan is a little curious.

"Of course, there are three kinds of members in Tianrong club. One is VIP members. They have to pay 100000 dues a year, and they have to pay their own money to go in. The second is a silver card member, who has to pay 1 million membership fees a year. In addition to specific consumption, the general consumption does not need to pay. The third is gold card members, who have to pay 5 million membership fees a year, and all the consumption is free. " Lin Xiaolei said.

What are you, then Long Yufan asked.

Lin Xiaolei shook her head. "Where do I have the money to enter the Tianrong club, I have been in with other VIP members. This time the company held a meeting in it, so I could have a good time in it again. You don't know, it's very big. There are a lot of business projects, such as beauty, KTV, diet, fitness, conference hall and so on. Many people like to go there. "

"I can't imagine that people in Haijiang city are so rich. The boss of Tianrong can make a lot of money by collecting those membership fees." Long Yufan said.

"Of course, the main purpose of some people entering Tianrong club is not to play, but to make friends with others. If you think about it, Tianrong club has a threshold. Not everyone can go in. The people who can go in are not ordinary people. Of course, those bosses want to meet people who are helpful to them. Although they spend some membership fees, they will make more money for their business in the future. And I heard that many leaders often play in it, and some bosses who want to ask for help are often there. " Lin Xiaolei said.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow evening. Don't sleep. I'll wipe your feet after I take a bath Long Yufan went back to his room to get clothes and take a bath. Today, he was tired all day. He ran around fighting with others and was covered with sweat.

In the evening, Zhu Zhiping used to turn on his computer Q after taking a bath to see if he could bubble a beautiful woman on the Internet. As soon as he was on the Q, he received a message from a beautiful girl named beautiful baby as his friend. He immediately hands and feet and use the land to add beautiful baby as a friend, ha ha, beautiful baby just online.

Zhu Zhiping hit on it: beautiful baby, hello.

The opposite is also fighting: love prince, hello.

Prince of love: nice to meet you.

Beautiful baby: me too, I just applied for QQ, not good at using.

Zhu Zhiping was happy to see the flowers. He was most afraid of meeting dinosaurs and human demons on the Internet. These two kinds of people are generally Internet experts. Like beautiful baby this kind of just applied for QQ not to surf the Internet, the information is generally true. "It's OK. I'll use it if I talk slowly. Beauty, where are you from

I'm from Haijiang city. How about you? Don't tell me that you are also from Haijiang city.

Zhu Zhiping was so happy that he almost fainted. He never found a girl in reality. He didn't expect to meet a beautiful woman in Haijiang city this time. Hehe, it seems that he is going to be lucky. "Yes, I'm from Haijiang, too. I didn't expect that we were so lucky. What do you do? How old are you? "

I am a senior and I am 22 years old. what about you?


I guess you're a teacher.

Yes, beautiful baby. You are so smart. I'm a teacher. I'm 26 years old.

You're not lying to me, are you? You are a teacher? I like to find a boy who is a teacher best. What school are you from?I'm really a teacher. I teach senior two in Huacheng middle school. You'll know when we meet later. We don't lie. Zhu Zhiping was ecstatic. Just now he went to the beautiful baby to have a look at her space and found that her photo was very beautiful! Such a beautiful woman should not be his girlfriend, which is definitely a serious loss to the country.

Zheng Yile over there is also ecstasy, long Yufan is also 26 years old, teaching senior two, hey hey, he is not long Yufan, who will be? Thinking of this, Zheng Yile immediately called LAN Qingqing, "Qingqing, I have been able to 200% sure that the QQ number is long Yufan, the information he said is completely consistent with long Yufan."

"Well, don't worry too much. Talk to him slowly, or you will make long Yufan suspicious. When you can all talk to each other, you can video with him and take pictures of him naked. Then I will see if he has the face to teach in Huacheng middle school? " Blue Green said maliciously.

"Well, Qingqing, I see what you mean. I will download some beautiful women's video on the Internet and process it, so as to ensure that long Yufan can't see that it's fake. " Zheng Yile smiles triumphantly. "Long Yufan is really lecherous. When he heard that I was a beauty of Haijiang University, he always proposed to meet me."

"Of course he is a bad man, or he would not want to insult director Yin." LAN Qingqing said. "Well, that's it. You can keep talking to him and fascinate him so that he can let go of his guard and talk to you naked."

After Zheng Yile hung up the phone, he immediately knocked on the keyboard: Prince of love, what hobbies do you have

Haijiang State Security Bureau. Wu Chengyao reports to pan Yinsong, "director, long Yufan helps Lin Xiaolei to track down accounts. There is nothing suspicious about the others."

"It won't be that simple, Xiao Wu. Keep watching. In addition, our people checked that the robbers who robbed the bank came from a terrorist organization and might be connected with dragon one. Damn it, Long Yi dares to make trouble in Haijiang. I must destroy him. " Pan Yinsong has a headache when he thinks of those gangsters with guns and explosives. If the criminal police didn't go out fast last time, there might be an accident. In fact, they didn't know that if long Yufan didn't help on the back, the explosives would explode.

"Director, what organization is that?" Wu Chengyao asked curiously.

"I don't know. Our people are still checking." Pan Yinsong shook his head. "This organization has just come to Haijiang City, about a month earlier than long Yi, and we don't know how many people there are in this organization. The superior asked us to find out the origin and personnel of this organization and eliminate it. The above said that if we find that the organization is too large, we should apply to the special forces of the military region for help. Therefore, you follow long Yufan, don't startle the snake, stare at him, and see where the organization behind him is. Well, it seems that Haijiang city is not peaceful. "

"Yes," Wu Chengyao nodded. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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