Li Sijing frowns at the information of the deceased on her desk. The social relationship of the deceased is very simple. There are no resentments and enemies in the school and the company. She looks like she doesn't have a boyfriend. She also rules out love killing. What the hell is going on here? Why did the killer kill the dead? Li Sijing held his chin and couldn't feel the clue for a while.

"Captain, it's getting light. You should have a rest." A man in police uniform came over. His name was Luo Dazhu, deputy leader of the city criminal police team.

"Dazhu, do you think this case is very strange, why the murderer is so cruel and murderer?" Li Sijing asked.

Luo Dazhu nodded. "It's very strange. It can be said that the murderer is very abnormal, but he has at least one motive killer. Is he deliberately sampling and killing?"

"Not really," Li Sijing shook her head. "The dead are not living on the top floor, nor on the bottom floor. There are other neighbors next to her. Can you be so accurate?" Suddenly, Li Sijing looked at the photo of the dead and said, "Dazhu, I always think her appearance is a little familiar. Look at it."

"It's as if I've seen it somewhere," Luo said after thinking. "But I can't remember for a moment."

Li Sijing was quick witted. "Dazhu, help me find out the news report about the armed robbery of the international bank a few days ago. I think she looks like one of the hostages." When Li Sijing and Li Sijing arrived at the scene, the reporters from the TV station also heard the news. They photographed the scene at that time and broadcast it in the news broadcast of Haijiang TV station.

Before long, Luo Dazhu found the news broadcast video of that day on the Internet. "Li team, that girl is one of the hostages." Luo Dazhu said in surprise.

Li Sijing went to the side and looked at it carefully for a while. "Dazhu, it is estimated that this abnormal murderer is related to the three robbers in the bank. He is murdering for the three robbers."

"It's possible," Luo nodded.

"If the hostage is dead, this woman may be the next hostage." Li Sijing points to the image of Yu Yu on the computer. "Dazhu, you go to the rest room and have a rest. I'll lie here. As soon as we go to work in the morning, we'll find Yu Yu Yu and send someone to protect her for 24 hours."

"Good," Luo Dazhu knew that they would be busy again at dawn. Haijiang city has such a big case, if it is not solved as soon as possible, the police will have a lot of pressure.

The next morning, Li Sijing found Yu Yu Yu's phone call, and knew that she was still at home, and immediately took people to her home. Yu Yu's home is not big, one room and one hall. Li Sijing feels a little strange. It is not difficult for a woman with a position like Yu Yu to buy a house.

Yu Yu is also a little strange. The police have been looking for her early in the morning, and she has met Li Sijing. As soon as she saw Li Sijing bringing several policemen to her house, she nervously asked, "Captain Li, what's the matter with you looking for me so early?"

"Director Yu, a woman was killed last night. The murderer was very cruel. He not only insulted her, but also cut off some parts of her body. Finally, she shot her head with a gun." Li Sijing first introduces the case.

"It's none of my business. I was at home last night." Yu Yu said nervously. She thought the police suspected she had done it. "How can I do such a thing?"

Li Sijing smiles. "We know that, and we don't mean to suspect you. We want to tell you that the girl who was killed last night is just like you. She was taken hostage in the bank a few days ago

Yu Yu's heart is relaxed a lot, as long as the police do not suspect her. "You mean the gangsters retaliated against us? Impossible? We didn't kill the gangster. Maybe it's just a coincidence that the girl died of some other reason? "

"According to our conjecture, it's not like this. The deceased has no boyfriend yet. She lives in a rented place, and she doesn't quarrel with other people. Just a few days ago, she encountered a bank robbery. We initially suspected that it was related to that case. The murderer is a very cruel and abnormal person. What he does has no logic at all. Otherwise, he does not kill directly. Instead, he treats the dead cruelly and then shoots his head. " Li Sijing didn't believe it in the rain, so she simply showed some pictures of the scene to Yu Yu.

Yu Yu saw those abnormal photos of the scene, his face changed immediately, and those photos were too shocking. "Well, what shall I do? Captain Li, you must catch the murderer. "

"We want to catch the murderer. Miss Yu, don't worry. From now on, I will send police to protect you 24 hours a day. Before the killer is caught, you'd better not go to some crowded places and lock the door when you get home. If there is any special situation, you must call me in advance. Here is my business card. " Li Sijing handed over her business card.

"Thank you, Captain Li. You must protect me." At the beginning of Yu Yu, she was still a little unconvinced. Now after seeing those horrible photos, she shivered all over. If you are humiliated by the murderer and cut off your beautiful place, even if the murderer does not kill himself, he will commit suicide.

Li Sijing said: "director Yu, you can rest assured that we will do our best. In addition, we will also inform the security section of your district government that we must catch the murderer. " Before coming, Li Sijing also received a call from the director, asking her to catch the abnormal killer within a month, so now the city criminal police team is under pressure."Well, I don't mind if you're here." In that day's bank robbery, Yu Yu also saw Li Sijing's ability, and she was also secretly relieved.

"That's it. Let's go first." Li Sijing and Luo Dazhu are leaving.

"Captain Li, are you gone? Didn't you say you wanted to protect me? " At once, Yu Sijing is in a panic.

Li Sijing said with a smile: "director Yu, don't panic. Our people will monitor nearby. You can lock the door at home. If you find any new situation, call the police or call me. Besides, don't be too afraid. If it is, the killer will not be suspicious. If we can't catch the murderer, you can't relax

"Well, I'll listen to you." Yu Yu nods. After Li Sijing and her friends left, Yu Yu immediately locked the door and picked up the phone to call her friend. She had made an appointment with her friend to go shopping today, but now she dare not go.

After Li Sijing arrived downstairs, she immediately arranged for two plainclothes policemen to guard outside, and then she and Luo Guozhu left. Shortly after their police car left, a figure flashed from the corner of the opposite building. Hum, I can't believe that the police are not stupid to think that my next target is Yu Yu, but they can't protect her. At the thought of it, the figure disappeared again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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