"Long Yufan, I'm in pain." Said the girl, frowning.

"OK, I'm sorry," long Yufan just had a good time. The girl's figure is good, and she looks like a girl again. People want to hold xx00 when they see it. From the bathroom to the big bed, they played for more than an hour. This time, long Yufan didn't use Wuji Gong. He arrived in heaven by himself.

The girl glared at long Yufan and said, "what's going on here now?"

"The one who escaped escaped escaped and the one who died died died," long Yufan told the girl about the situation here. In fact, it was the leader of Yuanzhe who fled, and all the others were killed.

"That woman is very hateful. She colluded with the leader of Yuanzhe to harm me," said the girl angrily. She knew that the leader was slowly handing over the affairs of China to Liangzi. She was marginalized. Now when Liangzi dies, many things will be controlled by her. "You go. I want to go, too."

Long Yufan said: "girl, you follow me, I am a responsible person, I will not fail you."

The girl shook her head and said, "no, although the boy is not my brother, we are still enemies. I will not go back to China. I will remain anonymous here. If I am not used to living here, I will go to countries like y. I'll tell you some places. You can deal with them. Those places are the base of Mukden spies. I hate them. "

Now the girl can see clearly that those people in Mu country have been using her, and she has done so many things for mu country, but those people still want to harm her. Because the girls are working as spies in China, they have a lot of assets in China. If she sells it secretly, it's estimated to raise 100 million. "Well, we will avenge you." Long Yufan said. He also advised the girl to go back to the Dragon villa with him, but the girl's intention was very firm. Her relationship with long Yufan was not clear, and she did not want to be with long Yufan. As for Mr. mu, where they are, the girl doesn't know. Because the latter thing is Liangzi in the operation, the leader does not want the girl to intervene.

So, after the girl took something here, she drove away. When long Yufan went outside, an LAN stood outside, and the women looked at him with concern. At first, women hate long Yufan very much, but under an LAN's explanation, they are also relieved. "Boss, how is your martial arts?" Anlan asked with concern.

"My martial arts have reached the super level," longyufan said excitedly. He is not afraid of being bullied.

"Great," said Alan happily. "Let's go back. We've been here for a long time." If Li Wei didn't call the old servant, the old servant would have sent someone to clean up the scene in the morning. And now long Yufan has solved the problem, and soon Fei Yang came with people.

"Director Fei, there are still a few places to check." Long Yufan told Feiyang what the girl said just now, and he also told Fei Yang about the girl. "Now that the girl has no martial arts skills, she still talks about so many places. Can you let her go?"

Fei Yang said with a smile: "Yu fan, I haven't seen the man you mentioned. Thank you." Finish saying, Fei Yang takes out the mobile phone to make a phone call, he arranges the other subordinates to carry on the encirclement and suppression to those places. For fear of insufficient personnel, Feiyang also called Du pengliang, who needed the participation of national security personnel.

Long Yufan see here things have been almost, he also took the women back to the villa. Women are very curious about long Yufan's super martial arts. They have been asking in the car what kind of super class they should be. Long Yufan didn't know how to say it. After returning to the villa, long Yufan said, "in fact, if you want to feel it, it's very easy. If we double practice, you can feel my true spirit." Long Yufan's internal power is all moved by his heart, and those true Qi will come out, and all the genuine Qi is hidden in every part of his body, as if there is genuine Qi in his blood and hair.

"No, we're going to have a rest. We've been tired all day." Those women see long Yufan want to do that kind of thing again, they immediately want to escape back to the room. However, Ouyang Le ran a little slower. She was entangled by long Yufan's internal force. She had no way to escape.

"Brother long, you let me go," said Ouyang, with a red face. I had known that she ran faster, otherwise she would not have been caught by long Yufan.

Long Yufan shook his head and said, "Lele, I feel my martial arts are very good. See if I can upgrade your martial arts to a higher level." Long Yufan's biggest wish now is to upgrade women's martial arts to a higher level, so that their risk factor will be reduced a lot in the future.

"No," said Ouyang Le, blushing.

"Ha ha ha, don't just want it," long Yufan went to his room with Ouyang le in his arms. He was going to do double training well. He has just reached the level of martial arts. He also wants to practice hard and consolidate it.

Eliza and they got off the plane. After so long flying, she felt a little tired. But she wanted to see long Yufan, and she was very happy. Anbo took out his mobile phone to call the ambassador of state y to Xia in China and asked them to send them to Longjia villa. The ambassador of state y now knows that long Yufan is very powerful. Long Yufan is a very powerful person in China. He has a very good relationship with the current head of state. That is very good, even more than the mad cow of state y.When Eliza saw amber calling, she could not help frowning and said, "amber, you said I could secretly go to see Longge. Can I give him a surprise?" Eliza, sitting on the sofa in the VIP room, said discontentedly.

"Miss, in fact, there is no conflict. I just told the ambassador of state y that he would help us keep secret. When the time comes for their car to pick us up, we can go to the Dragon villa immediately. You can see your brother long. " Amber said with a smile. He said that, but he still wanted to be safe. If he took some bodyguards with him and the ambassador of state y sent some people, there should be no problem for their safety. Eliza is just a little princess, though deeply loved by the queen, she is not an official figure. No one knows when they come here. Nothing should happen.

"Well," Eliza said helplessly. Amber has called, and she can't stop it. Moreover, they are not familiar with the capital of Xia state, so it is good to have the ambassador of state y come to pick up and see them off. "You must not tell Longge, I must give her a surprise."

"All right, miss. We won't tell brother long." Amber nodded.

About half an hour later, the ambassador of state y arrived at the airport with some people in person. Because the ambassador of country y didn't want to disturb others, they just picked up Eliza outside and didn't enter the airport directly.

When the Y ambassadors appeared, in a corner stood a middle-aged man, he has been staring at the Y ambassador, he is to recognize the Y ambassador. Then, when the middle-aged man saw Eliza appear, his eyes were even brighter. He immediately took out his mobile phone and made a phone call. He wanted to tell the owner the amazing news. Originally they wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to leave China. Now he has changed his mind. Maybe this is a very good opportunity.

At noon, long Yufan got up from bed. He was very comfortable last night, and it made him very happy. Those women have improved their martial arts under his double cultivation. These women are all advanced, and an LAN is promoted to the later stage of senior level. Zheng Yufang and Yin qiuxue's martial arts have reached the middle stage of senior level.

Long Yufan is preparing to have lunch when Yin qiuxue comes in. "Yufan, you wake up," said Yin qiuxue. She is wearing a tights today, and her body, which is often moistened by him, seems to have lost a lot. Long Yufan looks at Yin qiuxue's body. He can't help but reach out and touch it.

"Bad man, what are you doing with me? Didn't you touch enough last night? " Yin Yulong is angry. It was very crazy last night, but it also made them very excited. Their martial arts improved so fast that they didn't think of it.

"Ha ha, of course, I didn't touch it enough. I want to touch it all my life." Long Yufan said with a smile. "Qiuxue, do you have anything to do?" Long Yufan sees Yin qiuxue's worried appearance, he can't help asking.

"Yufan, I want to go back to Yin's house. The old man is in a very bad mood these two days. He seems to be much older." Yin qiuxue said painfully. Since Yin Zhijian ordered to kill baojiajun that day, Yin Xiaojian has no news. It is estimated that he was killed and destroyed by the enemy. Master Yin and Yin Zhijian knew that such an order was the result, but after that, they were still very sad. Now Yin Zhijian has asked for leave to stay at home and has not returned to the army.

Long Yufan said: "autumn snow, I'll follow you to the Yin family. What's more, you should tell the old man that the name of your child is Yin, which is better for them

"Who, who gave birth to children with you?" Yin qiuxue said with a red face. Although it is family planning now, it is not very difficult for her to have a child without marriage according to the strength of their Yin family. Yin qiuxue thinks that long Yufan's suggestion is also good, as long as the old people have children, they also have comfort. "Well, my grandfather is very sad."

"Qiuxue, you Yin's family is good. We admire them very much, "said long Yufan solemnly. As a result of the Yin family's righteous extermination, the Yin family's prestige in the army has been greatly improved. According to Nie Qixian, they will let Yin Zhijian be promoted to a higher level and directly serve as the commander of the capital military region. That is a position of great power, and it is usually the confidants of the No.1 chief that can control the military power in this way.

"Well, Yufan, it's good for you to accompany me in the past. My grandfather has a good impression on you. I'll see if you can persuade him lightly." Yin qiuxue said.

Long Yufan said: "autumn snow, or I now in your body sowing it, a while you can report to the public."

"Go to you. We'll have dinner with my grandfather at noon. Don't be fooling around now." Yin qiuxue said with a red face.

"Ring bell," long Yufan's mobile phone rings. "Hello?" Long Yufan gets through the phone. This mobile phone is his public number in China. This number is strange. Long Yufan doesn't know who the other party is?

"Ha ha, long Yufan, it's me," he Houzi's gloomy voice came from the mobile phone.

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