"He Houzi, is it you?" Long Yufan said aloud. Then he winked at Yin qiuxue, who nodded immediately. She hurried out and called with her mobile phone. She wanted the national security guard to immediately monitor long Yufan's phone number. She wanted to find out where he Houzi was.

"It's me, long Yufan. You don't need to check anything. You can't find us. I use a satellite phone," he Houzi said triumphantly.

Long Yufan asked, "he Houzi, is there anything you want to do to call me?" Because he Houzi's affair affected his family. He Laozi was seriously ill and fell on the bed. Now he Houzi calls him, which is sure to be nothing good. Hope Yin qiuxue they can find he Houzi's phone address, but if he Houzi said it was a satellite phone, it would be troublesome. He Houzi was able to become vice governor, and his wisdom was not comparable to that of ordinary people. Sure enough, Yin qiuxue came over. She shook her head to long Yufan, saying that she couldn't find the other party's position.

"Long Yufan, I heard that you have a girlfriend named Eliza. She is a little princess of Y country, isn't she?" He Houzi laughed darkly.

Long Yufan a heart jump, he deliberately said: "he Houzi, I don't know what you say?"

"Hehe, I don't know, do you? Well, I like Eliza. Foreign women have a good figure. It's a pity that you've played, but I'll keep playing. It's good to let you wear a green hat. " He Houzi said.

"He Houzi, what do you really want to say?" Long Yufan said.

"Long Yufan, Eliza is in our hands. If you want to save her, you should obey her obediently. Otherwise, we men will fall in love with Eliza. Zhu Jiasan, the Birdman, really wanted to. He told me that he must be allowed to go to Eliza. " He Houzi said.

Long Yufan sneered and said: "he Houzi, you don't want to say that. He Houzi is the princess of state y. it must be in country y. if you say it's in your hands, are you kidding?"

"Well, if you don't believe it, I'll let you hear Eliza's voice." He Houzi said. After a while, Eliza's voice of fear came from her mobile phone. "Longge, they killed amber. They hijacked me. You can help me."

"Eliza, aren't you in country y?" Long Yufan said worried. He was afraid that the recording was coming from his mobile phone, so he asked questions on purpose to see how Eliza would answer them.

"Brother long, I want to come to China to see you and give you a surprise. I just wanted to call to confirm where you are and then come to see you. Unexpectedly, they kidnapped me. They killed amber and my bodyguards, and the Embassy of y was also killed." Eliza said in fear. She did not expect such a thing, when their car on the road, there will be masked people stop their car, and then terrible things happen.

At this time, he Houzi's voice came from the mobile phone, "long Yufan, do you hear it?" He Houzi asked. "It's Eliza's voice. If you believe it, you can call and ask. If it wasn't for elder Fu's refusal to let me have sex with your woman, I would have put on a green cap for you in the morning. It must have been a great taste for a foreign princess."

"He Houzi, don't mess around. You can let Eliza go. You have a grudge against me. You can find me and don't harm Eliza." Long Yufan said.

"Long Yufan, now that you hear our request, please call Nie Qixian and ask him to remove all martial law and not to track us. Otherwise, we will kill Eliza. Just now we deliberately left a member of the Embassy of country y. they will tell queen y about Eliza. Queen y will look for you. Remember, an hour later, if we don't see your martial law lifted, we'll be meeting Eliza. By the way, if Princess y gives birth to many children for us, will our children be royal! Ha ha ha He Houzi laughed loudly.

Long Yufan said angrily, "he Houzi, you are a beast. You are not a human being."

"I'm not a human being. Ha ha, long Yufan, for an hour, please call quickly. Otherwise, if there is any consequence, you can do it as you see fit." He Houzi hung up his mobile phone and then turned off the satellite phone.

"He Houzi, please call Mu Lao again and tell them that we have a very interesting game to play and kill long Yufan. If they are interested in playing, we can let them participate and they will get a lot of benefits. Long Yufan, their relationship is not simple ah, Y country, Africa, these are very powerful strength. What's more, some of the women in long Yufan's family are very useful to us

"OK, master, I'll call Mr. Mu right now. I heard that they are leaving Huaxia this evening." He Houzi said worried.

"You can rest assured that as long as we say such good things, they will certainly participate." Elder Fu was smiling.

After long Yufan was hung up by he Houzi, he immediately called the queen of state y to ask about Eliza. As soon as the phone was connected, Queen y anxiously said, "dragon, Eliza has secretly run to China. I heard that something is wrong now?" Queen y also just received the news, she immediately called long Yufan. Queen y has asked the people who serve Eliza that Eliza is not in the villa. Queen y asked people to check Eliza's exit records. Eliza went to China."I heard that, too. I just got a call." Long Yufan told the queen of state y what happened just now. "Queen, if it's the terrorists, the problem is very serious." Long Yufan said worried.

"Dragon, you know that China is so turbulent, how can you let Eliza go to China?" The queen of state y blames long Yufan.

Long Yufan said with a bitter face: "queen, I don't know they are coming to China, or I won't let them come here. When Eliza called me and asked me where I was, I just told her Long Yufan is also regret now, because there are so many things in China, he did not pay attention to these things for a time, did not expect that there was an accident now.

"Well, tell the official of China that in five minutes, I will call the head of state Nie Qixian." Said the queen of Y.

Long Yufan nodded, he immediately called Nie Qixian. "Fuehrer, I'm sorry. I have something important to report to you." Long Yufan said.

"Yufan, we are our own people, you are welcome," Nie Qixian said with a smile. This time, if it wasn't for long Yufan, he would have a problem. Long Yufan's skill is very strong now, and he is still so young. In the future, he still needs to rely on the strength of long Yufan. "Tell me what you want."

"Fuehrer, it's like this. Eliza, the little princess of state y, has come to China. She is now abducted by he Houzi and them." Long Yufan said what he knew, and he Houzi's requirements.

"What? How could such a thing happen? " Nie Qixian exclaimed in surprise. If Eliza had an accident in China, it would be a big problem. And listen to long Yufan said, and Y embassy people were killed. "Yufan, I know about it. Let's keep in touch. I'll let people check it."

When Nie Qixian was about to call the old servant in, the Secretary had already run over. He said to Nie Qixian, "chief, there are some pictures on the Internet saying that the ambassador of state y was killed in our capital city of China. Now there is a lot of noise on the Internet."

Nie Qixian had a headache. After the old servant came in, Nie Qixian told the old servant about it. The old servant picked up the phone and called. After a while, the old servant's mobile phone rang. After listening to the phone, he said, "chief, it's true. Someone has been killed and a foreign girl has been arrested. I've already sent someone to check to see if I can find anything. "

"It's very troublesome now. There are diplomatic affairs in it," Nie said. "Those people who have been in the capital for so many years must have their own relationship. It's not so easy for you to check. And Eliza is in their hands. If we don't listen to him, they will kill Eliza. At that time, the relationship between our country and country y will deteriorate. "

As soon as Nie Qixian finished speaking, his mobile phone rang. It was the queen of Y calling. Queen y said that Eliza might take over her throne in the future, so this matter is very important. She asked Nie Qixian to rescue Eliza without any loss at all costs. Just now, their country y also received a threatening phone call from the gangsters. The other party needs help from country y. otherwise, they will kill Eliza immediately.

"Queen, we are working hard. If there is any new information, I will contact you." Nie Qixian said. Two days ago, he received a congratulatory call from Queen y. he didn't expect that everyone would have to call again. After Nie Qixian hung up the phone, he said to the old servant, "you ask people to lift the martial law immediately. Everything depends on them."

"Chief, if we indulge the gangsters too much, maybe they will get more." Said the old servant, worried.

"But we have no way now. If Eliza is killed, our relationship with country y will be broken. And the other party also threatens long Yufan and state y. it is possible that they have a bigger plot. " Nie Qixian said anxiously. "Now we have to listen to the gangsters and see what they do. Old servant, you adjust the master of dragon teeth. We must do our best. "

The old servant nodded and said, "OK, I'll inform you now." Now such a thing happened, and because of Eliza's affair, the old servant knew that he had no way out.

Before long, long Yufan called Nie Qixian. "Chief, what are we going to do now?" Long Yufan asked.

"Yufan, I have asked people to lift the martial law an hour ago. Did he Houzi call you?" Nie Qixian asked.

"No, they didn't call." Long Yufan said.

"They will call again. We have to wait." Nie Qixian said.

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