We arrived at the grounds where they'd set up their stage for the party. I called the kids over and said, "Hey kids. Say hello to Layla."

"Hi Layla! " They all said in unison.

"She's here to witness how good your talents are. Are you good with that? "

"Yes! Yes! " "Let's start! " "Gary you first! " "No, Selena you go. "

They are so lively. "Hey kids! Do you want to embarass yourselves? Go go. I want David to go first."


Then there was singing, dancing, acting, story telling and whatever the kids have come up to perform. And I was surprised when the kids performed a play! What, I did not know about this? When did they, how did they do this? Such smart kids. And it was a collective effort. The play included my kids and the kids here. Wow! I saw Mr. Ryan laughing, sitting just below the stage. Layla and I are sitting a couple of rows back. And beside Mr. Ryan of course, him too. I can see the happiness in his eyes. Those eyes, those captivating eyes. A shade of blue and brown. Is it possible to drown in the depths of his eyes? And then as if he sensed someone's watching, he turned around and locked his eyes into mine. I want to turn away but it's as if he's holding me in place. His eyes are trying to convey something but I don't know what it is.

I was snapped out of this fantasy when Layla abruptly stood up. I did not even notice that the play has ended and that Gary was rolling with laughter at the stage.

"Hey! " Layla shouted. And she walked slowly towards the stage. When she reached there, the kids gathered around me. Mia sat on my lap and some others sat at the ground and others on some arm chairs. They listened attentively to Layla who is smiling brightly like a star.

"Uhm, I fear I'd be going away soon. " She stopped, and looked at each of her friends. And then, "I'm going to miss all of you. "

"If you would be happy there, then no worries. We'll be happy for you," Rose said. She's showing a happy face but deep inside I know how she feels. It was her twin who died of cancer a couple of months back. My kids were all sad when that happened. We don't know how to tell them that one of their classmates had gone. But the spiritual adviser of the hospital suggested that we explain it to them truthfully. That there are illnesses that take away one's life, just like Rose's twin. But rather see her suffer, we should be good when she decides to rest and just wish her to be happy. We miss her everyday, but we know she's happy wherever she is now. And that's how the kids decided to give happiness to other cancer patients. They decided that themselves. They must have felt inspired and compelled to comfort others who are suffering.

The kids ran up the stage and they hugged Layla. A hug that promises more happiness, of friendship and a goodbye.

My eyes are brimming with tears. I stood up and started towards them, but then a hand held me by the shoulder.

"Cass, could we talk for a minute? "

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