I went out of that noisy place immediately after the ladies touched my sensitive parts. I can't bear to let them touch me, only Cassidy can. Huh, God I miss her. I miss her so much.

I wandered endlessly around the town, until the first rays of the sun peeked through the horizon. Huh, it's another day and I'm still so sad.

I sat at the sidewalk, rubbing my eyes and then looking around, trying to assess my surroundings. Eh? Is that Cassidy's apartment? I stood up and adjusted my bearings.

Yes, this is definitely the street in front of Cassidy's apartment. Okay, I guess I'm cool now. God why did I drink before seeing her last night? And now I am drunk, again.

Okay, now or never. I will control myself. God please help me.

I made my way to Cassidy's room, and knocked the door. I could hear muffled footsteps heading toward me. Then the knob turned. I slightly backed a step to breathe, and when I raised my head, I was met by a pair of hazel eyes. The hazel eyes I always hated.

I moved forward and punched him in the face.

He stumbled back, and God I want to see him hurting, this kind of hurt is just the first of the many. And I want more.

I moved forward again, and was ready to punch him for the second time. But before I could throw the punch, he held my hand.

"Punch me again and I'll do an axe kick on your head."

We stared for a lifetime and then I dropped my hand. "Fine. But it doesn't mean I'm letting you off."

He smirked. "Whatever. Just behave and stop yapping, Cassidy still's asleep."

I grabbed his collar. "What did you do to Cassidy?"

He raised his arms in surrender. "Relax dude. I just let her sleep, she was a wreck last night."

I released him and held my head. God Cassidy, I'm so sorry.

"Feeling sorry? Stop wallowing then and come follow me to the kitchen. I prepared breakfast."

I glared at him. But he laughed.

"Chill it dude. She asked you to chill right? Then do exactly just that. Now," he stretched his hand forward, "follow me and think of what you'd like to say to her."

He went to the kitchen without glancing back at me, as if real sure that I'll follow him. I rolled my eyes. Fine. And I followed him to the kitchen.

I sat and watched him prepare the food. He's quite skilled, maybe that's why Cassidy liked him too. Nothing could ever appease her more than food.

I was more than happy to just glare at his back until Cassidy comes out but then he started talking.

"You know, before last night, Cassidy and I talked. I... I asked her if she's willing to come back to me, to relive that beautiful past we once had, that I wish I never let go of. And to take on the future we had dreamed."

He paused as he cracked the eggs and opened it on the pan. My hands turned to fist, he did what? I want to punch him again.

"But she outright rejected me. She says, she can't go back to that moment because it filled her with sadness. Because she found someone that saved her from that darkness. Because she is unwilling to let go of what she has now. Because she loved that someone."

He fished out the egg from the pan and placed it on a plate. He opened another one.

"You know, I'm sad that she doesn't like to be with me, but I treasure the fact that she still treats me as a friend, like how we were before we got into the romantic side of things. And, I'm happy about it, even if she won't be the girlfriend Cassidy I wish I have."

He finished frying the eggs, that I lost count of and placed it in front of me. He placed his hand on the table and leaned towards me, our faces inches apart. That swift movement caught me by surprise that I sucked in a breath and sat rigid.

"You have to talk to her, don't be mad. She doesn't like talking to angry people, her belief is that they sound like fools. And I couldn't agree more, it's the truth. So calm down, tell her what you really feel and what you really want. If you reach a point where your ideas clash, find a way to compromise. She'll follow through it."

He then smiled knowingly at me before turning around to serve rice.

I don't want to admit it, but he just said some good things. It's contradicting to the personality I pictured in him but whatever. He just made me realize something.

And I hope it's still not too late.


I woke up from the smell of fried eggs. Hmmm that smells good. Best alarm would probably be the smell of food.

I stretched my body then went to the toilet first to pee.

I went out, straight to the kitchen, because there's eggs! Yippeee!

When I arrived, I saw something spectacular. I saw Ethan placing a plate full of rice on the table while Minho arranging the plates.

Okay, what just happened? Am I in another universe? Or am I still dreaming? I pinched myself, only to find myself hissing from the pain. So this is real.

So what happened? Did I miss something?

It was Ethan who noticed me first. "Good morning Cassidy."

I smiled back, and being the tease that I am, I replied, "Well good morning boys! I see you're getting along! Have I missed something? Am I hearing wedding bells?"

Ethan threw a pot holder at me.

"Hey! What was that?"

"I tell you, if you don't shut up, you can't eat here."

"Oh no. I am so sorry." I said while clutching my heart, as if deeply sorry of a sin made.

Minho snickered at the side, getting my act. I smiled. Well, this could be good.

So I approached the table and sat at the head. Ethan was at my left, Minho at my right. But I'm feeling so happy today. So, I can't stop talking.

"Okay children, let's say some graces before our meal. Ethan, would you lead us in prayer?"

"F*ck you."

I chuckled. "Minho, please lead the prayer, seeing Ethan is incapable of doing that."

Minho just rolled his eyes. What the-!

But he still prayed. After praying I said, "Okay children, dig in."

And we ate in silence, but my heart was at peace for the first time in centuries.

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