Above the corridor in room 7, there will be a small night light every one meter, scattered with white light.

A small hole once appeared in the ceiling above the corridor.

The small hole is the big mouth of the bowl.

This can effectively prevent the people who are locked in from escaping from the small hole while delivering food from here.

Shen Yun has only had one meal in these days.

White rice in bamboo tube.

There is no salt in the rice, no pickles and other dishes, and even no chopsticks. It's just plain white rice with some water.

Like this tasteless white rice, Shen Yun used to disdain to have a look at it.

When she was just locked in, after seeing the white rice being sent down, she was also too lazy to see it, and she was not in the mood to see it.

But now, she hopes that in the small hole, there will be white rice again, no salt, no pickles, no chopsticks, just plain white rice and water.

Unfortunately, until now, she was so hungry that Venus appeared in front of her eyes. She couldn't sit still, and she didn't see the hole open again. Some white rice was sent down.

She had to curl up in the corner behind the iron door and stare at the end of the corridor.

At the end of the corridor is a space of tens of square meters.

It's dominated by black holes.

To the left of the black hole is the small platform with iron plates.

The torch that never goes out on the small high platform gives off a glowing glow, which looks like a ghost fire from hell. It makes people shiver.

When Shen Yun saw the murals and thought about the history of the Shen family that her grandfather once said, he knew what her fate was like.

She became a sacrifice that the Shen family would offer to the Dragon every 12 years.

These days, I only give her one meal to empty her stomach and make her more "clean" so as to make it convenient for dragon to eat.

Shen yunzai refused to believe that her beloved grandfather would throw her, a female member of the Shen family for nearly a hundred years, into room 7 as a sacrifice to the dragon.

But it's true.

She's in room seven right now.

In her muddle, she had heard the sound of the dragon coming.

She glared at me!

The fear in her eyes has never been so strong as it is now, including the desire for survival and hope.

But where can she go?

At this time, she was in a 30 meter cold corridor. At the end of the corridor was a black hole, and behind it was a heavy iron door that could not be blown open by a shell.

She had been hungry for so long that she had no strength.

Shen Yun stares at the end of the corridor in horror. When his teeth tremble, there is a flash of lightning in his mind.

She finally understood.

Why is this corridor decorated so luxurious, smooth and clean.

Originally, it was just for the convenience of the dragon to capture the sacrifice.

It is more convenient for the dragon to wash the blood on the ground and walls with water after eating the sacrifice.


Bang bang.

Fear gives Shen Yun a certain strength, prompting her to raise her hand, slap the thick subway door hard, and yell in her mouth: "Grandpa, Grandpa, let me out! I, I don't want to die. Grandfather, please, please let go of your granddaughter. "

She didn't see any monitoring equipment, but she knew it must be installed in it.

As a child, her grandfather, who regarded her as the apple of his hand, was watching her silently in front of the monitor. He was brutally torn and eaten by the coming Dragon.

"Why, why!"

Shen Yun stood up, raised his head abruptly, and hissed at the upper left corner behind the door.

She is in extreme fear, and her sixth sense is also extremely sharp, so she can detect that place. There should be a monitor.

Shen Yun's sixth sense didn't go wrong. There was a monitor in that place.

In front of the monitor connected to the monitor, Shen Ming and Qing stood there, with no expression on her thin face, just like not seeing Shen Yun, more like not hearing her angry voice.

But Shen cunmao, standing behind him, saw it and heard it.

Usually, in the face of thousands of people, they can talk and laugh freely. At this time, they are pale and sweat drips down from their forehead.

He was afraid because he was infected by Shen yunzai's fear.

Second, from the speaker, also heard that faint, terrible cry.

He is 53 years old this year, but it is the first time he has seen the scene in room 7.

Just as Shen cunmao did not understand why his father wanted him to see this.

Shouldn't he wait until he becomes the head of the Shen family in Seoul to see these things and know something?


Just inside the monitor, Shen yunzai was sitting on the ground slowly along the iron gate in despair. A cold sweat finally dropped from Shen Cun's chin and landed on the wooden floor, making a harsh sound.

Shen Ming and Qing finally said, "cunmao, do you wonder why I want you to see the things in room 7 in advance before you inherit my seat?"

"Yes, yes, father. I do, I do think so. "

Shen cunmao immediately bent down and bowed, with a somewhat hoarse reply.

"Because I don't think I'll live long."

Shen Ming and Qing were a little silent for a moment, then said softly.

Shen cunmao's body trembled and raised his head in a big surprise: "father, you can live a hundred years."

Shen Ming and Qing raised his hand and interrupted him: "everyone hopes to live a long life, even forever. But since ancient times, how many talents can live a long life? Who can live forever? In fact, we all know that birth, aging and death are natural laws. As long as you are a normal person, you can't escape this natural law. "

Shen cunmao is worthy of being the next generation leader of the Shen family in Seoul. This intelligence quotient is really high enough. I immediately heard a different meaning from Shen Mingqing's words.

But he was still not sure. He only asked carefully, "father, do you think there will be people who violate the laws of nature in this world?"

Shen Ming and Qing seemed to smile and said faintly: "for thousands of years, the men of Shen family have never been in accordance with the natural law in that matter?"

Shen cunmao was shocked.

Then I understood.

Shen Ming and Qing said that the Shen family men violated the natural law in that matter, which is worth inheriting. They are much bigger than ordinary people, and their kidney function is also extremely strong.

How strong is it?

For thousands of years, the women around the Shen family men in Seoul have never betrayed them.

Just like in the tsarist Russia era, relying on the 28.5cm rasp, not only the royal family was promiscuous, but also almost all the ladies in Moscow at that time, and they were fascinated, even crazy.

But the men of the Shen family are much more low-key than that old man. They never publicize how big their equipment is and how good their life is.

The ancestors of the Shen family were just refugees from the mainland. How could they win the favor of the princess and create a big family, known as the first family in Seoul, which will last forever?

Isn't it against the law of nature?

"Father, do you mean that the legend of the ancestors of the Shen family is true?"

Shen cunmao raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead and asked carefully.

"I doubted that when I was your age."

Shen Ming and Qing slowly leaned over and looked at his son: "after I became the head of the family, I knew that some things really didn't conform to the laws of nature. Cunmao, when you become the owner, you can open the safe in my study. After the third day of March every year, you can go to room 7 to clean up and have a look at the Holy Card that has been consecrated for thousands of years. "

Shen family has a holy card, which is worshipped next to the black hole in room 7. Shen cunmao knows.

He also knew that in the safe in his father's study, there were many secrets that only the owner of the family was entitled to see.

But he didn't know why his father said such things as cleaning so seriously?

Just as he opened his mouth to ask, the light from the corner of his eye swept Shen Yun's face in the monitor - his face turned pale.

He finally understood why his father solemnly said that he was cleaning.

After the dragon eats Shen yunzai, won't it splash blood all over the corridor?

It's the holy land for the Shen family to make a fortune. Of course, it can't be stained by dirty blood. It has to be cleaned with a high-pressure water gun.

No wonder my father goes to room 7 every year after the third day of March.

It turned out that he went in to clean up.

Every twelve years, on the third day of March, a son of the Shen family is sent in to become a sacrifice to the dragon.

Similarly, on the third day of March every year, the owner of the Shen family would clean up some pigs and sheep that were put in every month after the third day of March last year, and the blood spattered by the dragon.

Shen yunzai is the one who will be eaten by the Dragon this time!

Today is not the third day of March, but it must be the "year of peace" for the children of the Shen family. Every month, it's the day to worship the dragon.

Therefore, the Dragon hidden in the black hole will come as promised today.

"It's fate. Save and risk, you must remember that when anyone gets something, he has to pay something. "

Shen Ming and Qing walked up to his son and patted him on the shoulder.

"Yes, yes. Father, I must bear your words in mind

After bowing to his father, Shen cunmao couldn't help but ask, "but my son is stupid. He still doesn't understand why it's not too big to make a mistake in less than 12 years. I think there's still some credit to be made in the worship of the dragon."

Without waiting for Shen Ming and Qing to say anything, Shen cunmao said, "just because she ignored the interests of the whole Shen family for the sake of love?"

After a moment's silence, Shen Ming and Qing slowly said, "I really support the fact that Yun is in love with crown prince Duan. If it is just this matter, for the sake of her loving him, I will not betray her love even if I want to fight for the interests of the Shen family. No, put her in room seven. "


Shen cunmao was surprised. He looked up at his father and asked, "my father, what is the reason that you are willing to sacrifice the only little princess of the Shen family who has been born for nearly a hundred years to the dragon?"

"Good question."

Shen Ming and Qing suddenly laughed and said, "before I answer your question, I'd like to correct some of your inherent views."

"Father, please."

"Yunzai is not the only woman in the Shen family for nearly a hundred years."


Surprised again, Shen cunmao blurted out: "is the legend false? Ah, no, I mean, is the legend wrong? In fact, there are other girls in our family who are outside? "

Shen Ming and Qing shook his head: "No."

Shen Cun was so confused that he couldn't understand what his father wanted to say.

Shen Ming and Qing took a deep breath, and then slowly said: "I say yunzai is not the only woman in the Shen family for nearly a hundred years, because she is the only woman in the Seoul Shen family who has lived here for thousands of years."

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