Shen cunmao was completely ignorant.

But it's more puzzling.

Because he really did not understand why the ancestors of the Shen family had to hide that the Shen family had never given birth to a girl for thousands of years.

It's thousands of years. Even after thousands of years, there are still no female members of the Shen family. It's nothing.

Without girls, it can only prove that the Shen family is prosperous.

In fact, it is.

Take the generation of Shen cunmao for example. There are five brothers and more than 30 cousins.

This, not including the blood relationship, has long been with Shen Cun to emerge five clothes those distant brothers.

The Shen family is thriving, isn't it?

"Not good."

Shen Ming and Qing suddenly picked the corner of his eye and said slowly, "because there is no girl, every 12 years, the Shen family will send a core child to room 7 to offer sacrifices to the dragon."

Shen cunmao's mouth opened wider and mosquito coil appeared in his eyes.

"Cunmao, do you think that when I sent your fifth brother, who made a mistake, to room 7, my heart didn't hurt and I wasn't afraid?"

Shen Ming Qing's eyes were still twitching, and his body swung down, then retreated.

Shen cunmao woke up and rushed forward to help his father.

Shen Ming and Qing gently broke away from him and turned to stare at the monitor.

In the monitor, Shen Yun is in complete despair. He no longer questions in a shrill voice. He just stares at the end of the corridor with his hands holding the bamboo tube for holding rice.

Tears, like broken beads, rolled down her cheeks.

The weird calls coming from the speakers are becoming clearer and clearer.

This is enough to prove that there is a terrible thing coming out of the black hole.

Shen Ming and Qing raised his hand and tapped on the keyboard in front of the monitor.

Immediately, the invisible monitoring head in room 7 turns slowly, aiming at Shen yunzai's face.

Shen Ming and Qing's trembling fingers gently wiped his granddaughter's face.

It seems that he wants to wipe his granddaughter's tears.

Just across the monitor, how could his hand touch her face.

"Save and risk. My heart hurts. It hurts. I have seen the tragedy of the Shen family three times in my life. This is, this is the fourth time. I hope this is the last time for the Shen family

Shen Ming and Qing vainly wiped a few, hand, dispirited put down.

Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of the Shen family were favored by the princess, so they rose strongly. Every 12 years, the head of the Shen family had to experience the pain of bereavement.

To get rid of this curse, a girl with Shen family blood must be sent to room 7.

If it's a male, or a sacrificial pig or sheep, the dragon will only eat it and return to the black hole, waiting for another pig or sheep to come to the black hole 12 years later - or at the end of each month.

Why do you send a core son of the Shen family to the Dragon every 12 years?

Because the ancestors of the Shen family said that if the Dragon did not eat the sacrifice 12 years later, it would die.

It doesn't matter if it's dead - but after it's dead, so will the Shen family.

All dead!

Anyone with Shen family blood will die.

"When technology was underdeveloped, our ancestors had learned that there was a strange thing in the blood of our Shen family. You can call it poison, or you can call it anything

After talking about this, Shen Ming and Qing closed his eyes slightly, and then continued: "it's these things that make our Shen family perform extremely well in that aspect, and make us healthy."

Later, with the development of medical science and technology, people were able to determine the blood type and gene through advanced instruments. After that, the Shen family also tested their blood, hoping to find out what these poisons were.

But the result let them down, this is a kind of poison.

Never heard of poison.

It's this poison that changes their genes and makes something so powerful.

The production of poison can be traced back to the ancestors of the Shen family who discovered the black hole thousands of years ago.

At that time, didn't he sleep next to the black hole and have a wonderful dream, and dream of making friends with something?

That thing is a python.

Female python.

Who stipulates that Python can't communicate with people?

Well, since some people have to say that Python can't do anything with people, it can't do anything with people. Anyway, the Shen family believes it. They believe it's a fact, not a story.

After being pushed back by the python, the ancestors of the Shen family naturally harvested the Yin essence of the python when they gave the Yang essence.

The first AIDS, by what way to spread?

So what's so strange about Shen's ancestors being put on some terrible virus after being pushed back by Python?

It is because after poisoning that some part of the body of the ancestors of the Shen family changed greatly.

As for being favored by the princess later, it doesn't matter that the Shen family in Seoul has become a rich family.

What's important is that after having some special skills, the ancestors of the Shen family were horrified to find that if they didn't get something from the python every 12 years, they would poison themselves and die.

It's painful to die.

But if you want to get these things, you have to get them when the Python and the Shen family get together.

After years of exploration and sacrifice, the ancestors of the Shen family discovered that the python, which changed the fate of the Shen family and was called the dragon, turned out to be a strange hermaphrodite.

It needs both men and women.

If there were no Shen family men, they would be trampled by it every 12 years, so as to absorb some of that stuff, and it would die.

From a scientific point of view, as early as after the ancestors of the Shen family had sex with the dragon for the first time, it regarded the people of the Shen family as the source of the virus that could survive forever.

It must rely on some protein of the Shen family's men to disintegrate the virus.

Similarly, when it absorbs these things, it will discharge some things to "feed back" the Shen family, who also needs antidotes.

It's about getting what you need.

Anyway, if the Shen family wants to survive and reproduce with Python, they must "cooperate sincerely."

In fact, for thousands of years, the man who was used as a sacrifice was not killed by the python.

It's living and dying.

After they die, the python will eat them before their blood clots.

In order to completely remove the curse, the Shen family didn't know how much they had to pay before they knew where the hope lay - that is, they had to sacrifice the python with the Shen family's legitimate female.

Python will also make friends with Shen when she accepts the female of the Shen family.

When you have sex with Python and Shen family men, some antidotes are different. When you have sex with women, Shen family yearns for something once and for all.

"That thing is a perfume bag with strong urge and affection, which is also the snake essence of folklore."

Shen Ming and Qing said slowly: "only when we get the sachet and use it as a medicine guide, can the shadow of the Shen family for thousands of years disappear. And if you lose your sachet, you will die. "

As he said this, the whistling in the stereo became louder and louder.

This proves that the python is about to emerge from the black hole.

Shen Yun in the monitor, no longer crying.

This is a strong girl.

She knows very well that in this case, crying can no longer do anything but represent weakness.

Although she is also very clear, to rely on the hand of the bamboo tube, to resolve the imminent danger, this is just a dream.

But what else could she do?

"She can't help it. Because from the moment she was born, she had been given the most important mission. "

Shen Ming and Qing's voice became very old at this time: "but our ancestors have been looking forward to it for thousands of years, but they haven't looked forward to a girl."

Modern scientific research has proved that women give birth to boys and girls, are men's chromosomes, play an important role.

Shen family man's chromosome, that is quite tough, is also quite stubborn, let a woman not give birth to a daughter.

Without the birth of female members, the Shen family will always be shrouded in every 12 years, there will be legitimate children as sacrifices, to sacrifice the great pain.

"In order to reduce this invisible pressure, the owners of previous dynasties simply deceived themselves, saying that no girls were born in the past 100 years. This will give people a strong psychological hint, as if in the next hundred years, a girl will be born to save the Shen family. "

Shen Ming and Qing suddenly laughed silently, looked at the monitor again, and said excitedly: "for thousands of years, the wishes of our ancestors have finally come true in my generation! Cunmao, do you remember how happy I was when Yun was born? "

How can Shen cunmao not remember?

More than 20 years ago, when Shen Yun was born, it was snowing and freezing. His father, barefoot, spent a day and a night walking from Seoul to zanglong mountain.

"Your fifth brother has made a great contribution to the Shen family."

Shen Ming and Qing raised his hand and patted his son heavily on the shoulder. In his old eyes, he was in deep pain again. He murmured, "but because he has the cloud, he can be used as a sacrifice to the python."

Shen Ming and Qing did this in accordance with the instructions of his ancestors.

When the Shen family finally had a girl, her father had to be sacrificed to the dragon.

Why does he have to go?

Because he can give birth to a daughter, it proves that his chromosome has finally changed.

Then, python can wake up the sleeping androgen when he has sex with him, and make sachets grow faster - when a woman appears, she can discharge sachets after having sex with her.

After hearing this, Shen cunmao couldn't help asking, "why don't you kill the python by force and take out the sachet when it appears? You have to sacrifice the cloud?"

"By force?"

Shen Ming and Qing's face suddenly turned black, and his eyes staring at his son were gloomy.

"Please, father, forgive me."

Shen cunmao realized that he had said something wrong and quickly bowed to apologize.

"It's not in your way. I just feel the danger of the Shen family's extermination after hearing you say this

Shen Ming and Qing's face softened slightly and said in a soft voice, "you can't use force. Because force will open the Python's stomach, it will feel fear, so as to break the sachet in advance. Once the sachet is broken, its medicinal properties will be exhausted in an instant. Therefore, we can only let the python give birth naturally. Only in that way can we use it as a guide to completely solve the virus. "

"So it is."

Shen cunmao understood this and raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead.

Before his words were heard, Shen Ming and Qing suddenly thought of something: "however, in the materials handed down by his ancestors, it is said that there is a man who can use force to open the belly of a Python and take out a sachet intact."


Shen cunmao was immediately shocked and asked in an urgent voice, "who is that man?"

"A man with a black dragon hidden in his body who can rejuvenate from the dark world."

Shen Ming and Qing slowly finished, then shook his head: "but in the world, how can there be that person?"

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