All countries in the world have their own unique old legends.

For example, the vampire in the western world, the Twelve Gods in ancient Greece, the ghost baby in the eastern world, and the Nuwa mending the sky in China all have their own regional cultural color. Of course, there are also such legends in South Korea.

But no matter which country, almost all have the legend of immortality or rejuvenation.

But the children in primary school also know that legend is legend, and there is no such person in reality.

Shen cunmao, in particular, is an elite in modern society. No matter what he does, he is used to analyzing the occurrence of something from a scientific point of view. So his father said that only when there is a person who can rejuvenate, can he use force to open the Python's stomach and take out the sachet intact. His first reaction is disbelief.

What's more, Shen Ming and Qing also said that the rejuvenated man not only came from the dark world, but also had a black dragon hidden in his body?

It's not difficult to understand the two words "rejuvenate, dark world". But there is a black dragon hidden in the body. What's the matter.

"Specifically, I'm not very clear. Everything I'm talking about now is handed down from the old Shen family. You can have doubts in your mind, but you have to believe that these things do exist. "

Seeing what his son thought in his heart, Shen Ming and Qing said solemnly and slowly.

Shen cunmao didn't say a word, just staring at the monitor.

Shen yunzai in the monitor, still clinging tightly to the corner behind the door, holding the bamboo tube with both hands, looking at the end of the corridor in horror.

That creepy scream is gone now.

It's like it never sounded.

But Shen cunmao could see faintly from the monitor that in the dark red space at the end of the corridor, the white fog gradually became more and more severe.

The monster that will appear from the black hole does not leave, but is getting closer and closer to the hole.

It didn't make any more terrible calls, just because it smelled the delicious taste of the sacrifice, just like a hunting leopard. When it got closer and closer to the prey, it would hold its breath for fear that it would disturb Shen yunzai and let her escape.

Shen cunmao believed that he would see a terrible Python later.

Because my father doesn't have to cheat him on this.

But he had some doubts about the things handed down from his ancestors.

In his heart, of course, he felt that all that his father had just said was just a legend made up by the ancestors of the Shen family after they rose up in this land to make people believe that the glory and wealth of the Shen family was a gift from heaven and no one could violate it.

Just as the ancient kings claimed to be the real dragon emperor for the sake of ruling the people.

What is the real dragon?

Since it is the real dragon emperor, why are there so many wise and arrogant monarchs in history now lying in cold graves, waiting for future generations to dig their graves, open their coffins, take away their dead objects, throw their bones in the wild, or put them in the big boxes of museums, and let the audience buy tickets to visit?

Therefore, Shen cunmao can conclude that there are only cannibals, and no rejuvenators from the dark world.

It is also true that there is a strange virus hidden in all the lineages of the Shen family.

After all, Shen cunmao has already tested his blood and found the unknown virus. Over the years, he has been secretly searching for an antidote to the virus, but he has never got any results.

That kind of virus is inherited from the ancestors of Shen family, just like every family has a special gene.

But whether the virus in Shen's blood came from Python - if so, Shen cunmao really wants to scoff.

He didn't believe that Python could interact with humans.

Do you really think that the legend of the white lady under the Leifeng Pagoda by the West Lake of China really exists?

Of course, although the probability of people and snakes intersecting is very small, it can not be said that there is no such thing.

After all, there are many shameless netizens on the Internet. In order to be famous and earn money, they once broadcast live with dogs, the ancestors of the Shen family. Maybe they met a "netizen snake" in those years, and then they were infected by the virus after a spring festival.

After being infected with the virus, the fate of the Shen family also changed, from a foreign loser to the largest family in Seoul.

The ancestors of the Shen family, in order to ensure the status of reverence and spread it from generation to generation, invented such a legend according to the story of python, and transformed the Canglong mountain into the "land of dragon travel" of the Shen family.

Any lie, if you want to deceive others, you must deceive yourself first. This is an indisputable law of lies.

Therefore, in order to deceive the world and make people believe that the glory and wealth of the Shen family were ordained by heaven, they had to believe the fable themselves.

What should we do to cheat ourselves?

Then, the ancestors of the Shen family gritted their teeth and decided to make the legend come true with the lives of their children.

In the face of blood and life, any doubt will become pale.

Every 12 years of fear, more like a devil, strangled the eyes and throat of the Shen family, making them believe in their dreams that the Shen family must do so, in order to enjoy the glory and wealth forever, and to prevent the virus carried in their bodies from attacking.


The sigh of his life interrupted Shen cunmao's wishful thinking.

There is no need to ask at all. Just from the radian of his son's mouth, Shen Ming and Qing can be sure that his son does not believe what he said.

But Shen Ming and Qing just sighed, not angry.

Back then, like Shen cunmao, he stood here and watched his relatives being raped by the python. Before he was finally devoured, he didn't believe what his father said.

But now?

He believed it.

Because he has seen a lot of things from the safe in his study.

Now he just doubts that there is no one in the world who can open the Python's belly and take out the sachet without the death of Shen's family.

After hearing his father's sigh, Shen cunmao realized what had happened just now and quickly bowed himself to apologize.


Shen Ming and Qing hesitated and said, "in those days, I was just like you now."

Shen cunmao raised his head slightly and asked boldly, "father, what are you doing now?"

Shen Ming and Qing had some shriveled corners of his mouth. He pursed slightly and did not speak.

Shen cunmao knew that he could not ask any more. He had to cut off the topic: "father, I have another question."

"He said

Shen Ming and Qing's voice was full of fatigue. He turned and looked at the monitor: "time is running out."

Shen cunmao immediately jumped down in his heart and asked, "my father, if what you just said is true, then there is a cloud in the Shen family for thousands of years. After she was born, why didn't she be sent to room 7 nine years ago? In that way, the fifth brother will not have to die. "

Without looking back, Shen Ming and Qing asked, "how big is the cloud this year?"

Shen cunmao was a little stunned and blurted out: "in four months, yunzai will be 21 years old."

Shen Ming and Qing asked, "how old was your fifth brother when she died nine years ago?"

Shen cunmao, of course, came to solve the simple arithmetic problem that 21 minus 9 equals 12.

Shen Ming and Qing asked for the third time, "do you think a 12-year-old girl can have a relationship with - not to mention a python, anyone?"

A 12-year-old girl is still young.

Most girls of this age have not yet started their puberty, that is, the menarche is coming. They are not mature in all aspects, so of course they can't have a relationship with people.

Shen cunmao suddenly raised his hand and wiped the sweat on his forehead. He was ashamed and could not speak.

Shen Ming and Qing knew that he asked this question purely because he was too nervous. Of course, he would not blame him for it: "originally, I intended to wait three years before I sent yunzai here. But - alas. "

Three years later, it was the year when a legitimate son of the Shen family had to die.

Now 21 years old, Shen Yun has become a mature girl in three years. Of course, she can communicate with anyone and python.

The main reason for Shen Ming and Qing to change her mind and send her to room 7 three years in advance is that she has been married by a man.

A girl in her twenties has been raped by a man, which is a strange thing in today's society - if she hasn't been raped by a man, it's a strange thing.

Just as spring comes and flowers will bloom, Shen Ming and Qing Dynasties did not restrain their granddaughters from making love with boys.

Anyway, Python is not an old tradition of not being a virgin. What it wants is a woman with special blood of Shen family.

So Shen Ming and Qing knew very well that when her granddaughter was kidnapped by ham and stayed outside for such a long time, she would be tainted by those vicious human traffickers.

But it's nothing.

He will still love his granddaughter as before and treat her as the apple of his eye.

The fundamental reason why Shen Ming and Qing really made up his mind to send Shen Yun to room 7 at the end of this month is that one day last month, he inadvertently saw the faint black color between the eyebrows of his granddaughter walking on the beach with her.

People who know a little bit about medicine can see that this is the manifestation of poisoning.

But how did she get poisoned?

After discovering that something was wrong, the resourceful Shen Ming and Qing did not make a public statement. Instead, he took advantage of the opportunity of physical examination of all members of the Shen family to give her a general examination.

As a result, as Shen Ming and Qing worried, Shen Yun was poisoned.

What's the poison in her?

The essence is poisonous.

Whether it's traditional Chinese medicine or Korean medicine, in terms of women's chaotic sexual life, they all have the same saying: "the three essences are highly toxic and can kill women."

That is to say, if a woman has sex with more than three men one day without a condom, the three kinds of "proteins" remaining in her body may produce terrible chemical effects, turn into highly toxic toxins, and kill women.

Moreover, this poison has no solution.

Shen Yun has been kidnapped by human traffickers for such a long time. A fool can think of her innocent body. He doesn't know how many people have ridden her. So it's "normal" for her to be poisoned.

But Shen Ming and Qing did not want to accept this reality.

After all, women are only one in a few thousand likely to be poisoned.

That is to say, thousands of women and tens of thousands of men can be poisoned after a night.

Shen yunzai is the man.

Shen Ming and Qing really didn't want to accept this cruel reality. How much did he want to stay with his granddaughter for another three years?

But the cruel reality forced him to send Shen yunzai to room 7 by the end of this month.

Otherwise, when she died, the curse of the Shen family would have to wait until that year.

In this way, Shen Ming and Qing went to Shen yunzai that day to have a final dinner with her - only to find that she was watching the top secret military information sent by crown prince Duan.

So, Shen Ming and Qing had an idea to take advantage of this and put her in room 7.

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