The most responsive people are not Li Mingdu, not to mention the zanglong mountain guards outside the door who stand by the wall with their heads in their hands as gourd eaters.

But in an instant to restore memory, think of who he is Li Nanfang.


He is Li Nanfang.

Muzi Li, North wild goose flying, south Li.

There is a noble, sexy, white, beautiful, cruel to people, but gentle to his wife Hua yeshen.

As early as 11 years ago, he was almost killed by the old man. He was boastful, arrogant and unreasonable, but he was full of his aunt and fiancee Yue Zitong.

He also has - many, many like him, love him, but also many, many hate him, want to tear him to pieces, lovers, friends, elders and enemies.

He is Li Nanfang.

Li Nanfang can think that he is Li Nanfang in an instant because of Duan Xiangning's words before her death and the blood blooming in the air like summer flowers.

Li Nanfang really didn't understand. After seeing Duan Xiangning decide to commit suicide in order not to let him die, he was able to completely recover his calm after a second at most.

How could that be?

Li Nanfang suddenly wanted to laugh. When he saw Li Ming, he immediately woke up.

So he laughed.

"Ha, ha ha, ha ha!"

Li Nanfang is obviously laughing, but it sounds like crying.

The sound of laughing or crying is like an invisible dragon hovering rapidly in room 7, roaring and rushing to every corner.

It even penetrates the white fog at the mouth of the black hole, extends downward, and causes strange resonance.

It's like, under the unfathomable black hole, there are many terrible ghosts, awakened by Li NanFang's laughter, scrambling to climb out.

Li Ming is extremely afraid of Li NanFang's laughter.

Without hostages to coerce Li Nanfang, what should he do?

Li Mingdu's reaction speed is absolutely amazing.

When she realized that Duan Xiangning had no use value, she immediately released her and threw it away with the saber. She raised her mobile phone with her left hand and pressed her thumb on the detonating key. She was about to exert herself!

Even if he died 10000 times, Li Ming dared to swear that he didn't hesitate to press the trigger button this time.

He is going to die with Li Nanfang, Jin Xuanqi and others!

To have so many people to die with, it is also true for Li Ming.

He didn't naively think that after Duan Xiangning decided to commit suicide, he could still use his mobile phone to blackmail Li Nanfang.

Because he's a man, too.

So he knows that when a man sees the tragedy with his own eyes, he will never care about his own life and death. He must be killed!

Since both sides are dead, Li Ming is certainly not willing to die by himself.

I'm going to die. Let's die together.

Li Mingdu's brain immediately gave his left thumb to press the detonating button. At that moment, his face was ferocious, and there was a crazy flame in his eyes. Unexpectedly, he had a very sour happiness, which prompted him to follow Li NanFang's example and suddenly open his mouth to give out arrogant laughter.

"Ah, ah!"

However, what Li Ming heard was the wailing sound he would make when he was in unbearable pain.

He wants to laugh!

How could it be wailing?

Li Ming doesn't understand.

Jin Xuanqi and other people who eat melons understand.

Because they saw with their own eyes that when Li Ming pushed Duan Xiangning away, put aside his sabre, raised his left hand and was about to press the detonating button, so that everyone on the scene would die with him - the sabre that fell to the ground suddenly appeared in Li NanFang's hands.

Then, you can see a cold light sweeping by.

It's another blood arrow, more like fireworks, blooming on Li Mingdu's left wrist.

In fact, Li Mingdu, a left-handed man, was half a meter high with blood in his left hand. When he was about to fall, he was caught in his hand by Li Nanfang in time, and then he threw back without looking back.

Li Ming, with his mobile phone's broken hand, just like being equipped with a rocket thruster, swished across the entire corridor of tens of meters under the guidance of radar, and accurately landed in the mouth of the black hole filled with white fog.

Who, when his left hand is suddenly cut off, can not hold the broken wrist with his right hand, try to cover the blood rushing out, bend his knees and kneel on the ground, open his mouth and make a piercing cry?

Li Ming did the same thing, kneeling in front of Li Nanfang.

It's like begging him, begging him to return his left hand.

Li Nanfang hated the wailing of Li Mingdu. Holding the right hand of the saber, he slipped a half arc from bottom to top and rubbed it into his mouth.

Li Mingdu's wailing stopped suddenly.

The sharp point of the saber was three inches long, running through the back of his head.

With the penetration of the sabre, Li Mingdu's eyes suddenly protruded out of his eyes, and he slowly collapsed on the ground with a full heart of reluctance.

Death is great.

No matter how hateful Li Ming was, since he is dead, Li Nanfang will not vent any anger on a corpse.

Look, don't want to look again, just look down to Duan Xiangning.

Duan Xiangning, who was pushed to the ground by Li Ming, was lying flat on the ground. Her face was slightly sideways, as if she still had life. Her eyes, which were always fixed at a certain moment, looked at Li Nanfang very gently.

Li Nanfang also looks at her.

There was a long silence.

He just bent his knees and fell to the ground slowly.

In the corridor outside the iron gate, someone could not bear the bloody cough.

Li Nanfang said, "get out of here."

His voice was not harsh at all. It was quiet.

Just too calm, no feelings, but let Jin Xuanqi and others feel more afraid.

They dare not stay for a moment, for fear that if they are careless, they will be punished by the murderer.

These four words can't describe the process when Jin Xuanqi and others fled to the ground.

They just know that when they stumble on the grass outside the super plate, they can't help crying and vomiting.

"Get up!"

Shen Cun's cold voice made Jin Xuanqi and others shiver. He didn't dare to lie there again and got up in a hurry.

"Da Shao"

Jin Xuanqi raised his hand and wiped his face hard. He was about to narrate the bloody scene below. It was really untimely for his stomach. Shen cunmao said faintly: "I know all about it. Don't say it again. Now, seal the exit of the dungeon immediately and cement it. I want to make it a dead city. Or a tomb. "

In fact, Jin Xuanqi is more like detonating the underground city and smashing Li Nanfang to death in it, according to what his father said in his suicide note.

It's a pity that my father made a fatal mistake before he died, and his mobile phone was robbed by Li Ming.

In front of the monitor in the monitoring room, Shen cunmao saw clearly.

It's clear.

Seeing Duan Xiangning's decision to commit suicide, the onlooker Shen cunmao held his hands and waved a low roar: "detonate, detonate! Let NIMA detonate quickly, what's the matter with you

Unfortunately, Li Ming didn't hear Shen Da Shao's roar, so he was stunned for three seconds.

Then, if Shen cunmao wanted to complete his father's last words, he had to completely seal up the underground city.

But he knew it was futile.

Since Li Nanfang can climb out of the black hole, he can naturally leave room 7 from the black hole.

But it's better to do it than not to do it, isn't it?

When Shen cunmao commanded everyone to turn the underground city of zanglong villa into his father's tomb, Li Nanfang knelt down in front of Duan Xiangning and looked at her blankly.

The blood has solidified.

Duan Xiangning's body is stiff.

Including the smile at the corner of her mouth and the tenderness in her eyes.

People who know medicine know that the body will be stiff soon after death, but it will become soft in an hour or two.

Li Nanfang reaches out his hands, picks up Duan Xiangning, slowly stands up, turns around and walks to the end of the corridor.

He didn't go to the gate.

Because he knew very well that the passage from there to the outside must have been blocked.

Wherever he comes from, he has to go out.

Although Li Nanfang is not willing to take that road at all, he has to go, just like Duan Xiangning is taking that road.

God, it's going to be dark.

Duan sporadically walked out of the dense forest of the 38th line and came to the zanglong river. She stood on the big stone that she had stood last night and jumped into the water.

It's only a day at most from last night to now, but it seems like a century has passed.

It's even longer than a century. After all, most people have never experienced her experience from last night to now.

The meaning of life is not simply living.

It's what you do while you're alive.

At present, it is midsummer season. After being exposed to the sun for a whole day, he is still wandering between heaven and earth and unwilling to leave. But Duan sporadically feels a little cold. He wraps his hands around the black jacket and sits on a big stone.

Big stone also has some heat. Through the thin shark skin diving suit, it looks like brother-in-law's hand. It's warm and comfortable.

Behind, came the light footstep sound.

You don't have to look back. You know who it is.


The cuckoo who came to meet her and Li Nanfang by the river last night is called cuckoo, not wolf tooth.

"Things have been sent back to China. We have finished our task. It's time to withdraw."

Cuckoo walked to the back of Duan and gently reminded him.

What he said was, of course, the "top secret military intelligence" document contained in the laptop that Duan fragmentary took back from zanglong mountain.

As for whether that document is true or not, it's none of cuckoo's business.

His task is to lead Duan's sisters and Li Nanfang here.

Take them away from here, if Li Nanfang and others are still alive.

I'm like a deaf person. There's no response.

Cuckoo had to remind again.

She then asked, "where am I going?"

Cuckoo a Leng, blurted out the answer: "of course, back to the ah."

Duan asked: "after returning home?"

"Home, of course."

The cuckoo replied.

Duan's sporadic chin raised and said faintly, "do I still have a home?"

Why don't you?

You are the first lady of Duan family in Dali!

When the cuckoo opens its mouth to say these words, it closes again.

Because he suddenly felt that Duan was right.

Duan's sisters, who have no family, have been abandoned by Duan's family since they came to the river.

If you are abandoned by your family, will you admit that it's your home?

Especially when he thought of the woman who was so beautiful that he wanted to abandon everything in the early morning, and was likely to die, cuckoo felt inexplicable pain in his heart and said softly, "well, what do you want to do?"

"What can we do?"

Duan seemed to smile and said, "of course I'm waiting."

"What are you waiting for?"

Cuckoo did not respond for a while and asked.

"Wait for my sister, my husband."

A few vague answers.

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