It's half past eleven. It's very late.

Most of the people in the eastern hemisphere who have been working for a day have gone into a sweet dream.

These people who are working for tomorrow, how to repay the mortgage this month, whether the toy money they want to buy can be deducted from the cigarette money, certainly will not be like some people who are staring at the TV and waiting for a moment of elation.

The eastern hemisphere is a starry night.

In the Western Hemisphere, the sun is shining high, and the streets are full of beautiful women with two big white legs, twisting their sexy waists, screening their hips, emitting a wave of energy that is hotter than the sun.

Who would have thought that in the hemisphere thousands of miles away from the East and the west, there would be strangers in the two countries, all waiting for the arrival of a wonderful moment.

His hands crossed, his fingers rubbed in front of his face, and his eyes were filled with excitement, just like the super fans in the opening match of the football World Cup.

"Seven, six, five, four, three --"

When the excitement in these people's eyes escalated again, someone could not help but start the countdown: "start!"

I believe everyone has seen the news broadcast, right?

On time, as soon as the time arrives, familiar music comes to tell people that this is the most popular and the most bullshit program. Most of the time, it only gives people big pie.

The program that these people are waiting for is much more wonderful than the golden program that we all know.

Because as early as last century, some of them had enjoyed this wonderful program.

Although they have been waiting for more than 20 years, they are still so excited.

Especially Mr. Bella, who has enjoyed this program for more than 20 years.

As early as more than 20 years ago, Mr. Bella was just a small agent of the CIA, but a chance made his fate change dramatically.

He accidentally met a heavyweight in the Chinese military - this kind of thing is top secret, Mr. Bella not only dare not say, even dare not recall.

Anyway, it was the top secret military information he got from a big figure in the Chinese military that changed his fate.

Of course, Mr. Bella paid a certain price for this. For example, he pushed his newly married wife into the arms of a Chinese military bigwig. In the end, the hateful Chinese agent killed both of them who were having sex in Hawaii.

Fortunately, in this world, as long as a man has money and status, if he wants to find a beautiful woman to serve him, he can do it with his eyes closed.

What's more, after more than 20 years, God once again favored Mr. Pella, and let him get another chance to change his fate from the Shen family in South Korea?

"It's time for the fat woman at home to be a little beauty."

With this in mind, Mr. Bella took the cigar out of his pocket.

Immediately, the Asian man sitting next to him took out the lighter.

This man is from South Korea. His surname is Shen.

As for his name, Mr. Pella forgot.

After all, he is no longer the young man more than 20 years ago, and it's normal that his brain is not easy to use. As long as he can remember how many deposits he has, and the contact information and house number of a few Xiaomi, Mr. Bella will have trouble remembering who is surnamed Shen when he is sick.

However, for the sake of his hospitality, Mr. Bella decided to speak to him.

In this way, Mr. Bella still stared at the TV, seemingly very casual: "Mr. Shen, your Shen family is not kind in doing business this time."

Mr. Shen replied with a smile, "Mr. Pella, how do you say that?"

Mr. Pella said faintly, "it's nothing. As far as I know, the Shen family didn't just sell us this information. There should also be Toyo and your own country, right

Mr. Shen said humbly: "ha ha, Mr. Bella, you should be very clear that there is a certain gap between exclusive news and non exclusive news. The price I give you is definitely discounted, not to mention friendship price. "

Mr. Bella frowned and said, "Mr. Shen, you give me a discount, not because you can't confirm the accuracy of this information?"

The smile on Mr. Shen's face was gradually diluted by dissatisfaction. When he spoke again, his tone became lukewarm: "Mr. Pella, if I can confirm the accuracy of this information, can I still buy it at the current price? Before we contacted each other, I made it clear that we did not dare to guarantee the accuracy of the information. As for whether you want to buy it or not, it depends on your own analysis and investigation before you make a decision. "

Mr. Shen is right, and Mr. Bella is very clear.

When the two sides contacted at the beginning, Mr. Shen not only said these things clearly, but also wrote the uncertainty in the contract.

There's no need to ask. Mr. Pella knows that the Shen family must have said the same thing to the Asians when they sold him this top secret military information.

He has no right to blame the Shen family.

In this business, there are profits and losses, especially when it comes to this kind of big business. It's also a test of the buyer's insight.

It's like a gambler.

You can't cut the original stone but don't see the emerald, just return the stone and ask the boss to pay back the money, can you?

After contacting Mr. Shen, Mr. Pella immediately reported to the CIA chief.

Use unscrupulous divisive tactics to win the most important practical exercise in twenty-first Century, which is a great event for the US. It must be treated with caution and use all the hidden lines hidden in China. It will be unscrupulous to sacrifice all to obtain the latest information and make sure that the secret of the secret military situation is very convenient.

To say that the CIA is still a lot of cattle, it is worthy of being the best intelligence department in the world. It has inserted the eyeliner into the Dali section.

The cook's status in the Duan family is not high, and she has no right to participate in the Duan family's core meeting, but she can truthfully report everything that happened to the Duan family to the CIA.

As for the fact that the cook was caught when she was desperate because of the pressure, Mr. Bella expressed deep regret, not because of her life and death, but because she failed to provide more useful information to the CIA before she was exposed.

It is also through the family cook, and the collection of intelligence from all sides. The CIA finally determined that the trustworthiness of Seoul's Shenyang's top secret military situation was as high as sixty percent.

For those who manage drilling rigs all day long, they can do it with 10% confidence, let alone 60%?

Do it.

You have to do it!

And so, tonight, Mr. Bella is sitting here waiting for his fate to change again.

If the information is true, he'll go a step further.

If it is false - sorry, the CIA will never bear the error of analyzing intelligence. This black pot can only be carried by Mr. Bella.

The greater the benefit, the higher the risk. This is for sure.

Mr. Bella, who understood this very well, was pricked by Mr. Shen. He was too lazy to pay any attention to him and looked up at the TV.

The evening news on TV has been on for a long time.

Of course, at the beginning, it's natural to show how dedicated the president is to the people, and the beauty's initiative can't shake his heart of making profits for the people. It's noon, and the sun is burning. He is still in front of the window in his office. With his deep eyes, he is looking at the street in the distance, racking his brains for where several tramps can live at night.

When the TV screen turned to the international news, a black suit came quickly and whispered something in Mr. Bella's ear.

Mr. Bella, who was sitting on the boss's chair, jumped up as soon as his tail was trampled on and ran to the door.

Just a few meters out, the door opened.

A bald old man, surrounded by more than ten people, walked in quickly.

The head of the CIA, he's on the list.

"Here you are, Mr. Newson."

Although Mr. peara did not vote for Mr. Newson when he ran for president, it did not affect his worship.

Even at this moment, he regretted: "maybe when I vote for Mr. Newson, he will not be vice president."

"Well, everyone worked hard."

Mr. Newson glanced at Mr. Bella, and without waiting for an invitation, he walked quickly to the chair where he had sat and sat down.

Obviously, as the vice president, Mr. Newson is also highly concerned about the leakage of China's top secret military intelligence.

Otherwise, Mr. Newson, who has a lot of resources, would never come to the CIA to watch TV under the guise of inspection.

Outside, maybe there are journalists.

Bella, who had been pushed to the window, looked out and saw several interview cars coming from a distance.

"Today is a good time for me to show my face."

Bella was very excited again.

As the most important part of the task of "beating the Chinese face", his status is not high or low, and he can be interviewed by journalists.

Bella vowed that he would be at his best and talk to the camera.

Soon, the news is over - some things, it's better not to say or write, so as not to cause trouble. In short, Mr. Pella is sure that after the news is broadcast, the ambassador of the Chinese Embassy in the United States will immediately call to protest against the United States.

But what's the point?

Anyway, Mr. Bella is just a small man. What he has to do now is to face the camera and talk about the CIA's Niubi and how wise he is to get this top secret military intelligence that shocked the world in advance.

As soon as he spoke, a reporter with a moustache held up the microphone and squeezed in front of him: "Mr. Pella, I'm lakas from AP New York TV. Can you tell me about the accuracy of the news just now? "

"A hundred percent truth."

Mr. Pella answered without hesitation.

"Oh, Mr. Pella, you are too confident, aren't you?"

Immediately a reporter made a fuss.

When Bella smiles, she looks at four o'clock on purpose.

Immediately, someone keenly caught his action. After subconsciously looking at it, his eyes immediately brightened: "Oh, my God, so Mr. Newson is also here."

The presence of Mr. Newson proves that he also agrees with what Mr. Bella has just said.

Immediately, a reporter interviewed him and asked this hawk who has never been friendly to China to talk about his views on this matter.

"I just want to say one thing."

In front of the camera, Mr. Newson put up a finger: "if there is a war between China and the United States, we can absolutely destroy all the weapon bases of the other side in the shortest time."

"Why are you so confident?"

When a reporter asked this question, Mr. Pella was the first to answer: "if we can get all the top secret military information of the live ammunition exercise to be started in China in advance, what else can we not do?"

"Yes, long live!"

In the CIA conference room, there was a roar of joy.

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