It's like flying in the sky.

It's a sense of deja vu.

Shen Yun has only experienced it once, but it is unforgettable and can't be forgotten all his life.

She never dares to relive this feeling in the daytime or in front of others.

Because whenever she recollects the irresistible pleasure of being insulted, evil and devastated, her body and mind will tremble, her cheeks will turn red, and a certain part of her body will have a strong demand, which eventually turns into plum rain.

Shen yunzai is also very clear that every time she has such a feeling, it is a great blasphemy to her love with Duan chuhuang, which is the proof of her willing degeneration.

So, sometimes when she suddenly felt like this, she would pinch her own soft meat between the ribs.

Pain, sometimes always play the role of firefighters, and play a certain role.

But at night?

Which girl doesn't have spring?

What's more, Shen yunzai is no longer a girl. In a sense, she is a young woman.

In the dead of the night, or in the middle of the night when you dream back, don't young women always savor the taste of men when they are sleeping alone?

Only at that time did Shen yunzai dare to relax her dirty thoughts and allow her to be brought into a licentious dreamland by the thoughts. She imagined that when she was rough treated by a man, with the cooperation of her two long legs in her hands, she would be able to enjoy the happiness of being repressed.

Every time after that, she felt deeply guilty.

Only with the strong hatred of that scum, to offset this sense of guilt.

What's the use of this?

Many nights, Shen Yun was crying in silence, cursing in her heart, and doing something that made her want to crash to death. From this, she enjoyed the happiness that made her body and mind tremble.

That's the joy!

But this kind of happiness is not brought to her by Li Renzha, but a terrible python.

A beast!

After the happiness came like a raging sea, Shen Yun couldn't control it any more. He only opened his eyes with tears and gave a gentle cry. He decided to face up to the cruel reality.

Isn't it just being defiled by a beast?

What's the point?

It's like the way people die.

Whether it's being cut, shot, drowned, hit by a car - isn't it all death?

In the same way.

Since Shen Yun is destined to be defiled by the crown prince Duan, why care about Python or Li Nanfang?

Just enjoy the irresistible happiness.

Anyway, it's her life.

Ha, ha.

Shen Yun, who accepted his fate, was stunned when he opened his eyes.

Where's the python?

Where's the python?

It's not the terrible python that's trampling and bombing her.

But the familiar Li Nanfang.

Just as she was trampled by this scum in the green mountain of China, Li Nanfang still carried her two long legs, with an evil smile on her face, as if to pierce her. It was inhuman.

It's a python. How can it become Li Nanfang?

Shen Yun is trying to figure out why.

But she was drowned by the ocean of happiness, and her body and mind had reached a critical point. Where else could she think about it?

What's more, compared with Python, Li Nanfang is scum, he is a human.

What's more, Shen yunzai's innocence is destroyed in his hands. Some people always regard him as a man when they wake up in the middle of the night. What else is it necessary to be reserved?


Just one word.

Tacit understanding.

These two words became the main theme of the next.

When a pair of men and women cooperate with each other, the quality of their private life will rise sharply, and their feelings will become stronger. This is why the writer Zhang has repeatedly stressed that if a man wants to conquer a woman, he has to go through her.

I don't know how long after floating in the clouds, Shen Yun slowly lost consciousness in the joyful cry.

When she finally opened her eyes with a happy smile from the sunshine, she really saw the sun.

It's just that the sun is too harsh.

Forcing her instinctively to close her eyes, she raised her right hand and put it on her face.

So much better.

And then she faintly smelled the special smell of soda.

"Am I in the hospital?"

This is Shen Yun's first judgment after her brain works normally.

When people wake up, they will habitually recall what she experienced before going to bed.

What has Shen Yun been through?

She jerked away her hand, opened her eyes and sat up.

She only recalled a little, did not dare to recall, frightened rabbit like, turn over and sit up.

"Where are the clouds, are you awake?"

As soon as Shen Yun sat up, he heard a man's joyful voice.

Shen Yun is looking back, and then he sees uncle Shen cunmao.

At the same time, she also saw that she was not in the hospital, but in her villa boudoir in Seoul.

But there was a bottle hanging from the head of the bed, and she was being injected intravenously.

Warm, no, it should be very hot sunlight shining in from the window. Her favorite rabbit puppet is still on the opposite cabinet, grinning at her.

There is no crown prince Duan, no Li Nanfang, no grandfather whose Chin has been broken, and no Python - only a nightmare wake up, return to the warmth of peace and reality, and look at her eyes, all are happy and caring uncle.


And the joy that seemed to reverberate in her body.

"So, I just had a weird dream."

Staring at uncle, Shen Yun can't help muttering to himself.

Before she could tell what kind of dream she had just had, Shen cunmao's face suddenly changed. He got up from his chair, walked quickly to the window, looked outside, and after a moment's silence, he said in a deep voice, "where are the clouds? You didn't dream just now. There are things that have actually happened. "

Shen Yun was stunned.

Then her face turned red.

Since uncle said so, it is proved that she has heard the joyful cry when she was in a dream, certainly in a dream, and Li Renzha was lingering with her to death.

If uncle is not uncle, but mother, Shen yunzai will not feel too embarrassed even if he is shy.

After all, a daughter can be in front of her mother without any reservation.

But what does uncle know?

Even if Shen cunmao is Shen Yun's true relative, the problem is that he and he are male elders.

It's just uncle, not father.

Shen Yun just had this feeling of shame and indignation, and suddenly remembered something. The blush on his face faded away.

It's as white as rice paper.

Shen cunmao said that what she had just experienced was not all dreams.

What's the meaning of this?

It can only prove that the words Shen Yun said to his grandfather in his dream, and the fact that he was haunted by a python, are most likely true.

Her face was just pale. When she smelled the sweet smell of snake essence sachet in room 7, what happened before she lost consciousness, just like Li NanFang's memory when Duan Xiangning's blood splashed on the spot, poured in like a flood.

All of a sudden, let her think of a lot.

She opened her mouth wide, trying to scream.

But there was no sound, only his body was shaking violently, as if he was swinging, he curled up and leaned against the corner of the wall, bit his lips hard, and didn't know that there was blood flowing out.

"Cloud is here. You should have a good rest first. When you've calmed down, look at these things. "

Shen cunmao turned around, walked slowly to the cabinet, picked up a laptop and a paper bag, and put it on the head of her bed. He stared at her with complicated eyes. After a while, he sighed silently and walked out of the bedroom.

"No one is allowed to disturb the young lady without her orders."

After Shen cunmao came out of the bedroom, he said in a stern voice.

Shen Yun can't see the corridor outside, immediately spread two women together say yes voice.

Then, his footsteps gradually disappeared in the corridor outside the door.

The sun is so hot outside the window. Why does Shen Yun feel cold all over?

Always shivering.

Is the liquid being poured into her wrist too cold?

Her shaking right hand jerked the needle out and threw it aside.

He covered his head with a blanket, and the low cry echoed in the room.

After a long time, she slowly came out of the sheet, her eyes were red and swollen, and her eyes were dull.

Slowly, she looked at the things on the head of the bed.

Slowly, she reached out her right hand and took the notebook first.

No matter what happened and what the future is, as long as she is still alive, she must face the reality.

When she lifted the laptop, the screen lit up and there was a player on it.

The player file is written with a few easy to understand words, room 7 surveillance video.

This is the whole process recorded by the ground monitoring room after Shen Yun was put into room 7.

It has been edited by Shen cunmao himself. From the appearance of Python to the stabbing of Li Ming by Li Nanfang, he walks to the black hole with Duan Xiangning in his arms.

During this period of time, everything that happened, including every sentence of the people present, was recorded without reservation. Shen cunmao didn't cut the head and tail.

It includes Shen Yun who is poisoned by snake essence sachet and is about to be attacked by a powerful female python, how Shen Ming and Qing Dynasties are unwilling to die, how Duan Xiangning is willing to lose, and what kind of reaction Li Nanfang is.

Shen Yun is staring at the picture, like watching a very strange, fragrant and bloody film.

In front of the film, she is the absolute female owner.

Male master - no, it should be said that male characters are Python and Li Nanfang.

The absolute woman is only worthy of being a plaything eager to be ravaged.

The video plays these, and Shen Yun in the dream of those, 78 points similar.

No crown prince Duan, she was not defiled by the python, she just took the absolute initiative, pushed Li Nanfang who came in time.

After watching the video for the third time, Shen Yun suddenly laughed after seeing that she was like a wild animal, her eyes were red, and her mouth was hoarse.

Although she knew that the fierce fight between her and Li Nanfang ended with her throwing away her armor, at least she took the initiative at the beginning, didn't she?

The reason why she didn't keep the advantage to the end was that the scum was so abnormal.

"It turns out that all this is predestined. For thousands of years, the Shen family has given birth to a girl of mine - they have been looking forward to it for a long time. Fortunately, the result is acceptable to me. No matter how hateful Li Renzha is, he is a person after all. It's a person, right? Ha ha. "

After a few silly smiles like dementia, Shen Yun opened the paper bag.

When she watched the video for the last time, she only cared about how she lost to Li Nanfang. She had completely ignored how her grandfather died, how Duan Xiangning died and how Li Ming died.

These people, including grandfather, die as they like.

Everything is arranged by fate.

No matter how unwilling Shen Yun is, she can't compete with fate.

The only thing she can do is bow to fate.

Live according to fate.

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