Because of special historical reasons, not only Shen Yun had to bow to his fate, but also Shen cunmao and Shen Ming and Qing dynasties had to bow their heads to the cruel fate?

The Shen family in Seoul can be powerful, and it is already powerful. It is not out of thin air. As the folk legend says, his family has a good life.

That's because when their ancestors fled to Seoul more than a thousand years ago, they had already paid a price that ordinary people can't imagine.

Moreover, the price is not temporary, but permanent. Every 12 years, a young and powerful legitimate child will be thrown into room 7, first trampled by the python, and then eaten.

It's chilling to think about its evil, cruel process.

In particular, there will always be several times in the life of the family owners in Seoul who have witnessed the tragic death of their families, but they have nothing to do - the mental pressure they bear is absolutely unimaginable.

The sacrifice once every 12 years became their nightmare.

They also dream to break away from the nightmare, so they are extremely looking forward to the arrival of a female member.

The sky is sentimentally attached.

In other words, heaven is finally tired of playing this game, and finally let Shen Yun come to the Shen family at the end of the last century.

Her birth means that she can end the Millennium curse of the Shen family. The members of the Shen family, who are well aware of this, are absolutely jubilant and care for her in every way, which makes her gradually become known as the little princess of South Korea.

Similarly, after learning that Shen Yun was kidnapped by European and American traffickers, this is the main reason why the Shen family has to save her at all costs.

For whom, who won't?

After paying a huge ransom, the Shen family finally let Shen Yun return home safely.

Although the people of the Shen family have known for a long time that Shen Yun's innocent body will be defiled after being kidnapped for such a long time, this does not affect her mission at all.

Shen Ming and Qing also think so.

However, he didn't think that for a long time. Just by chance, he was surprised to find that his granddaughter's eyebrows were black.

This is a sign that the body is highly toxic, and the poison will attack soon, and after the attack, the great immortal can not be saved.

Shen Yun is shouldering the heavy burden of saving the Shen family in Seoul. Her safety is absolutely the most important task of the family. After she is poisoned, can Shen Ming and Qing not be surprised and afraid?

Although Shen Ming and Qing were afraid, he didn't show it on the surface. He just took the opportunity of annual physical examination to arrange expert doctors to give detailed physical examination and blood test to his granddaughter.

The conclusion is exactly what he expected.

That's Shen Yun's poison.

How did she get poisoned?

What is the poison?

It is not difficult to solve these two problems when medical technology is so advanced.

Shen Yun was poisoned by filth.

And dirty poison?

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that the three spirits are highly poisonous, which means that a woman who has a relationship with more than three men on the same day without taking safety measures may be poisoned by filth.

This poison is also different from the general sexually transmitted diseases, but the essence of more than three men, after melting into women's blood, produced a mutually exclusive reaction, which is highly toxic.

The granddaughter has been kidnapped for so long by vicious human traffickers, so you can't keep her innocence.

In South Korea, she is a little princess in awe, but in the eyes of those traffickers, she is just a beautiful girl who can vent her lust.

Although it may happen that women are bullied by many men every day in the world, not all women are extremely poisonous after being bullied.

It's like buying lottery tickets. There's a probability.

Shen Yun is lucky to be here——

After learning that she was so poisonous that she could survive for as long as a few months, Shen Ming and Qing not only put her in room 7 several years in advance, but also had a second choice?

Originally, he wanted to wait until the third day of the third lunar month every 12 years.

But Shen Yun's miserable fate forced Shen Ming and Qing to send her to die in advance.

There is no choice.

Because Shen Yun's tragic fate of being trampled by the dragon has been doomed since his birth.

Therefore, Shen Ming and Qing took advantage of the excuse of Duan's divulging top secret military information to her and threw her into room 7.

When the dragon was about to appear, Shen Ming and Qing thought that as long as they survived that day, the curse of the Shen family would end.

At the same time, there is his life.

When the curse of the Shen family was lifted, it was the time when the contemporary master of the Shen family died.

This is also a prophecy inherited by our ancestors. Therefore, Shen Ming and Qing brought Shen cunmao into the monitoring room to witness a cruel scene and tell him all the core secrets of the Shen family in Seoul.

There is no doubt that Shen Ming and Qing Dynasties is a qualified householder.

As long as he can lift the Millennium curse suffered by the Shen family in Seoul, no matter how he dies, he will be smiling.

But what Shen Ming and Qing didn't expect was that Yang Xiao appeared when he was ready to smile.

With the appearance of Yang Xiao, Shen Ming and Qing Dynasties were in a state of panic. When he was young, he studied hard, but later ignored the art of Xuanmen because of the rapid development of science and technology.

To put it simply, at that moment, he suddenly came to the top, and the art of Xuanmen rose to Yuan Tiangang's level - in the shortest time, even to a lot of things.

I know a lot about it.

Just before his death, Shen Ming and Qing figured out that the filthy poison Shen Yun was tainted by more than three human traffickers.

But by one person!

Who is that man?

It's Li Nanfang who crawled out of the black hole.

Is from the dark world, hidden in the body of a demon dragon, reincarnated in this world, the mountain on the "rejuvenation" of the dark disaster star.

Dark star and other women have a relationship, will not let that woman poisoning.

But after having a relationship with Shen Yun, she will be poisoned.

The reason is simple.

Shen Yun, in his honorable blood, has a gene from the ancestral dragon, a special gene from the dragon, which will react immediately after encountering the essence of the black scourge.

Although the dragon is just a python, it is a real beast, but all beasts have the instinct to maintain their own territory.

It's like a dog urinating on a big tree. It's telling other dogs, "my grandchildren have adjusted their noses. This is Laozi's territory. If anyone dares to stay here, I'll kill your family."

As early as thousands of years ago, the "Python" gene has been invaded by the "same room" in Seoul. It has been ingrained in the blood of the Shen family. How can it allow the essence of black dragon to melt into the body?

As a result, the two "gene viruses" began to fight. Just like the dog who had finished peeing just a few steps before, he found that another dog was peeing on the tree. Ignoring its warning, of course, he would be furious. He immediately turned the dog's head, showed his sharp teeth, and roared to kill the dog.

Later, since the dog dares to pee on the "elder" site, it proves that he is awe inspiring to the elder. Of course, he will immediately cheer up, open his mouth to meet him, and bite each other upside down.

The python gene virus Shen Yun carried in his blood repels the virus Li Nanfang later invaded. It's like two dogs tearing each other.

The end of the two gene viruses is the main reason why Shen Yun's eyebrows are black and his body is highly toxic.

"Yunzai, I never dreamed that after you were kidnapped by European and American traffickers, your innocent body was defiled by the dark disaster star, which led to the violent rejection and poisoning of the two genes."

Shen Yun was holding the letter left by his grandfather. When he saw it, he closed his eyes in pain.

This letter was written by Shen Ming and Qing in the monitoring room after Yang Xiao left.

It can be seen that Shen Ming and Qing Dynasties were extremely unstable when he wrote the letter.

Think about it.

Any one who knows that he will be hanging up soon, even if he is an old monk who has no desire, such as the heart of a thousand year old well, will have some waves.

Shen cunmao has read this suicide note left by Shen Ming and Qing, including the top secret information stored in the safe in his study, which only the owner of his family can read, and the surveillance video.

After seeing it, Shen cunmao followed his father's will and sent all these things to Shen Yun's room.

Only then did she know the absolute core secret of the Shen family in Seoul, what kind of existence room 7 was, and what kind of "intimate" relationship the python had with the Shen family.

And her fate.

After biting her lower lip again, she opened her eyes and continued to read the letter left by her grandfather.

When Python's gene virus collides with Li NanFang's gene virus and produces deadly poison, Shen Yun has only one way to survive.

1、 Have a direct relationship with the dragon.

2、 Have a relationship with Li Nanfang again.

No matter whether she has a relationship with dragon or Li Nanfang, her poison will be solved temporarily.

Why should we say it's temporary?

Comparing the two viruses of Shenlong and Li Nanfang to two troops fighting, they are fighting hard and are well matched in strength. They have all the same forces. One side suddenly reinforcements, that is, the new essence is killed, and the other side can not immediately lose.

After the defeat of one side, Shen Yun's poison in the center was also eliminated.

But it's only a temporary solution.

It's just like when one side of the two sides in a fierce battle is defeated, it is just a retreat, not a total annihilation. Therefore, it is certain that it will rally and come back one day.

"If you want to completely eliminate the poison, you have to stay with Shenlong or Li Nanfang for life. If you don't, you'll be poisoned for six months at most. "

Shen Yun continued to look down, and his grandfather's helpless voice came to his ear: "it's certain that the dragon in room 7 will not stay with you for life. No matter how magical it is, it can't get rid of its beast nature. It will only eat you as food after it gets you and lets you take off and die. "

After seeing this, Shen Yun suddenly hit the spirit.

Although she has clearly seen in the surveillance video that the dragon is dead, she thinks that if Li Nanfang didn't arrive in time, her fate would be extremely miserable.

Since anyone with a little conscience would not hope that Shen Yun would die of snake kiss after being defiled by the python.

What's more, does Shen Ming and Qing really love her?

"Fortunately, Li Nanfang appeared," he wrote in his suicide note. And combine with you after killing the dragon. This is the best ending for you, even for the whole Shen family. Well, of course, there are regrets. That is, if you want to go through this life happily, you can't leave Li Nanfang. Up to six months. Otherwise, you will be poisoned to death. "

Seeing this, Shen Yun raised his hand and wiped his eyes, sobbing and murmuring: "I, I would rather die than fall in love with him all my life."

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