Li Nanfang and tiegongji met Shenma on the coast.

The three left the coast on foot. After walking for about an hour, they found an off-road Jeep at the junction of the ocean and the snow mountain.

Shenma is responsible for driving through the snow mountain area to find the center of the training ground.

From the beginning of the trials to now, everyone has been vaguely aware of a truth.

No matter how many people are eliminated, the range of activity of the whole training ground is gradually shrinking.

In order not to be affected by the natural disasters that do not know when they will break out, we have to go to the core areas as far as possible.

However, Shenma has been driving for nearly three hours and still hasn't separated from the snow mountain, which is a bit unscientific.

What's more unscientific is that they clearly chose the direction of getting closer to the core area and finally saw the vast desert area.

If we go on like this, we can only go around the whole training ground. It's totally unreasonable.

When Li Nanfang chatted with Shenma at will, he could see the changes of the scenery in front of him from a distance, which improved his attention from his bored posture.

As soon as he concentrated, he was aware of the danger for the first time.

Almost no hesitation to hold the head of god horse.

Thanks to Li NanFang's timely action, otherwise the bullet from the top of a hill in front of the right was not nailed to the Iron Rooster's helmet, but directly shot through Shenma's forehead.

Once Shenma is dead, this lunatic who wants to drive with his feet in the fuel tank will surely let a jeep with a speed of more than 200 per hour hit a nearby ridge and send Li Nanfang and iron cock to be buried with him.

Fortunately, god horse is not dead, and in the next second to do the most correct response.

With one foot on the brake, the steering wheel rotates half a turn to the left, and the whole Jeep immediately slides forward in the snow with a 45 degree tilt.

During taxiing, the window of the right co pilot is pulled down.

Li Nanfang took tiegongji's sniper rifle and aimed at the sight.

There was no command, and the three men had not discussed in advance, but they cooperated so seamlessly.

Shenma is responsible for providing the best shooting environment.

Iron cock is responsible for providing weapons and equipment.

Li Nanfang only needs to aim and shoot.

Three people's movements are flowing, there is no pause.

In the sight glass, one kilometer away, on a low snow covered slope, a man was also holding a sniper gun. His whole body, even his whole gun body, was covered with snow.

Li Nanfang can only see a face, also aiming at a face with one eye closed.

As long as he pulls the trigger, without considering any wind force and air humidity, he can definitely shoot the bullet out, penetrate the sight of the opposite person, and then turn his open eyes into a blood hole.

But Li Nanfang did not do so, but the muzzle of the gun moved down slightly.


The gun went off.

The bullet made a snowstorm on the hillside.

The man who just tried to kill Shenma, without hesitation, rolled on the spot, holding his sniper gun, rolled to the other side of the snow slope and lost sight.

"Not killed?"

The Iron Rooster with a telescope asks.

Li Nanfang raised his hand and threw the sniper gun back. He pulled a submachine gun and said with a smile: "I did it on purpose. That's an acquaintance. Catch up and have a good chat. "

"No problem!"

Hearing Li NanFang's explanation, Shenma laughs, releases his foot to step on the brake, and the front of the car returns to normal again.

The roar of the engine, the whole car like an arrow, straight toward the snow slope in the past.

Before that, in order to find the core area, Shenma followed the continuous snow mountains, which could be regarded as a flat snow road.

But now the goal changes, to chase a guy who can only run on two feet, he certainly will no longer obey the rules.

No matter whether it's a pit or a mountain under the snow in front of you, in a word, in the eyes of Shenma, it's something that can let him fly by car.

In the blink of an eye, the car rushed over the snow slope and landed on the ground behind it.

With the naked eye, we can already see the figure in front of us. Shenma is also in high spirits. He roars and grabs a gun from tiegongji. He holds the steering wheel with one hand and pulls the trigger with the other hand.

Do you really think a transporter is a bully?

Shenma is also a ruthless man who bombed the enemy headquarters alone.

If Li Nanfang hadn't reacted quickly just now, he would have left the training ground and stuck a label of "elimination" on his head.

For the guy who dares to send peanuts to his forehead, Shenma will never be polite. The muzzle of the gun is aimed at the front, and the hand holding the trigger has never been released.

It's a pity that his act of venting is greater than his impulse to kill.

Countless bullets poured out, hitting the sky at most.

On the contrary, Li Nanfang, who shoots without any help, can always hit the snow just right, stir up a snowflake, block the direction of the person running in front, and force the other party to go straight ahead.

No matter how fast two legs are, they are no faster than four wheels.

The distance between people and vehicles was shortened to less than 300 meters after the gun and bullet in Shenma's hand were all empty.

Aware that Li Nanfang is also teasing the man in front of him, Shenma deliberately slows down and snakes back and forth in the snow to play cat and mouse.

If you can, Li Nanfang and Shenma hope that the duration of the game will be extended indefinitely.

Shenma did it for the sake of his nearly lost life.

Li Nanfang, on the other hand, played with the man in front of him for the sake of the stolen cigarette.

That's right. The guy who ran away with a sniper gun is the "stupid pig" who robbed most of boss Li's box of Greater China with a simple and honest attitude.

Stupid pig is in a bad mood at the moment.

After the Great China that Li Nanfang snatched from him had finished smoking, he could only take a sniper gun with only five bullets left and lurk in the snow mountain area to shoot autumn grass.

The feeling of being covered with cold snow was not so good, but the thought of the unexpected benefits of a successful ambush made him feel at ease.

After more than ten hours of lurking, he finally saw a car.

On the training ground, cars are absolutely new.

Not everyone is as gifted as Shenma, who can sniff at will and find the means of transportation.

Seeing the car coming, stupid pig made a quick decision.

Shoot the driver first.

After the driver died, the high-speed car will certainly send away the people in the car. It doesn't matter if he can't send it away. He still has four bullets in his gun. That's enough.

As long as we get rid of the living people in the car, he can walk over and search for the materials he needs most.

Unfortunately, the fact did not develop as he expected.

The first shot didn't work.

Stupid pig can see clearly in the sight, almost a few seconds after he pulled the trigger, the co pilot of the car pressed the driver's head and avoided the fatal shot.

No matter how the car moves on in a strange posture, stupid pig just wants to see what's on the co pilot's seat, and can make such a quick response.

As a result, it's not too good.

He saw a face that he could never have imagined.

The guy who should have been killed by the mine is still alive.

When he realized this, Li NanFang's sniper gun bullets aroused a snowflake in front of stupid pigs.

Stupid pig, of course, did not hesitate to turn around and run for his life.

He is very clear about the power contrast between her and black dragon. They are facing each other head-on, and they are basically in a situation of ten dead and no life, not to mention they have helpers.

This virtual training field trial, the test is everyone's survival ability, no one has been required to rely on killing to promote.

So, stupid pig's first idea is to save his life.

He felt that in such a complex snow mountain terrain, it was impossible for the car to catch up in a straight line.

But he was wrong again.

The crazy driver really drove the car straight.

When countless bullets flew over his head, and precise strikes appeared on both sides of his side, forcing him to move forward in a straight line, stupid pig finally gave up his resistance.

You can't do it if you don't give up.

I didn't see that those guys could have shot him, but they couldn't kill him at all. Obviously, they were playing with him.

A scholar prefers death to humiliation.

A fool will let himself be teased.

As a result, the stupid pig ran a hundred meters forward again. After he couldn't think of a way to escape, he immediately stopped, raised his hands and turned around.

"Stop, I surrender!"

A man can bend and stretch.

Stupid pigs don't care what's embarrassing or not.

When he went to rob Li NanFang's box of Greater China, he also thought that this situation might happen.

Only after surrendering, how to make the whole thing develop and solve in his favor needs his careful consideration.

Why don't you return that box of cigarettes to Heilong?

But the problem is, we've already finished smoking.

Stupid pig stood in the same place, his mind turned sharply. The jeep, which had slowed down for a long time, stopped five meters in front of him under the control of Shenma.

With a click, the front and rear doors on the right side of the car open.

Tiegongji gets off the car with full arms and is responsible for guarding.

Li Nanfang jumped out of the car and leaned against the door to light a cigarette for himself.

"Would you like one?"

Boss Li asked this very kindly.

Such a time, let stupid pig don't know what to say.

He didn't have the cheek to nod

"Why don't you run away?"

Boss Li's second problem is export.

The pride in stupid pig's heart was instantly aroused.

Although his code name is not on the table, it is a certain evil taste of the local people in Longteng training base, which forced him to accept.

But his own identity on the outside, is absolutely respected existence.

The Pearl Dragon family, the nephew of the dragon family in the same generation as the Dragon zaikong family, can become the existence of the whole family second only to the owner as long as they achieve certain achievements.

I was caught here by boss Li, and he recognized it.

But Li NanFang's words "why don't you run away" are obviously humiliating. Stupid pigs can't accept them anyway.

"Why don't you chase me?"

Stupid pigs retort.

If you put it on ordinary people, the next conversation rhythm will surely turn into a kind of non nutritive quarrel like "how can I chase you if you don't chase me?" "why should I run if you don't chase me?".

Li Nanfang is really suspected of pretending to be forced to talk with stupid pigs here. He is also happy that "I am so alive that I scare you to death". But this kind of mood has nothing to do with the meaningless quarrel here.

Therefore, Li Nanfang asked directly in a different tone: "give me a reason not to kill you."

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