There are many reasons why a person can't die.

For example, there are 80 old mothers on the top and crying for food on the bottom.

Another example is that there is a beautiful wife not married inside and a career not completed outside.

It's a pity that stupid pigs can't say these words.

If you have blood, you should stick your neck and say, "if you want to kill or cut, please don't talk so much nonsense.".

Of course, this kind of words can't be said by stupid pigs.

Anyone who participates in Longteng training trials will come to the end and become the soul of Longteng.

No one wants to be eliminated so easily.

After being captured by the enemy, stupid pig must follow the brave spirit of the revolutionary martyrs, yell "I'm dead, and later generations", and then die generously.

Captured by comrades in arms, whoever does that is a fool.

At this time, the most important thing to do is to plead with a shy face, and then fully show their value, in exchange for a chance to live.

So, after hearing Li NanFang's question, stupid pig thought a little, and immediately cried out: "we can form an alliance, one more person and one more strength. Four of us, we can eliminate everyone else. And I know where other people who are alive are hiding


Li Nanfang finally got some interest: "then tell me how many people are still alive and where they are."

"There are at least 13 people alive on the training ground.

Because this virtual training competition has replaced all previous exercises and training to select the members of the new Longteng special combat team in the form of the most real battlefield of life and death.

Each session of the Longteng special combat team consists of 12 people.

Once the number of survivors on the training ground reaches this number, all members confirm that Shangfeng will immediately terminate the trial.

But so far, we haven't received any order to stop the training, which proves that there are still many people alive. "

In order to fight for the last place of Longteng special combat team, stupid pig spared no effort to show Li Nanfang his utilization value.

Also in the process of showing his own value, his mind became more and more clear.

Without waiting for Li Nanfang to ask another question, he continued to explain: "since we entered this virtual training ground, the irresistible natural disasters have constantly narrowed our distance and provided us with some hidden information.

According to the current battlefield situation and the elimination probability I observed.

The first disaster came when we entered the training ground for 48 hours, and half of the total number of people who entered the training ground were eliminated.

There are only forty out of eighty.

By analogy, the second disaster came 24 hours later, that is, 72 hours after we entered here.

At the same time, another half of the staff were eliminated.

There are only twenty out of forty.

We can narrow the scope of our activities and speed up our elimination.

I was lurking on the hillside for ten hours.

During this time, I witnessed a huge avalanche and saw six people walking out of the range I could shoot.

Three of them were eliminated by others before they left my sight.

It has been more than six hours since the end of the second disaster.

In the first three hours, apart from the three eliminated people I saw with my own eyes, I believe that one or two people were eliminated in other areas of the training ground.

If 12 people survive, the training will be over.

But in the last three hours, it's just one thing.

That's it. One more.

As long as one more person is eliminated, the training trial will be over.

That's why I said, "there are at least 13 people alive."

Stupid pig's idea is more and more clear, and the battlefield analysis is quite comprehensive.

The last time I saw this guy, I could guess that Li Nanfang stepped on a mine and avoided danger just by paying attention to the change of footprints. Boss Li was deeply aware that stupid pig's battlefield overview and situation analysis ability were very strong.

Looking at it again at this moment, Li Nanfang was not mistaken.

So according to the stupid pig's idea, they just need to drive the car forward a few steps, find someone to kill them, and everything will be over.

Finally seeing the dawn of victory, Li NanFang's mood has become particularly good.

Just, why that stupid pig can already see that Li Nanfang has eliminated the idea of killing him on the spot, but he still talks about it?

Stupid pig lowered his head, as if still let his brain high-speed operation, whispered: "black dragon, I already know you, also heard about your actual experience.

At that time, I only felt that some people who praised you deliberately exaggerated your ability.

But this time in the training ground, you can escape from the mine trap of the inevitable situation, which is enough to prove that you are qualified to become a member of the new Longteng special team.

Even, I very much hope that in the future battlefield, and you fight side by side.

After all, people who can create miracles of survival are most likely to create battlefield myths.

You said, "am I right?"

Stupid pig's words are highly praised by Li Nanfang.

Boss Li, who hasn't heard flattery for a long time, really wants to say: "yes, you're right."

However, it's better to be modest.

Therefore, Li Nanfang just nodded his head slightly and motioned stupid pig with encouraging eyes to continue.

However, the stupid pig turned his eyes to the car next to him and said, "just now when I got up and ran away, I was right. A car can't drive at a high speed on such a complicated snow mountain road.

That's why I take it for granted that I can avoid your pursuit.

Unfortunately, I was wrong.

Heilong, the driver you got is also a master.

At least in terms of driving skills, I feel inferior.

It is said that every member of Longteng in December of that year had outstanding personal ability.

If we can be like them, the brother who drives is qualified to be one of us.

Do you agree with me when I say that? "

Stupid pig praises the god horse in the car, but asks Li Nanfang if he agrees.

Despite the depression of not hearing enough flattery, Li Nanfang still agrees with this analysis of stupid pig. If you can't achieve something with Shenma's ability, you can't really say it.

After all, few of the special forces in the world can drive cars and ships as airplanes.

As Li Nanfang nodded slightly again, a smile appeared on stupid pig's face. Then he looked at the Iron Rooster who was responsible for guarding behind the car and said, "black dragon, as for that brother——

I really don't see anything extraordinary about him.

He's the only one I've ever met who's armed to be a miracle.

With his dress, I can only judge that he is very afraid of death.

Black dragon, what qualifications do you think he has to become a member of Longteng special combat team? "

Stupid pig's words are very sincere.

Li Nanfang laughed at that time.

That's right. The Iron Rooster's dress is really hard to see.

But if you know his ability, you will not despise him.

In order to let stupid pig understand the ferocity of iron cock, Li Nanfang subconsciously looked back at iron cock.

This is the moment of turning back.

A sense of crisis permeated Li NanFang's whole body.

In a flash of lightning and flint, he finally understood the purpose of what stupid pig said just now, and clearly realized what stupid pig would do next.

Although his neck still keeps turning back, Li NanFang's hand is still in action. He raises the submachine gun and pulls the trigger in the direction of stupid pig.


"Dada dada"

The gun went off.

The first sound was the dull explosion of the sniper gun. A bullet as long as an adult's index finger shot out. It passed in front of Li NanFang's eyes and hit Tiegong's heart.

The huge impact drives the whole Iron Rooster to turn back and crash to the ground.

The second sound was the clear shot of the submachine gun. At least four or five bullets poured out from the muzzle of Li NanFang's submachine gun, crossed less than five meters and landed on stupid pig's chest.

Stupid pig fell down, but he had a winner's smile on his face.

In the end, he was eliminated by Li Nanfang.

Why is that?

Why do stupid pigs have to kill people when there is no trouble of who lives or dies?

The reason lies in the analysis of the situation in the training ground just now.

When stupid pig raised his hand to surrender, he had completely given up his resistance, hoping to save his life and go to the end.

However, under the pressure of Li Nanfang, he turned his brain to analyze the battlefield situation, and then suddenly found that victory was just around the corner.

With 12 people left, the trial will be over.

After his analysis, he came to the conclusion that there are still 13 people alive, that is to say, only one more needs to be eliminated, and everything will be OK.

Who should be eliminated?

Do you really want to drive to find a bad guy like Li Nanfang thought?

Boss Li thinks so, stupid pig doesn't think so.

As a son of an aristocratic family, he has the common fault of all the outstanding clan descendants.

In order to maximize the interests of themselves and even the whole family, we can sacrifice everything that can be produced and use all the extreme means that can be used.

So, stupid pig took it for granted to target the three people in front of him.

He told the reason why Li Nanfang could not be eliminated, and also told the reason why Shenma could not be eliminated, but questioned tiegongji.

Naive Li Nanfang thought that stupid pig was just chatting. In fact, the other party was using a rather obscure way to explain why he wanted to kill iron cock.

Li Nanfang looked back for a moment, felt the sudden explosion of murderous gas from the stupid pig, and also soberly realized this.

Finally realized that stupid pig played with him for the second time.

It's just like the last time he let go of his vigilance and took away the box of Greater China.

This time, he used the same method to relax his vigilance and kill his allies in his face.

Li Nanfang did not hesitate to shoot, just want to kill stupid pig before shooting.

Unfortunately, it's still a little late.

Stupid pig died.

Before he died, he successfully nailed the bullet into the heart of the iron cock.

"Your uncle, I'm the most disgusting of these family members!"

When stupid pig and iron cock both fell, the air stagnated for a long time, Li Nanfang finally burst out this sentence.

It's hard for ordinary people to understand that a guy who simply pursues interests will resort to all means in order to maximize interests.

But what's the use of saying that now?

You can't whip the corpse of a stupid pig and let the Iron Rooster recover - eh, is it really alive?

When Li Nanfang was extremely remorseful, he saw the iron cock coughing and stooping to sit up: "it's good to have a bullet proof vest."

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