Look at that?

Where are you looking?

Li Nanfang just wants to scold now. I don't have time to watch this and that!

Just holding back the tumult in his stomach has consumed all Li NanFang's strength. Thanks to Shenma, he is still in the mood to shout here.

Shenma is a driver who doesn't know the psychological activities of passengers.

He just keeps slowing down, making the car run smoothly, and then slowly approaching in one direction.

"Lying trough, it's moving, it's really moving! I'm not dazzled. It must be a man, black dragon. There's a man there! "

Who knows what excitement is what god horse is, and suddenly sees a person who seems to have never seen the woodlouse of the world.

What can Li Nanfang do?

Can only be as far as possible to make their body calm down, and then open their eyes, looking in the direction of god horse fingers in the past.

There was a man.

Of course, the premise is that in the case of preconceived thinking, the thing in the distance can only be imagined as a person.

If you suddenly see it, Li Nanfang will only feel that it is a little snowball.

From a distance, in the vast expanse of white snow, a half meter high snow bag moved forward at a very slow speed.

Behind the creeping object, there are clear traces of the trail.

By common sense, the object must have been in such a state of progress in the past few hours.

If he is really a soldier entering the virtual training ground, his state is really not in line with the field combat quality that a special soldier should have.

The whole field is in danger, and the enemy may be hidden everywhere.

The guy didn't hide his whereabouts in the absence of shelter around him. He moved slowly like a snail. It was clear that he was a living target.

There is only one possibility that he can live to this day.

That is, this guy's really lucky.

Before being discovered by Shenma, no one else noticed his existence.

As the car slowed down, it kept getting closer to the snail like object.

Li Nanfang and Shenma are more sure that each other is a person.

If it's not human, how can you push the whole body forward with your feet.

Of course, the other party's dress still has a certain degree of confusion.

What sheet or cloth should he use to wrap his whole body into a silkworm chrysalis, leaving only his feet and scalp outside.

So dress up, coupled with snow cover, do not look carefully, really can not find his existence.

Li Nanfang took back the idea just now and admitted that this guy had some experience of survival in the wild.

But this man is too arrogant.

The roar of the car engine, in this snow, should be regarded as earth shaking sound.

But the other side didn't respond at all, and even didn't look out from the snow cover. He still moved forward in a certain direction with his speed not much faster than the snail.

Now, Li Nanfang is interested.

Take up a telescope and look straight ahead.

There is a vast expanse of snow capped mountains. At most, you can see a small beach.

According to the speed of the guy wriggling in the snow, maybe half a year later, he can go to the seaside and blow the sea breeze.

But now——

"God horse, go after him and ask him what the hell is going on."

Li Nanfang said this casually.

In fact, without his command, Shenma has already chased him by car.

The wheels spin, splashing large snowflakes. Shenma stops the car steadily, dozens of meters away in front of the creeping object.

Li Nanfang was highly concentrated.

Armed with a spear in one hand and a pistol in the other, his eyes fixed on that side.

No one can guarantee whether that thing is a trap. Only by making all preparations can we cope with the unknown danger.

Shenma's whole body muscles are also tight. He holds the gear lever with one hand. Once he finds that the situation is wrong, he immediately accelerates to leave here.

Neither of them got out of the car, waiting for the target in their eyes to respond.

After all, their car is already in the way of each other. No matter who it is, they should give a little response.

But the fact is that the thing that wriggles in the snow has not changed at all.

The whole body arched, legs pedal, scalp rub snow.

One minute, two minutes, more than ten minutes have passed.

Li Nanfang and Shenma completely give up the guard, two faces on the window, staring at the man.

The other side had wriggled to the side of the car, his head hit the wheel and was forced to stop, but he didn't seem to be aware of it. He still pedaled with his feet and hit the edge of the tire with his scalp again and again.

Finally, after more than a dozen collisions, Li Nanfang finally responded.

"Lying trough, this man's consciousness is blurred. He only acts here by his will to survive. Get out of the car and help

Li Nanfang is right.

This man wrapped himself up in a silkworm chrysalis and devoted himself to wriggling in the snow. In fact, because of hunger and cold, his consciousness was completely blurred. He only relied on his willpower to find a way out in this way.

He is very lucky.

In the past few hours or even more, no one has noticed him, and no one has eliminated him.

At the same time, he was unfortunate.

Bear a huge torture, was not found by anyone, can not get the slightest bit of help.

Li Nanfang is not a good man.

But he also can't do it, see a guy who has no resistance ability, go up to stab a knife, that kind of heartless thing.

Especially, after lifting the pupa into the car and unpacking the top of his head.

Li NanFang's expression is more rich, and he has unspeakable regret and guilt in his heart.

Who is this man?

It's called "monkey in the sky".

If he had known it was this boy, Li Nanfang would not have been so careful. He began to help half an hour ago.

What has the monkey gone through?

How did he come to be like this?

It's a long story. In fact, it's something that has been mentioned.

It took the monkey two days to get out of the desert hinterland and walk all day along the boundary line between the desert and the snow mountain. After the second natural disaster, he wrapped up a sheet picked up by accident and went into the vast snow mountain hinterland to avoid sandstorm and avalanche.

Hungry for three days and three nights, with only one sheet on his body, he collapsed in the snow.

He didn't dare to faint.

If you faint, you will die.

In order to get to the end of the trial, in order to get the result he wants most.

He must find a way out by constantly moving, or attract the attention of others, so as to get help.

So there was the scene that Li Nanfang and Shenma had seen before.

The monkey's consciousness is vague, and he doesn't know anything else. His mind, even any cell in his body, only remembers one thing.

Move forward. You can't stop.

Li Nanfang didn't know the experience of the monkey.

But he knows the state of the monkey at the moment.

They have been carried into the back seat of the car and blown by the warm air of the air conditioner for a long time.

This can only prove one point.

"Well, it's hopeless. Give him a break."

Li Nanfang said, and handed a spear to Shenma's arms.

What do you mean, black dragon? You want me to kill him like this? "

"Killing people is actually saving people. It's better to let them free early than to suffer this kind of torture."

Li Nanfang looked up at the sky as if he had been a monk. He took a worldly attitude and sighed heavily.

God horse saw that he was a forced criminal. He wanted to stab him directly. He raised his hand and threw back the spear. He roared: "don't pull the calf here. Why don't you do it yourself?"

"He's my brother."

"It's your brother that should have helped him out."

"Do you want to be so cruel?"

"You said you wanted to free him. Which one of us is cruel?"

Li Nanfang and Shenma push back and forth with a spear. Everyone knows that the monkey can't survive, but no one can be cruel enough to give him a good time.

The two quarreled so much that they were about to fight each other.

All of a sudden, the scurrying monkey, who was still wriggling in the back seat, straightened up.

The monkey with ruddy face looks like a dying man. His eyes are full of hope when he looks at Li Nanfang.

He opened his arms, grabbed Li NanFang's chest with both hands, and cried out: "wat Ayu, broken card two, vomit degree!"

As the voice fell, the monkey lay back heavily, hit his back on the car seat and bounced twice, completely losing his life.

People are dead.

It's no use Li Nanfang or Shenma.

Scurrying monkey actively give up the insistence in the bottom of his heart, there is no strong willpower to support him to live.

But what the hell did he say before he died?

"What do you mean? What's the vomit? Do you understand

Li Nanfang stares at two big eyes and looks at Shenma for help.

With an extremely serious expression, Shenma nodded his head and said, "what he means is to let you live well, go to the end of the trial, and then lead the new special team of Longteng military spirit candidates to complete the most arduous task and show the powerful strength of Chinese special soldiers to the whole world."

"Crouch, can you really understand him?"

"I guess so."

God horse's honesty, almost hook up Li Nan Nan's desire to kill.

No reason to guess. What do you mean to be so serious?

It seems that we have to wait until the trial is over to ask the monkey.

Li Nanfang and Shenma observed two seconds of silence for the monkey. Then they put the body out of the car and covered it with the sheet. They drove back to the car and headed for the sea.

From the beginning of the whole trial to now, we don't know how many people have been eliminated.

But it is quite certain that the number of people still alive in the field is absolutely less than 12.

"It seems that the officials of Longteng training base are going to let us get better in this virtual training ground. It's impossible to finish this training without deciding on the last living winner. "

Li Nanfang, sitting on the co pilot's seat, turned to Shenma and asked with a smile, "Shenma, when you say that there are only two of us left in the end, how will you eliminate me?"

"I'll knock you out?"

God horse seems to hear a big joke, with a huge dissatisfaction roar: "I am a transporter, how can you beat you this abnormal. You give me a real fighter, and if I can eliminate you. But -- "

God horse laughed, turned to see, to Li Nanfang showed two rows of white teeth, said: "however, I will not take the initiative to give up. Even if it is eliminated by you, I will make you pay the price. "

"Well, I'll take you as seriously as I can."

Li Nanfang and Shenma look at each other and laugh.

But the next moment, a bullet smashed the windshield and stopped the laughter in the car.

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