Danger is everywhere.

Whether it is a time of peace or war.

Whether in the real battlefield or in the virtual training ground.

This truth has never been changed and can never be extinguished.

It is precisely because of the constant vigilance against the crisis that China can continue to move forward and its military power can take the lead in the world.

After three months of military training, Li Nanfang and Shenma have gradually acquired the special qualities of Chinese soldiers.

Their perception of danger and their constant vigilance in the process of talking and laughing make them make the most correct response at the first time when they feel the danger of shooting.

Li Nanfang quickly lowered his head and clearly heard the sound of the bullet penetrating through the seat back behind him.

Shenma immediately turned the steering wheel, trying to find something that could be used as a shelter.

Both of them responded quickly, but no matter how fast they were, they couldn't match the successive bullets.

The enemy hiding in the dark, who first shot Li Nanfang as the target, in a short time of more than ten seconds, fired the sniper gun with the feeling of machine gun, which did not give people a chance to breathe.

Those powerful sniper bullets can always shoot at Li Nanfang and Shenma from very strange directions and angles.

If the car is not driving at high speed, it will cause the uncertainty of target movement.

In addition, the tough automobile steel plate provides natural protection.

How many lives Li Nanfang and Shenma have is not enough for the gunner to harvest.

But always lying in the car is not a long-term solution.

In particular, after the two front tires have been blown out, no matter how superb Shenma's driving skills are, it is impossible for a car with used tires to continue to drive at high speed.

When the left rear tire burst out a cry of frustration, Shenma finally couldn't support it. He yelled: "there's a hillside ahead. I'll park the car behind. Let's --"

The voice disappeared before the words were finished.

Li Nanfang, who is looking for the shooter's specific location with cat's eyes, is shocked and quickly turns to look over.

See god horse one hand covers the neck, the blood of Yin Hong flows out along the finger seam.

The bullet just now, obviously, opened his carotid artery.

But even so, Shenma still insisted on driving the car to the bunker position he chose.

"God horse, wait, don't move! I'll bandage you to stop bleeding. You still have a chance. You can't give up! "

When the whole car hid behind the hillside and the gunfire stopped, Li Nanfang immediately overturned the back seat to look for the medicine box.

As long as it's not directly killed, everyone has a chance to rescue.

But without waiting for him to find the bandage, Shenma grabbed his sleeve.

"Don't, don't waste time. I can't stop it. Go and get rid of that man. "

God horse's intermittent words came.

He was lying on the seat of the car, his eyelids buckled heavily, his coat stained with blood, and even the whole car was very bright red.

"Well, god horse, you wait. I'll get rid of that guy before you die! "

Li Nanfang is no longer talking nonsense.

Pick up the sniper gun that was once cherished by Iron Rooster, turn over and jump out of the car, just like a ghost, gallop toward the position where the shooter is sitting.

This is the vast hinterland of snow mountains.

As long as you occupy the commanding height, you can have a panoramic view of everything in the surrounding field of vision.

Li NanFang's attack can be said to be a forward rush against the muzzle of the gun. What can be used as a cover for him.

But he rushed out without hesitation.

This is his commitment to his comrades in arms.

Iron Rooster supplies supplies, he did.

Shenma is responsible for leading the way, and he has done it.

Now it's Li Nanfang who goes to battle to kill and eliminate the enemy. If he can't succeed, it's that he is ashamed of his comrades in arms' trust.

In any case, let god horse witness, he put the hidden in the dark of the shooter out.

With the impact of Li Nanfang, the gunner who always observed the situation was obviously stunned, and missed the opportunity for Li Nanfang to appear and kill him at the first time.

But then, the gunfire never stopped.

Machine guns, submachine guns, sniper rifles and so on, all kinds of guns and bullets came alternately, one by one with endless anger, hoping to burn Li NanFang's bones.

It's still this kind of posture of never ending to shoot without saying a word.

Li Nanfang guessed who the shooter was.

And then, after clearly connecting to the shooter's shooting rules, Li Nanfang was more convinced of his conjecture.

Little sheep!

Sharpshooter sheep.

In addition to this horrible woman playing with a gun, Li Nanfang can't think of anyone else who can always aim bullets at his head.

The last time he was in the rainforest, a sudden natural disaster forced him to part with the sheep.

Li Nanfang didn't see the other party die, so he paid more attention to the woman, hoping to form a temporary league with the other party in the next selection period.

But unexpectedly, the little sheep didn't give boss Li any chance to form an alliance.

In this rather abrupt situation, he appeared and killed his new comrades in arms.

There's nothing to say.

If you want to fight, we boss Li will never be afraid of a woman.

Because women are sentimental animals. No matter how powerful she is, no matter how strong her psychological quality is, she will lose the most basic judgment ability after being influenced by certain emotions.

Little sheep's emotion for Li Nanfang is "anger".

For Li Nanfang once severely hit her self-confidence behavior, feel extremely angry.

It has been said for a long time that little sheep is known as "sharpshooter" no matter when he is an agent or when he participates in the training of Longteng base.

No target has survived three rounds at her gunpoint.

Only Li Nanfang, after she emptied three bullets, still lives well.

Who won't be angry in this situation?

Anger fascinated the sheep's eyes, let her suddenly into an extreme.

That is to find Li Nanfang and shoot him in the head.

It must be a head bash, even if it hurts any other part of her body, she will lose.

It has to be one shot. Even if you shoot a few hundred shots, you can't hit Li Nanfang. As long as you shoot one shot, it's enough. If you don't kill people, you can't shoot one more shot.

Little sheep in this pursuit of perfection to almost abnormal ideas, completely lost the chance to kill Li Nanfang.

The idea that she had to shoot her head in one shot made her shots extremely regular.

This rule is that she aimed at Li NanFang's head, calculated the accurate advance of shooting.

Li Nanfang just needs to change his direction before his head enters the accurate position of the little sheep, so that he can perfectly avoid all the shooting and constantly shorten the distance between the two sides.

It's very simple. In fact, it requires Li Nanfang to be highly concentrated and have the courage to dance with death on the blade.

God horse's death, stimulated him to display the ability of pressing the bottom of the box.

Let him do what he can't even imagine.

The abnormal persistence of the little sheep also indicates that the two people's contest has been divided at the beginning.

It is clear that Li Nanfang, who has no shelter protection, can be killed with a random shot. She has to blow her head with one shot, so that the law of shooting is completely mastered by the enemy.

If you don't correct your mistakes, you can only be shot in the head by Li Nanfang in this fantasy.

"Women can play with guns, but it's better to play with men's guns."

Li NanFang's voice is rather low.

The lamb, who had emptied all the bullets, had no choice but to smile.


A bullet didn't know what pity was, and it steadily penetrated into the brow of the lamb.

Also with the sound of the gun, the sheep hide behind the location, the rumbling sound of earth shaking.

Here comes the avalanche.

Li Nanfang wants to swear.

Pointing to those who have no conscience to speak of, the virtual training ground designer's nose scolds.

It's all a bunch of stuff.

If you want everyone to decide on one, two, three, four, and directly engage in a challenge arena competition, is it necessary to design a larger scope than the first tier cities?

After the design, natural disasters are used to reduce the scope.

It's the brain drain who makes things so complicated.

What's more, it's intolerable that the natural disasters designed by computer programs are extremely high.

You can scare people to death before you really kill them.

After Li Nanfang eliminated the sheep, he looked up to see the avalanche coming and the endless ice and snow swarming. It was no less terrifying than the collapse of heaven and earth.

At this time, who can care to mourn for the dead, and who can care whether the people with massive arterial bleeding are alive or dead.

I don't care if I come here. The most important thing is to turn around and run.

Li Nanfang worked hard to lighten all the weight he could lighten, so that he could run back to the position where the car was at the fastest speed and get a set of skis left by tiegongji.

Then, with the help of skiing equipment, he calmly coped with the avalanche.

But the power of nature is endless, and the power of man is always used up.

Skiing is an individual activity. It's even more collapsing to step on a snowboard all the way up the slope.

I don't know how many hillsides I've climbed. Li NanFang's arms are very tired and sore. The avalanche still doesn't stop behind him. What else can he do?

"I quit!"

Throwing away his ski stick, he lay down on the ground. Li Nanfang raised his middle finger to the sky.

Love me, love me.

Anyway, boss Li doesn't want to do this kind of hard work.

At most, he was eliminated by an avalanche. He didn't get to the end. He was not reconciled.

But I didn't expect that there was no way out.

When he gave up completely, the roar of the mechanical engine suddenly overshadowed the rumbling avalanche.

A snowmobile came whistling and stopped steadily in front of Li Nanfang.

"Get in the car!"

The jade rabbit, who has a proud upper circle but has a child face, appears at this time.

"Can you stop thinking about such a dirty thing? I just picked you up by the way. I didn't want to roll the sheets with you. If I can't get on the bus, I'll go if I can't get on the bus! "

The voice of jade rabbit rings out again.

Li Nanfang was red at the time.

They all forgot that Yutu could read his mind and read his dirty mind thoroughly.

Now that she knows everything, there's nothing else to talk about.

Li Nanfang no longer has any hesitation, rushes forward two steps, sat directly behind the jade rabbit.

But the next thing is not easy.

Li Nanfang is more than 1.8 meters tall, while Yutu is less than 1.5 meters tall.

Snowmobiles are low in front and high in back. Yutu's head can touch his stomach when he tilts back.

Where can he put his hands?

Can't you hold Yutu's neck to keep balance?

Without waiting for him to think out the answer, Yutu suddenly stood up and yelled, "grab my chest!"

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