People get along with each other, lack of communication, is a very terrible thing.

No matter how much love Li Nanfang and Yue Zitong have shown before, there is an indisputable fact that can not be avoided.

They lack communication, spiritually, physically and physically.

It's a good thing to say that the exchange of meat and body is to choose a time when both sides are willing.

It's really hard to communicate spiritually.

The heart to heart dialogue always becomes unreal for one reason or another.

Fortunately, today, here.

There's no reason to stop them from communicating.

"Is Hua yeshen Yang Xiao's subordinate?"

Yue Zitong spent a lot of brain, and finally digested this information. He was so surprised that he began to play around all over.

"I came to northern Xinjiang for the jade.

Hua yeshen told me that the jade would be robbed and finally handed over to Li Nanfang.

Then, the black dragon ball was really robbed by Yang Xiao.

There are also a group of perverts who can smash people's heads with bare hands, shouting to protect Yang Xiao.

When we got married -- "

"When did we get married?"

"Shut up and hear me out!

I'm talking about the wedding day of the Seven Star Club.

Someone's going to kill me.

That person even Qin Laoqi they are not sure, can only be Yang Xiao.

But Hua yeshen blocked the knife that Yang Xiao wanted to kill me for me.

Now you tell me that Hua yeshen is under Yang Xiao.

Yang Xiao wants to use her to kill you and me. I follow the woman Hua yeshen foolishly to come here.

Do you want to tell me that we will die in the hands of Yang Xiao sooner or later?

Not just you, but me? "

Yue Zitong's thinking is a little confused, and his words are quite illogical, but the last summary is very insightful.

Li Nanfang nodded dully: "probably, maybe, maybe that's it. Oh, it should also include flower night God. "


"According to my understanding of Yang Xiao, after he killed me, he would send all my women to accompany me. He seems to have said, "I won't be too lonely."

Li Nanfang said that in the end, he would be shocked.

All the time, he was overwhelmed by the death pressure brought by Yang Xiao.

But I never thought about what Yang Xiao would do after he really died.

Now think about it, he died, his woman really can escape Yang Xiao that devil's claw?

Absolutely not.

He can't die for them.

Thinking about it, Yang Xiao is always a dead button that can't be broken.

As long as the devil didn't walk, was killed by thunder, choked to eat, choked to drink water, then Li NanFang's ending is only one, will not change.

This kind of feeling of being unable to return to the sky is really disgusting!

Li Nanfang felt the helplessness in silence.

Yue Zitong also in silence, trying to clear a way of thinking, subconsciously asked: "wait, why did Yang Xiao kill you?"

"How do I know?"

"What happens after Yang Xiao kills you? Will the devil become the devil

"How could I know that!"

The two questions raised by Yue Zitong are actually questions that Li Nanfang has been puzzled about.

From the beginning to the end, Yang Xiao was called a demon because he was full of magical evil and didn't give a good reason to kill.

"You wait. I'll go to huayeshen. I'll ask you everything. I won't watch you die, nephew. You have to wait for me. You can't die until I come back. "

Yue Zitong opens his arms and hugs Li Nanfang deeply.

The soft and elastic body is really hard to describe.

Li Nanfang is very clear that it is very inappropriate to think about those dirty things at this time, but he is shameful.

After that, we have to go further?

As soon as Yue Zitong and he touched each other, he turned to go out without looking back. He should be looking for Hua yeshen.


Thank you for working so hard for him.

With a long sigh, Li Nanfang lay back on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling.

The next time, he kept this action, regardless of the passage of time, until the knock sounded again.

The person who pushed the door in was not aunt Yue, but an orderly in military uniform.

"Report. Black dragon, please follow me and get ready for the mission. "

This is the signalman of Longteng army. I'm here to call all the members of Longteng team together.

Li Nanfang stood up, shook his head and put aside all thoughts.

No matter how big Yang Xiao's problem is, there is always a way to solve it.

The worst is to take all the women and hide in 800.

He understood that people are not afraid of death, escape is not humiliating, knowing that they will die is stupid, waiting to die is humiliating.

More importantly, there are only 800 villagers in the world who can resist Yang Xiao's metamorphosis.

Eight hundred is his hope.

After people have hope, their mental state is always very good.

More importantly, he has not only 800 villagers, but also a group of powerful comrades in arms.

After two days, all the members of Longteng group met again and suddenly found that they were used to each other's existence.

"Black dragon, I'm sick. I've been playing games these two days. I always think that if I have you to form a team with me, I'll be invincible. "

The mouse stood in the middle of the line and said with a smile to Li Nanfang.

I haven't seen you for two days. The mouse is still so obscene.

But this guy is a little more cute than he was three months ago.

Li Nanfang just wanted to reply with a smile, but he didn't think about it. He held his shoulder down with a hand.

"Black dragon, don't worry, we are brothers. Yours is ours, your woman is also our, er, sister-in-law. We'll do our best to help you get your sister-in-law out

"Your sister-in-law, your sister-in-law! Can you speak human language

Li Nanfang was almost blinded.

Where are all these?

"Ha ha, slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue. But then again, I haven't been anywhere these two days. I've been wandering around the headquarters. Guess what? "

As a crosstalk talker, the monkey speaks with a burden.

Every minute attracts everyone's attention.

The thick bull acted as a cheering voice and asked cooperatively, "what's the matter?"

"Ha ha, of course, let me know some details of our mission.

You don't know, just the little Beauty Secretary of President Chu, tut Tut, that's beautiful.

It used to be me. Er, don't stare at me. I'm serious.

I heard that our mission is a multinational joint operation.

Britain, Russia, the United States, and the Oriental countries around the Arctic circle have all ruled out special forces teams to work with us.

But so far, the commander in chief of the operation has not been determined.

In other words, everyone is fighting for command.

I always feel that our mission this time is not just to rescue hostages and deal with a terrorist organization. Maybe we have to fight with each other before the mission is completed.

I'll go. Don't look at me like that.

I'm telling the truth.

If you don't believe it, we'll see! "

The monkey in the sky made a promise, although everyone didn't want to believe it.

But everyone knows the skill of the monkey.

It's not difficult for such an interrogation expert to get some information about the task from the female secretary of the headmaster of Chu in the form of teasing a little girl.

We are not afraid of how difficult the task is.

What I'm afraid of is stabbing myself in the back.

As the old saying goes, "if you are not afraid of a god like opponent, you are afraid of a pig like teammate."

The special teams of other countries are definitely not pigs. They are afraid that they will play the role of pigs.

"Gather, attention!"

With a shout, everyone in the whole team immediately put up their lazy posture and stood in line.

President Chu stepped up to the front of the team and waved his hand. Immediately, two signalmen came over with the documents in their arms and distributed them to the people.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Dragon battle in the field mission two days ago has fully proved that you are an excellent special operations team, fully capable of carrying out the next task.

All the operational arrangements for the capture of Crete are in the documents distributed to you.

On the way to the mission site, everyone carefully remembers your responsibilities.

The headquarters has formulated different secret operation plans according to your personal ability. Unless in an emergency, you are not allowed to tell anyone your secret operation plan, even your comrades in arms.

Keeping a certain amount of secrecy is to make you better help your comrades in arms.

Therefore, no matter what you see, you should carry it out without hesitation. I don't want anyone who disobeys orders to cause failure or even endanger the lives of his comrades in arms.

Do you understand? "

"I understand!"

Everyone's calling in response.

It's just that everyone was shocked.

In the joint operation of a small team, in addition to the overall operational deployment, everyone was assigned a completely different action plan.

What does that mean?

Of course, it's not for the internal members of their team to watch out for each other.

But to tell people that this mission is extremely dangerous and full of variables.

Only when everyone has an unknown plan of action, can we ensure to a greater extent that in case of any emergency, someone can step forward and quickly solve the problem.

"Comrades, don't have too much psychological pressure.

For soldiers, every mission is a test of life and death.

If you can pass the test, you need to trust each other.

Remember, on the battlefield, only your comrades behind you are the most trustworthy, others may become enemies.

It also includes special forces from other countries under the guise of joint operations.

Remember what I said, you can only trust your comrades in arms.

Do you understand? "

"I understand!"

There was a chorus of responses, and the shock in everyone's heart also increased a little.

What the monkey said just now has come true. Every country has its own interests to consider in this multinational joint operation.

You can't trust others. That is to tell everyone that internal strife can happen at any time.

"Well, I've said everything.

I hope you can maintain the fine style of our army, obey the command, have the courage to bear hardships, and be able to win battles.

I'm here, waiting for you to come back.

Let's go

As soon as president Chu's voice fell, he immediately raised his hand and thought that everyone had made a military salute.

This is my highest respect for this team, which is going to fight for the national interest.

People respond to the past with the same military salute.

A full minute later, the headmaster slowly put down his hand and called out: "everyone, turn right and run forward!"

Uniform running sound, gradually moving away.

When the whole team, all with the transport helicopter, disappeared in the sky, President Chu turned back to the command room.

Dozens of meters away in the dark, a silver haired Xuanyuan Wang Yang Xiao, looking at the sky frowned: "it's the plane, trouble."

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