
An island at the northernmost end of the Asian central axis and closest to the North Pole.

Under the action of the earth's revolution, the sun directly crosses the equator and moves to tropic of cancer.

This place will fall into the polar night for half a year.

Li Nanfang and others flew to the seaport of surinaya Bay in northern Russia, and then transferred to the icebreaker.

Also on the icebreaker, they met special teams from other countries.

The British three island army, the Russian white bear force, the Oriental self defense force, the US navy seal force, and the Chinese dragon army constitute a 60 member joint combat team.

It is possible to go out and attack a small country in Central Asia or even flatten the golden triangle.

That's the combination, going on a mission to Crete.

It is enough to prove that they will inevitably kill this time.

Blood washed the secret research base on Crete and captured it completely.

Before the beginning of the mission, the special forces of other countries must have received the same instructions as Li Nanfang.

Otherwise, it won't happen. After we meet, it's just that the captains of the various units shake hands with each other, and then there will be a clear-cut situation.

That's fine.

We should try our best to reduce the communication. Only when there is a real unexpected conflict, can we do it better without any scruples.

At least, Li Nanfang thinks so.

He would like to kill all the others first, and only their Longteng team will carry out the task.

That way, we can concentrate more.

To tell you the truth, it's a bit sinister to think so.

But Li Nanfang absolutely has a very legitimate reason to kill members of the special forces of other countries.

Because they all have a special mission: to capture Avril.

That's right. When you come here to capture Crete, you have to capture a beautiful CEO from the British three islands.

It's hard to imagine how Li Nanfang felt when he saw his separate action plan.

Above, it clearly tells the whole process of Avril being kidnapped, under house arrest, robbed, imprisoned and trapped by another group of people.

The highest intelligence agency of China used its power to spread abroad to find out these things.

Avril has a genetic code.

This code is the key information for biochemical human research in Crete.

As long as the genetic code is combined with the research results of Crete, it means that we have an unprecedented weapon of war.

Huaxia can learn about this, so can other countries.

It's not surprising that Avril has become a hot pastry.

Just, can Li Nanfang let others fight for his woman?


Whoever dares to start will die.

Especially in the very quiet and depressing atmosphere in the bottom of the icebreaker, Li NanFang's inner irritability kept rising.

For a moment, he would like to raise his submachine gun and make the foreigners burst out.

Fortunately, the mouse's exclamation succeeded in diverting his attention.

"Wow, it's aurora! How beautiful, black dragon. Have you ever seen Aurora before? "

Small nose and small eyes of the indecent face come together, Li Nanfang really want to curse a woodlouse has never seen the world.

Is this guy heartless?

I'm about to start the task. Do you think you're here to see the scenery.

Li Nan Nan forgot what he was thinking just now. He closed his eyes and began to figure out how to deal with the three story snow monster.

Time goes by.

A bloodbath is coming to Crete.

But the people on the island don't know when they will face a terrible disaster.

Tom, a name like a rotten street in the West.

Some boring Research Institute has given data, standing on the top floor of the Wall Street Center of Midea, and taking advantage of the morning rush hour, throwing down a board.

Five people, three horns, Tom. The other two must be David.

From this alone, we can see the barrenness of western culture. There is no innovation in naming it.

Like the great country of China, everyone's name is particular.

Tom is an ordinary guard on Crete.

At the age of 12, he joined flame with his father and married a female member of the organization at the age of 20.

He came to Crete as a guard when he was 22 years old. Now it's three years since he came back. He has never been home once.

But Tom is very happy.

Because the salary here is high enough to make his wife and children under one year old live a happy life.

Tom has everything in mind.

As long as, in another three years, he can apply to the organization to go home.

He will have a lot of money, open a small supermarket near his hometown, have a bunch of children with his wife, and go through his whole life.

Whenever he thought of this, he could not help but take out a picture in his chest pocket.

Looking at the photo of his wife and children, he gave a deep kiss.

If there is someone around him, he will show the photos and say with infinite happiness, "David, you see, this is my son Jim. How much he looks like me."


David, the guard, would give a snub and say, "Tom, you haven't been home for three years."


"Your son is less than a year old."

"Yes, you remember better than I do."

"I'm fine."

David shook his head.

He didn't want to pay any more attention to Tom's idiot. He ended the meaningless conversation with one sentence and said, "come on, cheer up. As mentioned above, the snow monster that was released before did not complete the task, which has caused a shock to the outside world. There will be people coming to the island soon. We should always be vigilant. "

"Ha ha, David, you are getting less and less daring. This is Crete. Do you know why it hasn't been cleaned up for more than 30 years. Because at the edge of the island, there are countless electric eels, the kind that even aircraft carriers can block. "

When Tom said that.

The icebreaker that Li Nanfang and others took really encountered the group of electric eels.

A normal ship, one nautical mile from Crete, slows down.

Slowly, like a turtle.

The reason is as like as two peas of ice breaking, and the ice breaking boats are just like the same boat.

That's all the ships that have anchored here in the last 30 years.

Closely arranged together, a large area of the sea will be built, like a huge dock.

The captain of the icebreaker, sensing the danger ahead, was preparing to turn around, and the whole ship's power system collapsed instantly.

Many special soldiers gathered at the bottom of the warehouse were aware of the danger for the first time.

Everyone felt an electric numbness coming from the soles of their feet, and then the whole cabin became dark.

"It's the eels!"

All the people here are trained special soldiers.

It's impossible for people to get into chaos because they suddenly fall into darkness.

Therefore, in this relatively quiet environment, the mouse's exclamation became very clear.

But after the exclamation, the mouse's mouth was covered by a silly dog, and then captain Gong Jian snapped his fingers in the dark.

The members of the whole Longteng team immediately moved to another corner of the cabin in the dark.

This time, the mission is to attack and occupy secretly. All operations in the early stage must be carried out in absolute secrecy.

So lighting is not allowed.

There were 60 people in the cabin. All of them had lighting equipment, but none of them dared to open it to reveal their whereabouts.

So, when the captains of other countries, following the cry of the mouse just now, came here in the dark, of course, they suddenly jumped into the air. They didn't know where the group of Chinese people had gone.

"Captain Huaxia tiger, we are a joint operation. If you have any necessary information, I hope you can stand up and share it with us. It's not that you Chinese communicate in private. "

Meidi's captain, stand there and shout out this sentence.

Unfortunately, no one has time to talk to him.

Another corner of the cabin, surrounded by a small circle of Longteng team members together, Gong Jian asked in a low voice: "mouse, what's the situation now?"

"Report captain, we're under attack from the eels around Crete.

Since the mysterious organization bought the island, it has carried out research on various biological and chemical weapons, including the transformation of marine life.

A large number of electric eels live in the sea area around the island.

Together, they can generate enough current to destroy the power system of any modern ship.

Not only the power system, but also the communication system will be destroyed by the impact of strong current.

So, our boat can only stop here and can't get any help. "

What the mouse said is exactly the individual content in his mission action plan.

Not only did Longteng's other team members not know, but even other countries did not know so clearly about the sea area around Crete.

Why give this message to mice alone?

That's the decision of the higher command. There's no need to say more.

As we all know, the electric eel group on the sea floor is the first obstacle they encountered in this mission.

For the past 30 years.

People in Crete use electric eels to keep their secrets from outsiders.

Any ship that comes here can only anchor here.

If we can't get in touch with external rescue, we can only save ourselves as soon as we get out of the boat.

The only thing you can do is stay in the boat.

When the first person on Crete felt that the people on the boat were almost hungry and had lost their resistance, he would disperse the eels and come to pick them up.

What will be the fate of these people?

Just think about how those snow monsters come from.

This is how the multinational joint investigation team, which came here last time, lost contact with the outside world and was detained.

However, the special forces here are not the kind of inspection teams that work as pathfinders. If they can't pass the first level, what confidence can they have to capture Crete.

With a click, the light of the flashlight came on.

Captain Gong Jian, who knows the details, doesn't have to be afraid that their light here will arouse the attention of people on the island.

On the contrary, if there is no light, it will make those people suspicious.

People from other countries cast puzzled eyes.

Captain Gong Jian told the specific situation directly, and then put forward a suggestion.

"All people abandon the ship and rely on their own ability to lurk in the past."

Gong Jian's suggestion is absolutely everyone's only choice.

However, Captain Meidi strongly questioned such a good suggestion: "the sea is full of electric eels. How can we get there? I won't let my players take such a big risk of life. "

"Well, if you don't go, we'll go by ourselves."

Gong Jian waves and leads the Longteng team to leave the cabin.

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