"Yes? You are more than 80 years old this year, and you are still so young and beautiful. It seems that you always eat pig's feet. The collagen of that thing is high, and it has a beauty effect. "

When Li Nanfang said this, he looked down at Yue Zitong's little foot, but she raised her foot on her leg again.

He didn't care either. He sat opposite general manager Yue with a smile. He filled her with wine and raised his glass: "it's worthy of Bosi's painting - please accept my belated blessing."

"No birthday present?"

Yue Zitong raised his glass and gently touched him. The sound of jingle was quite clear and pleasant.

"Give me some money and I'll buy it."

"Well, you can imagine buying me a present with my money."

Yue Zitong took a sip of red wine and snorted, "but forget it, it's not easy for you to be poor, ha ha, and you can cook. I'll forgive you this time."

"Thank you for your large number of adults, auntie. Li Nanfang is very grateful. He wants to shed tears immediately. It's better to be able to flow to the plate to show my love for you."

"Stop, stop, say more disgusting words, be careful I turn over."

"Oke, eat."

Li Nanfang followed the good example and fished out a piece of braised pork for himself. He put it into his mouth and chewed it. While eating it, he was full of praise: "Alas, I don't know who cooked the rice. How could it be so delicious? I almost have to swallow it with my tongue."

After only one day with Li Nanfang, Yue Zitong got used to his cheeky behavior of boasting and tried to eat a piece of lean meat. It didn't taste good. He had to eat more.

"What have you done outside all these years?"

After having a drink with Li Nanfang, Yue Zitong asked, "where did you study and what did you do after graduation?"


Li Nanfang laughed at himself and asked, "do you think people like me will go to school?"

Yue Zitong was stunned: "then, what did you do?"

"At the age of 15, I went to the streets to polish shoes for people, to work as a bath maker, or to work as a small worker on the construction site. That's what you call those stinky migrant workers. When I was 17, I went to a restaurant to work as a dishwasher. Now I know how to cook. I have been working until I am 20 years old. Because I am ugly and eat too much, I have to go to the dock to carry my bag. "

Li NanFang's face darkened, and there was even water mist in his eyes. He bit his lips from time to time to prove how miserable he was in those days: "if you don't have enough to eat, steal, rob. The fists and feet you've suffered can be converted into stewed pig's feet, which is enough for millions of people in Qingshan city to eat for a year. "

If ye Xiaodao was present, he would smile. He would point his nose and ask him how he could lie more shamelessly than Dao Ye?

Over the years, Li Nanfang has suffered, and compared with what he has experienced personally, what he is talking about now is not suffering at all, or even enjoying happiness.

After all, it's not life-threatening to rub a bath or wash a dish. You don't have to be locked in a small dark room and kill a leopard with your bare hands before you come out.

However, in Yue Zitong's view, it was a hard time for him. He even felt guilty: when he found out that he was peeping at him, he shouldn't have yelled.

Seeing that Yue Zitong's face was filled with guilt, Li Nanfang raised his hand to wipe his nose and pretended to smile brightly: "ha, but later he got better. He got a job in the United States, and met you that day. Oh, I can't help it. You made a big fire that day, and you thought -- "

"Forget about that day!"

Yue Zitong decisively ended his inquiry about Li NanFang's past interest, held up his glass and said, "well, for the sake of your miserable past, I'll promote you to be the monitor of the car class. In addition, in order to reward you for your outstanding performance in housework, we will give you an additional financial subsidy of 8000 yuan. "

Li Nanfang rolled his eyes and retorted: "just say that it's our food expenses. What's more, it's such a high sounding business."

"That's what I say. You can handle it?"

Yue Zitong stares.

Li Nanfang immediately softened: "OK, OK, whatever you say. Come on, drink. "

Originally, Yue Zitong also hoped that he could give him the idea of "decorating" the house. She only had to pretend to ponder for a moment, and then she would reluctantly nod her head and agree in his nervous waiting. By the way, she would beat him again. Don't be lazy when cooking. She had to change her ways. Don't you know that girls are cunning animals?

But this boy didn't say, Yue always certainly won't shy face of initiative to give him benefits.

He is willing to be bitten by mosquitoes. If he doesn't think it's muggy, let him. Anyway, she doesn't suffer.

Soon, with Li NanFang's blessing, the warm candlelight dinner was over. After he closed the switch, general manager Yue wiped his mouth gracefully. Just as he was about to stand up, he stretched out his right hand again.

In the palm of my hand is the one dollar coin.

Yue Zitong was angry: "today is my birthday!"

"It's long gone. It's made up."

"I've decided that today is my birthday every year!"

"Even if it's your birthday today, no one in the world always enjoys it but doesn't pay for it - forget it, don't turn your back. It's just washing the dishes. What a big deal."

The boy used the words of the morning to motivate him again.

"I'll take advantage of you? Hum

Yue Zitong also answered with the same words, and snatched the coin again. With a flick of her thumb, when the coin flew up, she whispered: "I want the letter!"

Under the close attention of both eyes, the coin fell on the table and stopped shaking like a pendulum.

Li Nanfang also stood up and laughed wildly: "ha, ha ha, I said it in the morning. Today, I'm uncle!"

"Today is my birthday. Today is my birthday!"

Yue Zitong wants to cry and murmur. He washes the dishes and bowls hard. He wants to fall on the ground several times. But that will make the scum who is lying on the sofa outside watching TV more happy.

It's a matter of parents' pain and enemies' quickness. If you kill Mr. Yue, you won't do it. Only when you are full of resentment, you wash the dishes and work hard for a long time, then you come out with a backhand beating on your back and sit on the sofa beside you.

There are cats and mice on TV. Mr. Yue's favorite program is playing. Who knows this guy loves watching it too. He laughs so much from time to time that he looks disgusting and childlike.

What's more, after seeing Jack's shriveled, President Yue just smiles. He looks elegant and charming?

"I'll tell you something."

Just when Mr. Yue, who didn't have a good rest last night, raised his hand to cover his mouth and yawned to go to sleep, Li Nanfang spoke.

"Speak quickly, don't dally, delay my rest."

Mr. Yue said lazily. When she lifted up her slippers, she remembered that she had something to say: "Oh, yes, I'll say it first. In the afternoon, Zhang Bureau of the Municipal Bureau came to see me, and gave me a clear statement about the fact that you were abused to pee your pants last night. "

Thinking of the scene that Li Nanfang was beaten to pee his pants by a woman, Yue Zitong is happy again. Even though she knows that it's wrong to have this emotion, after all, this guy has a different relationship with her now. He's been abused, and she doesn't have light on her face, does she?

It's just that she can't help being happy. Who cares?

Who dares to control it? Try it. Do you really think Miss Yue, the "top" agent of Huaxia and code named White Rose, can only stare at people with her eyes, but can't beat them into pigs?

Hum, Li Nanfang was an example last night. He was so scared that he used such despicable means to escape!

To tell the truth, Li Nanfang didn't care much about what kind of punishment Bai linger was punished.

He took advantage of the opportunity, but the female tiger was not very good tempered. She dared to lynch him without knowing what was going on. Didn't she frighten the heroes who were brave enough to do just deeds?

"Are you satisfied with what I have done?"

After a brief explanation, Yue Zitong finally asked.

"Can we not be satisfied? You've made the decision for me. If I put forward higher requirements, wouldn't it make Mr. Yue lose face? "

Li Nanfang was very conscious and said: "it doesn't matter if I suffer some grievances and eat something painful, but I can't let you lose face."

"That's about the same, but I think she should pay you a lot of money. You have to forgive others. That's what it means to be a good person and meet each other in the future."

The old man Yue taught Li Nanfang a few words and then asked, "what do you want to say?"

"Or tomorrow."

Li Nanfang began to hesitate: "you are in a good mood tonight. I'm afraid you can't sleep after listening to it."

"Hurry up, don't talk about it."

Yue Zitong is impatient.

"Not long after you went to work in the morning, your old man called."

After listening to Li NanFang's words, general manager Yue's eyebrows were slightly picked, and his eyes were extremely sharp: "did you complain to my grandfather that I arranged you in the car class, and you didn't live very well?"

"Well, you finally realize that I'm not living well."

Li Nanfang sighed: "how could I say that? I said, I'm doing well now. In you, I feel motherly care. "

"Would you be so generous?"

Yue Zitong's eyes flashed an obvious look of disbelief and asked, "what did you say to my grandfather?"

"Of course, how is it beneficial to you? What did I say? I'm counting on you to cover up now. Dare I offend you?"

Li Nanfang first put on a high hat for Miss Yue. Just as she was about to smile, she said carelessly, "however, the old man said that in a few days, your mother will come to Qingshan city to live with us."

Yue Zitong was stunned.

It's Yue Zitong's biggest wish to take his mother away from the Yue family in Jinghua. For this reason, she promised to marry Li Nanfang.

However, she didn't intend to become a husband and wife with this scum at all. She just wanted to make a scene.

But master Yue doesn't think so. He will just send his mother to Qingshan city to spend time with their "little couple" according to the promises she made.

When her mother came, she would certainly see something from the "treatment" she gave Li Nanfang.

According to his mother's timidity, he found that after playing with Lao Yue, Yue Zitong would be afraid. He then advised her to follow Li Nanfang.

Or do you really follow him?

Confused Yue Zitong, looking at Li NanFang's face, wants to go crazy.

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