In the eyes of all employees of kaihuang group, Secretary min roumin is absolutely a more beautiful spokesperson. She has never looked down on anyone just because she is the intimate of President Yue.

Even if it is engaged in cleaning work sister-in-law, and she walked head-on, she would take the initiative to smile and nod hello.

There are three beauties in kaihuang group. General manager Yue is the dream lover of the big guy. He can only look up and dare not blaspheme; As for Sui Yueyue, the younger sister at the front desk, she doesn't eat hard or soft. Anyone who is trying to seduce will encounter a soft nail; Only Secretary min, who is always so approachable and sincere, can't give birth to any dirty ideas about her.

Among the three beauties, min Rou is the most popular.

In the big guy's impression, Secretary Min has never lost her temper with anyone - but now, she stares at Sun Daming fiercely with almost cannibal eyes, and all the laughter and laughter are silent.

"Min, Secretary min, I'm just joking."

After sun Daming was stunned for a moment, he suddenly thought that Zhang Wei once said that Li Nanfang came to kaihuang group as a driver because of Min Rou's relationship. Even vice president Qi had to give her some face. Now he satirized Li Nanfang in front of so many people. It's strange that Secretary min didn't get angry.

No matter how big sun Daming's background is, he can't attract people even vice president Qi can't. his face turns white.

"Ha ha, Secretary min."

Zhang Wei is worthy of being the top leader of the car class. When he saw that sun Daming's forehead began to sweat, he immediately stood up and said, "Xiao Sun is just making a joke with Li Nanfang. He doesn't mean anything else."

"Is that a joke?"

Minrou coldly interrupted Zhang Wei's words, reached out and grabbed Li NanFang's arm: "go."

"Where to?"

Li Nanfang broke away her small hand, standard silly appearance: "I also want to eat, Zhang class treat today."

Min Rou was furious and asked, "do you still have the face to eat here?"

"Eh, Secretary min, what you said is unreasonable."

Li Nanfang was puzzled: "can't I have dinner here just because my colleagues have a joke with me?"

"Yes, yes, Secretary min, we are just joking."

Zhang Wei once again came out in good time and said, "please rest assured, Secretary min, that everyone will no longer make fun of Li Nanfang."

There's no need for sun Daming to publicize all over the place. Zhang Wei can guarantee that before lunch is finished, Li NanFang's reputation as the pee pants warrior will spread to every corner of kaihuang group.

"You - you can eat here. You are so angry with me!"

Seeing Li NanFang's stupidity, min Rou stammered, stamped her foot and turned away.

"Sun Daming, why don't you hurry to have dinner? Didn't you hear that the South was going to eat pig's feet? "

Zhang Wei was in a good mood, and began to call Li Nanfang "Nanfang".

South, South, you'd better change your name to stupid pig!

After hearing Zhang Wei call Li Nanfang like this, min Rou, who has already walked to the door of the restaurant, scolds secretly in her heart, and the sound of high heels landing is more urgent.

She felt that she had to report this to President Yue.

After all, Li Nanfang is the nephew of general manager Yue. He is not very popular any more, nor can he be bullied by our employees.

When min Rou knocked on the door of the president's office, Yue Zitong was on the phone, with a rare kind smile on his face. His voice was too much more "presumptuous" than usual: "warning you, come back quickly and help me. I'm preparing to show my skills in the shopping mall. Without your help, how can I open the branch of Huang group all over the world?"

Min Rou hesitated. Just as she was about to quit for a while, Yue Zitong turned off the phone and said, "my sister, who is developing abroad, what's good in the canteen today?"

If general manager Yue doesn't have the necessary entertainment, min Rou comes back from the canteen for her when she goes out for dinner.

"You specially asked me to scramble eggs with tomatoes and yams with white sauce."

Min Rou puts the tray on the table in the reception area. Yue Zitong washes his hands and comes over. He lifts the lid of the lunch box, picks up chopsticks, holds a piece of yam, chews it, shakes his head and says, "it's not very delicious."

You used to boast that the dishes fried by Lao Dong were the best. Why are they not so good now?

Min Rou is a little strange, but naturally she won't ask. When helping Mr. Yue to set up the lunch box, she seems to say carelessly: "I met Li Nanfang when I went to the restaurant just now."

"Well, he has to come to work today. I - Oh, didn't I allow him a three-day holiday that day? He called me this morning and said that he was bored in a hotel and had to come to work. "

Yue Zitong almost let slip, quickly pretended to shrug: "cut, in the end is the life of work, say what stay in the hotel is too boring."

Min Rou didn't know what Mr. Yue was covering up. She only whispered after she finished saying, "I listen to the drivers in the car class. In the restaurant, they call him pee and pee pants hero."


Sitting down for dinner, Yue Zitong frowned.

Min Rou said in a low voice, "I don't know how his experience in the Municipal Bureau came to the car class. Didn't he fight with others the day before yesterday? Those people are deliberately retaliating against him, preaching that he was picked up by a policewoman and peed in his pants. "


Yue Zitong cold face, raised his hand in the case of a few slap: "specifically who is talking nonsense?"

No matter how much she looks down upon Li Nanfang, even she doesn't realize that in her subconscious mind, she has long regarded that boy as "her own person". Now when she hears that someone is slandering her own person, can she not be angry?

You have to stand firm and fire someone who dares to talk nonsense in public immediately to protect that guy's reputation.

Seeing what Yue always thought, min Rou hesitated and whispered, "everyone, everyone in the car class. And -- "

It's said that the whole car class took part in the nonsense, and Yue Zitong also had a headache.

It's said that all the drivers in the car class are "Royal relatives". No matter how strong she is, she can't dismiss everyone. That will offend the company's top management behind them, and it's not for the wise.

What's more, min Rou has another one.

Under the gaze of general manager Yue, min Rou continued: "besides, Li Nanfang is not angry, but seems to be very proud. I want to pull him away. He won't go

It's shameless!

Yue Zitong wailed in his heart and raised his hand to rub his face. I really don't know what to do.

That boy is shameless. Even if she wants to support him, it's useless to maintain his male image.

"Come on, let him do as he likes."

Some depressed waved, Yue Zi Tong picked up chopsticks again: "eat!"

When other people treat him to dinner, Li Nanfang always eats as much as he can. There is no taboo for people to look at him with the eyes of looking at the bucket. Besides, the braised pig's feet in the restaurant are still very good. I don't see that he has eaten five in a row and is still in the mood. Is it always bone and meat?

Just now, sun Daming, who was shouting all over the world that Li Nanfang was the pee pants hero, realized that it would offend people, so as soon as he opened the plate, he immediately offered a cigarette.

After spitting out a cigarette ring and taking advantage of Zhang Wei's going to the small restaurant to check out, Li Nanfang said with great emotion: "Alas, Zhang ban is showing his power in the morning. I lost 4000 yuan alone. I believe you also lost a lot, right? Tut Tut, the income of tens of thousands of yuan is enough for him to take his wife and children on a short trip at the weekend. However, people will not accept our love because of this. They will only laugh that we are money dispersing boys. "

Li Nanfang thinks that it's true that these dayanggu partners are scheming for him, but they don't have to negotiate a firm "plan for sharing the stolen goods". After all, Zhang Wei's fortune is so good today that even if they don't partner, they will kill all sides - on the premise that Li Nanfang doesn't play tricks.

In this case, he did not believe that Zhang Wei, who was used to domineering in the car class, would spit out the money he had won and give it to sun Daming and others.

If you want to cut wool on these sheep for a long time, you must first break their alliance with interests.

Sure enough, after listening to Li NanFang's words, sun Daming and others had a thoughtful look on their faces.

"Do you still play in the afternoon?"

Li Nanfang stood up: "if I still play, I'll borrow money. If I don't play, it's OK."

Immediately someone responded: "of course, we have to play. It's raining heavily today. Why are leaders idle when they don't drive or play cards?"

"Well, I'll borrow money and let's go on!"

Pee pants great Xia looks murderous, pats the table, turns around and walks out of the restaurant quickly.

Only when he is out of the way for a while, can sun Daming and others have a chance to discuss with Zhang Wei about sharing the stolen goods.

However, Li Nanfang dares to guarantee that even if Zhang Wei is willing to spit out some, it will not meet the satisfaction of sun Daming and others.

If you want to borrow money, ask min rou.

In just two or three days, this idea was implanted in Li NanFang's mind.

With a squeak, Li Nanfang pushes open the door of the Secretary's office. Min rouzheng's chin is resting on his arm, staring at the laptop screen in a daze. After hearing the sound of opening the door, he quickly raises his head.

"Suri, Suri, I forgot to knock again."

Li Nanfang said with a smile: "not next time, please let Secretary min understand."

What are you doing here?

Min Rou, who was angry with him, really wanted to ask him coldly, but immediately thought of his kindness, sighed in her heart and said, "forget it, don't be hypocritical. What, full? I should have eaten a lot. Your mouth is full of oil. "

"Secretary min Mingjian, hehe, had five pig feet, four chicken legs and a bowl of braised meat for a meal."

Li Nanfang, with a proud smile, walked to the table and naturally sat on the corner of the table.

In fact, there is a chair opposite min Rou, but when a man sits in a chair in front of a beautiful woman, how can he make the corner of the table natural and unrestrained and overbearing?

"Oh, if you hadn't said it was you, I would have thought it was feeding pigs."

Min Rou frowned, too lazy to talk about him.

Do you expect a guy who doesn't care when he is publicized as a pee pants hero in the Grand Court, and is still elated, to care if you accuse him of sitting?

"Come on, what do you want me to do?"

Min Rou picked up the papers on her desk and asked casually, "don't you want to borrow money again?"

"Secretary min, are you the reincarnation of Zhuge Liang? Admiration, admiration, I admire the five bodies

Li Nanfang looks disgusted with surprise. It is estimated that even the Oscar winners will have to bow down.

He is so exquisite performance, but min Rou directly ignored: "borrow money to do what?"

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