Fortunately, after crossing this intersection, you can walk 500 meters to kaihuang group.

In the blink of an eye after Li Nanfang was pushed out of the car, his clothes were drenched and he lost the need to take shelter from the rain. He simply put his hands in his pockets and walked forward in the rain with his head high, ignoring the people with umbrellas nearby, as if they were looking at silly people.

They know Mao. I call it walking in the rain. I know the mood.

Looking at the Mercedes Benz nearest to the entrance of the headquarters hall, Li Nanfang turned his lips and raised his hand to say hello to Wang Defa standing at the door, but he didn't catch what he was saying. However, judging from his obscene smile, it's not a good thing.

When I kicked open the door of the duty room of the car shift, it was still very busy inside. These drivers' little days were just too wet. When it was raining heavily and no leader used the car, they had already started gambling when they went to work.

The day before yesterday, the big guy was shaved by a man surnamed Li. It seems that this guy can't be provoked again. He can only keep his dissatisfaction in mind. After work, Zhang Wei leads the way to a restaurant. After a long time of careful discussion, they come up with a way to find the place.

Since Li Nanfang is secretary min's person and a scum who can fight, he is all civilized. If he wants to get back to the game, he will not think about violence. He has to find it at the gambling table.

At the gambling table, a dozen people join hands to calculate a person. If they can't even pawn their pants if they lose, the big guy won't play any more.

It's said that gambling is pleasant, but it always gives people money. What's the matter?

So after going to work yesterday, Zhang Wei and others held their breath and vowed to let Li Nanfang spit out even with interest, unless he dare not go to the table!

Zhang Wei and others wait a long time, but they don't wait for Li Nanfang to come to work. Instead, they wait for the news that he was beaten by a woman the night before yesterday and peed in his pants.

Yue Zitong and min Rou won't talk about it in the company, but their cousin, Han Jun, from the criminal police team of the Municipal Bureau, can't stand it. Yesterday, when they had a phone call, Han Jun specifically mentioned it.

Naturally, it's said as a joke. A boy named Li Nanfang from kaihuang group was beaten by vice team Bai last night. He even peed in his pants.

What, that boy was beaten to pee by a woman?

No wonder I didn't come to work today. It's really good for good and evil for evil. No matter how special you are, you really think you can be invincible by fighting?

It's time to celebrate. I'll treat him at noon. At noon, Zhang ban set up a table in the canteen to celebrate Li NanFang's being beaten. He also gave him a nickname: Pee pants hero!

Someone beat Li Nanfang to pee for the big guy. Zhang Wei and others don't think it's a big deal to be beaten by him. When all the heroes were beaten the day before yesterday, no one peed.

But we can't let him go. Even if he pisses his pants, he has to pull back the money he won.

"Oh, here comes the pee pants hero!"

As soon as Li Nanfang entered the door, a man named sun Daming yelled: "everyone clap!"

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

Wocao, the news about these big Yanggu is very well-informed. They even know that I was peed in my pants. But you'd better yell like this in front of the little pepper. I promise she won't kill you.

Li Nanfang was a little stunned. Then he suddenly realized that he had a guilty smile on his face. He also bowed his hand in return with a tilt of his head. He was a big guy's kindness, and I realized it.

This guy is really shameless. The big guy satirizes him so much that he seems to have nothing to do with it. I like it - Sun Daming and others look at each other and feel much less resentful about being beaten the day before yesterday.

Real men should be more magnanimous. Besides, the behavior of big guys rushing up the day before yesterday after losing all is really harmful to a gambler's professionalism. Now people don't care about our sarcasm. If we care about that day's affairs, isn't it very impolite?

Where do they know that the reason why Mr. Li is so magnanimous is because of their wallets.

If you're upset with a big guy and the relationship is very stiff, will people bet with you?

For the sake of a little improper food and clothing face, self-determination of financial resources, that is a fool will do.

"Li Nanfang, can you tell us how you fought 300 rounds with the white vice team of the Municipal Bureau the night before yesterday? Ha ha

Li NanFang's shameless forbearance has greatly encouraged sun Daming and others' lewdness: what's wrong with the released prisoners? Aren't they the police who are also afraid of serving the people?

The crowd began to coax: "yes, yes, tell me quickly. After all, my brother has lived so long that he has never met this kind of thing. He yearns for the kind of Xiangyan who was beaten by a woman to pee his pants."

Looking at the innocent smiling faces of dayanggu, Li Nanfang felt more ashamed and sighed heavily: "well, it's OK not to mention sad things. Don't you guys think that the stars and the night are just a good chance for us to show our skills on the gambling table? "

Zhang Weizheng was thinking about how to let Li Nanfang gamble on the table. He didn't expect that he would take the initiative. Of course, he would not miss this opportunity and immediately patted the table: "don't make any noise. It's not a glorious thing to be beaten and peed by a woman. I hope you can leave some dignity for the pee pants hero. Come on, gamble, gamble

"All right, bet!"

They all looked at each other and cheered, all around the table.

One table is not enough, two tables are patched together, and Li Nanfang, who is bound to be slaughtered today, occupies a good position of "if you want to win money, sit north and face south". Five yuan and ten yuan banknotes fall on the table like rain.

Li Nanfang, whose whole body has been drenched by heavy rain, also has a lot of money, but Zhang Wei and others certainly won't give up.

Move the card open size, determine who is the dealer after the start of licensing.

Coincidentally, it's Zhang Wei again. Li Nanfang is the first to speak.

Just like that day, Li Nanfang opened the door to Hei 20, and his family immediately followed hei - more than a dozen people, even after a whole black circle, it was his turn to talk again.

Li Nanfang did not continue to black, picked up the card to open slowly, followed by 50.

Next, there are black ones, bright ones and a few more.

There are all experienced gamblers on the scene. When they work together to calculate a person, they certainly know what to do, so that they can't make that person suspicious.

Soon, as sun Daming was 40 years old, two more people threw cards, leaving six people on the card table, and they all began to talk with 100 people.

Of course, Li Nanfang knew that these grandsons were working together to calculate him, but he pretended not to see it. He frowned and followed for several times. After Zhang Wei raised his chips to 200, he decided to abandon the card.

This morning, Li NanFang's luck is very bad. After the morning passed, he caught the best card, that is, a flush. This also happened to encounter Zhang Wei's leopard two. One card was folded into thousands of pieces.

As lunch approached, Li Nanfang began to sweat, losing only five or six hundred yuan for more than four thousand yuan.

"What's more, I won't play any more!"

After a pair of small five were pushed away by Zhang Wei and others, Li Nanfang cursed and threw away the card, picked up the only three banknotes left, with a look of defeat on his face.

If you want to cut wool on these sheep for a long time, only a fool will win them all over again. Then who else will follow him?

Li Nanfang admitted to counseling, but Zhang Wei did not let him go: "the last three, go to dinner after three, my friend's treat!"

Naturally, they agreed.

After hearing that someone had invited him, Li Nanfang hesitated for a while. He gritted his teeth and said, "OK, I'll turn over the book in three hands!"

He won't be given a chance to turn over his books. After three cards came down, Li NanFang's last 300 yuan was only 20 yuan, and his forehead was sweating.

Zhang Wei was so happy that he laughed and put away his money: "go, go, eat, eat!"

These idiots thought they had shaved Li Nanfang clean, but they didn't think they had contributed 5000 yuan that day, and hundreds of them had already been bought by Li Nanfang. They were so happy that they liked him a lot. When they went to the canteen on the second floor, they surrounded him like stars.

Big losers, of course, have to enjoy this kind of treatment.

Li Nanfang would be happy to accept it. With a look of money like dirt, he walked into the dining hall.

When all the people in the car class come in, min rougang is ready to have dinner from the No. 1 window. When she sees Li Nanfang coming, her eyes brighten and she is about to say hello.

Then, she heard someone shout: "pee pants hero, come, come, sit here, sit here."

Then, she saw Li Nanfang walk past, and sun Daming wiped his chair with his sleeve.

Pee pants hero?

Seeing the drivers of the car group around Li Nanfang, there is a diaper knight errant on the left and another diaper knight errant on the left, min Rou immediately knows what's going on and gets angry.

But to her surprise, Li Nanfang didn't have the slightest sense of shame for this, and he looked proud with a smile, as if this nickname was so glorious.

Other department staff asked: "Sun Daming, what do you mean, great Xia pee pants?"

"This guy was beaten by a policewoman in the city. Ha ha."

Li NanFang's repeated pretence made sun Daming and others completely forget how fierce he was the day before yesterday, and slapped him on the shoulder with a smile, like we were friends.

There is no doubt that people like such gossip best. Immediately, a large number of employees gathered around and asked for more specific reasons with a strong thirst for knowledge.

Under the encouragement of Zhang Ban's eager eyes, sun Daming, who is obviously short of tendons, naturally spits and flies around. He even talks about what his cousin told him.

Min Rou is surprised to find that the humiliation is even more unbearable than being trampled on by someone with big feet. She can't find it on Li NanFang's face. She still looks like "the clouds are light and the wind is light". She also says that he likes eating pig's feet best. Can he have two more.

"My cousin said that white police officer is the most beautiful woman in the city. He is called bawanghua. If our pee pants hero can be beaten by her, it's absolutely -- "

Sun Daming was making a speech in high spirits when he heard someone slap the table and say, "enough!"

"Damn, who's scaring me!"

Sun Daming was so scared that he looked up and saw Secretary min with a red face. He was staring at him with his silver teeth.

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