Min Rou also can't believe that she will slap others in front of the public.

But still hot pain in the right hand told her: you just in anger, really smoke Li Nanfang big mouth.

She really can't be angry: Oh, after you caused trouble, you left. When the injured general manager Yue sacrificed his innocent body to block the disaster, he called to ask you to come back, but you didn't come back. Now general manager Yue has been with the old bastard, but you look loyal and want to solve the problem by your ruffian means.

Can you solve it?

I dare say that it's ok if you don't go. I really want to go. Mr. Yue's sacrifice can't be said to be in vain, but I must pay more for your impulse.

Looking at a very smart person, how can he be more stupid than a pig now?

I bah, to describe you as a pig is an insult to the pig!

"Let me hear you calling out to Aunt Yue again. I'll beat you to death!"

Min Rou scolds the employees in a low voice. She turns around and sweeps her eyes at the employees in the distance. She says faintly, "come with me."

Secretary min, who is the red man in front of general manager Yue, is still a bit of a deterrent in the company. After being swept by her, those employees who are watching the crowd all quickly lower their heads, but they are surprised in their hearts: I can't see that the charming Secretary min dares to smoke the scum who has been in prison in public.

The key is that after the scum was smoked, he didn't dare to lose his temper. He hung his head behind Secretary min and walked into the Secretary's office.

"Stand up!"

Min Rou stares at Li Nanfang, who is just about to sit on the corner of the table. She quickly puts down her leg and puts a flattering smile on her face: "Secretary min, can you stop being cruel to me? I'm a little scared. "

"You're afraid of - you're afraid of a big head."

Min Rou's eyes suddenly turned red: "do you know that general manager Yue went to Castle Peak Hotel to accompany that old bastard last night? You're the one who's always been bullied. "

"I'm guilty, I'm damned."

Li Nanfang nodded his head in a sincere tone, and his face was full of mourning, but he was quibbling for himself: "after receiving your call yesterday afternoon, I said it was light, but I immediately went to take a taxi and ran here all night. Ah, eight thousand miles of cloud and moon, I ran for 15 or 6 hours. I changed four taxis along the way. You can see how much I care about my aunt's safety by looking at my dusty appearance. "

Min Rou just saw that Li Nanfang was really tired and had blood red in her eyes. She knew that she didn't sleep well last night.

She didn't know that Mr. Li had been sleeping in the wild tree for two consecutive nights.

The big tree is not as comfortable as the bed. Secondly, the key is that every time he sleeps for a while, he has to open his eyes and have a look. For fear that there will be killers, he runs to the villa to hurt Yue Zitong.

No matter how energetic people are, it's strange that they are not tired after two consecutive nights of poor sleep.

Min Rou believed what he said. Her stiff eyes softened and sighed. When she was about to say something, her mobile phone began to hum and vibrate.

After seeing the caller ID, she copied it and asked eagerly, "Mr. Yue, how are you now?"

"I'm fine."

Yue Zitong's voice, as usual, was flat. After a pause, he said, "last night, it was OK. You don't have to worry. I'm dealing with something in the city. I'll go back to work tomorrow. If there's any important work today, I'll report to the vice president. "

Mr. Yue was OK last night, too?

Looking at the black screen of her mobile phone, min Rou pondered it carefully for a while, and then suddenly realized: "ah, last night, Mr. Yue didn't let that old bastard succeed! Otherwise, she doesn't have to repeat that she was OK last night! "

"Well, tell me more about it."

Li Nanfang is also a spirit, lying on the table to come together.

"Let's go!"

In a good mood, min Rou raised her hand to push away her face and walked quickly to the door: "stay in the room, don't run around, and don't rummage through my things. Otherwise, hum, watch your skin

"Your mother's will! When you come back, can you buy me something to eat? I'm hungry. "

After hearing Li NanFang's voice, min Rou said, "I deserve to die of starvation."

City Council, small conference room.

Accompanied by Bai ling'er, Yue Zi Tong, who was still wearing that cheap sportswear, had just finished his breakfast. His earthy soybean milk fried dough sticks were many times better than those foreign fast food.

Last night, Yue Zitong was brought to the city by Bai ling'er. There was no way. With the appearance of the Black Ghost, the police didn't dare to let president Yue go home.

Zhang Bureau, who also said that he would hold a meeting outside for half a month at the weekend, is said to have rushed back to the city Bureau by spaceship after receiving Bai ling'er's report. As for Lao Ma and other criminal police members, no matter what they are doing, they all roll in as fast as possible. Violators will be directly expelled from the police force to make an example.

As soon as Yue Zitong arrived at the Municipal Bureau, he arrived at the back of the Bureau seat. Then he received another news that shocked all the police officers: a main leader of Shizhong District was beaten and maimed by people in Qingshan hotel. His life was in danger, and the hospital was trying its best to rescue him.

Han Jun, who was the first to arrive at the scene, said that before a major leader was unconscious, he had reported that Yue Zitong had injured him.

This is strange, because when a leader was injured, Bai ling'er was by Yue Zitong's side. He searched the clues that the Black Ghost might have left, and more than ten club staff testified.

Can she separate herself from others, staying by Bai ling'er's side and going to the hotel to injure a leader?

Of course not, Bai ling'er is sure that the murderer who injured a leader is the black ghost who disguised as Yue Zitong!

The case of two Yue Zitong is troublesome. In fact, it's very simple. The Black Ghost disguised herself as her and went to the Castle Peak Hotel to maim a leader.

As for how the Black Ghost, who is famous in the west, came to China to help Yue Zitong clean up an old man, this is what Bai linger is most concerned about.

Yue Zitong also did not know, the standard of a ask three do not know.

The door of the conference room opened with a squeak. A dozen people came from the outside. At the front was a clean looking old man, followed by a beautiful young woman. When they came in, they took a look at Yue Zitong.

As the "host" of the Municipal Bureau, Zhang Honggang is at the bottom. It can be seen that the officials in front of him are all above him.

"Xiao Zhang."

The head elder nodded slightly to Bai ling'er and Yue Zitong who stood up. After sitting in the middle, he said directly to the Bureau: "you come to tell us what the police have investigated in detail."


Zhang Honggang nodded respectfully, agreed, and began to tell what he knew.

During this period, Bai ling'er also supplemented it from time to time.

Finally, at the request of the Bureau seat, Yue Zitong told her how to get married with Jin Baiyong from beginning to end. He talked about the whole process of being brought to the Municipal Bureau by Bai linger last night and told her in detail.

In the afternoon, the old ma of the criminal police team sent the surveillance video of the club and hotel last night, as well as Jin Shao's record.

The seemingly complex case, under the strong evidence from many sources, becomes simple and clear, that is, because Jin Liufu, the son of Jin Baiyong, was punished by Yue Zitong for making trouble after drinking in the blue sky bar. After he cleaned up, he hired a group of social bastards to aspire to President Yue, but his legs were broken by the driver next to President Yue.

In order to seek justice for his son, Jin Baiyong not only uses his power for personal gain to create difficulties for kaihuang group, but also puts forward the conditions to shame all decent officials, trying to get both personal and financial benefits. However, he doesn't know what happened, but the Black Ghost comes forward, disguises himself as Yue Zitong, and turns him into a eunuch with a wine bottle.

The meeting lasted a whole day. At last, the honest old man slapped the table angrily, claiming that Jin Baiyong was a disgrace to Qingshan officialdom. Even without the intervention of the Black Ghost, he would be punished with justice——

All of you believe that whether Jin Baiyong can be rescued or not, his official career is over.

If someone tries to shield him, then his erotic photos with a professional woman will appear on the Internet.

By the end of the meeting, it was already dark.

With the solemn promise of the leaders of Qingshan City, escorted by several criminal policemen from the Municipal Bureau, Yue Zitong went to the gelix club to pick up the car and returned to his villa.

Compared with the shock brought by the black ghost to Castle Peak police, Yue Zitong was particularly shocked: the Black Ghost is a legendary figure in the West. How can he come to Castle Peak to help her out?

And the technique is so despicable and shameless, seeing all the innocence of General Yue.

Fortunately, Mr. Yue's nerves are tough enough. If you put them in ancient times, would you be ashamed to throw yourself into the river?

If only I could marry such a strong and terrible man?

When the car stopped in the villa yard, Yue Zitong's mind suddenly floated this ridiculous idea, and then his face turned red. He raised his hand and gently gave a mouth, and said in a low voice: "Yue Zitong, you don't want to be shameless, he has touched you!"

After lighting a cigarette and taking a few mouthfuls, Yue Zitong's agitation slowly subsided and opened the door to get off.

The cool night wind from the South made Yue Zitong wake up from his excitement. Looking at the dark living room, he felt depressed again.

She didn't want to admit that she still enjoyed the feeling of someone living at home, talking and laughing, fighting and shouting - that's a vivid life.

But unfortunately, the scum has gone.

More importantly, Mr. Yue seems to have a black ghost in his heart.

"Ha ha, they are not at the same level as me. What do you want them to do?"

Shaking his head, Yue Zitong laughs at himself, opens the door and walks into the living room.

Just as he raised his hand to turn on the light, Yue Zitong's right hand froze and looked to the kitchen.

The closed kitchen door flashed a thin gap, with soft light, and the smell of stir fried vegetables.

Yue Zitong moved in his heart and crept to the door. He slowly widened the gap and looked in.

In the kitchen, a man with a paper hat on his head and a floral apron on his waist is singing a song and cooking with a spoon.

Li Nanfang didn't know that Aunt Yue was standing at the door, watching him stir fry vegetables from the crack of the door. The iron spoon bumped, and the dishes in it exactly bumped on the plate beside him. He pulled it with a spoon, picked it up and turned around. She shivered all over, almost threw the plate on the ground, and screamed: "ah, ghost!"

"Damn you

Yue Zitong raised his hand, slammed the door open, pointed out and said coldly, "Li Nanfang, you go out for me."

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