"Don't be so heartless?"

Li Nan Nan put the plate on the cupboard with a stiff smile on his face.

"Are we in love?"

Yue Zitong's heart is filled with incomparable grievances: you talk to me? Hehe, if you didn't mean to make trouble for me, how could the head of Jin District deal with me and hurt me? I was stripped last night and I was scared to cry?

Li Nanfang was speechless and silent for a moment. He took off his paper hat, took off his floral apron, raised his head and walked to the door with a strong smile.

Yue Zitong retreated and dodged the door.

Wiping her shoulder, Li Nanfang went to the East guest room, turned on the light, cleaned up the things on the bed, that is, a blanket and a few changed clothes, and soon put them into the canvas bag and came out with them on his shoulder.

There was no light in the living room, but the street light outside the villa gate shone on him. It seemed that his back was very lonely, and he was pitiful for being homeless. Yue Zitong was so soft in his heart that he couldn't help saying, "stop."

Li Nanfang, who was about to step out of the living room, stopped and looked back at her.

"It's getting late. Let's go tomorrow."

Yue Zitong said, turned and walked up the stairs quickly.

After closing the door of the bedroom, Yue Zitong leaned on the door, rubbed his face with both hands, and murmured, "Yue Zitong, your biggest weakness is that you are soft hearted. You have to change it in the future."

She said that she would let Li Nanfang go again tomorrow. In fact, she has forgiven him and allowed him to live in a shameless way. I believe that guy can also hear her insincere meaning from her words. Can't he be grateful?

Hum, that guy must be flattering and flattering me as much as possible, but I won't give him a good look. It's a great honor for him to let him stay. He won't dare to throw his face at me like that any more. After taking a bath and changing into a comfortable home clothes, Yue Zitong thought so when he opened the door.

Just as she expected, the living room below was already full of lights. Li Nanfang, like a hard-working bee, was cleaning the furniture with a rag humming a tune. After hearing the sound of footsteps, he looked up and showed a big smile.

Naturally, he would be ignored by the arrogant president Yue, holding the stairs in his left hand and walking slowly down.

Li Nanfang was also very clever. Without saying anything more, he opened the chair in front of the dining table for her.

Looking at the exquisite dishes, Yue Zitong sighed happily: Alas, this is the real life.

Neither of them spoke. General manager Yue chewed slowly with elegant posture, while Li Nanfang wolfed down without grace. Especially when he was eating spicy chicken nuggets, he rattled the bone and didn't see him spit it out.

If this is put in two people did not make the contradiction before, Yue Zitong will certainly sneer at him is feeding the pig.

Just as she put down her chopsticks, picked up the paper and gracefully wiped the corners of her mouth, Li Nanfang was also full and did not dare to ask whether to toss a coin. He consciously picked up the plate and went to wash the dishes.

When he came out of the kitchen after his busy work, Yue Zitong was sitting lazily on the sofa, holding a wine glass in one hand and a cigarette in the other, watching TV.

He gave aunt Yue a big smile. Li Nan was just about to go to his shack when she said, "wait, I have something to say to you."

"At your command."

Li Nanfang stood in the same place and nodded.

Yue Zitong is very satisfied with his servile attitude, but his brow is slightly wrinkled: "never, I'm not used to talking with people with my face raised."

Li Nanfang immediately sat on the floor with his knees crossed, without a manly smile: "this is OK, isn't it?"

Yue Zitong's original intention is to let this guy sit on the sofa opposite her, but since he is willing to sit on the ground, it's up to him. Scum, you should have the scum habit: "in view of some reasons you know and I know, I can forgive you for being rude to me last Friday. It's like it never happened, but this time, it won't happen again. "

"Thank you for your generosity."

Li Nanfang quickly thanks Lord longen: "well, I don't have to leave tomorrow, do I?"

"It's OK not to go, but --"

Yue Zitong said here, deliberately stopped smoking, but the corner of his eye is looking at the other side.

Li NanFang's face immediately had an obvious nervous look, for fear that she would put forward too harsh requirements.

Slowly spitting out a mouthful of smoke, Yue Zitong pretended to be casual and asked: "but, you have to tell me who your girlfriend is."

In her heart, she never regarded Li Nanfang as her husband, but she never allowed him to pick up girls outside without her permission.

Li Nanfang was stunned and asked, "how can I have a girlfriend?"

Yue Zitong's face, immediately gloomy down: "do you want me to call the other drivers of the car class, let them come all night to confront?"? Min Rou knows that she is a girl with short hair. I heard that she is still very beautiful and has a very fierce temperament. Because sun Daming called you great Xia pee pants, she beat him up. "

"Ah, I see. Hey, hey, I have such a hot girlfriend. "

Li Nanfang suddenly realized that he had just laughed a few times. President Yue's eyes suddenly turned cold. He quickly put away his smile and explained, "it's just a fake. Secretary min, they all misunderstood."

In a few words, Li Nanfang asked Bai ling'er to apologize to him. As a result, after hearing sun Daming call him the great Xia of pee pants, he thought that this was an insinuation against her Tigress, so he made it clear that he fell over his shoulder.

Oh, it turns out that it's Bai ling'er. I said that he didn't come to Qingshan city for a few days, so how could he have a girlfriend? Yue Zitong suddenly realized that his eyes were much more gentle, but his face was cold: "hum, you are not angry with sun Daming. They called you pee pants hero. When Bai ling'er went to apologize to you, he deliberately confused the public and provoked her to teach those who owe you a lesson?"

"Aunt Mingjian, it's Zhuge Liang's rebirth, Liu Bowen's reincarnation. You can guess right."

Li Nanfang put up his thumbs and admired him.

Yue Zitong curled his lips and forced his pride in his heart. He pretended to disdain and said, "come on. You're the real insidious person. On the surface, you don't care what others call you pee pants hero. In fact, you've been waiting for Bai ling'er to make an apology for you and use her to teach those who owe you a lesson. "

Li Nanfang, full of pride, boasted: "in fact, I'm still very clever. I play with the trick of killing people with a knife occasionally. Of course, my little cleverness is the difference between firefly and sun god in front of you. It's really not worth mentioning."

Ignoring his flattery, Yue Zitong snuffed out his cigarette in the ashtray and slightly turned his glass. He tried to say something several times, but he always wanted to say nothing.

Li Nanfang didn't ask anything. He sat on the floor with his knees crossed and looked at her quietly.

"Li Nanfang, there's something I have to make clear to you."

After hesitating for a while, Yue Zitong finally came down and quickly said, "I, I have someone in my heart. No matter what happened between us, no matter how much my grandfather and elder sister want us to be together, I think it's really inappropriate for us

Li Nan Nan eyebrows slightly a pick, light ground ask: "is that he LAN childe?"

"Do you know Helan Fusu?"

Yue Zitong was a little surprised, then suddenly: "ha ha, is this what my elder brother-in-law told you?"


Li Nanfang did not hide anything: "a few days ago, my master called me and specifically said this."

Yue Zitong immediately asked: "what do you think?"

Li Nanfang asked: "no matter what I think, do you care?"

"Of course not."

After Yue Zitong blurted out this sentence, he realized that his attitude seemed too overbearing. No matter how scum Li Nanfang was, he was a man after all and had a certain self-esteem.

"You don't have to feel embarrassed."

Li Nanfang saw that she was a little embarrassed, so he said with a smile: "to tell you the truth, I never planned to live with you for a lifetime. I've come to see you. I want to stay here. I just don't want to disappoint my teacher's mother. "

As soon as I felt guilty for him, his words disappeared, and Yue Zitong's face was not good-looking: "what do you mean?"

"It's very simple. You have to be perfunctory to your father and I have to be perfunctory to my teacher and mother. In order to make them feel at ease, we will just play the play as we said at the beginning. On the surface, we can be husband and wife, get a license, hold a wedding

Li Nanfang stood up and patted his buttocks: "in private, they have their own lives. You catch your hero, I catch my girl, and they don't interfere with each other. As long as they don't show their flaws, they will see through. Even -- "

Yue Zitong asked coldly, "even what?"

"Even, I can be your child's father."

Li Nanfang said lightly: "when you have a tryst, you can follow Fang Yiai's example and keep the door open for you."

Fang Yiai is the second son of Fang Xuanling, the famous Minister of Tang Dynasty, and the son-in-law of Princess Gaoyang, the 17th daughter of Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty.

Princess Gaoyang is arrogant and overbearing. She once had an affair with the famous monk debater (Xuanzang gaotu). Fang Yiai didn't even dare to fart. She also guarded the door for them when she had a tryst with debater, so she was known as the green hat king of the ages.

Before his words came down, the wine cup in Yue Zitong's hand flew over.

Li Nanfang didn't hide. He let the wine cup hit his forehead and burst. The broken glass splashed all over the ground. However, like nobody, he stretched out his tongue and licked the wine on his face. He said with a smile, "well, the collection of at least seven years is mellow."

Yue Zitong wanted to jump on him and beat him: Damn it, you made me the biggest prostitute and woman in history, Princess Gaoyang.

However, after she stood up with a miso, she was stunned again.

Since she kept saying that there was someone in her heart for a long time, she would never live with Li Nanfang. But because of the strict order of master Yue, she had to be together. He could not tell anyone.

So, the relationship between them is not between Fang Yiai and Princess Gaoyang, what is it?

"I'm just a shield for you to pursue your true love. You are responsible for my food, clothing, housing and transportation. Don't treat me like a grandson in the future, because we are equal. Hopefully, you'll keep that in mind. "

Li Nanfang raised his hand to wipe his face, turned around and walked quickly into the guest room.

The sound of slamming the door made Yue Zitong shiver.

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