In fact, Mr. Carlos was the most seriously injured at the scene.

He is the oldest, the longest injured, and most deserving of medical treatment.

But Qi Yue doesn't care about this. She just wants to carry min Rou out of the place according to Yue Zitong's idea. The smell is too bad.

"Thank you, Mr. Beckham. I will explain this matter to you through our Ambassador Liu Qizhao."

For his part, Yue Zitong also reciprocated appropriately.

After listening to what he said, Beckham, who was originally sad, was ecstatic and even said thanks.

Because of Yue Zitong's special identity, her fiance who died to save Lord Fei and others, and a god killing bodyguard beside her, no matter how heinous crimes she committed, Beckham did not dare to make decisions without authorization, ordered her to be arrested and asked if she knew the law.

He can only bear with bitterness.

Pray to God again, can let this murderer go quickly, don't give him trouble again.

As soon as the matter over here is over, Beckham will make a detailed report to his superiors.

When necessary, he can exaggerate and say how hard he tried to persuade him, but Yue just ignored him and ordered his bodyguards to kill and trample on the sacred laws of the three islands.

However, it can be foreseen that no matter how he shirks his responsibility, he is the person in charge of this case with a bad nature and has to shoulder certain responsibilities.

In particular, Mrs. cumvea's lover will never let him go.

Although he was carrying the imperial edict of the king in his arms, he was worried that the king would not offend the powerful people for his sake.

When he was uneasy, Yue Zitong sent charcoal in the snow.

Of course, the status of Chinese ambassador to the three islands in his own country can not be compared with that of the king of England.

But Ambassador Liu represents the eastern China!

His attitude is not his personal attitude, but Chinese attitude.

If a citizen of any country in the world is bought and sold by human traffickers from other countries, and her motherland remains indifferent to this, then this country is a fish to be slaughtered.

After countless foreign wars, China is no longer the calamitous country of the last century.

Now, like a giant dragon, she has risen in the east of the world. The Dragon roars, scorns everything, and reproduces her world king style.

She will never be hurt when her people are abroad. She will only question the British Isles with a strong and firm attitude.

If necessary - the guns and knives can face each other.

At present, no country dares to compete with the angry dragon.

Ambassador Liu Qizhao is the messenger of the Oriental Dragon.

His words and deeds represent the attitude of more than one billion people.

Therefore, after he formally negotiated the matter with the British three islands as ambassador, there would be nothing more to do with Mr. Beckham.

Even though the lover of convea, who is in the center of British power, is so arrogant in the British three islands, it is already thankful that he will not be held responsible by the British authorities in the serious negotiations between countries, especially in the case of his own fault.

Who dares to expect him to use his power for personal gain and destroy the friendly relations between the two countries for the sake of the crimes committed by his lover?

Almost in the blink of an eye, Beckham figured out these things. His dissatisfaction with Yue Zitong, complaining and so on, disappeared immediately. He yelled at his subordinates and gave back your sister. But they all stood there as wooden stakes to carry the stretcher!

Seven or eight little brothers, hula, all gathered around, raised min Rou with all hands and feet, and walked quickly to the door.

Accompanied by Qi Yue, when he came to the door, he suddenly turned around and raised his right hand. His slender fingers turned into pistols and narrowed his left eyes to Mrs. Kang Weiya. His mouth was half open and he gave a soft "pa".

Convya immediately shivered as if she had been shot.

When she was older, she slowly came to her senses.

Carlos and others, whose eyes were dug out alive and whose bottom was smashed into mud by wine bottles, have been carried away for rescue.

Director Beckham is pinching his waist with his left hand and directing his subordinates with his right hand to take pictures of the scene.

Including copying those shots from the monitor.

All these things are strong evidence of Beckham's self-protection. Of course, he does not dare to slack off.

"There, and there, search for me!"

After he saw the sofa on the east wall, it seemed that there was a secret door. He immediately directed the search.


With a scream, Mrs. cumvea got up from the ground, spread her arms to block the policemen, and yelled, "get out of here, get out of here! Beckham, you wait for me. I swear, you'll get it! I will accuse you of colluding with foreigners, handicapping our citizens, and foreign friends. "

"I'm so scared."

Beckham shivered and his face was full of horror.

In a fit of rage, kangweiya didn't see that Beckham was playing tricks.

Still since vicious sneer: "ha ha, afraid of it? It's late. "

"It's late."

Beckham suddenly reached out and grabbed convya's arm and jerked it into his arms.

Caught off guard, Mrs. convya pounced heavily on Beckham's arms.

Beckham put out his hand impolitely, hugged the woman who only dares to be greedy, but does not dare to touch her, and yelled to his men, "what are you doing if you don't search?"

Those men immediately rushed to the east wall and kicked.

"Release me, Beckham, you bastard, I warn you, you're dead!"

Mrs. cumvea struggled. I can't believe that Beckham dared to insult her like this.

"I'm so scared."

With a sneer, he took out a piece of special yellow paper from his pocket and shook it in front of her eyes: "madam, you should know what this is, right?"

Since the 19th century, the British three islands have become powerful countries sweeping the world.

At that time, the current world superpowers were just their colonies.

It was at that time that the British three islands established the Empire of sun never setting.

Every army's expedition was ordered by the king himself.

This is the kind of paper used.

On the paper, there is the bright red seal of the British royal family.

Although the king of England is only a symbolic spiritual leader of the three islands, she is no longer required to sign such orders.

But any one of the people of the three islands still knows this thing, and knowing its appearance means that the king of England is coming.

This is the imperial edict of Chinese feudal society.

Whether the British royal family is symbolic or not, the islanders dare not ignore it.

Including Mrs. cumvea.

"Would you like to have a closer look?"

Beckham shook the order in front of the woman and said with a smile, "maybe you think it's fake."

Mrs. convea didn't expect that Beckham would take out the king's order. Instinctively, she was stunned, and most of her anger disappeared.

Of course, she knew very well that Beckham didn't dare to cheat, and finally realized that things were not what she had seen.

Yingwang, I'm actually involved in this matter.

However, she didn't care too much.

After all, the king of England is only symbolic now, and her power in the three islands is not much greater than her.

"Hehe, Beckham, you can do it now."

Mrs. cumvea broke away from Beckham's hand, pretending to be calm and sneer: "even if the king of England intervened in this matter, so what? I don't believe it. The king of England will watch her people being slaughtered by foreigners. Let the noble guests of our allies be seriously injured in our country. "

After hearing what she said, he knew that this woman was dreaming that her lover would help her deal with the matter.

Looking at her with pity, Beckham put his head in front of her and whispered something.

Mrs. convea's face was pale, her body was shocked, and she staggered and squatted on the sofa.

"The Chinese ambassador to the three islands will formally protest to the British side against min Rou's kidnapping."

"The lady who ordered her bodyguards to kill is the youngest rich man in China. Her fiance is Li Nanfang, who died a few days ago to save Sir Philip and others. "

"Madame, I think you should know very well how much trouble you are in now."

Beckham's words, like a big hammer, hit Mrs. cumvea hard, so that she can no longer stand.

Since she is the lover of someone in the power center of the British side, she should know better than most people how serious this case will be when it comes to the negotiation between the two countries.

It should also be clear how influential the title of the youngest rich family owner in China is on the British three islands.

"The youngest owner of China's rich family came to me. Oh, my God, what have I done? "

Just as Mrs. cumvea felt the cold air coming out of her back, another heavy hammer hit her on the head.

"Chief, come and see! This, this room, is full of human organs and officials! "

A man ran out of the secret door, his legs began to tremble again, as if he had seen a ghost.

Beckham ran in and only looked a few times, then he was stunned.

He didn't dare to watch for too long. He hurriedly ordered his men to take strict care of the scene, and then ran out.

Raise a foot, on the woman body of plump sex appeal, fiercely kicked a foot, hiss to roar a way: "animal, you are dead!"

With a scream of pain, Mrs. cumvea turned over and got up. She opened her fingers to Beckham and said, "asshole, you dare to hit me!"

With a bang, Beckham kicked the woman straight away. He opened his mouth wide and said, "you, you're dead."

Yue Zitong doesn't care about the life or death of Mrs. Kang Weiya.

After min Rou was rescued last night, she called director Liang to report everything here.

Director Liang supported her proposal to let Ambassador Liu come forward to negotiate with the British side by submitting the national documents.

He also promised that he would ask people to do it, let Yue Zitong take good care of Min Rou, and escort Li NanFang's Lingshu back home as soon as possible.


After the setting sun comes in directly from the window, people can see the fine dust, dancing in the sunshine.

The dance is elegant and natural.

Standing in front of the window staring at the dust of Yue Zitong, has been a long time.

Qi Yue is sitting on the sofa next to her, holding a magazine. There is no sound when she turns the page.

In this way, Yue Zitong can think about what she wants without any interference.

Just in the morning, when Ambassador Liu formally negotiated with the British foreign ministry about the case last night, Yue Zitong received a phone call from Yue Qingke.

Yue Qingke gently advised her on the phone that it was better to cremate Li NanFang's body on the spot.

In this way, there is no need to escort the body back home.

Take a plane with a casket and scatter it in many ways?

Of course, Yue Qingke's proposal is because Li NanFang's body has been miserable.

Anyway, sooner or later, he will have to be cremated. One day earlier, Yue Zitong will be in a better mood.

You can concentrate on the work of your wife's family.

"Yue, General Yue!"

A scream of horror came out of the bedroom.

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