Min Rou has been sleeping for more than ten hours since midnight.

When she woke up again, the effect of the medicine that Mrs. convea had given her had long disappeared, and her young brain was working normally again.

Before she opened her eyes, she recalled the nightmares she had suffered these days.

The past ten days have been a nightmare she will never forget.

Although, she has not been physically hurt.

But the physical injury is far less unforgettable than the mental one.

For more than ten days, when she opened her eyes half asleep and half awake, she was almost awakened by the sound of the iron door of the container, and then heard her companions weeping gently.

She will also be quickly infected by this despair, and then the newspaper head sobbed.

At that time, how she hoped that all that was just a nightmare, wake up quickly.

Just cruel reality, but tell her, she is walking on the way to hell.

Now when she wakes up, she instinctively has the fear she used to have.

Immediately subconsciously shrunk up, hands around the knees, curled up into a ball, quietly sobbing, eager to wake her up quickly, let her wake up from the nightmare.

But after crying for a while, she suddenly realized that the reality was different from what she was afraid of.

She was no longer cold, dark, smelly, and crying in her ears.

Instead, in a comfortable big bed.

White and soft sheets, soft and warm brocade quilt, the air exudes a faint aroma of mint.

The simple decoration in the bedroom is bright.

On the wall is a copy of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. The woman in the picture is smiling mysteriously at her.

Afternoon sun, straight in from the window, can see very slight dust, dancing slowly in the air.


The warm silence makes min Rou feel like she is in the blue sea in summer. With the slow fluctuation of the waves, her brain is trying to change her mind.

A moment later, she slowly remembered.

Just before she fell asleep, she was pushed to a bright glass booth. It was like stepping on a cloud. She couldn't stand steadily, but she couldn't fall. She just kept walking back and forth.

The dazzling white light made her unable to open her eyes.

I can't see the darkness close at hand. I can only hear the bidding from men over there.

Twenty million dollars!

This is the oldest voice, the highest price for her.

If nothing happened later, the man with the old voice would be her future master.

After her master, generous let people take off her last cover, just like red fruit stand in the strong light, let those men with dirty, greedy eyes.

Those eyes, like an invisible hand.

It's like a caterpillar crawling on her.

She was disgusted and even more afraid. She had to squat down and fight against the cruel reality with helpless and desperate sobs.

When she accepted her fate, she said goodbye to Li Nanfang unilaterally and told him not to let her go in his next life, general manager Yue appeared.

How can Yue Zitong appear when she is in the most dangerous situation?

It doesn't matter anymore.

What's important is that her bad luck is over.

She can finally fall in the warm embrace of President Yue, and no longer have to be afraid of a deep sleep.

Now she's awake.

What about President Yue?

At this time min Rou, like a three-year-old child, wakes up in the middle of the night to find her mother is not around, only she stays alone in bed, instinctively screaming at President Yue.


The door of the room opened, and Yue Zitong came in quickly, with eager concern on his face: "xiaorou, don't be afraid, I'm here."

As soon as she sat on the edge of the bed, min Rou jumped out of the bed into her arms.

There was no crying.

But her thin shoulders were shaking violently.

Yue Zitong can also clearly feel that his clothes are wet with tears.

"Don't be afraid, xiaorou. I'm here. We'll go home as soon as I take care of this

Like a mother comforting her child, Yue Zitong patted min Rou on the back and stroked her hair with his left hand.

As a woman, especially when Yue Zitong was in Guoan, she also received some psychological training, so now she knows why min Rou is like this.

Min Rou is afraid that this is just her wishful dream.

Before yesterday, she was always looking forward to waking up from the nightmare.

Now, she doesn't like people waking her up.

If, this is also in a dream.

"It's not a dream, it's real. Xiaorou, you're safe. The people who kidnapped you have basically been punished the most cruelly. "

Yue Zitong is still very clear, what to say, in order to quickly let min Rou put aside the fear, to meet the new reality.

She said, "you know what? After you were kidnapped in Macao, Li Nanfang immediately went there and set the whole Venus casino on fire. He killed more than a dozen of the bad guys who kidnapped you. Karavich, who once took you to the rooftop, was forced to commit suicide by jumping from the rooftop on the ninth floor. "

With that, Yue Zitong holds min Rou's face in his hands.

She wiped the tears on her face with a handkerchief and said with a soft smile, "then Li Nanfang came to the British Isles to search and rescue you. You are a blessed man. Because there is a man who is willing to go through fire and water in order to save you. Even if he pokes a hole in the sky, he has no fear. "

Yes, this is a blessed one.

Li Nanfang died to save her.

But - minrou, you should know that he is my fiance.

My fiance killed so many people in order to save you, and even he died in the sea.

Thinking of Li Nanfang lying in the freezer and mummified with white cloth, Yue Zitong couldn't help feeling sad. Tears fell from his long eyelashes without warning.

After listening to her talk about Li Nanfang, min Rou's eyes began to shine slowly.

Of course, she believed in everything Mr. Yue said.

More believe that Li Nanfang in order to search and rescue her, do not hesitate to go through fire and water.

She was very pleased.

That's because she knows that she doesn't love the wrong person.

Although, she fell in love with this person, is a "married man.".

But what's the point?

True love is not that we have to have each other, but that whenever we think of the man she loves, our hearts are as sweet as honey.

In order to protect this sincere love, min Rou would rather come alone.

To death, will not regret for this choice.

She will only smile at the moment before her death and say to heaven silently that she has never lived in vain in her life, that is, her heart always hurts.

Min Rou's heart suddenly hurt again.

When she saw Yue Zitong's tears, big ones fell down.

Obviously, Yue Zitong didn't want to cry. She was biting her lips, and there were blood stains.

She wants to laugh!

Strong smile, tell min Rou said that no matter what kind of difficulties, do not be afraid, everything has her.

But why, the more she wants to laugh, the more urgent her tears are?

Maybe it's because Li Nanfang is dead.

"Mr. Yue, Mr. Yue, what's the matter with you?"

Just now, min Rou, who still needs consolation, saw Yue Zitong's appearance of crying, and her heart sank.

In the ice.

How cold!

Completely out of instinct, min Rou immediately thought of Li Nanfang.

If it wasn't for Li Nanfang, Yue Zitong couldn't have cried so sad, and there would be no despair in his tears.

She grabbed Yue Zitong's hand and asked in a loud voice, "Mr. Yue, Li Nanfang, is something wrong with Li Nanfang?"

She didn't say it was OK.

On the other hand, Yue Zitong finally found a close partner who could cry bitterly.

After learning that Li Nanfang was dead, and seeing his body like a steamed suckling pig, Yue Zitong cried for him more than once.

But they are silent crying, let the tears wantonly flow.

Never like now, can hold a person, cry.

Crying, scolding, scolding God, scolding this damned world!

She said she didn't understand.

She lost her father when she was a child and was bullied by her family in law.

Why did God take him away when he finally found a man he liked and was ready to be a happy wife and mother?

What kind of God is this?

What is the world of NIMA!


You have to cry.

No wailing pain, not enough to release these days, she suffered all kinds of pressure.

If only my husband died, it would be better - cough, but why did God take my grandfather away again?

Before he died, the old man did not forget to pit her and put her on the throne of the head of the family.

What kind of throne?

Do you really think aunt Yue is a woman with big breasts and no brains?

The roaring sound of ten thousand grass mud horses reminds Yue Zitong from time to time that she is a big puppet pushed by Lao Yue in order to stabilize his family's position in China.

It's still a very valuable one, with a lot of ruthless real power behind it.

As long as she can have the help of these people, Lao Yue, who has already gone to carry the urinal for God, is sure that in at least two years, the Yue family will not be defeated, and it is likely to move forward steadily.

Two years is enough for the rest of the family to grow up.

In this period of time, all the value of Yue Zitong can be squeezed out.

When her value is drained, it's her death.

At that time, she can close her eyes like a relief and scold the dog's life.

The day after he took the imprint from Lao Yue, Yue Zitong figured it out.

She can refuse.

After all, no one likes to be squeezed dry, and then thrown away as garbage, especially her original small life, has been very moist.

But I can't refuse.

She is a direct descendant of the Yue family, with the noble blood of the ancestors of the Yue family.

She has the responsibility and obligation to stand up and shout the dog's life when she is badly needed by her wife's family.

The beloved man has become a steamed suckling pig. After two years at most, she will be squeezed and thrown away by other greedy family members. Who will blame this dog's life?

And who won't finally find a good sister to cry for?

At first, min Rou cries, and Yue Zitong comforts her.

Now it's her crying. Min Rou has to accompany her to cry for three minutes. Seeing that her tears are still as strong as a fountain, she is worried that she will cry badly. She has to endure the pain of her beloved man's death and comfort her in turn.

While they were crying and scolding, Qi Yue on the sofa in the guest room could be heard.

However, not only did she not come to persuade her, but the speed of the magazine's page turning was always the same as before.

That's why I'm not listening to things outside the window, and I'm just reading the books of sages.

It's the long legged girl in the magazine, who is almost full of fruit, who doesn't match the "book of sages".

A top bodyguard should be regarded as the air by the employer.

When the cry finally stopped, Qi Yue was relieved.

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