Brother Davidson, who is always trafficking in drugs but does not take drugs himself, should be pulled out and shot 100 times.

Law in his eyes, that is the existence of bullshit.

But now, he took up the legal weapon to defend himself against the police who came to search his castle.

It's just like a dog who has just eaten excrement will laugh at its bad breath after smelling the smell of excrement in its mouth.

It's funny.

Li Nanfang couldn't help laughing.

"Who's laughing?"

After two hours of confrontation with the police who searched without a license, the result of the illegal search was not changed. As a result, brother David, who was so angry, immediately became angry when he heard the sound of ridicule. He raised his head and sternly reprimanded him.

But after seeing Li Nanfang lying on the railing on the third floor, the anger on his face magically disappeared.

Then quickly changed into a look of guilt.

I'm sorry, brother. It's brother David. I'm incompetent. I've let these damned notes disturb your rest

"Who is he?"

Nikolay, who was leading several of his men up the stairs, also heard the laughter.

Immediately, he felt that his authority had been challenged. When he turned back, he sharply questioned David.

Before David spoke, Nikolay listened to the guy on the third floor and said lazily, "take your people out while I'm not angry."

Li Nanfang admits that brother David is not a good man.

But that's just what people think of him.

For Li Nanfang, brother David is a good man to the core.

Not only in the first meeting, he gave him dollars, but also later gave him a virgin beauty - last night, he was rescued from the sea.

Send you beauty, give you money and save your life, if not good people, then there are good people in the world?

Since brother David is a good man, Li Nanfang certainly won't let him eat in front of the police. He has to help him find his place.

"What? How dare you get me out of here? "

Nikolay is sure that he didn't hear it wrong. He is very angry and aims his gun at Li Nanfang.

Police don't have the right to kill people indiscriminately, but they may find enough reasons to get away after killing others by mistake.

What's more, in the British Isles, even the stray dogs on the street know that David white is not a good bird, so what good things can people in his family be?

Let's not say anything else. Just look at Li NanFang's image of a bearded man with long hair reaching his shoulders, just like a terrorist.

This kind of scum who dares to let the police get out should be shot to death, and then study where he comes from and whose surname he is.

But as soon as officer Nikolay raised his pistol, the back of his head was resisted by a hard thing.

The man who dares to hold a gun against Nikolay is, of course, brother David.

After all the threats and inducements, the fact that Nikolay refused to eat had already made brother David want to kill him.

But he only dares to think like this, but he dares not to do so.

Now, when Nikolay points his gun at Li Nanfang, it seems that he has the tendency to really dare to shoot, brother David's little wish has been realized immediately.

"Drop the gun!"

When brother David said this in a deep voice, the policemen brought by Nikolay also raised their guns at him and Graf.

But soon, brother David's bodyguards outside the door also took out the guys and gave them a big drink.

In the blink of an eye, the sword was drawn.

A disorderly war is imminent.

Graf's face is pale, but she still bravely accompanies brother David, with a touching look of life and death.

"Brother David, put down the gun. We are civilized people. If we have anything to discuss, why use a knife or a gun? "

Li Nanfang didn't want a fierce gunfight in the castle. He advised brother David to put down his gun first.

Brother David was more respectful than obedient. He immediately raised his hands and threw the pistol on the ground.

The bodyguards, who were crowded at the door and confronted with the police with guns, saw that after the boss put down his guns, they didn't need anyone's advice, and they all threw their guns on the ground.

As David's side fully disarmed, the tension that was on the verge of breaking out disappeared immediately.

But it's also a wake-up call for Nikolay to realize that the origin of this guy upstairs is not simple.

Otherwise, David white would never be obedient to his words.

It seems that the person who can make white David obey his orders is not the one Nicolas can easily provoke.

So when he put down his gun and asked Li Nanfang who he was, his tone was much more gentle.

But Li NanFang's reply almost shot Nicholas again: "you're just a little detective. You're not qualified to know who I am."

With that, no matter how embarrassed Nikolay was, Li Nanfang said to brother David, "come up and borrow your mobile phone."

Davidson agreed and politely asked Nikolay for instructions. Then he took Graf's arm and walked quickly to the third floor.

"South. You, how did you wake up? "

Graf is very excited, more concerned: "you go back to the room to rest, do not interfere in this matter."

Dawei, who had already guessed who Li Nanfang was going to call, also hypocritically said, "yes, yes. Graf is right. You'd better go back to your room and have a rest. I'll take care of it. "

"Cell phones."

Li Nanfang didn't want to make up his mind with brother David, so he opened his hand.

David immediately took out his cell phone and handed it to him.

Li Nanfang didn't say anything more. Just like he used his mobile phone, he flipped through the phone book and quickly found a number.

When he woke up, he heard two maids whispering that Lord Fei, who had escaped by chance, had not answered brother David's phone several times.

This proves that there must be Sir Philip's mobile phone number in David's mobile phone.

Sure enough - as the two maids said, Li Nanfang called Lao Fei three times in a row and was refused to answer.

Undaunted, he went on dialing.

Sir Philip is a public figure. I don't know how many people call him every day. He doesn't dare to turn it off.

Even more disdain white David directly pull black.

According to Sir Philip's gentlemanly thinking, after David White's several calls to him were refused, he should not call again.

But how could he call?

How rude!

Don't you know that this is the happy time for Sir Philip to have dinner with the king?

"Jack, just answer his phone once."

The king put down his fork, picked up his napkin and wiped the corner of his mouth. He gently advised, "anyway, David white is very supportive of your charity work. If what he calls you about doesn't violate the general principle, help him once. "

"All right."

Sir Philip thought his wife was right. After thinking about it, he finally got through and said faintly, "David, what can I do for you?"


The man on the other side of the mobile phone seemed to smile and asked, "Lao Fei, can you recognize who I am?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know who you are. Excuse me, are you -- "

Before he finished his words, a low howling came from his mobile phone.

Although the howling was low, it was like an invisible long dragon. Through the frequency of their conversation, they quickly grasped the thought of Lord Fei and led him to the thunderous night last year, when the rain was pouring down. There was a young Chinese man standing in the bow of the boat, whistling in front of a hundred meter high wave.

Li Nanfang has forgotten whether he talked to Lao Fei that night.

Even if he did, he couldn't guarantee that Lao Fei would still remember his voice.

After all, he is not a beautiful woman like AI Wei'er. His voice is like the sound of nature, which lingers for three days.

But he was sure that Sir Philip would remember his whistling.

Sure enough, after hearing the low whistling, Lao Fei gave her body a big surprise!

Old face, instantly rose red, holding the right hand of the mobile phone, trembled violently, the mouth opened and closed, but could not say a word.

Linda, who is always paying attention to her husband, was shocked when she saw him suddenly like this. She stood up and walked to him: "Jack, what's the matter? Who's calling you? "

"Yes, yes, it's Lee - South!"

It took a lot of effort for Sir Philip to say that?

"Li Nanfang?"

The king of England was stunned and asked in a loud voice, "is it the child possessed by God?"

"That's him."

At last, he was shocked and breathed out a long breath. But when he spoke again, his voice still trembled: "Li, Li Nanfang?"

"Yes, it's me."

"You, you are not dead?"

"Dead people don't call you."

Li Nanfang smiles with pride. Thinking of the scene that Lao Fei and others mistakenly thought that he was possessed by God after he roared that night, he whispered: "I was possessed by God. How could I die so easily?"

When Li Nanfang was on the phone, Bai Davide and Li Nanfang, who were standing beside him, looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes.

As for whether Li Nanfang is the Savior in the eyes of Sir Philip or not, brother David and his wife do not really care.

As long as they firmly believe that Li Nanfang can always bring them good luck, they will never lose this friend in the future.

"I'm sorry, Fay. I don't want to trouble you to come in person for this. But I don't want anyone to know that I'm back. So, please see that we have been in the same boat in the past. Please condescend to come. OK, thank you. I'll be waiting for you

After Li Nanfang finished his call with Sir Philip, he thought that it was time to communicate with a real gentleman like Lao Fei. Influenced by him, he became more gentlemanly.

White David and Li Nanfang would not explain any more. They gave him their mobile phone and pointed to him, indicating that he would go to stabilize the police and wait for Lao Fei.

When David white negotiated with Nikolay again, his tone was much stronger.

Although Sir Philip is only the husband of the spiritual leaders of the three islands and has no real power to interfere in government affairs, his status is far from being provoked by such a small figure as Nicholas.

In this way, once you have the confidence, the people who oppose you will feel guilty.

So Nikolay said with a sneer, and I watched you make a fool of yourself and ordered all the people to stop their actions.

Nikolay would like to see what an amazing figure David white, a notorious drug lord, can bring in to support him.

The bull man who came to support David white didn't keep Nikolay waiting for long, that is, more than an hour

Nikolay sneered scornfully as a lighted motorcade wound up the path leading to the castle.

But when he saw the car that first drove into the castle yard and jumped off a few soldiers in the uniform of medieval British soldiers in Europe, his whole body's blood surged up to his head with the fastest speed.

He just wanted to scream, "God, why is the king here?"

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