Although the king of England is no longer the absolute monarch of the Empire as it was in the 18th century, but only exists as a spiritual symbol, her status and influence in the international and civil society are unmatched by anyone in her own country.

After all, the British Isles can become the world's old powers, which is the world that their ancestors have laid down.

Later, after the industrial revolution and the death of the people, they said that they would pull people down from the throne of power, and then they pulled them down. The majority of people with conscience still feel sorry, and they have to respect her more.

Therefore, when she was on the "imperial driving" trip, the ostentation was quite grand and cumbersome.

In addition to the huge entourage, the accompanying soldiers were still wearing Royal knightly clothes, waist and crotch swords, with an inviolable look.

Of course, it's not the important people who need the reception of the king of England. There's no need to make such a big show.

David white is a very important figure. Do you need the king of England to take the initiative to come to meet with him as a "national courtesy"?

Definitely not.

Even if brother David's ancestors of the eighteen generations all turned from the tomb to cheat corpses, he was not qualified to enjoy the high treatment given by the king of England.

So why did the king of England come to David's house in such a big way?

The only answer is that she came for Li Nanfang.

Agent Nikolay, I don't know that the guy with the stubble beard is Li Nanfang, who was awarded the permanent honorary citizen of the British three islands by the British royal family last year.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

What's important is that the spiritual leaders of all the citizens of the Three Islands came here in person to meet that guy.

"Who is he that made the king of England treat each other with courtesy?"

Seeing the couple get out of the car together, Nikolay wails in his heart. His face is pale and even begins to tremble.

I wanted to see him, but I knew that he was far from qualified to have a direct interview with the king. I had to step back to the door, take off my hat, press it in my heart, and bend down deeply.

The king of England has no right to interfere in the normal operation of the state machinery. However, no matter who offends her, he will be hated by the people of the whole country. He will be listed as the most unpopular blacklist of the three British Islands. Later, he will go out to take a plane, go to the bank to borrow money and so on.

So Nikolay can not be afraid, can not regret the heart curse, scold how he was lard heart, listen to the boss's order, run to white David's trouble?

There has never been a moment when agent Nikolay, who is trying to climb high, longs for him to be a little policeman.

As for the little police officer, he is the chess piece in the leader's hand. He can move as others pull. As long as he obeys his orders, he doesn't have to bear any responsibility.

But how could he suddenly become a police constable?

Only when I scold myself in my heart, I pray for God's blessing and don't make the queen angry.

Best of all, the queen can treat him as a piece of shit and let it go.

Nikolay is lucky. Maybe he had a drink with God in his last life, so God satisfied his little wish.

After getting off the bus, accompanied by Sir Philip, the Queen walked to brother David, who was standing in the middle of the door and was waiting with Graf. She passed by agent Nikolay. She didn't even look at him, but just waved to the little police officers who raised their hands.

Those little police officers were all flushed with excitement. They wanted to take out a knife and cut their hearts out to show the queen how red they were at your service.

Yingwang is Yingwang, one of the most influential figures in the world for hundreds of years. Of course, he won't see eye to eye with a little detective like Nikolay.

I know that if there is no one behind him, I will not dare to ask David white for trouble.

Who is David white?

Who doesn't know this is a big drug dealer who should be shot a hundred times?

Agent Nikolay, who represents justice, although it's a little too much to use a search warrant to forcibly search David's house, he is loyal to his country.

As Nicholas's most noble king, the king of England will not trample him to death with her incomparable influence just because he has offended the VIP.

That would be disrespect for the state power, and it would trigger a heated discussion among the people.

So when the king came up to David white, he turned to Nikolay and said with a smile, "I want to meet one of the most expensive guests here. Could you excuse me for a moment?"

Look at the level of the old lady's speech, and talk to a little detective who looks up to her in a deliberative tone. Can Nicholas not be excited, his blood is boiling, his eyes are filled with tears, and then raise his hand to salute and say "yes"?

"Thank you."

After nodding his thanks, the king ignored Nikolay, turned to look at David white, and actively extended his left hand: "David, you don't welcome this uninvited guest, do you?"

From the fact that David always pretends to be a gentleman, we can see that he is very proficient in the etiquette of the upper class.

At this time, when the queen took the initiative to extend her right hand, brother Davidson pressed the excitement in his heart. He held the hand in his hands and gave a kiss on the back of the hand. Then he stepped back and said respectfully, "it's my greatest honor for you to come to my humble abode."

The king's arrival with such grand pomp not only scared Nikolay to death, but also made brother David almost jump out of his throat.

If there was not a trace of reason left, he would jump, jump, laugh wildly and yell.

Although the king of England came to his house only to meet Li Nanfang, it was absolutely good news for him.

I believe that the news of the king of England's visit to David's house will not have to wait until tomorrow, and it will fly all over London and even the upper class circle of the whole country.

Even the noble king of England went to brother David's house in person with a grand ceremony. Who dares to laugh at him as a white devil?

Your sister, from this moment on, Dawei's forehead was officially labeled "noble".

Just like the imperial gifts of ancient Chinese kings, those people who eat melons have to admit it by holding their noses.

After seeing Graf again, the king looked at David white and said, "David, your wife is going to give you a baby soon. I hope that your husband and wife can train their children to be useful talents for the country. "

Li Nanfang, standing in the living room inside the door, was filled with emotion after hearing what the queen said: "it turns out that this sentence is applicable to leaders all over the world to encourage their people and subordinates. I believe brother David will soon be able to wash the water and go ashore. He will never touch drugs again. He should concentrate on being a good man. "

Sure enough, after hearing the hint of the king's words and her ardent expectations, David White was moved to tears and said that he would not be disappointed by the respected queen. You can see that he is your grandson who will do evil things to harm the British people in the future!

Just a few words to understate Nikolay, completely free of brother David's worries, the queen looked at Li Nanfang this time.

Li Nanfang also looked at her. He didn't show the loyalty of "willing to go through fire and water for you" in front of the queen like brother Davidson and others. He just looked at a respected old lady, hiding her respect in her heart, and being at ease on the surface.

The queen laughed and asked softly, "Li Nanfang?"

The queen had never seen Li Nanfang himself before, but had seen his detailed information and photos, and knew that he was still pretty.

But now this guy looks like a savage, even in the eyes that are exactly the same as the photo itself, he is also full of unruly.

Even, all over the body also spread out a thin dangerous anger.

Li NanFang's obvious change has a lot to do with his wild life on a desert island for more than half a year.

But the queen didn't think so. She asked him if he was Li Nanfang, even if it was a gift.

Lao Fei, standing beside the queen, has never spoken since she got off the bus.

Although they have been husband and wife for decades, as long as they are in public, the old man still knows the superiority and inferiority very well.

"Yes, I am Li Nanfang."

Li Nanfang was not as conscious as Lao Fei. After nodding to answer the Queen's question, he said hello to him: "Hi, long time no see. How have you been?"

Lao Fei nodded, continued to smile, but did not speak.

Dawei, who was standing beside him, was a little worried. He really wanted to run over to take Li NanFang's collar and tell him, "when the queen talks to you, you should answer her every question with the most devout attitude and the most concentrated attention. After the queen has asked, she will naturally introduce others to you. "

Seeing brother David squinting over there, Li Nanfang knew what he wanted to say.

Grass, old lady is your queen, not mine.

In the 19th century, your queen sent troops to our country to burn, kill and plunder.

As a young Chinese with self-respect, conscience, backbone and dreams, how can I forget the history of humiliating the Chinese people and be servile like you in front of the great enemies?

Li Nanfang sneered in his heart, pretended not to see Dawei, who almost blinked his eyes, and continued to say to Lord Fei, "Lao Fei, why don't you speak? Did you catch a cold and have an inflamed throat? Brother David, do you have throat moistening tablets at home

"Li Nanfang, you have been an honorary citizen of the Three Islands since last year. Your honorary certificate, or I personally approved

Despite her age, the queen, who has experienced too many ups and downs in her life, is still very sophisticated in her ability to observe her words and colors. Seeing that Li Nanfang is playing "Treason", she immediately interrupts him to remind him that he is a running dog under her command.

If you are lucky to see Wang again in the future, you'll have to shake your tail to please.


Li Nanfang was obviously stunned. He blurted out: "am I an honorary citizen of the three British Islands forever? Why don't I know? "

"At that time, you didn't come back. Of course -- "

As soon as Wang Ying said this, he was interrupted by Li Nanfang: "what's the advantage of being an honorary citizen forever for you? Do you take money for dinner? Stay in a hotel - after the war, do you want to enlist me to serve in the army and go to the front line to sacrifice my blood for the happiness of the British islanders

Rao Shiying Wang has seen all kinds of people in his life, but he has never met Li Nanfang so rude.

Just because he interrupted him just now, he immediately returned the color.

The queen silent wry smile, heart said: "in the end is a child, lack of experience in the big scene when dealing with people."

If the queen shows even a little displeasure because of Li NanFang's nonsense, this guy will sneer and continue to talk nonsense.

But the queen did not have the slightest dissatisfaction, just a wry smile.

Li Nanfang immediately changed his attitude and bowed down to give her a deep gift: "sorry, madam."

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