My Exclusive Dream Game

Chapter 297: ten years

Chen Xu turned to look at Yang Jinxia, ​​his eyes flickering slightly, and said, "I know, no matter what I do, you will support me."


Yang Jinxia stretched out his other hand and touched his face, "You want to be a good person, and I will do good things with you. If you want to be a bad guy, I will accompany you to kill and set fire."

Chen Xu held her hand tightly, looked into her eyes, and did not speak for a long time.


"The loss report is out," Zheng She said, "A total of 7,000 robots and 500 drones were lost. There are also 652 signal relay stations."

For the entire base, this is a great loss. Chen Xu arranged two lines of defense, one with two thousand robots, and three kilometers away, there were five thousand robots, and they had stronger fortifications.

Unexpectedly, that mysterious weapon was so powerful that even five thousand robots a few kilometers away were destroyed.

Just this time, the robot lost nearly one-fifth.

There are also 500 drones, which is a third loss.

In comparison, more than 600 signal relay stations are nothing, and they can be completely repaired in a day.

However, at this time, no matter how big the loss was, Chen Xu didn't care about it anymore.


A few days later, the landing ship returned, bringing back a large amount of nuclear fuel, which finally solved the problem of energy depletion.

The original mission of the landing ship was to explore. The original plan would be continuously reinforced, so the amount of nuclear fuel it brought was not much. Fortunately, the subsequent supply ship had sufficient fuel capacity.

In the past seven years, Chen Xu has been expanding frantically and has consumed a lot of fuel, and has almost bottomed out.

Now, with a steady flow of fuel, the stall can be spread without scruple.

This can be regarded as the second stage. Chen Xu's plan is to create a controllable nuclear fusion power generation device. To do this, he must first fill up the front technology one by one. Looking back, the number of technologies that need to be illuminated is simply daunting.

A rough estimate is that it will take ten years.

The underground world may have been frightened, and no more troops were sent up. Chen Xu didn't take the initiative to attack the underground world, but that didn't mean that he didn't do anything. He sent the clone out again and entered the underground world. The main task is still to be done.

Half a year later, the clone returned safely.

The forces of the underground world did not dare to do anything against him.

This time, I learned a clone of the underground language and brought back a lot of information about the underground world. Later, all the major forces rushed to contact him, and he even learned the characters of the underground world this time, which can be said to be a huge harvest.

After extracting the contents of the brain, Chen Xu once again sent the clone to the underground world.

In this way, two years later, Chen Xu emptied the secrets held by the major forces in the underground world. It's so simple that I can't believe it.

According to the records of the "Temple", a thousand years ago, this planet was like the earth, and human beings lived on the ground. At that time, there was neither the cloud covering the entire planet nor the intense radiation.

Until one day, the war broke out.

The cause of the war is still a mystery. All I know is that suddenly, a big country throws a nuclear bomb at another, and in just one day, a nuclear war begins. People are caught off guard.

And this is just the beginning, and what follows is a hundred-year war.

In this protracted war, in addition to nuclear weapons, there are also a variety of newly developed super weapons, weather weapons, genetic weapons, etc., rushing to use them.

The damage to the environment by the war was too serious, it was getting worse and it became uninhabitable, so all countries started digging holes in unison. This is the origin of the underground world.

At the end of the fight, the small countries are almost dead, and only a few big countries are lingering. In order to survive, and they can't fight anymore, the war is over. At that time, all human beings had moved underground.

At the very beginning, the underground of this continent were all connected, with subways running through them. Until an unprecedented earthquake, the underground world collapsed on a large scale, causing numerous deaths and injuries, and at the same time, it completely cut off traffic.

The area of ​​the 13th district is not too small, enough to accommodate millions of people. It would not be impossible if we could work together at that time to reopen the channel.

Unfortunately, under the selfishness of some people, this option was abandoned. Gradually, it evolved into what it is now.

Chen Xu also got a map of the underground world entrance of the entire continent. The nearest, 500 kilometers away, is the entrance to the 12th district.

"The bones of these people are too soft."

Yang Jinxia looked at the information and couldn't help but sigh. This is the fourth time she has entered the dream state, and it is also the tenth year that Chen Xu has entered the dream state.

"Even such secrets are revealed on the initiative."

Chen Xu said, “As long as they have a bit of backbone, they won't be reduced to where they are today. I have to say that this food manufacturing technology is quite thoughtful.”

"If they didn't take the initiative to speak out, the clone might not have been able to find the entrance to the basement floor."

In the underground world, there is another layer underneath, where there are laboratories, manufacturing plants, and places to grow food. Corresponding to the living area on the upper floor, and the production area on the lower floor.

To enter the production area, you must pass through several entrances, and these entrances are all occupied by major forces, and no outsiders are allowed to enter. The clone's task is to collect information and will not actively cause trouble, so as not to delay the task.

As a result, several forces in the underground world scared themselves and took the initiative to confess.

The factories and laboratories on the ground floor are basically abandoned, and only the planting area is still in operation.

The so-called people take food as their heaven, and they are able to rule the 13 districts because they control the planting areas and control the food.

After Chen Xu learned that there was a production area under the ground, he sent a robot to search, and the people of those forces seemed to be frightened and dare not even stop.

In this way, Chen Xu obtained a large amount of technical data on this planet. A large part of it has been lost. After all, it is too old, many computers have been scrapped, and even storage devices have been completely damaged.

Of course, these things are just icing on the cake. He couldn't even learn the technology on the spacecraft, let alone the technical information of the underground world, at most he used it for reference.

Chen Xu said, "According to our current progress, we will be able to expand the base to the entrance of District 12 in another six months. I don't know what the situation is over there."

Yang Jinxia said, "I don't think you need to have too high expectations. Five hundred kilometers is not a long distance."

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