My Exclusive Dream Game

Chapter 298: District 12

The time to get together always seems to be very short. One year passed in a blink of an eye, and Yang Jinxia went offline. Two days later, Bai Jinxuan followed.

Chen Xu didn't know if they had discussed it in private, and they were able to get stuck every time. A few days after one person went offline, the other went online.

Except for the first time, Yang Jinxia and Bai Jinxuan met in dreams at the same time. After that, they never appeared in the dream at the same time. Between each other, as if when each other does not exist.

The three women took turns to accompany him, one year at a time, and now, eleven years have passed.

On such days, he has nothing to be dissatisfied with.

When I was with Bai Jinxuan, it was another style of painting.

When I got up in the morning, Chen Xu was making breakfast, and she was babbling her throat.

Ding dong ding dong ding dong dong...

In the morning, when Chen Xu was playing the piano in the study room, she was playing the piano.

In the afternoon, she changed her clothes and started dancing. Only in the evening would I read a book for a while, all I read was knowledge of music and dance.

In addition, other knowledge, she has no interest at all.

In addition to jumping on her own, she often pulls Chen Xu to dance together.

Chen Xu had never danced before, such as street dance, and he had never danced before, let alone dance ballroom dancing with girls, such as the national standard.

Bai Jinxuan took him to study with him. At the beginning, her level was not very good. Her time in the industry was too short, she became popular too quickly, and she didn't have time to practice many things. It would be nice to be able to learn it all.

The two started with ballroom dancing, the second time was the waltz, and then rumba and tango.

The life of the base is full, but it is actually quite boring. Always find something interesting. When I was with Luo Xiyun, I was playing basketball, football, and so on. Adding a little bet was very interesting.

With Yang Jinxia, ​​I watch movies in leisure time. After the two have been together for a long time, she exposed her nature. She is actually a lazy person and doesn't like sports very much. Every time Chen Xuqiang took her over.

What she likes most is to lie in Chen Xu's arms and watch movies together.

Chen Xu felt that life at the base should be too leisurely. There is not much threat from the outside, and the internal development is also orderly, so there is no need to worry about it. Once people relax their mentality, they will naturally become lazy.

He understands this mentality very well, and to be honest, if it weren't for the heavy pressure on his heart, most of it was in a similar state. Computer::/

In comparison, Bai Jinxuan seems to work too hard, except for the time to dance with him, he is trying his best to improve himself, either practicing or reading.

Chen Xu could see that she was really enjoying it. People who can regard learning as fun are absolutely gifted, and it is not surprising that they can achieve much.


"What tune is this?"

Chen Xu solved a problem. Seeing that it was almost noon, he put down the things in his hands, washed his hands, walked to the piano and asked.

It was a cheerful tune, Chen Xu sounded familiar, but it was too long to remember.

Bai Jinxuan started playing again, and sang as she sang, "Looks ugly, lives long, looks handsome, and grows fast. I would rather be an ugly monster, naughty and lovable..." She sang while watching him. , Smiled happily.

After she finished singing, Chen Xu said with emotion, "Your progress is really great."

At the beginning, she was at a beginner level, and now she can play all kinds of tunes very familiarly. What's more powerful is the singing skills. He watched her with his own eyes, from the amateur level to the professional level now.

"Come on, you play one." Bai Jinxuan smiled at him and pulled him to sit down, and the two were next to each other.

Chen Xu occasionally learns piano from her when he is relatively free. Now, he is probably just at the level of beginners.

The eleven years of dream life made him more and more aware of how important it is to have a hobby. Humans are not machines. When there is always slack, you need to do something else to change your mood.

Studying cooking, playing ball, watching movies, playing games, then dancing, playing the piano... His hobbies have become more and more extensive.

He asked, "How did you play that song just now?"

"This way..." Bai Jinxuan played to him by the side.


"No one inside?"

In the control center, Chen Xu frowned as he looked at the cave on the screen, "Isn't there the next floor?"

Zheng Niu replied, "No, judging from the video data, the underground world has been occupied by various animals, and it should have been abandoned for many years."

This cave is the entrance to District 12. A month ago, he sent the clone to see the situation below. Finally came back yesterday, but the information he brought back was somewhat unexpected.

The humans in the 12th district all disappeared. After being occupied by animals, it was ruined in a mess, leaving nothing of value.

As for whether the humans inside have left or died inside, it is unclear.

He thought for a while and said, "Send two thousand robots down to wipe out the animals inside."

Since there are no people inside, and it's all animals, then he is not welcome. The foundation of the underground world is so well laid out that it can be used as a base. When the safety is determined, all the core components of the colonial suit can be moved in, so that there is no fear of accidents.

At the core of the base, he was built in accordance with the highest standards. But the security is still far worse than the underground world.

The current base, an attack at the level of the main gun of the landing ship, is absolutely unstoppable. In the underground world, it was underground below a kilometer, and the landing ship’s main gun could not penetrate it anyway.

Following Chen Xu's order, the robot began to move.

District 12 was more affected by the earthquake that year, and the surviving area was only half the size of District 13. Two thousand robots took a few days to clean the animals under the ground.

These animals apparently escaped from the laboratory on the ground floor, which is really strange. In order to avoid future troubles, it is safer to kill them all. After killing, the corpses were collected and incinerated.

The next step is to clean up, which is a more troublesome task. I don’t know how long it has been without people, and it has become a garbage dump.

After cleaning up the garbage in it, disinfection, ventilation, etc. are required. It is not a job that can be completed in a day or two.

ps: People are a little uncomfortable. There is only one chapter today. I will fill it up tomorrow.

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