My Extraordinary Achievement

Chapter 201: Execution

"Get off the bus."

"Send the Buddha to the West, and it will not be delivered at such a distance."

"You have to turn back a big circle at the entrance to the school. How expensive is the fuel now?"

"You are so generous to others, I am so good to be your half brother, how come to me is so embarrassing!"

"Whoever makes you half a brother!"

"What if you are a younger brother?"

"Take a taxi yourself!"

Qin Lan left Meng Fan at the corner not far from the college, and then left to go to the publishing house.

Meng Fan did not go back to school, but went straight home.

Can't wait to open the original, but after finishing the "Professional Cartoonist" to get the reward and then open, the only way is to quickly brush this task, and everything else is ok, the current difference is the content, so, let's go !

The script of "Campus Love Refers to Men", Xing Tie Song has already given him, and wrote directly to the end. On the way back to Meng Fan, he called and called Xing Tae song. The two men discussed for two hours, and all the details were finalized. The idea was accessible and you could finish the painting all the way.

"Underground Spirit", although the enthusiasm of the sleepy man has been significantly reduced, but before the enthusiasm, plus the original has been deposited, has now reached 50 words. If all 8 words are a single book, as long as you pay 6 more words, you can make up seven copies of the book, plus three books of "Campus Love Men", even if you can get enough 10 books.

In order to complete the task, Meng Fan is also fighting.

To be honest, he is also very curious, under the multi-attribute bonus, he has to work hard to draw the fastest time.

Hand speed +16.

Painting skills +26.

Imagination +6.

Screenwriter +6.

Set +6.

Coupled with the universal brush, the physical fitness, the observation and the honor of the champion, and the energy gel and sports drinks that you can exchange for.

Put on a hat that makes sense of existence disappear, to avoid all interruptions.

Filling a bottle of sports drink, regardless of whether the peak of the competitive state is effective for painting, at least the psychological effect is very strong.

An hour later, Meng Fan ate an energy gel.

After another hour, eat another one.

Dozens of points are not too expensive for Meng Fan.

Meng Fan is now painting the latest words of "Campus Love Men", as long as the conscience, there are 16 pages, 1 page is basically 3 to 5 pictures. This kind of space and the week of the week, half a month, and more days can not compare, but in the Penguin animation online to be able to keep the Zhou comics is definitely a conscience author, not to mention a week of double.

The last picture is good, Meng Fan took a look at the time.

2 hours and 23 minutes!

Meng Fan did not give up quality because he wanted to catch up with the manuscript and challenge the fastest speed, nor did he streamline any content. Even in the process, he made several modifications and a wipe.

Of course, in the later stages, he did not do it.

Even so, his speed is absolutely scary, let alone the domestic, the world has no such fear of speed.

However, Meng Fan feels that he can still be faster!

Stand up and take a break, walk around the house, do a set of radio gymnastics, and then continue to paint.

The next words, 2 hours and 28 minutes to complete.

Time is slow, but the speed is really improved, because the content of this statement is more difficult.


At a time, it’s more than 8 o'clock in the evening.

I wanted to take it out, but I thought about it or I took off my hat and called Chen Daqiang.

"Strong brother, is there something? If you don't have one, come to my house and take it with you."

Half an hour later, Chen Daqiang brought an oversized portion of green pepper fried rice with a hot and sour potato and a rice.

"In addition to letting you bring something, there is something to tell you..."

After Meng Fan opened the meal, the words behind it could not be said. The greatest magic of Chen Daqiang’s ability to find food was almost the same time. After eating all the drinks, I drank a large cup of ice and hit a transparent one. I just got up and walked and said: "I went to Shencheng some time ago to participate in the double eleven. I didn't paint much. Then there is nothing. I will draw quickly, so you have to be busy."

Chen Daqiang helped Meng Fan to simply push the table into the trash. Some fears asked: "How fast? Faster than before? It will be dead!"

"Don't worry, I will combine work and rest, and I will definitely pay attention to my body."

"I am afraid that I will die."

"Ah? Oh!"

Meng Fan certainly knows that he is the speed of this manuscript. Don’t say that Chen Daqiang is alone. Even if he wants to come back, he will cry. After teasing Chen Daqiang, he said: "You really can’t get out, I will arrange an assistant for you. ""

"The assistant of the cartoonist assistant? It is also a loss for you!" Chen Daqiang tied the garbage bag, went to the door, and took it away when he was ready to go. He washed his hand and said, "Where do people look for it? Go Looking for in class?"

The assistant salary given by Meng Fan is still very good. If you go to the class to find a part-time job, the problem is not big.

Meng Fan said: "Do you know where to go around these days?"

"Know, you and Qin have got a studio, Wang Yanan joined the studio. He has been pulling there every day for a few days." Chen Daqiang heard, probably understood, "You mean to hand to the studio." ?"

Meng Fan nodded said: "Well. However, it seems that the studio staff may not be enough. Today, I should pick up a lot of orders. I will call Mr. Qin and the person will be responsible for it. Looking for, can get out of the studio a few best, if not, she should be able to find people quickly. You, go to the studio tomorrow, you are familiar with my painting, how come later, you still have Come to grasp."

"To understanding."

Chen Daqiang’s ability to execute is very strong. Basically, he does not need to say that Meng Fanduo said, “I’m going to watch the movie with Xiaoxue tonight, so I won’t make a fuss, and I will go there tomorrow.”

"When are you going to watch the movie? After reading it..." Meng Fan looked at the time and couldn't help but pick up his eyebrows and glared at Chen Daqiang's shoulder. "It will be nine o'clock right away, and I can still give it to me. Visible time is still plentiful, at least after half past nine, ah, after reading the school gate can be closed. The routine is very deep brother!"

Chen Daqiang’s face became red, and he broke away from Meng Fan’s cuddle, turned to wash his hands, opened his hand and found that he had already washed it. He thought about it and said, “Not necessarily, don’t let those two Guys know."

Meng Fan haha ​​laughed: "You don't go back at night, the two guys don't know what's going on."

Chen Daqiang said: "I will say that you are here to catch up!"

"I know that I know, let's go, lest your snow goddess wait."

Meng Fan drove Chen Daqiang out. After a while, Chen Daqiang came back. He took the forgotten garbage and added a forgotten embarrassment. Meng Mengfan did not paint too hard.

"Know it! Strong brother, you are in trouble here, you can't mess with the rhythm in front of Xiaoxue! Strong brother, rushing duck!"

Meng Fan smiled and sighed, seeing Chen Daqiang running into the nod, suddenly sighed, if it is impossible to envy it is impossible.

Envy Chen Daqiang's execution!

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